OMMA Is Here For You by zasstar

Shark & Elephant Review Shop [HIATUS]



(OMMA Is Here For You)

author: zasstar
character/s: zelo, kyungsoo
genre/s: fluff
reviewer: shark
Title: 4/5
The title is fine except for ‘OMMA’. I feel that it being in all caps is unnecessary. I suggest changing it to ‘Omma’ instead.
Foreword and Description: 7/10

Foreword/Description is alright except for some grammatical errors;


“.but I kinda like it.” Should be “..but I kind of like it.”

“It made us, the students feel proud of ourselves.” Should be “It makes us, the students, feel proud of ourselves.”

“Somehow it made us..” Should be “Somehow it makes us..”

“That is how charm we are.” Should be “That is how charming we are.”

“Me, Do Kyungsoo is the head boys.” Should be “I, Do Kyungsoo, am the head of boys.”

“ organisation which consist..” Should be “ organization which consists..”

“..who do the works the most.” Should be “..who does the most work.”


“The one who have to be a workaholic.” Should be “The one who has to be a workaholic.”

“..this opportunity the best we could.” Should be “..this opportunity the best we can.”

When stating a noun and specifying it afterwards, make sure to use commas when specifying. For example; you want to specify the noun ‘I’ with the name ‘Do Kyungsoo’, you will do so in a sentence by wording it as “ I, Do Kyungsoo, ...” Notice how there are commas before and after the specification.

Make sure not to mix up past and present tense verbs.

Appearance: 5/5

Nothing wrong.

Plot: 7/20

There’s basically no plot whatsoever. Is the plot Kyungsoo leaving? Because it wasn’t evolved throughout the earlier chapters. Most of your fic was Kyungsoo solving problems the students had. 

Mechanics: 7/20

Bad grammar.

Organization is spelled with a ‘z’ not an ‘s’.

You keep mixing up your verb tenses. Make sure you don’t mix up your past, present, and future tenses. When you mix up your tenses, your writing gets sloppy. For example;

If you write with mixed tense, your sentences will sound sloppy and confusing; “She ate a piece of candy that a boy will give her when she is taking a walk in the park.”

If you write with proper use of tenses your sentences will sound neat and easy to understand; “She ate a piece of candy a boy gave her while she was walking in the park.”

Characterization: 15/20

Minor characters felt unnecessary and weren’t well evolved.

Flow/Style: 10/15

I feel like Kyungsoo leaving was too sudden

Overall Enjoyment: 2/5
Total: 57/100
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username: onew-sangtae

story name: Getcha Head in the Game!

story name:

story genre/s: crack/comedy, i guess (and a lot of references)

story type/status: uncompleted; chaptered

other: is it too repetitive or...?????? i , i just need like a punch in the face and i guess this is a place to get punched in the face?
username: writerinprogress94

story name: ABA: Accidental Baggage Assumption

story link:

story genre/s: I have it tagged as romance, but... I'm really not sure XD

story type/status: Completed/one-shot (possibility of being turned into a short story later)

other: Does putting it in 2nd POV make it seem too awkward? And what genre WOULD it be under? Please and thank you!
username: sweetcide-r

story name: Painful Regret

story link:

story genre/s: angst

story type/status: completed-one shot

other: more suitable title maybe? hihihi thank you :>>
username: TaeMiMi

story name: Isolated Destiny

story link:

story genre/s: Angst;romance

story type/status: (is it completed or not? chaptered or a one-shot?) chaptered;not completed

other: (do you have a specific area/rubric you want us to help you with more?)maybe the plot part? :/ thanks in advance!
username: momodays09

story name: Last Breath

story link:

story genre/s: angst, sad

story type/status: (is it completed or not? chaptered or a one-shot?): Short chapter, completed

other: (do you have a specific area/rubric you want us to help you with more?): Could you look more into the characterization and flow? And also the mechanics please? x.x
username: lissamary

story name: The Last Petal

story link:

story genre/s: Romance, angst

story type/status: complete

other: -

Take your time :)
World-Class #9