Here We Go...



       Onew and Key arrived at the movie theatre panting and out of breath. ‘I should really do more exercise!’ thought Key as he struggled to fill in his lungs with much needed air.

            “Come on Key! You slowpoke!” teased Onew, already standing upright and breathing right.

            “Hey! *pant* Do I look like I am a runny-sporty person?” Key pouted.

            “Fine~ If Kitty is too tired, I’ll just help!” Key saw Onew’s converse come closer to him and then all of a sudden, the ground beneath him disappeared. Onew swung Key over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, Key’s sticking out and arms dangling down his back.

            “Omo! Onew!” Key scolded,” you scared me! And put me down! I must be really heavy!”

            ‘Heavy? He is light as a feather! He must eat more!’ Onew thought, ignoring Key’s scolds. He started walking towards the movie posters, feeling Key go limp in his arms. “Aw! Did Kitty get tired of fighting with his master?”

            “Yah! Can you put me down now?” whined Key, slapping Onew’s back. “ People are staring at me.” Key shifted uncomfortably.

            ‘Oh shiz! That’s right! He still doesn’t like that!’ Onew quickly set Key down, not paying attention to the crack on the sidewalk. He was still in his thoughts as he heard, “Oomph!”

            Key was on the ground, sniffling with tears in his eyes. There was a cut on his arm and blood was starting to appear. “Shiz! Key! I am so sorry!” Onew yelled.

            Key looked at up and smiled wobbly while blinking back his tears. “What for? I-I’m fine! Don’t worry!” He looked down and whimpered at the sight of his bright red blood.

            Onew felt bad, so he picked up the younger bridal-style and ran to the bathroom. Key circled his arms around Onew’s neck by reflex.

            They burst into the bathroom, startling the ahjussi that was washing his hands. Onew bowed and then hurried to the sinks. He set Key down on the marble counter and immediately got some paper towels under running water. Key looked around, trying to not notice the stinging pain in his arm. He yelped and pulled back when something wet came in contact with his cut. He looked up and saw Onew smiling apologetically, a wet paper towel bright with his blood in his hand. Key scowled and gave his arm back.

            After a couple of minutes went by with Key whimpering and Onew silently cleaning the cut, Onew spoke up. “Key-ah? Do you hate me?” The older couldn’t stand thinking about Key hating him.

            “Onew-hyung, look at me.” Onew glanced up, regretting it once he saw Key’s red-rimmed eyes. “Now, why would you ask such a thing, Pabo? I could never hate you!”

            Onew saw the honesty in Key’s eyes and felt instantly relieved. “It’s just… I hurt you and I hate myself for that. See, look! I made you bleed and cry!”

            Key rolled his eyes. “No, I hurt myself. I stepped wrong and fell down, cutting myself. It’s my clumsiness I should hate. Okay? Anyways, I’m a whimp that cries at everything and I hate the sight of blood, so of course I would cry!”

            “But I picked you up in the first place! You told me to put you down and I didn’t and now, because of that, you are bleeding.” Onew didn’t know why he couldn’t let it go. Maybe he wanted a type of punishment for making Key cry?

            Key groaned at Onew. “Okay fine! It’s all your fault! Happy?! What do you want me to do now? Scold you? Hit you? Never talk to you again? Gosh, if you didn’t want to talk to me so bad, you could’ve just said so!” Key started breathing rapidly through his mouth, a clear indication he wanted to cry. He blinked quickly, trying to not show he was hurt by the thought of Onew leaving him.

            Onew saw Key blink rapidly and could see Key’s chest going up and down quickly. ‘What is wrong with me?! I’m making him cry again!’ Onew scolded at himself. He pulled Key into his chest, trying to muffle the younger’s pants. “Don’t. You. Dare. Kim.  Kibum. Don’t you EVER think I don’t want to talk to you. Understood? I’m sorry for making you cry so much. I don’t know why you don’t hate me.

            Key’s pants died down as he thought about Onew’s words. He felt happy Onew still liked him. “Okay, I’m sorry for saying that. Let’s just forget about it, okay?”

            Key’s words were still muffled by Onew’s chest, but Onew heard him. He let Key pull back and saw the younger’s eyes gleam with happiness. ‘He looks so adorable!’ Onew thought. Yes. He too knew he like the younger as more than a friend. He just didn’t know how to tell him.

            Onew and Key left the bathroom after cleaning up. Onew tugged Key to the movie posters, thinking aloud about which movie they should watch.

            “Hey, look Key! The new movie, Arrow, is now showing! Can we watch that one? Please? I hear it’s really good~” Onew gave Key his puppy eyes, trying to convince Key to pick that movie.

            Key didn’t want to disappoint Onew, so he agreed. He usually love-hated scary movies, only being able to watch them in his house. Last time he watched one in the movie theatre, he and his friends had to leave in the middle of the movie due to Key’s screaming every time a scary person came up [A/N that was before everyone left him]. He his breath in, prepping himself for the horror that was due to come soon. Onew hurried away to buy the tickets, leaving Key alone in front of the movie poster. Apparently, the movie was about a girl who was possessed by evil spirits. She haunted a girl and her friend. The poster showed the scary looking girl come out of a TV. Key shuddered and thought maybe he shouldn’t see that movie, but then Onew came back with the tickets, and big grin on his face.

