Chapter 1


Author's POV

It was hard for Gyuwon to accept that her mother was gone, but it was even harder to accept that her father had brought home a new wife and another child only a few months after. Not too long ago, Gyuwon's mother passed away while her brother Jihoo was left disabled from the waist down.

It was acceptable at times when her father yelled at her, she knew that he had always prefered Jihoo over her, but it was unfair of him to blame her for the accident. He said that if that day she had gone grocery shopping with her mum instead of Jihoo, at least she would be the disabled one, not Jihoo.

Not only did she have to carry the guilt of causing her mother's death, but also for the fact that her brother, the guy who wanted to play for the nation's soccer team, was now unable to even kick a ball. 

It was when Gyuwon was 7, and Jihoo was 11 that their father had brought home their new mother and sister. Their sister was a year younger than Gyuwon and is called Yoona. Thinking that her father would always care for the male child, Gyuwon felt happy that at least her brother would recieve some attention, but irony never fails to play its role.

Since that day, a meal between Jihoo, Gyuwon and her dad was something that is seen as impossible. Yoona, her mother and their father would spend every meal together, but Gyuwon and Jihoo had to wait until they finished to have whatever is left over, and there's barely anything. 

The school fees for Gyuwon and Jihoo were paid, their clothes were bought for them, and even their books. Everything they needed, but it wasn't ever in the condition of brand new. Gyuwon's clothes were hand-me-downs from Yoona, which would always look tight and short for her. Jihoo had clothes bought from op shops, where their new mother said that they are "vintage". Even though they were provided meals, Jihoo and Gyuwon never had enough since Yoona always had the best lunch and whatever was left behind was for them.

This was when Gyuwon took on a part time job at the age of 15, she worked as soon as she was dismissed from school and came home just a few hours before midnight, with just enough time to study. Her brother Jihoo began working as a tutor for the local kids, so Gyuwon could study more. It was their mother's wish that one of them was to make it into Whimoon High, and Gyuwon was the last hope.

She did make it in. But so did Yoona. Their father only had the ability to support one of them, so Gyuwon was forced to attend Seoul Girls' High. When Gyuwon reached the age of 16, her school had become bankrupt, and is now transferred to Whimoon High with a 30% scholarship thanks to her high academic achievements.

(did this help you to understand her life story?)


Your POV

I looked at the old pile of uniform that belonged to Yoona, dumped on my bed. 

"Yah, kid, don't mess up anything at school." Jihoo said, going into my room.

"I won't" I laughed.

"I prepared lunch for you and I left it in your bag with some breakfast in there, so you can eat on the way to school, and so the pig Yoona doesn't eat it." he said and ruffled my hair.

He wheeled himself out of my room and Yoona came in after.

"Yah, you better not tell anyone we are related." she warned.

"And what if people see that we live in the same house genius?"

"Just go home an hour after I do!" she said.

'Why don't you go home an hour later than I do?" I asked.

"Because I would like to see how crazy Jihoo gets if I took away his wheelchair." she said.

The last time she did that, Jihoo didn't speak to anyone for a week. He is extremely claustrophobic and without his wheelchair, he wasn't able to do anything, and I guess you know what happens after that.

"AND, also, there's this guy in school that is OFF LIMITS!" she said.

"Mind telling me what his name is?" I asked, brushing my hair.

"Tch, if I tell you, then you'll for sure go and try to get him! But I don't need to worry, he wouldn't go after someone like you anyways." she said and skipped out of my room.

I sighed and placed on the uniform and tied my hair up in a high bun.

As Jihoo led me to the bus stop, I could see dad's car driving passs with Yoona inside doing her make up.

"If I could, I would drive a better car than that anyday!" he smiled.

"You would! And I bet Yoona would be begging just to stand near to the car!" I said.

We laughed and waited for the bus together.

"I'll go first! See you at home!" I said and waved to him.

The bus reeked  and was packed with the students of Whimoon high. The other kids were too busy talking about their new phone or making out with their boyfriend to even notice me.

I sat in the back seat, the only available one, and took out the food Jihoo packed for me.

