I Love You, Mr. Delinquent

I Love You, Mr. Delinquent


“Lee Jieun, you are amazing.” Myungsoo was pretty much astounded knowing that Jieun had access keys to every office and classroom of the whole school. That includes the keys of the gate, of course.


“Of course Myungsoo, I’m the Student Council President. I’m like the next powerful person to the principal. Even more powerful than most faculty members.”


“Are you boasting your position just now, Ms. Prez? It’s not really good if others would hear what you just said.”


“Who cares? I’m already graduating in two days time.”


Myungsoo sighed and looked at Jieun as she opens the gate at the back of the school. They are graduating in two days and he can’t even believe it. When the year started, he wasn’t even sure if he’ll be able to graduate on time. He’s actually smart but brains aren’t the only thing that matter in the education system. Performance and right conduct also matter and these are the things that he knows he lacks.


He remembers giving himself until graduation to be able to capture Jieun’s heart and to make her his. He could’ve succeeded though, if it wasn’t for his issues with his father.


Myungsoo realized that his father hasn’t actually done anything right except for letting him come into this world. He was once Myungsoo’s idol though. He had always seen his father as a great man. He remembered that all he ever wanted was to be like his father. A man of power and dignity was the kind of man Myungsoo once wanted to be. But his father crushed not only his family, but also his whole being. His father took away his dreams. His father is the reason why he can’t stand on stage alone anymore.


He was nine years old back then. Myungsoo was pretty much inclined with music, especially with the guitar. He had his guitar recital back then and it includes his father being on stage with him, playing the guitar as well. It was a special moment for Myungsoo and he really did look forward to that performance with his father.


But Myungsoo’s dad didn’t come and he was left alone on the stage. He managed to finish his piece though he is crying while doing his performance.


It’s also the same day that he figured out that his father is having an affair with another woman.


And now, his father is also taking away the girl he loves the most.


life. He really doesn’t want to remember those things anymore.



He looks at Jieun as she was trying out several keys that unlock the back gate. What was he even thinking when he decided that he is in love with the girl in front of her. He’s way out of her league. She’s beautiful and smart, always prim and proper. Most of all, she doesn’t like mistakes. He’s a mistake from head to toe and a girl like Lee Jieun is so much of an intimidating being for most guys. Why did he even let himself fall for Jieun in the first place? He really doesn’t know but what he wants to do most now is to protect her and give him all his love.


After a few tries, Jieun and Myungsoo managed to get inside the school premises. What they are doing isn’t actually wrong. The fact that Jieun had access keys to the whole school means that she has the right to come to school whenever she likes. She was warned not to use her access if it’s not of a circumstance that concerns the school welfare and what Jieun is about to do isn’t something for the welfare of the school but for her own heart.


They were both quiet as they walk down the hallways of the school. Good thing that some of the lights are still and Jieun wouldn’t have the problem of walking towards the Student Council Office. And Myungsoo’s with her anyway. He knows her fear of the dark. Then she remembers that instance in the swimming pool and how she end up hugging Kim Myungsoo without any shirt on. It was really unintentional but she it was a good feeling though. “Okay, Lee Jieun, stop those thoughts.” She said in her mind.


“Was it really fun to be a school council president?” Myungsoo asked as he looked around the Student Council Office. Jieun was currently folding her graduation gown to fit inside her bag. She stopped and looked at Myungsoo. “It would have been fun it there aren’t schoolmates like you.”


“Ah. Ms. Prez still hates me.” Myungsoo said playfully.


“Maybe. But Lee Jieun surely doesn’t hate you.”


Myungsoo walked towards Jieun. “Lee Jieun, you do realize you just confessed that you love me awhile ago, right?”


“Yes, of course. I am fully aware that I just told you that I love you awhile ago while facing you, on my bed, in my room.”


“Do you really have to emphasize that it happened on your bed?”


“What? That’s the truth though.”


Myungsoo leaned forward with their faces so close to each other. There’s a smirk plastered on his lips while Jieun, surprisingly isn’t feeling uncomfortable with how close she is to Myungsoo. “You should be careful with your words. They are giving me ideas. You know Jieun, we are the only ones in the whole school right now and no one is going to interrupt us if –AW! Why did you hit my forehead!?”


Jieun flicked Myungsoo’s forehead and pushed his face away from hers. “Your smirk is disgusting as well as your thoughts.”


Myungsoo snorted.”I know that at the back of your head, you’re having the same thoughts too.”


Jieun just sighed. “Let’s go. We have another place to go.”


“Somewhere dark and secluded? A place where no one can see and hear what we’re doing?”


“Kim Myungsoo, do you not want to graduate? I can certainly make you spend another school year here.” Jieun warned.


“Ok fine, fine. I’ll stop. As far as I remember, I came here with Lee Jieun. I don’t want to spend the rest of the night with Ms. Prez.”


Jieun smiled a little. “Let’s go now.”


