I Guess I am...


      Onew stumbled back to his apartment. Even though Key was very light, Onew was still his clumsy self. Thankfully, Key was not dropped but Onew got a tiny bruise. When Onew entered, after having trouble getting out his keys, he set Key down on the couch. Onew made sure he was in a good position and went to get ready for sleep. After that, Key was still asleep, so he decided to put him on his bed. He contemplated changing his dirty clothes, but thought it would be weird if Key woke up during the process. Still, it would be worth getting a glimpse at the soft, pearly, perfect skin hidden under those clothes. ‘Maybe… No! Don’t think about him like that! He is straight as an arrow [?]! He doesn’t see you like that!” Onew thought to himself. Sighing in defeat, Onew pulled the blanket over Key, making sure the boy was comfortable.

Onew’s POV

                Why does it have to be me? Being so close to someone you might like is horrible. Especially when the other person is a boy, like you, and doesn’t seem gay. Even though I can never really have him, being close to him is good enough. Maybe I can make him love me. Is that horrible to think? I don’t know! I groaned inwardly, trying to not wake up Key. I hope he doesn’t mind I brought him here.

                I had woken up early because I was nervous. What if Key thought I was a creeper? I guess even I think that for having thought about undressing him. *Sigh* To occupy myself with such thoughts, I decided to make breakfast. I was making pancakes when I heard a yawn behind me.

                “Hyung? *Yawn* Where am I? Is that breakfast? Smells delicious~” Key said sleepily. I grinned from his cute behavior.

                “Welcome to my apartment! You fell asleep like a bump on a log [?] and I don’t know where you live. Is it okay I brought you here? You looked so tired and pooped out. I didn’t want to wake you,” I rambled on.

                “*Yawn* How thoughtful! You are the best hyung ever!” Key dragged his feet to me and hugged me. I blushed and mumbled “It was nothing.”

                “So,” Key said, letting go, “Whatcha makin’? Pancakes? Yum!” I felt cold when he let go, but I didn’t protest. I replied with a nod and flipped the pancakes. “Do you want me to set the table, Onew? Just tell me where everything is.”

3rd POV

                After they finished eating, Key sat back in his chair, hands on his full belly. “Thanks Onew! That was the best breakfast I’ve had in a long time!” He looked at the clock hanging on the wall above Onew’s head and gasped. “Oh! Look at the time! I must be leaving now! I have a meeting!” Key exclaimed.

                “Aw. So soon? Well, if you must~” Onew said, sad that Key had to leave him.

                Key grabbed his shoes and ran out. ‘Now what will I do without my- without Kibum?’ Onew thought to himself. He grabbed his phone and went to his room. ‘*Gasp* I don’t have Key’s number!’ Onew realized. He texted his friends to meet at the usual place and dressed hurriedly.


                Key felt bad for leaving Onew like that, but he couldn’t miss this interview. He had decided to try again in the modeling business. He could actually get this job! Key felt to giddy, he ran all the way to the building. When he got there, Key walked up to the reception desk. “Excuse me. I am here for my interview. My name is Kim Kibum.”

                “Oh Yes. Kim Kibum. Right on time.” said the lady. She was not much older than Key and kinda pretty. She sent him flirty eyes. Key didn’t notice this. “Please wait in the waiting room and I will get you when we are ready, okay?” she said sweetly. Key smiled up a dazzling smile at her and she blushed.

[ Quick pause. I know it might not make sense, but Key decided to try modeling for one more time. He just wanted to see if he really was ugly.]

                A little while later, the lady told him to go into the interview room. A lady was seated behind a big mahogany desk. She told Key to sit down. “So, you want to be a model for me.” She said this kind of coldly. Key fidgeted a little and said yes. The lady was a very important person in modeling and was often quite y. She hated people prettier that her, but Key didn’t know this. Key was definitely prettier with a better figure that hers. She felt jealous and didn’t like him straight away. “I see you don’t have much experience. Why is that?”

                “I have tried to get jobs before, but I never got them. The people never told me why. Some people said I was not good enough, but some people tell me otherwise. I decided to try again.” Key said thoughtfully.

