New Feelings


      *Beep beep beep* An alarm clock sounded, causing a lump on the bed to stir. A pale hand crept up from under the blanket and shut it off. Key sat up slowly, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. It was 8:30 A.M. on Saturday. Even though he was oddly sore and exhausted, Key got up to go to the bathroom.

            When he finished his “business”, Key looked up and peered into the mirror. He saw a pale face with puffy, red eyes and a soft, red tint still on his nose. His mind flew back to yesterday’s events. Him going to the interview, the lady telling him he was not good enough, running to the park, crying until night, and dragging his tired body to his apartment building and up five flights of stairs due to the “Not working” sign on the elevator door. Then, his mind wandered to Onew. He suddenly realized he had left without telling him where he lived or getting his number! He face-palmed himself, feeling stupid and sad because he might never see him again.  He smiled softly when he remembered Onew’s rambling and delicious breakfast. Just then, his stomach growled loudly. “Okay, okay! I’ll feed you now!” he told his stomach.

            After making sure his face was washed and didn’t have any traces of his crying, he rushed to the kitchen. “What to eat, what to eat?” he mumbled to himself. He decided on scrambled eggs. He got out all the things he needed from the dark, wood cabinets of his big kitchen. He then proceeded and took out his blue frying pan. He got his iPod and put on Mr. by Kara, swinging his hips to the beat as he cooked the eggs.

            After gobbling down a plate of eggs and two cups of juice, Key sat back, hands resting on his full belly.  The wind then blew the front door wide open. Key jumped in his chair, making it tumble down and hit the floor with a loud “BANG!” Groaning, Key slowly got up and rubbed his head. ‘That’s gonna leave a bump,’ Key thought. He slid towards the door, confused of why it opened suddenly. When he got to the door, Key checked the locks. Unsurprisingly, he hadn’t locked the door last night. He rarely locked it, being sure he wasn’t going to get robbed any time soon. He also didn’t like locking the door because he forgot his keys a lot, so it was a pain trying to get back in. Like, one time, Key had gone to the corner store in search of food for his hungry belly. He realized he forgot his keys AND locked the door when he was back in front of his door with his groceries. After a few minutes of panicking, he did the “sensible” thing and set his bags down, afterwards going out to the fire escape outside his building. He started climbing the stairs to his floor. After looking around a bit, he spotted the window to his apartment and stood outside. He thought of the possibility of the window being locked to, but tried his luck anyways. Lucky for him, he “liked” locking his window as much as he “liked” locking his door, if not even more. As soon as he clambered in through his window, he swiftly ran to the door, making sure some hobo didn’t run off with his food. Thankfully, when he unlocked his door, he found hid food still sitting there.

            Key dragged his feet to his room again. He flopped down on his neat bed, head throbbing from the impact to the floor. After a couple of minutes of lying there, trying to reduce the throbbing, Key stood up. Since it was Saturday, he decided to go watch a movie. Which one, he did not know yet. He would decide once he got there. He just wanted to be out of the apartment on such a beautiful day. The sun was shining, birds were singing, and more importantly, his neighbors were annoying again. He just had to get out of there. They were making some… uh… “interesting” sounds, the source of which he did not want to know. As the noises were getting louder, he hurried to his huge closet to pick out clothes. To celebrate the wonderful weather, he chose to wear a light denim jacket, white-with-black- striped shirt, white skinnies, and a pink hat. [ ]  

            As soon as he was done dressing, he gathered his wallet, put on his eyeliner, and ran out the door [still not locking it LOL]. He put in his ear buds and put on his favorite English songs- Judas, Hair, Tik tok, Blow, and so on. He bounced his head along with the beat as he walked. He didn’t own a car, for he liked walking and mostly everything was walking distance.

            As he approached the movie theatre, he heard a voice call out his name. He looked around everywhere, finally spotting a familiar brunette man waving at him. “Hey!” called out Key.

            “Hey~ How are you? After you left, I realized I didn’t get your number! I was worried I would never get to see you again!” Onew pouted.

            “Pabo~ Of course we would see each other again! But yeah… I forgot to get your number.” Key admitted shyly.

            Onew grinned and put out his hand. “Here. Give me your phone.”

            Key grabbed his phone from his back pocket and handed it over.

            After tapping at the screen for several minutes, Onew handed it back. “Now you can contact me whenever!” Onew grinned widely.

            Key looked down and saw Onew programmed himself as:


       ???? Key looked up, puzzled. “Ondubu?” he asked.

       “Yeah! On- Onew, and well, dubu-tofu!” Onew replied happily.

       Key burst out laughing. “See~ I told you that you looked squishy!” said Key, poking Onew’s side. Onew grinned, enjoying this happy, funny Key.

