Don't Kill Me!!!!!!!!


I am so sorry!!!!!!!! I know u wanna kill me :( 

i would kill me too. 

I would update now, but my laptop battery needs to be replaced. The other chapter is on it =_=

but don't worry!!!!!! I am working on another chappie NOW!!!!! I PROMISE!!!!!!!!!! 

Oh! U might be wondering, "how come she can update this?????"

Well, I'm on my iPod right now XD


i will  update as soon as my laptop gets revived!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

if u want, u can gimme some ideas u want to happen. :) I will use really good ones ;)

I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!

* gives tons of sweets to everyone*

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Chapter 3: I wonder how to drive a motorcycle with a sleeping passenger XD.
Chapter 2: Awwwwe. So cute. This dubu and kitten <3
Chapter 1: How can someone be so cruel TT
Chapter 4: Can't wait for them to meet key and idk but it seems unrealistic for that woman to be jealous if she's the one hiring models.
froyolovers #5
Chapter 4: I love it so far..^^ Poor kibum.. He don't deverse it..>.< Don't cry key...Go and see your onew..^^
onew and kibum is cute when together...

Ahh.Can't wait to read they meet again..^^
Fighting author-nim..
xoxogossipgoat #6
Chapter 4: awh poor Kibummie :'( its okay bummie you're such a pretty kitty :) jinki is so cute talking about kibummie
puppy_love #7
Chapter 2: Omo!!!!! Finally key and onew became friends and i hope they will be more than that soon kekeke. Fighting!!!!!
Chapter 2: Awwwwww so cute, I love it
Hope to read more
puppy_love #9
Chapter 1: Awwww ....looks interesting
hmmmm.....waiting for next chapter ^_^