                The lady was getting annoyed at his looks and told him she would be right back. She left, leaving Key in an uncomfortable silence. Key waited and waited. Finally, the women came back. She was wearing a strange expression, as if she was trying to hold back a smile. “I’m sorry, Mr. Kim. I am afraid you did not get the job.”

                Key couldn’t believe what he was hearing. ’Rejected again?’ “May I ask why?” he said politely, holding back tears.

                The woman bit back a smile before answering, “I’m afraid you aren’t the unique person we are looking for. We want a beautiful, exquisite creature, not something quite ordinary and boring. You aren’t handsome enough.”

                Key said thank you for your time and left in a hurry. He couldn’t hold back the tears. His tears started falling as soon as he left the building. ‘I guess this was a mistake,’ he thought the himself. ‘I shouldn’t have come.’ He ran to the park and lay down by his favorite tree. He kept sobbing there until the moon came out. When he saw the first star, he knew he should go home. He quietly got up and walked to his apartment.

*When all this was happening…*

                Onew got to the coffee shop; he saw the others weren’t there yet. He took his time and ordered a latte. Finally, as he took his first sip, the other three came walking in. “Took ya long enough,” he said casually.

                “Sorry Hyung. We had to stop because we saw a pet store and Taemin ran into see the puppies. We had to practically drag him here.” Said Jonghyun.

                “Hey! You also took your sweet time looking at a puppy!” exclaimed Taemin.

                Jonghyun looked down, embarrassed. “Yeah.. but he was so cute,” he mumbled.

                “It’s fine~ I’m just messing with you. But… guess what! Key and I went to the fair yesterday and we had so much fun! He looked so happy! He also acted like a little child, but I don’t blame him because it was his first time there! But then he fell asleep, so I took him to my apartment. Only because I don’t know where he lives! Then, this morning, he said my pancakes were the most delicious ever!” He finished with a big grin on his face.

                “Seem to me that you are falling more and more in love, Hyung! You look like you have been struck by cupid!” Taemin was happy Onew finally had someone to like. Onew had been alone for quite some time now. His last girlfriend had broken up with him for some mysterious reason. He had been so heartbroken and moped around for days. Now, he seemed so eager to see Key.

                Onew thought for a minute before answering, “Yeah, I guess I am and was. I am glad I met him.” They all talked for a while. Soon, the moon and stars came out. “Oh. Look at the time! I must leave now. See you tomorrow!” Onew said. He left the comfy shop and went home. ‘I wonder if Key went back to my apartment. It would be awesome if he went back to my place, but it doesn’t seem very probable.’

                When Onew got home, he saw the lights were off. ‘Guess he went home. I hope I find him again,’ thought Onew glumly. He felt slightly depressed since the other boy was gone. He went to bed praying he would come back.


So? Lovin it so far? Please let me know!!!!!!! If you have any suggestions, please tell me!!!!!!!!!!! I will try to make it good! Fighting!!!!

Love you~ >.<


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Chapter 3: I wonder how to drive a motorcycle with a sleeping passenger XD.
Chapter 2: Awwwwe. So cute. This dubu and kitten <3
Chapter 1: How can someone be so cruel TT
Chapter 4: Can't wait for them to meet key and idk but it seems unrealistic for that woman to be jealous if she's the one hiring models.
froyolovers #5
Chapter 4: I love it so far..^^ Poor kibum.. He don't deverse it..>.< Don't cry key...Go and see your onew..^^
onew and kibum is cute when together...

Ahh.Can't wait to read they meet again..^^
Fighting author-nim..
xoxogossipgoat #6
Chapter 4: awh poor Kibummie :'( its okay bummie you're such a pretty kitty :) jinki is so cute talking about kibummie
puppy_love #7
Chapter 2: Omo!!!!! Finally key and onew became friends and i hope they will be more than that soon kekeke. Fighting!!!!!
Chapter 2: Awwwwww so cute, I love it
Hope to read more
puppy_love #9
Chapter 1: Awwww ....looks interesting
hmmmm.....waiting for next chapter ^_^