Don't let me go

I Love You, Mr. Delinquent





When Jieun said she would find a way, she really means it. So that night, sitting on chair in her room’s terrace, she thought about ways on how she can get Myungsoo to talk to her. She actually can’t believe herself. She prioritizes her little plan rather than thinking about the graduation ceremony and mastering her farewell speech. But what can she do? Her mind can’t work properly with Myungsoo filling her every thought and she swears she won’t say farewell unless things are settled between her and Myungsoo.


Looking back, it was really impossible that her heart would beat for the most delinquent student of their batch. She remembers how much headache he gives almost every single day and how much she wants to strangle that guy to death. She hated Myungsoo but she grew to know and love that delinquent who now is also giving her heartbreaks.


It still hurts a little bit, of course. Even if she completely understands Myungsoo and whatever he’s going through, not being able to talk with him even just for a day is now making her upset. But somehow she can’t help but think that it’s her fault too. She believes CNU’s words that Myungsoo just wants to protect her but it also she really can’t stop thinking that maybe Myungsoo can stand not talking to her like this is because he’s already tired of waiting.


But she is now ready to face the truth and open her heart to Myungsoo. Why all of this has to happen now?


But as if on cue, she saw a familiar figure climbing her room’s terrace. It was Myungsoo, in his black leather jacket, messy hair and droopy eyes. He still managed to be so attractive and he does have a hint of the scent of alcohol but Jieun was sure he isn’t drunk.


“Myungsoo, what are you doing here?” Jieun asked in a hushed tone, careful that Changsun might hear them. “You could’ve called me first, you know?” She still helped him climb up though. Well, what else could she do than to let her unexpected visitor in?


As soon as both Myungsoo’s feet set foot on the terrace’s floor, he grabbed Jieun and wrapped his arms around her, enclosing her into a tight hug. Jieun was shocked but she didn’t move away from Myungsoo’s hug. Their bodies are so close that she can feel his fast heartbeat, his breath brushing against her neck and his taut grip on her arms.


Jieun wants to get mad. She wants to scream at Myungsoo’s face how much it was hard for her enduring those days of his avoidance. But her heart melts with Myungsoo’s touch. It was a longing hug and it made her hug Myungsoo’s trembling body too, as tight as she could.


“I’m sorry, Jieun. I’m really sorry. Forgive me, princess. I’m so sorry.” Myungsoo says repetitively, almost coming to tears. But Jieun just hushed him, the back of his head. “It’s ok now, Myungsoo. It’s ok.”


“God, I missed you, Jieun.”


She smiled. It’s the only thing she wants to hear that moment and that’s the only thing she wanted Myungsoo to say since the day he started ignoring her. She knows Myungsoo is going through something but all she ever wanted is to know if he misses her at least. Because by that, she’ll know Myungsoo’s not intentionally forgetting her. And now that those words came out of Myungsoo’s lips, she can feel a little bit at ease.


“And I missed you too. So much.”




“C’mon, Myungsoo. Please tell me what’s going on.”


Jieun let Myungsoo in her room and they are now both lying in her bed, facing each other. It would look very uncomfortable though, but both of them don’t care anymore. Jieun just made sure that she locked her door, in case her brother suddenly barges in.


“My life’s a mess, Jieun. I don’t want you to get dragged with it. I’m going against my father now and its one dirty fight with him. If I continue to get you involved in my life, I’m sure that she’ll use you to win me over.”


She remembers when Myungsoo talked about his father the last time they celebrated Christmas together. She knows that whatever hatred Myungsoo has for his dad won’t get easily erased and it really won’t be forgiven with a simple apology. She’s getting what Myungsoo’s pointing at but right now, she is able to be by his side.


“I want to be by your side, Myung.”


Myungsoo sighed. He doesn’t want to let go of Jieun, of course.  But he can’t stand thinking that Jieun could get hurt because of him He wants to protect Jieun from his father and the only solution he can see is to stay away from her even if he knows that being away from her will be hell. He can’t even stand a week. How can he stand letting go of Jieun for the rest of his life?


Myungsoo caressed Jieun’s cheek. “I want to be by your side too, Jieun. But I don’t want to end up hurting you.”


Their stares are too strong but no one wants to break it. Myungsoo can feel Jieun’s sadness and Jieun can feel Myungsoo’s hurt. But Jieun is sure that she doesn’t want to let go.


