

       “Hmm~ What to do today?” Key thought. He had a free day. Actually, all his days were free right now. He still hadn’t found a job modeling. He was quite handsome. He was more than handsome. He looked like an angel. That was why he hadn’t found work. Strange huh? It should have been the opposite, but because of his beauty, every other model {males] were jealous and felt insecure. They threatened to quit if Key was hired. Every company didn’t like that and were afraid to lose business, so Key was jobless. After a while, he quit and had gotten insecure feelings. The companies not would tell him why he wasn’t hired. Some even said lies because they were embarrassed. He now thought he was ugly. That nobody liked him because of how he looked. He stopped putting on his flamboyant outfits because he felt he would get too noticed. He was ashamed of himself. What he didn’t notice were the constant looks coming his way. They weren’t hateful or full of jealousy as he thought. They were full of awe. Nobody had seen such a beauty. With his well-defined feline eyes, shapely body, and just an air full of awesomeness near him, he was not easy to not be noticed.

                Just then, two models walked out of a coffee shop. They were one of the ones that got insecure with Key around. They noticed Key come around the corner and felt their jealousy return. One turned to the other and whispered, “Let’s teach him not to mess with our jobs.”

The other nodded in agreement. The one who had talked counted to three and they both took off running to Key. When they got to Key, he still hadn’t noticed them. He only saw them when he bumped into them. He had been busy thinking about how to spend his day. Now, he looked at two pairs of hateful eyes and grew afraid. ‘What will they do to me?’ he thought to himself.

                Key had a reason to be afraid.


       A couple of years ago, when he was still trying to get a modeling job, he had an accident. Actually, not an accident. He knew it had been on purpose. That was the first day he felt hated.

       He had been walking around, minding his own business when he bumped into someone familiar. It was a modeling friend [or so he thought]. His friend was drunk and Key knew it. He could smell the liquor on his breath. Still, he wanted to talk to him, not having seen his friend in so long. “Hyung!” Key exclaimed, catching his friend’s attention. He started walking to him. When Key got to his friend, he finally noticed his friend’s look. It was pure hate. “Hyung, are you mad at me?” asked a confused Key. He then suddenly felt himself being pushed to a brick wall. He yelped out in pain. “Hyung, why are you doing this?” asked Key.

“You think you’re everything, don’t you?” His friend said.

“W-what are you t-talking about?” asked a frightened Key.

“You know what the beep I’m talking about so stop playing dumb!”

“No! No I don’t! Tell me! What are you talking about!” yelled Key, very confused about his friend’s behavior.

“Why do you always have to be perfect?! Flaunt your curves and your looks every day I see you?!?” yelled the angry man.

He was taken aback. “I don’t do that!” answered Key, quite surprised about his friend’s feelings.

“Yes, you do. Everyone model around you feels insecure. They think they’re not good enough. They feel like they are losing to you. Even me. You make everyone jealous and it’s making me sick.”

Shocked, Key started crying. “I am so sorry, but I don’t think that’s true. You are more handsome than me. Why do you feel this way? I’m nothing special. I never meant for you to feel this way. Please don’t hate me!”

“Too late.” answered his “friend” darkly. “Get away from me and never come back. I don’t EVER want to see YOU AGAIN!” He let Key go and walked away.

Key felt shocked, angry with himself, and heartbroken. His good friend had just shown his true colors. ‘Why me?’ thought Key. Just then, his friend came back. “Hyung?” said Key, “What are you doing. I thought you never wanted to see me again.”

“Yes, but I forgot to do this”, and he started beating up Key. He punched his eye, chest, everywhere he could get his fists on. He pulled his hair and kicked Key in the ribs. Key, frozen from shock, did nothing to stop him. ‘I deserve this,’ he thought, ’I made hyung feel this way. Hyung, please forgive me.’

       When he was done, the man ran away, afraid to be seen. Key stood up shakily. Even slow movements made him gasp out in pain. He walked as slowly as he could, trying not to fall and hurt himself even more. When he got to the park, the same one where he and his hyung had fun together, he stopped. He couldn’t go more. He let himself drop to the ground. As he lay there, he felt tears fall out. He couldn’t believe what had just happened.

As night came, he started losing his consciousness. He was left lying there, bleeding and full of bruises.

*End of flashback*

“Hey Key~” said the models mockingly. “Have you found someone to work for?”

“N-no” said Key.

“Do you know why?” asked the models, already planning what to do.

“N-no” answered a confused Key.

“Because you are so ugly. I mean look at you. You look too girly for a man. Who would hire you? Nobody wants a wimpy looking guy. They want muscular ones, like us. Why do you even try?” answered one model, full of hate and jealousy.

“W-what? I-I never knew that. Is it really true? Everyone thinks I’m ugly?” said a sad Key. ‘So it IS true, I AM really ugly,’ thought Key. When he felt tears coming up, he turned away and started to run, trying to get away before they saw him like that.

“Hey Key~ Where are you going? We just started~” said one of the men. They both took off running to Key. They saw Key run into the park and ran there. Key tripped and fell to the ground. The men got to him and stood before him. Key was already crying. “Aw! Does the baby feel sad and hurt? Here, let us help you.” said the guys mockingly. They started beating Key up, ‘Just as the first time’ Key thought.

“Please! Stop!” begged Key.

“No” said on the guys. “Not until you die.”

