Chapter 3



a/n: OKAY THIS IS IT. I WILL AND I MUST CHANGE MY KIND OF WRITING TO MORE MATURE. I feel cringy when i re-read some of my stuff :( dammit!!!!!!!!!


Your POV

It was the usual routine, getting up earlier than everyone else to get to the shower before Miss I need to look like a stripper for school, hogs the place for a few centuries. Jihoo was sleeping in today, so I went to the bus stop by myself.

Yoona was too busy grooming herself that she didn’t bother tagging along to the bus stop with me today. I walked slowly, dreading each step as I saw the bus stop in the distance. My books were weighing me down and the lack of sleep explains my slow start to the day. I was listening to some lame song called Man in Love (shameless infinite promotion! xD), while trying to keep my eyes opened. My bag fell to the floor when I finally got to the bus seats. I looked at my watch and it wasn’t until another hour before the bus actually comes. I was too tired to bother making lunch or anything, or even bother to look good, so I have more time out here now I guess.


Hoya’s POV

My feet moved to the music as I got out of the studio. The headphones were banging beats into my ears as I danced my way down the path, accidentally bumping into a few people. I looked at the time and I had heaps of time left. I decided to walk to school instead of bussing it today. I walked the same path the bus does and saw the new girl. I never got her name before (a/n: i dont thikn he did ><). I turned my music off and left my headphones dangling around my neck as I approprached her. 

I bent down and had a look at her name tag. There was a corner of her tag where it was coming off a little, and of course, out of curiosity, I took a look. Underneath was the name “Yoona”. Yoona? I never knew there was two Yoonas at our school. I stuck the name tag velcro back on before she woke up.

I studied her face. She doesn’t really seem like the type of person everyone is talking about. All the rumors about her family members being in the Yakuza clan, and her dating every guy she knew. Looking past the few blemishes she had, she’s a beautiful girl. 

I saw the bus approaching, but I had no motivation to take it. I wanted to stay here and stare at her, as creepy as it sounds, but I think I fell for her.

I shook my head at the bus driver as he came near the bus stop and just drove pass. Being entraced by her simplicity made me lose track of time. Before I knew it, it was already past noon, and she still hasn’t woken up yet. 


Your POV

There was a strong vibration on my thigh and I immediately woke up. I was confused by the surroundings, especially seeing Hoya there too. He simply gave a smile at me. I remembered the vibration and took my phone out to quickly answer the phone call.

It is reported that student Gyuwon is absent, is there anything wrong?” the school office’s assistance asked over the phone.

I looked at my phone and my eyes almost popped, seeing that it was almost one in the afternoon.

“Ah, she had a bad flu this morning, so she couldn’t turn up. I’m sorry.” I lied and hung up after she bought the lie.

“What are you doing here?” I asked.

“Was the guy here with you last time your boyfriend?" he asked, avoiding eye contact.

"He's my brother.." I answered, unsure if it was the right move to tell him about Jihoo.

"Well, um, I, uh, don't take me as a stalker or anything, but uh, I have been doing some research, and um, I think there's a doctor that can fix your brother's leg, I mean, like, not back to normal, but like, he can walk again, like. Um." he stuttered, trying to find the right words.

My eyes sparkled as I looked at him with love, "Really?" I asked.

He nodded and lead me straight to the doctor. I looked around the office, where the diplomas were hung on every space possible. There were heaps of other patients around as well. I guess the doctor isn't too bad.

"Your brother can get a superficial leg as replacement, however, it's better if the parents are the ones speaking to me." the doctor said, pushing up his glasses.

"It's alright, my parents have already given me permission." I lied.

"Well, the surgery will go well, it's just that the price may be a bit high." he said, a worried emotion washed over his face.

He gave me the figures I was asking for and my face fell glum. My pocket money of 5 years wouldn't even be able to pay half of the fee.

"I guess I just have to work a bit more." I smiled, walking out of the doctor's office with Hoya.

"I can lend you some money." Hoya said, his teeth glimmering against the sunlight.

I figured that Hoya's friends and himself, and well basically everyone at the school, was rich. It would be easy for Hoya to just hand me a few tens of thousands without even needing me to pay him back. I didn't want to earn money this way, I wanted to make the money myself and give the present to Jihoo myself.