"Can I have some?" the guy with the newspaper covering his face asked.

"Um, do I know you?" I asked, going protective over my breakfast.

"No, but you should know I'm hungry." he said and lifted the newspaper off his face.

He picked on some of the bread and began eating.

"Did you make this? it's really good." he said, eating almost half of my meal.

"No, my brother did." I said and turned the other way so i could eat.

"Thanks." he said and covered his face with the newspaper again.

I placed the rubbish in my bag and zipped it, ready to get off.

"Um, did you, want to, er, wake up?" I asked, shaking the guy a little.

He took the newspaper off and woke up, "Oh, thanks." he said and got off, not even bothering to give way for me to walk out first.

I rolled my eyes at him and made my way to the office. I got my lock and locker code and my class timetable, now all that's left is to face the awkward first introduction. My books, even though they weren't hand-me-downs, they were pretty torn. Dad bought them second hand and said to be grateful that I'm even getting support from him.

"Psychology for the first period huh?" newspaper guy asked, peering over my shoulder.

"Er, hi." I said, my eyes widening as his face was too close to me.

"It's Hoya, nice to meet you." he smiled and offered a handshake.

"Yah, Hoya, let's go." his friends said and pulled him away before I could even introduced myself.

The bell rung and the crowd of students all disappeared. I tried finding my class before ending up being five minutes late to class.

"Quiet, quiet. This is the new student from Seoul Girls' High." the teacher said sarcastically, trying to get the attention of the rowdy students.

No one paid attention until she said new student. They whipped their heads back in unison and looked at me.

"I thought the girls there had a better body than that."

"I was expected some double d's." they muttered to each other.

"You can go sit next to Myungsoo in the back." the teacher ordered and the other students gasped, shaking their heads at me.

I walked to the back and pulled the chair slightly to sit next to the guy who's staring out the window, listening to music.

"I hate it when people sit next to me." he said.

I moved my chair a little further away from him and listened to the teacher. Tsk, it's not like I wanted to sit next to you anyways.

The bell rung and everybody stood up, taking their belongings and rushed outside. I flipped to my timetable to see that I have to go to another room.

"Take the stairs and turn right." he douche said.


"I can't even skip a class because of you." he said and walked out of the classroom.

I followed behind him to see that we ended up in a classroom full of guys.

The teacher was explaining mental illnesses while the boys were checking out the teacher's figure.

"Oh, Myungsoo, getting your girlfriend in here?" the guys winked when we walked in.

"She's far from that." he laughed and joined his douche bag friends.

The teacher pushed up her glasses and asked if anyone wanted me to sit to them for the lesson.

Everyone looked away and didn't say anything. The class was so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

"I'll sit in the back." I said and walked to the back.

"Nice ." they said as I walked past.

I turned and glared at the guy that said that and walked to my seat.

"The guys are just like that since there's never a girl in this class." Hoya whispered.

"I didn't know you were in my class." I smiled.

"Well now you do." he said and turned around when his friends started talking about some new game.

The bell rung and the period was over. Everyone was pushing and shoving and there was no way I could get back to my locker. I sighed and waited for everyone to leave before trying to find my locker.

I was wandering around the school for ten minutes with my books and still couldn't find my locker.

Someone sighed and took my books off me. 

"Yah! You!! Thief!! Those are my books!" I said, trying to run after them.

He slammed my books on the floor infront of my locker.

"It's Myungsoo." he said and walked off.

I wanted to thank him but his figure was already making it's way down stairs.

I took my lunchbox out and went downstairs to find a seat in the cafeteria.

I saw Yoona running around and wanted to ask her what she doing but soon figured it out myself. She was offering a can of softdrinks to that Myungsoo dude but he refused and just pushed her away. I wanted to go up to him and tell him off, but.

"Nice new kid." some guy said and touched my .

It was my first day and already I'm being harrassed? I turned around and punched the guy in the face where everybody began cheering, asking for a fight.

I looked over to see Myungsoo and his group walking outside the cafeteria.


Hoya's POV

She walked out with her hair misplaced and a blood nose. I was about to run up to her and ask if she was okay, but I was surrounded by the girls, offering me a ticket to the movies.

