You Came Back


      Key lay in the hospital thinking back to what happened hours before. Someone had saved him. Someone actually maybe, possibly cared about him. Why? Key did not know. ‘Maybe he will come back.’ Key hoped. He still felt really bad. He couldn’t move much. ‘I let this happen again’ Key thought. He felt ashamed. He had almost told that man this wasn’t the first time, but the man figured it out. ‘That man saved me. Maybe… No. Stop thinking that.’ He thought to himself. ‘That man will hurt you in the long run. Everyone leaves.’ Key still couldn’t his luck. Maybe he could actually have someone there for him.

Key’s POV

       I heard noise outside my room. Footsteps to be exact. Maybe it’s that man. I had waited all day long. It was already noon. Suddenly the door opened. It was him. He was wearing black skinny jeans, black converse, and a simple black t-shirt that hung on him perfectly. ‘Too simple’ I thought to myself.

“Hey,” he said. “Feeling better?” He seemed nervous.

I shrugged my shoulders. The simple act made me wince in pain. He came closer. “The doctor said you can leave in a week.” he said. “Do you have somewhere to go?”

“Yes.” I answered. I could see the disappointment in his eyes. ‘Why?’ I thought.

“Oh. Okay. Do you live alone?” I couldn’t believe he asked that. What a personal question and I don’t even know his name! I could tell he was surprised with himself as well.

“Well, yeah. I guess.” I answered, looking at him with wide eyes.

Onew’s POV

       I can’t believe I asked that. Do you live alone? He might think I’m a creeper. I don’t even know his name and I still asked that! Suddenly, I asked “What’s your name?”

“Kim Kibum, but I go by Key. What’s yours?” he asked. He looked so cute with his wide eyes looking surprised as though he couldn’t believe I came back.

“Lee Jinki, but I go by Onew.” I answered. He nodded.

“You came back” he said softly. I looked at him. He had his head bent down.

“Well yeah. I said I would.”

“Why do you care about what happens to me? I’m fine.” he said, almost a whisper.

“Are you really? What if this happens again? Who will protect you?” I argued.

“I deserve it.”

“No, you don’t.”

“Yes, I do. I hurt my friend.”

“FRIEND? HE LEFT YOU, DID HE NOT? HE HURT YOU. YOU DON’T DESERVE THIS.” I yelled at him. I felt bad when he started crying. “I’m sorry. Please forgive me. I didn’t mean to say that. It wasn’t my place to say that.” I just wanted him to be happy. Now I made him cry. What is wrong with me?

He looked at me with sad eyes. “Stop that.” I told him. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be,” he sniffed. “I don’t want you to be hurt. You have done enough. Go. Leave me.”

I was shocked. “You don’t want me here?” I asked. My heart started hurting.

“N-no. L-leave. P-please.” he sobbed. Now I felt heartbroken.

“Okay. I-if that’s what you want.” I didn’t want him to see me crying. I hurried out of the room. As I ran out, I could hear him sobbing. I pulled my phone out and called my best friends. “Taemin, Jonghyun, Minho, meet me for coffee in five minutes. No, not now I’ll tell you when I see you. Okay. See you soon.” I walked out into the warm weather. I could still see Key crying. I didn’t like that. ‘I promise I will make you happy. Just you wait Kim Kibum.’ I thought.

Key’s POV

       ‘Why did I make him leave?’ I thought to myself. ‘He wants to help.’ He had looked so sad when I told him to leave.  I watched him go with tears in my eyes. As soon as he left, I heard sobs escape my mouth. I though he was out of earshot, so I let my tears fall. I hope he doesn’t come. I just don’t want him to get hurt.

3rd POV

       Minho, Jonghyun, and Taemin were surprised when Onew told them to meet up. “What do you think he wants?” Taemin asked aloud to the others.

“I don’t know, but he seemed pretty upset. Let’s go.” said Jonghyun.

       The three got there and could tell something was wrong with their friend. He looked heart-broken. They hated seeing him like this, especially because he never cried in front of them before.