Key felt heartbroken. He couldn’t believe this was happening AGAIN. He felt blood trickling from his mouth and his head. He got a few kicks in the ribs. He thought he felt one break. Just then, the guys stopped suddenly.

“Let’s go! Hurry!” said one to the other. They took off running. Key just lay there, ready to die and end his pain in this world. He tried getting up and walking, but he fell again. He had gotten beaten up pretty badly. The last thing he remembered before going unconscious was a man running up to him, asking if he was okay. Then everything went black.

Onew’s POV

I had started walking out of my favorite coffee shop before I heard screams. I stopped abruptly, looking around, trying to find out where they came from. Then I saw something near the park. It was two men, standing above another man [?]. It looked too beautiful to be a human. I left my thoughts when I heard an angelic voice screaming. I looked over to them again. It looked like the men standing where beating up the angel. I heard snatches of the conversation as I hurried over there.

“Please! Stop!” said the angel.

“No, not until you die.” said one of the other men.

As I got closer, I saw them turn to me.

“Let’s go! Hurry!” said one to the other. They started running away. I saw the badly-beaten angel stand up but fall again. I could hear his sobs before I stopped in front of him.  As I got closer, I could see how bad it was. He was bleeding badly and bruises were starting to form.

“Are you okay?” I asked him. Before he could answer, he fainted. “Sir!” I yelled,” don’t die!” I picked him up, surprised at how light he was. I took him to the hospital as fast as I could. When I got there, I threw open the doors. “Help!” I yelled to nurses.

“Sir! What happened?!” answered a nurse, running to me.

“He got beat up.” I said, “Hurry, he’s bleeding badly!”

They took him away. ‘Why did this happen? Why didn’t he fight back? Who could hate this beautiful person?’ I thought. I lost myself in thoughts and jumped when a doctor tapped on my shoulder. 

“He is going to be okay. He just has a couple of bruises and broken bones. Now, would you care to explain what happened?” said a kind-looking doctor.

“Well, I just saw some men beating him up and him yelling at them to please stop. They hurt him pretty badly before I got there. The abusers ran away when they saw me.” I answered. “The weird thing is that he didn’t try to fight back, as though he thought he deserved this.”

“Well, I’m glad you brought him. He could’ve bled to death if hadn’t had found him. Oh! And you can go see him now. I’m sure he wants to see who saved him from death.”

I brightened up at this. I asked what room and hurried there. When I got outside the door, I slowed down. ‘What should I say?’ I thought to myself. Letting my fears go away, I stood up straight and went in. I stopped when I saw him, looking broken. He turned when he felt my presence. His eyes looked depressed. He couldn’t have looked sadder. I almost broke down in tears, but I knew I had to brave for him.

“Hey. Are you feeling better? What happened?” I asked, hoping not to seem too nosey.

“W-why?” he asked, tears coming down.

“Why what?” I asked, confused by his question.

“Why did you help me? Why did you not walk away?” he asked.

“I-I don’t know. I couldn’t just let you die.” I answered, completely shocked by his questions.

“You don’t even know me. I am just a stranger. Why would you help someone as disgustingly ugly as me? The world would be better without me.” said the man, his shoulders shaking from his sobs. I couldn’t believe he just said that.

“Ugly? You are the opposite of ugly!” I exclaimed.

“No. I am hideous. That’s why no one hires me. That’s why those men beat me up.”

My eyes grew wide. “What? Did they say that you are ugly?”

“It’s so obvious. I mean, just LOOK AT ME! NO ONE LOVES ME! NO ONE CARES ABOUT ME! EVERY ONE WISHES I WAS DEAD!” he burst out.

“N-no. Stop. You are not ugly. There must be someone who loves you. What about your parents? Friends? Family?” I asked, not giving up.

“What part of NO ONE do you not understand? Everyone leaves me. My friend, he hates me! He did the sa-“ he suddenly stopped abruptly, looking at me with wide eyes.

“H-he did this to you too?” I asked, quite shocked, not believing me ears. “This is the second time, isn’t it?” I saw his eyes filling up with tears. He wouldn’t stop. He cried and cried. A nurse then came in, telling me it was time to leave. I walked out numbly, not feeling my feet are arms. ‘This happened before. This is not the first time. Not the first time.’ I told myself. ‘I will protect you. I will be your friend. Please don’t cry anymore. It doesn’t suite you’ I thought to myself. I walked up to my car and drove away to my apartment. “I will come back.”



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Chapter 3: I wonder how to drive a motorcycle with a sleeping passenger XD.
Chapter 2: Awwwwe. So cute. This dubu and kitten <3
Chapter 1: How can someone be so cruel TT
Chapter 4: Can't wait for them to meet key and idk but it seems unrealistic for that woman to be jealous if she's the one hiring models.
froyolovers #5
Chapter 4: I love it so far..^^ Poor kibum.. He don't deverse it..>.< Don't cry key...Go and see your onew..^^
onew and kibum is cute when together...

Ahh.Can't wait to read they meet again..^^
Fighting author-nim..
xoxogossipgoat #6
Chapter 4: awh poor Kibummie :'( its okay bummie you're such a pretty kitty :) jinki is so cute talking about kibummie
puppy_love #7
Chapter 2: Omo!!!!! Finally key and onew became friends and i hope they will be more than that soon kekeke. Fighting!!!!!
Chapter 2: Awwwwww so cute, I love it
Hope to read more
puppy_love #9
Chapter 1: Awwww ....looks interesting
hmmmm.....waiting for next chapter ^_^