She took out a tissue and wiped her nose.


Myungsoo's POV

The girls were bothering others, but they didn't bother me, thank god. I isolated myself from the others and walked to the school's rooftop.

"Stupid erts being stupid s." someone muttered as they made their way towards me.

I turned my head and saw the new girl with a blood nose with her clothes more damaged than they were before.

She sat down and opened her lunch box and ate, cursing at the idiots from our school.


Your POV

"They saw what happened and didn't even do anything, instead just walked out. Tch, douchebags." I said, crying as I took another spoonful of rice.

"Hey, would you mind shutting up? I'm trying to sleep." someone asked.

I was stunned and didn't know how to reply.

"I think it's about time you get a new uniform." Myungsoo said, walking out from behind the wall he was hiding.

"Alright Mr.Tightass." I said.

"You look better when you're not crying, and it's more peaceful too." he said and threw me his hankerchief before walking down the stairs.

I closed my luncbox and wiped my tears and any of the remaining blood. I walked down the stairs and went to my next class, where miraculously, Myungsoo was also in.

"Are you following me?" he asked.

"Tch, who would want to follow you?" 

I walked inside and sat in the back seat. He sat with some of the girls in class and we waited for the teacher.

Yoona rushed in and went straight to Myungsoo.

"Oppa, let's go to the movies after school." she said and pushed the other girls away.

"I don't want to." he said.

"Oppa, pleasee." she whined, trying to show her cute side.

She makes me sick. She was never like this at home, all she ever does at home is scream her head off at everyone when they don't do things the way she wants them to.

"Go away, class is starting." he said.

"I'll see you after school!" she said and gave him a kiss on the cheek before leaving the class.

My face scrunched up as I witnessed the most horrific thing in the world. I feel sorry for Myungsoo. Urgh, out of all people, he was targeted by Yoona. I shivered as I thought of them being together. At least then she would be occupied and not bother me.

I took down the notes that the teacher was writing, trying not to be distracted by the giggles the girls were making as they talked to Myungsoo.

I slammed my locker shut as I try to make my lock close. I carried my bag to the bus stop. Everybody rushed on the bus and by the time it was my turn to get on, the bus driver already said the bus was full.

I sat back on the bench, waiting for the next bus.

"Hey, are you the new girl?" a guy asked.

"Yeah." I said.

"Welcome to Whimoon High." he said.

"Thanks, you're the first person to say that." I smiled.

"No problem. Were, you, er, hurt from before?" he asked.

"Nope! I'm fine." I said but the cheek on my bruise proved otherwise.

I looked at him closely to see that he's one of Myungsoo's friends. How many friends does that guy have?!

"Um, well, I hope you like it so far. I have to go first." he said and skipped towards some of the girls waiting at the gate of the school.


a/n: idk, is this chap decent or acceptable? idk, maybe? no? oh wells :3 hehe, please comment! only if you want to though so yeah haha

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ㅡ.ㅡ Idk but I hate you make Yoona character like kind of bad girl..
Chapter 8: Yeaaaah update soon
jesyra #3
Chapter 8: omygosh i'm hooked. i loved this~
Chapter 8: Myungsoo is talking to her again? I thought he wanted to ignore her?
But anyways.... I can't believe Gyuwon has suddenly turned so rebellious and I wonder who the mysterious person is!
Chapter 6: That's a pretty good closure to the chapter considering you lost motivation.
But did Yoona actually think that Jihoo wouldn't do something stupid if she said mean things to him? Stupid!
Chapter 5: What? Are you telling me that you want to discontinue this story?
If you do, I will tell Yoona and her minions to come after you!
jnly359 #7
Chapter 5: yoona is so evil. this story is quite
Chapter 4: Myungsoo already claiming Gyuwon as his own. *smh*
And how can Yoona just twist the story like that? Evil girl!
jnly359 #9
Chapter 3: wow. her life, its so tragic...
but this is a really interesting story so far.
Chapter 2: (asian mom voice (basically the one from jkfilms "shxt asian mom say")) Awww such a nice boy~ ♡