Chapter 2


Your POV

"First day of schools and already in a fight?" Jihoo asked, rolling the boiled egg over my bruises.

There was simply no point in hiding anything from Jihoo, especially when he's the only person I can rely on.

"The guy was being a ert, and he deserved the hit!" I said, cringing at the aggravated bruise, "But his girlfriend seemed to think that I was flirting with her boyfriend or something and then yeah, this happened." I finished, shoulders deflated.

"I should go there and give the idiots there a punch of sense." he said, putting ice on my wounds.

"Yeah, you should, at least then I don't have to eat lunch by myself." I said.

"How come you don't join Yoona?"

"Oh, great idea." I said, rolling my eyes at him.

"Stay strong kid, there's only a few years left." he said and wheeled out so I can do my homework.

I can hear the soft laughter outside my room as my "parents and sister" is discussing something. At least father gave me a room downstairs so Jihoo can easily access it, but the disadvantage is that we always have to listen to their conversations, their laughter, their joy, the joy that we should be involved with as well.

It was hard for me, but even harder for Jihoo. At least, when I wanted, I could walk to father and have a chat with him, but with Jihoo, it was hard for him to transport around the house, and it's been a while since Jihoo talked to father. It seemed as though father lost hope in Jihoo.

I mean, Jihoo is smart, and is doing an engineering course, but it's just not enough for father. He expected Jihoo to at least be in the sporting field, but with the conditions Jihoo is in, father just gave up.

I took my bag the next morning and walked out to the bus stop with Jihoo as usual. The kids this time were staring. Their eyes diverting to Jihoo, and never left.

The kids asked and commented as I walked onto the bus.

I waved to Jihoo from the window and watched as he wheeled himself back into the house.

"Yah, is that your boyfriend?'

"He's really good looking"

"But too bad he can't walk"


"What's wrong with being disabled? Does that mean he's restricted to everything? He would probably turn out more successful than anyone of you anyways." I wanted to say, but kept to myself and kept walking to the back of the bus.

"Did you bring food again?" Hoya asked, showing a grin.

"No." I said, and looked the other way.

He poked my arm a few times but I ignored him.

"I hope your bruises don't hurt too much." he said, shoving a piece of candy into my hand and left the bus.

I followed behind him, getting off the bus to be pushed by the hoard of people that seemed to want to get his autograph or something.

The school was filled with twats that are only rich in money, not intelligence. It was hard to grasp the fact that basically the best school in Seoul has students that may as well become farmers.  I looked to the left and someone is showing off a new phone, I look to the right to see someone carrying a branded bag. 

It's such a disgrace to see people spend so much on useless things, while I scarcely scrape rock bottom for money to survive. 

Yoona arrived in her car and dad waved, his eye looking at me for a second but darted off. He smiled at her and drove away. It's been awhile since I've seen him smile. 

"Great fighting skills missy." Myungsoo said, out of nowhere.

"Thanks." I said, opening the candy Hoya handed me earlier.

He held out his hand and waited for me.

"I only had one." I said.

"No, my hankerchief." he said.

I placed the clean hankerchief on his hand.

"Thanks." I said, standing up when the bell rang.

"Here." he said, giving me something.

"I have to go." I said, wanting to refuse his offer politely.


Myungsoo's POV

The other students rushed past us quickly as they flung themselves towards my other friends.

"Just take it."

"No, no, I have to go." she said, using a lame excuse.

She took her bag and quickly made her way, but I caught her wrist just in time.

"If you don't mosturize your lips, it's crack off." I said.


Your POV

His hands glided the lipbalm over my lips and I stared blankly into his eyes. But really, want I wanted to do is give him a big hug and race off.

"New kid, what are you doing?" Yoona asked, yanking me away from Myungsoo.

"Yoona! What do you-" I cut myself when I remembered her threat.

"I mean, um, I  need to go to class." I said, dashing off to class.


Myungsoo's POV

I shoved my hands into my pockets and walked to class.

"Oppa, can you walk me to class?" Yoona asked, batting her eyelashes at me.

I silently took her to class and ended up being late for my own class. For some reason, I didn't want to skip class today. I sat down in my usual spot, far from everyone else.

"Hey, want to pair up?" she asked me.

"Does it look like I want to pair up with you?" I asked, walking to the other girls that were waving for me to come over.