“I love you.” That’s the last thing Jieun can say to Myungsoo for him not to let her go. It’s the truth. She loves him and she wants to stay with him.


“And it’s hurting me that you want to let me go.”


Myungsoo was struck. The words that he’s been longing to hear from her sounded like a thunder right behind his ear. He would love to hear that every single day of his life. He looked at Jieun’s eyes to see any sigh of doubt or uncertainty but he can only see how much Jieun wants him to stay. And with some kind of uncontrollable force, he slowly leans forward, with his hand still on Jieun’s cheek; he aims for her lips to touch his. Jieun on the other hand didn’t budge and slowly closed her eyes, waiting to feel Myungsoo lips on hers.


But even before a kiss happened, there came a knock on the other side of Jieun’s door, followed by the sound of Changsun’s voice.


“Jiji! Baby Jiji~!”


Jieun opened her eyes in surprise and both Myungsoo and she started to grow nervous. They got out of the bed started to find a place for Myungsoo to hide.


“Baby Jiji , I know you're still awake~!”


Jieun is now really panicking. And even if she knows that it will be so uncomfortable, she dragged Myungsoo inside of her closet. “You stay quiet there” She warned Myungsoo and slammed the closet door. It was really a small space and Myungsoo can barely hold on inside but he knows that he must for it might be the end of him if Changsun finds out the he sneaked in inside his baby sister’s room.


Jieun finally opened the door, trying not to feel tensed. “Why, oppa?”


“What took you so long to open the door? Are you alright?” Changsun walked directly inside Jieun’s room. Jieun really doesn’t want to let him in, but she can’t just push his brother out of her room.


“I was just practicing my speech, oppa.”


Changsun sat on the edge of Jieun’s bed and noticed something different.


“Jiji, why is there a pair of men’s shoes in your room?”


Jieun’s eyes widen. She completely forgot about Myungsoo’s shoes. But she quickly hid her shock and started to make an excuse. “Well, umm, those are not mine. That’s Junhongie’s.”


“Why would you have Junhong’s shoes?”


“Umm, because, umm… He asked me if I could keep it for a while because it’s his surprise gift for his brother.”


“Is that so? Junhong’s really a sweet kid!” Good enough, her brother believed her lie.


“Well, Jiji, I have news for you.”


“What is it, oppa?”


“Eomma and Appa will be here for your graduation."


“Really!? That’s great, oppa!” She really wants to show how happy and excited she is that her parents are coming but she can’t be completely happy knowing that she’s hiding a man inside her closet that very moment. She hopes that his brother would leave her room now. Myungsoo might be getting leg blisters as of this moment.


“Have you got your graduation gown yet? Is it here inside your closet?” Changsun stood up, going to Jieun’s closet. Jieun was surprised but she managed to stop her brother from opening her closet and revealing Myungsoo inside.




Changsun was startled. “No need to shout, Jiji.”


“Because, oppa, my closet is really full of mess right now. I haven’t arranged my clothes yet. And the graduation gown is still in the Student Council office. I’m actually going to get it right now.”


“You can do that?”


“Yes, of course. I’ve got access.”


“I see. So, I’ll be back in my room now. Take care going out.”


“Yes, oppa. Thanks~!”


Jieun managed to breathe properly the moment she was able send her brother out of her room and lock the door.


She immediately opened her closed. She wants to laugh on how Myungsoo is curled up into a ball to be able to fit inside.


 “You can come out now.” She smiled as Myungsoo steps out of her closet. “And go down now. Meet me outside.”


“Where are we going?”


“We’re going to have a date.”






I think this fic is going to end soon. But I'm planning to make a sequel^^


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lucky02081995 #1
I really enjoyed it
Joying19 #2
Chapter 32: Thank u for the wonderful story i really enjoyed it!
Lreia6 #3
Chapter 1: Hmm.. I remember Kaichou wa maid sama on this chapter but it's good actually.. Let me read the next chapters.. ☺️
xiflox #4
Chapter 32: Finally this fanfiction was ended. I really like it. You have done a great job author, big applause. This is a really good fanfic. The ending was so cute. Myungsoo and Jieun are too cute. Since I'm a big fan of them, I really like this story !
Chapter 32: Aww such a cute ending! I'm subscribing to the sequel for sure!
Chapter 32: Omg love it :)
Chapter 32: Omg love it :)
ririyin #8
Chapter 31: omg its beautiful... make sequel please