The Other Side in Sunshine by sayonamine

Shark & Elephant Review Shop [HIATUS]

(The Other Side in Sunshine)

author: sayonamine
character/s: you, minzy, chen
genre/s: romance, school life
reviewer: elephant
Title: 3/5

The Other Side in Sunshine. Did you mean The Other Side of Sunshine? The capitalization of the words are right, but I think you mean 'of' instead of 'in'. As for the context of the title, I think it suits the theme of the story. I'm only basing this observation through your summary and the prologue but since this story is focusing more on the two sides of Chen then I think it's a clever title.


Foreword/Description: 10/10

It's a short foreword and I like that it's simple. It gives out the main theme of the story without actually giving out too much details. Good job!


Appearance: 4/5

I have no major problems about the appearance except for the 'x' dividers you have in your first chapter. Only use dividers if there is a major change or switch between scenes or POV's. Don't use dividers if it is just minor dialogue switching or a character thinks/does something yet still in the same scene.


Plot: 10/20

 I can't give you a high score in this rubric because you only have one chapter and it's just too early to tell. I can't really do anything about that.

This is going to be a romantic comedy, I'm assuming, and the plot can develop several ways. Since your story is just starting, there a lot of ways this could go. I hope you don't stick with the generic stuff and actually make the plot interesting. Try to drive your writing away from the typical plots and create your own—make them meet in unconventional ways, improvise your dialogue, don't delve into unecessary details, and make sure to give your characters complicated situations/tragedies, but not too much that it just goes on and on. At this point, this is all I could tell you because the start of a story is very, very important to catch a reader's attention. So make the most out of it and really think about what you're going to give the readers!


Mechanics: 13/20

The problem that really stood out for me in your writing is the comma splices.


Here's my own example:

I love eggs, I always go to the grocery store to buy eggs.


Comma splice, somewhat co-related to run-on sentences, is two independent clauses joint together improperly. Notice that 'I love eggs' and 'I always go to the grocery store to buy eggs' are sentences that can stand alone? Yeah, they should have their own sentences like this:


I love eggs. I always go to the grocery store to buy eggs.


You're using commas too much, and you're not using it properly. If you can break a paragraph into their own little sentences without disturbing the flow, do it! Comma splicing makes it hard to read the sentence and interrupts the reading flow.


Characterization: 17/ 20

I see that you provided a character chart. Character charts are totally fine, but if you're going to make one, you have to do them right. I think it would have been nice if you never provided it in the first place just to create excitement and anticipation for your readers when they try to decipher what kind of personality each character has. In your character chart, you already laid it out, even their goals and aspirations! The thrill then disappears and instead of the readers wondering about these things, now they're just expecting it to happen. 

At this point, I like the girl's character. Again, it's too early to say a definite observation about her but she's funny and energetic. Remember to be consistent with her personality!


Flow/Style: 13/15

As of now, nothing really bothered me about the flow or the style of your writing. Just remember to keep it smooth - not too fast yet also not too draggy. 


Overall Enjoyment: 2/5

I like EXO and I like Chen, but it's just too early to know how the story is going to turn out! I like her personality, though. She seems very funny and simple!


Total: 72/100

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username: onew-sangtae

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story genre/s: crack/comedy, i guess (and a lot of references)

story type/status: uncompleted; chaptered

other: is it too repetitive or...?????? i , i just need like a punch in the face and i guess this is a place to get punched in the face?
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story name: ABA: Accidental Baggage Assumption

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story genre/s: I have it tagged as romance, but... I'm really not sure XD

story type/status: Completed/one-shot (possibility of being turned into a short story later)

other: Does putting it in 2nd POV make it seem too awkward? And what genre WOULD it be under? Please and thank you!
username: sweetcide-r

story name: Painful Regret

story link:

story genre/s: angst

story type/status: completed-one shot

other: more suitable title maybe? hihihi thank you :>>
username: TaeMiMi

story name: Isolated Destiny

story link:

story genre/s: Angst;romance

story type/status: (is it completed or not? chaptered or a one-shot?) chaptered;not completed

other: (do you have a specific area/rubric you want us to help you with more?)maybe the plot part? :/ thanks in advance!
username: momodays09

story name: Last Breath

story link:

story genre/s: angst, sad

story type/status: (is it completed or not? chaptered or a one-shot?): Short chapter, completed

other: (do you have a specific area/rubric you want us to help you with more?): Could you look more into the characterization and flow? And also the mechanics please? x.x
username: lissamary

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story link:

story genre/s: Romance, angst

story type/status: complete

other: -

Take your time :)
World-Class #9