            “Omo! I’m so excited! Are you excited too? It looks really good! Not scary at all, right?” Onew said in one big breath.

            Key gave him a confident smile and said, “Yeah… not scary at all! Uh-huh! I’m really excited too!” Key inwardly grimaced, hoping Onew could not tell he was lying.

            The movie started in twenty minutes, so they had time to get snacks. They headed off together towards the counters. Once they got to the snacks, Onew said, “What should we get? How about a big bag of popcorn, a candy, and soda?”

            “Yeah, sure, but can we get one drink? I usually don’t finish mine.” Key replied.

            Onew blushed but agreed. They got their snacks [buttered popcorn, m&m’s, and a doctor pepper] and headed off to find the movie room.

            As they headed down the dimly lit halls, Key began to shake. He was afraid of that movie, especially since Onew kept talking about how “scary” the girl looked.

            “She has long, dark hair that hides her face, sickly pale skin, and she wears a hospital gown that’s splattered with the blood of her victims!” Onew exclaimed, unfazed of the thought of a blood-splattered gown. BLOOD! Something Key very much hated with a capital H-A-T-E-D.

            “Y-yeah. Uh… I n-need to go to the p-potty room, so you can go ahead and get us some seats, kay?” Key stuttered. He really needed some time to prep up.

            “Oh, okay! Do you have any particular preference in seating?” Onew asked, excited for the movie.

            “Hmmm… Somewhere close to the edge, if you don’t mind.” Yeah, so I can leave quickly if it gets too scary.

            “Okay!” Onew said, heading down to the right door.

            Key speed-walked to the restrooms as fast as he could without actually running. Once he got in and made sure no one was inside, he let out a loud groan/moan. “What have I gotten myself into?! Okay! Calm down Key! You can do this! FIGHTING!!!” Key felt a little better after his pep talk so he confidently walked out and went to the screening room.

            The movie wasn’t on yet, so he could scope out the room for Onew. He saw him sitting [more like bouncing in his seat] near the aisle. Key took a big breath before plastering a big smile on his face.

            “Hey Onew. Thanks for the great seats!” Key said happily. “But if you don’t like them, we could always move somewhere else…”

            “Oh, hey Key! You’re welcome! I don’t mind sitting here! Anything for my Bummie!” As soon as “Bummie” left his lips, Onew wanted to melt down into a puddle and evaporate away. He glanced up at Key from under his bangs to see his reaction.

            Key, on the other hand, blushed as soon as Onew said the nickname. He couldn’t help but beam because he felt that he actually might not leave him.

            “I-I, sorry… It just slipped out!” Onew shouted, hoping to convince Key.

            “Aniyo, it’s fine~ I actually like it.” Key reassured him, still blushing. He sat down beside Onew and fiddled with his hands. The air around them grew a bit awkward, to say the least. Onew sensed it and was about to say something when the lights get dimmed.

            “Please turn off your cellphones at this time. We hope you Enjoy the movie~” boomed out a loud voice over the speakers.

            ‘Here we go..’ Key grimaced.


From the dead?

Probably... since most of you most likely wanted to kill me....

I hope you like it!

AND YES, I DID GET MY NEW BATTERY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Plus school started. Yay~ \-_-/ *Sarcasm*

Ookay, so I bet you have also been wondering where I've been, right?

No??? Don't care, I'll tell u anyways!


So, beginning of summer:

Went to Hamocon... Hamacon? Ugh! An anime convention!


Got my cartiledge pierced ( yes, like Key, MY ULTIMATE BIAS)


And just hung out

School is tiring TT_TT

I have to wake up like half an hour earlier just to do my hair -_-

But it does look good, if I do say so myself~

JK!!! Maybe... just kidding... or maybe not...

Plus, I have to wake up at 5 to shower tomorrow

Well, nighty night~ Don't let the bedbugs bite!


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Chapter 3: I wonder how to drive a motorcycle with a sleeping passenger XD.
Chapter 2: Awwwwe. So cute. This dubu and kitten <3
Chapter 1: How can someone be so cruel TT
Chapter 4: Can't wait for them to meet key and idk but it seems unrealistic for that woman to be jealous if she's the one hiring models.
froyolovers #5
Chapter 4: I love it so far..^^ Poor kibum.. He don't deverse it..>.< Don't cry key...Go and see your onew..^^
onew and kibum is cute when together...

Ahh.Can't wait to read they meet again..^^
Fighting author-nim..
xoxogossipgoat #6
Chapter 4: awh poor Kibummie :'( its okay bummie you're such a pretty kitty :) jinki is so cute talking about kibummie
puppy_love #7
Chapter 2: Omo!!!!! Finally key and onew became friends and i hope they will be more than that soon kekeke. Fighting!!!!!
Chapter 2: Awwwwww so cute, I love it
Hope to read more
puppy_love #9
Chapter 1: Awwww ....looks interesting
hmmmm.....waiting for next chapter ^_^