“Hyung? What’s wrong? Are you okay?” asked Taemin.

“No. Yes. I don’t know!” Onew sobbed. “I met someone, but they don’t want me around. They look sad and I want to be there for them!”

“Onew-hyung, tell us what happened from the beginning,” said Minho.

       “Okay,” Onew agreed. “I was walking out of here this morning when I heard screams. I stopped and looked around. I finally saw some people. They were three men. Two of them were standing over the other. The one on the ground looked afraid. Then, the two men started beating him up really hard. I hurried over there, hearing that they wouldn’t stop until he was dead. As I came running, they saw me and ran away. The other man tried to stand and walk away, but fell again. When I got to him, he fainted. H-he looked so beat up, so I carried him to the hospital. The doctor said he was going to be okay and that I could see him then. I got to his room and saw his face. He looked so sad and depressed. I promised him I would come back. I came back today, but he told me to leave. I saw he looked sad as he said that, but he still wanted me gone. I heard him crying when I left.” Onew ended crying.

“Onew-hyung, is it possible you care about him dearly?” asked Taemin.

“I don’t know, but I do know I just want him to be happy. I don’t know why.”

“What does he look like?” asked a curious Jonghyun.

       Onew perked up as he said this. In a dreamy gaze, he said, “He looks like an angel. His face is so beautiful and his eyes look perfect. He kind of reminds me of a cute kitten. He is really skinny, but perfectly shaped. His hair is blonde and lips so full and plump.” As soon as he said this, he turned red. ‘Did I just say that aloud?’ he asked himself.

“Aw Onew-hyung! You look like you’re in love!” gushed his friends.

“What? No. I don’t know~ Maybe?” “But what do I do?” he asked. “He doesn’t want me around.”

“Well, you could keep visiting until he grows used to you there. Then, you could take him to his house when he gets released. Ask him to hang out and don’t stop bothering him until he says yes.” said Minho, earning shocked looks from everyone.

“Wow Minho-hyung! I didn’t know you were like that! Thanks!” exclaimed Onew. ‘I will do that!’ he thought to himself. “Well, bye guys! Thanks for your support!” said Onew. He left and got in his car. He drove to a store and bought some things for the guy.

The next day, Onew went back to the hospital despite Key’s wish. He went into the room and could see Key sleeping. ‘He looks so peaceful. Like nothing is wrong.’ Onew thought. Just then, Key opened his eyes. Once he saw Onew, Key’s heart fluttered. ‘He came back. He really came back.” Key thought.

“Morning, Sleeping Beauty!” Onew said, instantly regretting his choice of words. At his comment, Key felt blush creeping onto his cheeks. He turned away so Onew wouldn’t see.

“What are you doing here?” Key asked.

“Well, I know what you said, but I want to be here. I really do care about your health even though we just met. I will not leave, no matter what you say.” Onew said, sounding firm.

       Key turned around to look at Onew in his eyes. Onew could tell he was surprised. “I- Thank-you” Key replied. Now it was Onew’s turn to be shocked. ‘This was easier than I thought!’ Onew thought to himself. Key wanted to change the subject, so he took in Onew’s outfit. It was a plain, black shirt with the word ‘Love’ written in different fonts. He was also wearing tight, grey skinny jeans. He also noticed he was hiding something behind his back. “Whatcha got there?” Key asked, using a cute voice so the older one would show him.

‘Aw~ He sounds so cute!’ Onew thought. “Well, it was supposed to be a surprise, but since you saw it already, here you go!” Onew handed Key his surprise.

Key’s POV

       ‘A surprise?’ I thought. Once I saw what he was holding, I let out a squeal. “CHOCOLATES?!? I love chocolate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much! Oh! And a cute kitten plushie!!!!!!!!!!!!! How thoughtful! Thank you so much!” I could hear Onew chuckling.