       “Yah! Stop staring! And gimme your phone. I want to put myself in too!” Key yelled.

       “Hmm~ Should I let kitty get my phone? Do I trust him?” Onew said aloud, teasing Key.

       Key pouted. “Why u no trust me >.<” Fine~ guess I’ll just delete meany dubu’s number so he won’t bully me anymore.” With that, Key turned around to walk away. As he was about to take his second step, someone grabbed his wrist and pulled him into their chest. He fell back into Onew’s warm chest even more as two arms trapped him.

       “No, no. That won’t do. If Kitty tries to run away, I’ll just have to kidnap him~” he breathed into Key’s ear. Key involuntarily shuddered as he felt his warm breath. He felt himself relax into Onew’s embrace. Onew felt this, so he whispered, “Will Kitty try to run away again?”

       Key shook his head no, unable to find his voice. “Good!” Onew exclaimed. He then slowly let go of Key. He felt his warmth leave him as Key slightly stepped away. Onew grinned sheepishly as Key turned around. The sunlight managed to find its way to Key’s face, making it seem as he was glowing, feline eyes bright, and faint pink on his cheeks. Onew felt himself go speechless as he observed Key’s perfect features.

       “C-can I have you phone now?” stuttered Key. He mentally slapped himself for stuttering after what Onew did.

       Onew nodded and slipped his phone into Key’s awaiting hand. He observed the younger as he tapped his number in. After a couple seconds, Key called out, “What do you want me to put myself as?”

       Onew grinned and answered slyly, “Kitty.”

       Key turned faint red and pouted but complied. “Here you go!” he said as he handed Onew his phone back.

       Onew looked down and sure enough, his screen said


.  Onew grinned happily to himself.

       “Oh yeah! Hey, Onew. Where were you going? I hope I didn’t make you late or anything!” Onew looked up to see a worried Key waiting for his answer.

       “No, no, not at all! I was just going to the movie theatre.” Onew answered.

       “Really? Me too!” exclaimed Key.

        An idea popped into Onew’s head, so he asked, “Want to go see a movie with me?          Unless you already had a movie planned and everything or don’t want too…” Onew let his voice trail off as he saw Key duck his head. He slumped his shoulders unconsciously as he waited for Key to decline his offer. Onew really wanted to be with Key, but he didn’t want to force himself onto him.

       “Y-yeah! That would be awesome!” Key finally answered. He hadn’t wanted to make Onew wait for so long, but he needed time to straighten out his thoughts. ‘A movie? Alone? With Onew? In the dark? Oh, well duh! But, what if I mess up?’ Key’s mind was like a stew filled with lots of ingredients aka-his thoughts. He had finally accepted his feelings for Onew with some difficulties, but still accepted them. And when he saw Onew grin at him for the umpteenth time, his stomach once again fluttered.

       As he was lost in thoughts again, he felt his hand being pulled at. “Come on then! Let’s go pick a movie!” said Onew, jumping up and down in happiness.

       ‘Oh boy, here we go!’ thought Key as he let himself be dragged away by the very man he thought he had developed feelings for.


*o* I'm not dead? Kekekekeke. No~ I'm back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who missed me? >.<

*pout* no one?

I'm really sorry for making you wait so long!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please forgive me *bows*

I have been really busy and didn't have inspiration O.o

but now I do! So more chapters coming soon!

So~ Who likes it so far?

I don't know... This chapter seems different than the other chapters, neh?

Please tell me if it's too weird >.<

Ooooooo! Wonder what happens next *wink, wink* You would kill me if I didn't know, right?

Don't worry! I DO know what happens next... and after that... and after that... it might will surprise you!

See you next time!!!!!! Love ya!

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Chapter 3: I wonder how to drive a motorcycle with a sleeping passenger XD.
Chapter 2: Awwwwe. So cute. This dubu and kitten <3
Chapter 1: How can someone be so cruel TT
Chapter 4: Can't wait for them to meet key and idk but it seems unrealistic for that woman to be jealous if she's the one hiring models.
froyolovers #5
Chapter 4: I love it so far..^^ Poor kibum.. He don't deverse it..>.< Don't cry key...Go and see your onew..^^
onew and kibum is cute when together...

Ahh.Can't wait to read they meet again..^^
Fighting author-nim..
xoxogossipgoat #6
Chapter 4: awh poor Kibummie :'( its okay bummie you're such a pretty kitty :) jinki is so cute talking about kibummie
puppy_love #7
Chapter 2: Omo!!!!! Finally key and onew became friends and i hope they will be more than that soon kekeke. Fighting!!!!!
Chapter 2: Awwwwww so cute, I love it
Hope to read more
puppy_love #9
Chapter 1: Awwww ....looks interesting
hmmmm.....waiting for next chapter ^_^