Tch, yes, that is how cool Myungsoo is.


Your POV

"Fine, I'll just work by myself." I muttered under my breath as the teacher handed the chemistry assignment to us.

Myungsoo ended up being in a group of four rather than a pair whilst I was keen on finishing off the task before the period ends.

I always had a rule that I had to finish off homework before the day ends, so i can go to work without having homework to look to later.

I spent the snack break finishing the assignment that wasn't due until next week before I happily opened my crisps, just in time for the bell.

The next period was drama. I guess neither Hoya or Myungsoo are in those classes, since none of them assisted in helping me find the way to class.

I guess it's up to me now. I wandered around the class until I saw the drama room and quietly slipped in without the teacher noticing. The teacher assigned me to be in a random group.

"You're the new girl yeah?" 

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

"Are you free later?" the guys bombarded me with questions as I just said hi.

"Guys, don't mess with a taken lady." the guy from yesterday said. 

His hung slung over my shoulder and he secluded me from the others whilst they were continuing on the script.

"I think you can get your arm off now." I said.

"Oh, right. Sorry. The guys here always pry on the new ones since they can't get the old ones here." he laughed awkwardly.

"Yeah, I did kind of figure that out." I laughed.

"So, do you like it so far?" he asked.

"It's not quite what I imagined but it's not that bad." I smiled.

"I'm Woohyun by the way. If you were wondering." He smiled, showing his teeth.

"I go by Gyuwon." I smiled and gave an awkward handshake.

Our friendship is building, slowly. It's akward, but it's bearable.

"Are you friends with Myungsoo?"

"Oh, you mean the emo one who's always trying to be so cool?" he laughed while remembering his lines.

"Yeah, I guess that's him." I said.

"Well I guess. Everyone calls themselves his friend here really. But I guess I'm apart of his group." he said.

"Ah, I see." he said.

"Interested Princess?" he asked, using my character's role as my name.

"Not really." I said.

"Good, beacuse he's already interested in some chick who graduated last year." he said, flipping the script page.

"I thought he was seeing Yoona?" I asked.

"Ah, yeah, she just follows him around. If he actually liked her, he wouldn't be hanging with us. But since he's lazy and she just does everything for him, he keeps her there." he said and closed the script booklet to talk to me.

"Oh..what do you think of Yoona?" I asked, shocked at his answer.

"She's not too bad looking I guess, but not my type." he said.

"Really? How come?" I asked, our conversation continuing right through to lunch time.

He walked me to my locker and met me outside the cafeteria. After yesterday, I think it'll be some time before I go back in there. He led me to the school's garden and showed me a good spot to sit.

"Do you like Yoona? Ah wait, that's a stupid question. You just transferred yesterday." he said, facepalming himself.

I wanted to tell him what a devil she is and how much I want to just put in her in the trash can for good. But I just smiled.

"I don't know, I haven't talked to her." I said.

Before I knew it, the bell rung, and I sadly walked towards my locker to finish off the last two periods of the day, English.

Myungsoo didn't sit at the back, he sat with the other popular girls and smiled, as if reading a novel was the best thing in the world.

I quickly finished the book in the double period whilst Myungsoo was still flirting with the other girls. The people around me were asking for help on the words in the novel, so I wasn't as distracted, but it was still annoying nonetheless.

My eyes darted quickly to the clock as I counted the last few seconds in my head, waiting for the bell to go. Everyone rushed out of the class whilst I slowly packed my belongings. It was useless to even bother to squeeze through the people that were hungrily trying to get to their locker.


Myungsoo's POV

I looked back to see her packing her stationary while the others walked out.

"Didn't you forget something?" I asked, walking towards her.

"Would you mind telling me?" she asked in an annoyed tone.

I took out the lipbalm and waved it at her.


Your POV

"I have my own." I said.

"But they're not given by Myungsoo, now are they?"

"You shouldn't be so up yourself." I said, walking out of the classroom when I noticed the noise outside had quieten down a little.

For some reason, it felt right to be rude to him.

"Don't be so stubborn." he said, stuffing the lipbalm into my palm and walked away.

I shoved the balm into my dress pocket and pulled my bag out of the locker before scurrying off.

"Want me to walk you home?" Hoya offered.

"I have work today. Sorry." I said, walking away from him.