Jieun and Myungsoo walked out of the Student Council Office and headed to the stairs. Myungsoo has no idea where Jieun would go and he just decided to follow her. After going up a flight of stairs and a walk to the edge of the corridor, they stopped in front of wall which is holds a significant meaning to the both of them.


It is the wall where Myungsoo drew his confession to Jieun. It wasn’t erased. No one ordered to do so, surprisingly. He vandalized a wall and he didn’t get punished for it. Maybe the officials in their school support love confessions.


He looked at Jieun who is also looking at him, with a sweet smile on her lips and a can of spray paint by her right hand. It was the same can that he gave to her on the day that he confessed. He felt touched and amazed that Jieun really did keep that spray paint. It really means that she did give him a chance and allowed him to show his love for her. Now the day that he anticipated so much has came and he can’t explain what he’s feeling.


“I believe that I have thought about this a lot of times, deeply and carefully. I believe that I already given much time and I have kept you waiting long enough.”


Jieun removed the cap of the can. She stared at that empty space where she’s supposed to put her answer. There’s no turning back now and she doesn’t have any intentions to retreat. She’s now very sure about what she’s doing that even if Myungsoo keeps on telling her not stay away from trouble by not getting involved in his life, she doesn’t care anymore. The only she cares about now is how much she wanted to just be with Myungsoo.


Then she started to draw the letters that will form the words of her answer. Jieun wants it to stick to Myungsoo’s heart just like how the paint is now stuck on the wall, spelling out the letters that form the word ‘Yes’.


“Lee Jieun.” Myungsoo was only able to utter the name of the girl in front of him. He already knows that he’s going to see this moment any time soon but why does this moment shock him still? He can’t move except for his gaze that shifts from Jieun, then to the newest vandal on the wall, then back to Jieun. He’s too astonished with everything.


“Can I be your girl? Yes, Kim Myungsoo. My answer is yes. Yes, I’m now your girlfriend. Yes, I’m now yours. Yes, you can take care of me and I’ll take care of you as well. Yes, I want to love you. Yes, I want you to be by my side.”


Myungsoo can barely speak. It’s like his tongue was tied, opposite to how Jieun said everything without a single stutter. He feels like his heart is going to explode any moment. There are a lot of things that he wanted to say but he can’t and all that he was able to do is to pull Jieun into his arms and hug her tight.

It was warm and loving and it’s a hug that Jieun wants to receive every day. It relaxes her and comforts her.


“Jieun, are you sure about what you said just now?” Myungsoo asked, still hugging Jieun.


“Don’t you believe it’s true?”


“Because it’s too good to be true. I just want to make sure.”


Jieun smiled. “Believe it, Myungsoo. This is all real.”


Myungsoo broke the hug. He looked straight into Jieun’s eyes while cupping her cheeks. He stared at her orbs for a minute, checking if there are any signs of doubt or regret. But all he can see is how her eyes are so beautiful and how her tears are starting to build up. Jieun smiled, trying not to cry out of too much happiness. And before her tears roll down her cheeks, Myungsoo leaned in close and his lips met Jieun’s. It’s the most perfect kiss and it’s no one can make it anymore perfect aside from them.


“This is real, right? Please tell me everything is real.” Myungsoo asked as soon as they broke the kiss. Jieun smiled and pinched both Myungsoo’s cheeks. “Everything is real, Myungsoo. So please, don’t ask me to leave your side because I won’t and there’s nothing you can do about it.”


Myungsoo let out a small laugh. “Why do I feel like I’m talking to Ms. Prez right now?”


“After 2 days, Ms. Prez won’t exist anymore. You better be nice to her.”


“Is that so? I would miss seeing her in the Student Council Office. I will miss all her punishments and nagging.  She’s really cute when she’s irritated.”


Jieun’s eyes narrowed and Myungsoo chuckled. “And since she’s going away, I have a very important thing to tell her.” He held Jieun’s hands and intertwined his fingers with hers.


“I love you, Ms. Prez.”


Jieun smiled. “I love you, Mr. Delinquent.”






JUST KIDDING! Maybe in the next chapter :(

 There'll be a sequel, anyway. I'm still working out on the title.

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lucky02081995 #1
I really enjoyed it
Joying19 #2
Chapter 32: Thank u for the wonderful story i really enjoyed it!
Lreia6 #3
Chapter 1: Hmm.. I remember Kaichou wa maid sama on this chapter but it's good actually.. Let me read the next chapters.. ☺️
xiflox #4
Chapter 32: Finally this fanfiction was ended. I really like it. You have done a great job author, big applause. This is a really good fanfic. The ending was so cute. Myungsoo and Jieun are too cute. Since I'm a big fan of them, I really like this story !
Chapter 32: Aww such a cute ending! I'm subscribing to the sequel for sure!
Chapter 32: Omg love it :)
Chapter 32: Omg love it :)
ririyin #8
Chapter 31: omg its beautiful... make sequel please