"What's your name?" he asked.

"Gyuwon." I replied.

He repeated my name a few times and smiled, "Do you want to eat something?" he asked, looking over at the ice cream van parked on the side of the road.

After purchasing the ice cream, we ate on the seesaw. It was a while since I've been out and about really, so it felt special to me.


Hoya's POV

Her ponytail bobbed up and down as she enjoyed her ice cream on the seesaw.

"Are you related to Yoona?" I blurted suddenly.

Her face went dark and she thought about something for a moment.

"Yes." she asnwered, after what seemed like a million years.

She got off the seesaw and I didn't ask anything after that. She was going to different stores, asking for jobs, here and there.

After receiving semi-consent from a few places, she stopped wandering and ordered some food for the both of us.

"My mother died not too long ago in a car accident. And Jihoo was there. I was at home, being punished for behaiving badly." she said, pouring another glass of soju for the both of us.

"It should have been me, you know?" she asked, taking a shot of the alcohol.

"No it shouldn't." I said, about to take the bottle off her.

"No, you don't get it. No one does. Jihoo was going to be a soccer player, he was going to be a soccer player for the nation's team, and what was I going to be? Some stupid office woman or something. It should have been me. If I was there, my mother wouldn't have died. She would have been here. And dad would be here." she said, her eyes turning red from constant wiping away of tears.

"What do you mean? I don't think you should be drinking too much." I said, wanting to snatch the bottle off her.

"He told me it should have been me. He told me, that it would be better if it was me. Do you know how long I have to live, knowing I'm supposed to be the one with a crippled leg, not my brother?" she asked, using her shirt to wipe her tears.

"How did you know Yoona?" I asked, once again, being a totally inconsiderate person in this kind of situation.

"He's my dad's love child. Her and her mum lived with us after mum died. And I can't even let anyone know I'm related to her!! Does she think I want to live with her? My dad doesn't even have a meal with us anymore because her mother doesn't like us. We lost everything, everyone. Tell me, what do I do? How come you have everything. Fame, money and the looks. But I lost it all?" she asked, her hands grasping tightly in her hair in fustration.

People were beginning to look at us.

"Gyuwon-ah, I think I should take you home now." I said, trying to get her up.

It was easy since she didn't bother fighting back. She was already asleep. I paid the owner and caught a taxi as fast as I could.

I asked her for her address but she wouldn't tell me. I decided to just go to my place for now.

My mum opened the door and quickly helped Gyuwon inside without asking anything.

I sacrificed my bed for her as my mum undressed her and changed her into one of her spare pjs. 

"I'll take the both yous to school tomorrow, so you should sleep early." my mum said before going out.

It must have been hard on her. I still don't quite understand her story, but I can still grasp the fact that Yoona is evil. Not like I didn't know that.

I sat and stared at her, feeling as if it was my duty to protect her. It felt weird, but it was exhilarating. I felt the need to look after her. My eyes were closing slowly, and soon I was greeted with dreams.


a/n: eh, it's kinda weird sorry!!! D;

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ㅡ.ㅡ Idk but I hate you make Yoona character like kind of bad girl..
Chapter 8: Yeaaaah update soon
jesyra #3
Chapter 8: omygosh i'm hooked. i loved this~
Chapter 8: Myungsoo is talking to her again? I thought he wanted to ignore her?
But anyways.... I can't believe Gyuwon has suddenly turned so rebellious and I wonder who the mysterious person is!
Chapter 6: That's a pretty good closure to the chapter considering you lost motivation.
But did Yoona actually think that Jihoo wouldn't do something stupid if she said mean things to him? Stupid!
Chapter 5: What? Are you telling me that you want to discontinue this story?
If you do, I will tell Yoona and her minions to come after you!
jnly359 #7
Chapter 5: yoona is so evil. this story is quite
Chapter 4: Myungsoo already claiming Gyuwon as his own. *smh*
And how can Yoona just twist the story like that? Evil girl!
jnly359 #9
Chapter 3: wow. her life, its so tragic...
but this is a really interesting story so far.
Chapter 2: (asian mom voice (basically the one from jkfilms "shxt asian mom say")) Awww such a nice boy~ ♡