       “I’m glad you like it. But it was no biggie. I thought you might love chocolate and the kitten reminded me of yo-“ Suddenly, he stopped talking. I think he realized what he said because he seemed embarrassed. I blushed deeply when he said I look like the kitten.

“You think I look like a kitten?” I asked.

“I… um…” Onew replied. “Yes, is that okay? I didn’t mean to say that,” he admitted.

“That’s okay,” I said, “I think you look like dubu… no offence.”

       He started laughing. Just busted a gut. The whole shebang. Tears even started falling! “YAH! Are you laughing at me?!?” I yelled.

       Once he stopped to catch his breath, he said, “I’m sorry. No, I’m not laughing at you. It’s just… what you said. That was the first time I heard that!”

“Oh. Well warn someone before you start looking like your dying!” That comment made him laugh even more. After a while, he stopped. ‘Finally’ I thought.

Onew’s POV

       He thinks I look like tofu? How cute! I busted out laughing before I could stop myself.

“Why do I look like dubu?” I asked him, quite curious to hear what he said.

“Oh. Um. Well, your eyes look soft and your voice does too. Oh! And you look squishy too!” Key said teasingly.

“Oh really? Well, let’s see who’s soft now!” I yelled and jumped on him. I started tickling him and could hear him laughing. He sounded so joyful.

“N-no! S-Stop! Ha ha ha ha! That tickles! Please!” Key yelled laughing. He really couldn’t stand tickling but still laughed every time someone would start a tickle fight. I got tired after a while, even though I still wanted him to laugh. I kept still for a moment, closing my eyes. “Um. Even though you’re squishy, it doesn’t mean you’re not heavy,” Key groaned. He was still a little weak. I opened my eyes quickly.

“Oh! I’m sorry!” I got off of him quickly and started blushing like mad. I peeked through my lashes and could see Key blushing too. *Beep beep beep* My watch started beeping. “Oh. I have a meeting! I completely forgot! I’m sorry! I don’t want to leave, but it’s important! Bye!” I yelled, already hurrying out the door.

“Oh. Okay. Bye, I guess.” Key seemed kinda sad to see me leave. I felt really guilty because here I am, his only friend, leaving him all alone in the hospital.

       Before I exited, I asked the nurse taking care of Key to take care of him really well. She smiled at me and said, “Ok. I will take care of him really good. Is he your boyfriend?” I started blushing and said “Oh! N-no! Why would you think that?” I asked. “Oh. Well, only you visit him and he seems really happy when you come. He mopes around when you’re not here. So, you put two and two together and yeah…”

       Oh. So Key does want me here. I felt light as a feather as I walked out. Maybe….just maybe…. Maybe be likes me too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


So??!!?? What do ya think so far??????????? Lovin it or lovin it??????? ^.^ Please comment!!!!!!!!! And thank you to puppy_love for being the first to comment! You really made my day!!!!!!! I posted this just for you {well, my subsbribers too! You also made my day!} so enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Chapter 3: I wonder how to drive a motorcycle with a sleeping passenger XD.
Chapter 2: Awwwwe. So cute. This dubu and kitten <3
Chapter 1: How can someone be so cruel TT
Chapter 4: Can't wait for them to meet key and idk but it seems unrealistic for that woman to be jealous if she's the one hiring models.
froyolovers #5
Chapter 4: I love it so far..^^ Poor kibum.. He don't deverse it..>.< Don't cry key...Go and see your onew..^^
onew and kibum is cute when together...

Ahh.Can't wait to read they meet again..^^
Fighting author-nim..
xoxogossipgoat #6
Chapter 4: awh poor Kibummie :'( its okay bummie you're such a pretty kitty :) jinki is so cute talking about kibummie
puppy_love #7
Chapter 2: Omo!!!!! Finally key and onew became friends and i hope they will be more than that soon kekeke. Fighting!!!!!
Chapter 2: Awwwwww so cute, I love it
Hope to read more
puppy_love #9
Chapter 1: Awwww ....looks interesting
hmmmm.....waiting for next chapter ^_^