What is with these people? The popular ones are being nice to me, whereas the others are being rude to me. It would have been better if they left me alone, so the majority of the school wouldn't be on my nerve.

"What got you so angry?" someone asked, walking with me.

"Nothing." I said, finding out it's Woohyun.

"Where you going?" he asked.


"Where at?"


"Hmm, usually, by now, girls would be falling for me, not blunt." he said randomly.

"Okay.." I said, taking a corner to my workplace.

"Am I doing something wrong?" he asked.

"I don't know what you're on about, but I need to go. So bye." I said and opened the door.

The others greeted me and threw me my apron. I tied my hair and began taking out the wok I use everyday. Orders were flying around and the busy restaurant roared to life.

"I wish you could work here for longer. The customers only come when you're cooking." the boss said as he took another plate of stir fry.

I laughed and took the next order.

"Yah, Gyuwon-ah, there's this cute guy outside from your school!!" my friend said.

"So?" I asked, taking a spoonful of salt and sprinkled it.

"Are you deaf? I said, hot, and from your school! Go have a look." she said, forcing me to look through the kitchen window.

Why is Woohyun here? His books were opened on the table while the people around were drinking and laughing loudly. He looked over and smiled.

"Yah, did you see him smile at me? How do i look?" my friend asked, fixing her hair and pulling her shirt down a little.

"You look fine?" I answered.

"Good." she said, taking the notebook and pen and strutted over to Woohyun. 

I got back to work as she left, not being distracted by any of the other workers talking about Woohyun.

"A stir-fry, dukkbokki, and seaweed soup for table 5." the boss yelled out.

That's a weird combo..

I finished the order and passed it along to the others. My shoulder began hurting and I knew it was time I had to go home. My arm could only hold the wok for so many hours before I had to leave.

"Wait, there's one more order." the boss said.

"It's already time, I have to go." I said.

"Just one more plate of dukkbokki for table 5 please." he begged.

"Is it the same person!? They've had at least 3 plates already!!"

The boss left without another word and I sighed, finishing the dish and gave it to the others that seemed to have all disappeared somewhere.

I took my apron off and got my bag. I carried the plate out of the kitchen and looked for table 5. Woohyun waved like a maniac and I saw the pile of plates on his table.

"Did you eat this much?" I asked.

"Wah, your cooking is the best!!" he said, giving me a thumbs up as he munched on the snack.

"Well, you enjoy your meal." I said ready to leave.

"Wait, have some with me." he insisted.

"I've had heaps before." I lied, but my stomach just had to chime in and grumble.

"I don't think so." he said, forcing me to sit down.

"Say ah." he said, holding the rice cake infront of my face.

"Ey, I can do this myself." I said, trying to avoid the cheesy situation.

He pouted, forcing me to eat. I ate while awkwardly being fed by him.

"Oh, Gyuwonnie, who's this gentleman? Your boyfriend?" The older aunties asked, admiring Woohyun. He just smiled like an idiot while I tried to cover my face due to embarrassment.


a/n: the update is super doooooooper long because yeah i don't know ^__^ felt like writing, kekeke. so yeah, hope you like it, maybe? yes? no? okay :[

anyways, yeah, i feel the story is a bit rushed but yeah, sorry =__=

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ㅡ.ㅡ Idk but I hate you make Yoona character like kind of bad girl..
Chapter 8: Yeaaaah update soon
jesyra #3
Chapter 8: omygosh i'm hooked. i loved this~
Chapter 8: Myungsoo is talking to her again? I thought he wanted to ignore her?
But anyways.... I can't believe Gyuwon has suddenly turned so rebellious and I wonder who the mysterious person is!
Chapter 6: That's a pretty good closure to the chapter considering you lost motivation.
But did Yoona actually think that Jihoo wouldn't do something stupid if she said mean things to him? Stupid!
Chapter 5: What? Are you telling me that you want to discontinue this story?
If you do, I will tell Yoona and her minions to come after you!
jnly359 #7
Chapter 5: yoona is so evil. this story is quite
Chapter 4: Myungsoo already claiming Gyuwon as his own. *smh*
And how can Yoona just twist the story like that? Evil girl!
jnly359 #9
Chapter 3: wow. her life, its so tragic...
but this is a really interesting story so far.
Chapter 2: (asian mom voice (basically the one from jkfilms "shxt asian mom say")) Awww such a nice boy~ ♡