
I Love You, Mr. Delinquent

Myungsoo looked at the mirror once again. He looked at himself from head to toe. He sighed and forced a smile.

“Hey, don’t be like that. You are fine. Very fine.”

“Mom, please don’t tell me nice things just because I’m your son.”

His mom sighed and walked closer to Myungsoo and turned him to face her. She adjusted her son’s tie then afterwards fixed  Myungsoo’s hair a little more.

“Myungsoo, I’m not saying that you are good-looking just because you are my son. Trust me, you really are.  Now go to Ji Eun’s place and fetch her. You two should enjoy this evening. “ Myungsoo’s mom smiled and so is he. He picked up his coat, kissed his mom in the cheek then bid his goodbye. But before he could finally walk out of the door, his mom called her.


“Yes, mom?”

“Don’t force Ji Eun to make babies with you if she isn’t ready. Ok?”


Myungsoo then slammed the door as he hears his mom insanely laughing. His mom is really crazy when it comes to him and Ji Eun. As soon as his mom knew that he is indeed having feelings for the president, her mom’s teasing became a lot often and let’s just say, a lot more hardcore. His mom is cracking up jokes that always make him feel as if his cheeks are burning every time. He swears that it will be the end of him if ever Ji Eun would hear any of his mom’s jokes.

Tonight is the night of the Graduation Ball. Fetching Ji Eun wasn’t really on their plan. Myungsoo just wants to surprise his princess. It was the first time that he involved himself in such occasions like this and actually he doesn’t know what he would do.

Honestly, Myungsoo didn’t have anything big planned for Ji Eun tonight. He wants things to happen just like how destiny wants it to happen. What would make this night something that Ji Eun would remember for the rest of her life is what she would feel being around him.

He parked his car not far from Ji Eun’s house. But as soon as he got out of his own car, another car came, parked In front of him and forcefully got him in.


“Have you seen Kim Myungsoo?”

“Isn’t he with you?”

“Would I ask you if he’s with me?” Ji Eun’s growing impatient. The ball had started an hour ago and Myungsoo’s still not around. She doesn’t know whether she’ll get mad or worried.

If there’s one good thing about Myungsoo it would that he never gets late. He may not attend his classes but when he does, he never gets late. Ji Eun can’t remember an instance that Myungsoo ever got late, even when she calls him to go to detention.  So she can’t help but think that Myungsoo is not around not because he decided to be a lazy this evening but because something unexpectedly bad happened to him. Ji Eun’s really hoping that’s not the case.

Dongjun snorted. “Right. Stupid me.”

Then Dongjun’s phone making Ji Eun look at him as he answer his phone for the hopes that maybe it’s Myungsoo who’s calling.

Ji Eun got anxious the moment Dongjuns’s face suggested something bad has happened.

“! Ok, I’ll be there. I’ll bring Lee Ji Eun with me.”

Dongjun hung up and turned to Ji Eun whose expression is now a clear evidence of anxiousness and worry.  “Ms. Prez, you need to come with me. Myungsoo’s in the hospital.”




Those are the words that came out of Myungsoo’s mouth as soon as he saw Ji Eun while he’s lying on the hospital bed. Ji Eun on the other hand was panting from all the running she did because of too much hurrying and worry. Her gown and heels isn’t helping either.  

But it seems that Myungsoo forgot how painful his bruises and cuts are when he saw how beautiful Ji Eun is in her simple but elegant looking gown. Her hair was just simply laid down with a few waves on the ends. Her make-up isn’t all too thick and it just perfectly shows how pretty she is. All in all, Ji Eun is just simply beautiful.

“There’s nothing so ‘wow’ about your condition, Kim Myungsoo!”

CN.U was also there. He was actually the one who brought Myungsoo to the hospital. Someone knocked on his door and when he opened it, he found Myungsoo unconscious on his doorstep. And Myungsoo requested not to tell Ji Eun about it.

“How did this happened to you!?”  Ji Eun’s feelings had mixed up the moment she saw Myungsoo with all the wounds and bruises in his face. Worry, anger, and fear is what she’s feeling. Worry about Myungsoo’s condition, anger to whoever did that to him and fear about how serious Myungsoo’s injuries are.

“This is just nothing, princess. Don’t worry about me.” Myungsoo forced a smile.

“I’ll leave the two of you. I’ll talk to Dongjun outside.” CNU then got up from his seat and left.

Ji Eun and Myungsoo only stared at each other.  Myungsoo’s trying to think about the next question Ji Eun would ask or if he’s going to receive scolding just like in detention.

But Ji Eun suddenly cried and that’s something that Myungsoo expected. He started to panic but he can’t do anything given his current situation. “H-hey… Why are you crying?”

Ji Eun didn’t answer and just continued to cry with her head facing the ground.

“Stop crying, Lee Ji Eun. You are scaring me.”

Ji Eun finally looked up with a displeased expression on her face. “Scared!? You’re scared!? I’m only crying and you are scared!? Do you even know how I scared I was a while ago? I waited an hour for you and ask a lot of people about your whereabouts and now I am seeing you lying there with all the bruises on your face. If there’s anyone here who is scared it is me! Dammit, Myungsoo! I’m so scared and worried. I don’t where you are and I don’t know what happened to you. “

Myungsoo can’t utter a single word. He wants to blame himself for making Ji Eun cry. He made her worry too much and he’s absolutely taking the blame for it. But he can’t help but to felt a little happiness inside him. Ji Eun was worried about him. She was scared for his condition.  She’s having deep concern for him. He’s very happy about it.

“Please tell me that you can walk and move your arms and that there isn’t anything serious about your condition aside from the fact that your face is sort of ruined.” Ji Eun managed to say while wiping away the tears that fell to her cheeks.

Myungsoo smiled and got up from the bed and walked slowly to Ji Eun. He held Ji Eun’s hands and wiped her tears instead.  “I’m fine, see? I’m sorry I made you worried but I’m ok. Especially now that you are here, princess. “

Ji Eun rolled her eyes but smiled a little.

“Mr. Kim! How many times do I need to tell you not to get up!?”

Ji Eun and Myungsoo was surprised and looked at the direction of the voice. It was the nurse who doesn’t look so happy with what she’s seeing.

“Mr. Kim, you may not have any sprains or dislocations but you are strongly advised to stay on bed.” Then the nurse looked at Ji Eun. “So, she’s your girlfriend. Now I can understand why you want to get out of here so badly.”

Ji Eun whispered to Myungsoo. “What’s that suppose to mean?”

“It just simply means that you are very beautiful, princess.”

“Mr. Kim, would you please come back bed, please? I’m sure your “princess” wouldn’t be going anywhere.”


Ah! I missed this! 

Sorry it took me so long~





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lucky02081995 #1
I really enjoyed it
Joying19 #2
Chapter 32: Thank u for the wonderful story i really enjoyed it!
Lreia6 #3
Chapter 1: Hmm.. I remember Kaichou wa maid sama on this chapter but it's good actually.. Let me read the next chapters.. ☺️
xiflox #4
Chapter 32: Finally this fanfiction was ended. I really like it. You have done a great job author, big applause. This is a really good fanfic. The ending was so cute. Myungsoo and Jieun are too cute. Since I'm a big fan of them, I really like this story !
Chapter 32: Aww such a cute ending! I'm subscribing to the sequel for sure!
Chapter 32: Omg love it :)
Chapter 32: Omg love it :)
ririyin #8
Chapter 31: omg its beautiful... make sequel please