Chapter II

If she only knew


Chapter II


On the next day a man visits Taecyeon.

How are you doing? Hope you're fine. A man ask him while putting the fruits on his table.

You? You again? What are you doing here? How did you know that I'm at the hospital? Don’t tell me you're the one who brought me here, huh? Taecyeon ask the man angrily.

Yes, you're right. I was the one who brought you here! I can't leave you alone, your mother ask me to watch over you that’s what she wants. You can’t stop me. I really thank your girlfriend for approaching me, if it wasn’t for her. I can’t find you. The man said to Taecyeon.

Why you care? And that girl? She’s not my girlfriend; I just met her last night. I even dislike her. Please sir, just leave me alone! I’ll pay you for this hospital bill; just give me some time to look for a job. Taecyeon pleaded to the man.


You want a job? I will give you a job. Man offered Taecyeon.


Really? What kind of job is that? Ask Taecyeon.


But one condition.  Said the Man


What is it? Taecyeon ask.


You will stay with me. Man answered him.


No, I won’t. Forget the job, I can find job on my own. Taecyeon said angrily.


Why? You’re always mad at me? What did I do to you? Man asks curiously.


I just hate you. Taecyeon replied.


It doesn’t matter. Someday you will like me. Here, take this! Man hand him a letter.


What is this? A letter? For what? Taecyeon ask the man.


Just read it. It came from your Umma! She said I will give that to you when she’s already gone. I don’t know what’s written in there she just said to me that I will give that to you personally. Just read that letter. I have to go now. And Ohh by the way, don’t worry about the burial of your Umma, I’ll take care of it. Just get well soon. When you’re fine, you may visit your Umma’s graveyard, I will go along with you. Just call me, here’s my calling card. A man hand his calling card to Taecyeon, and say goodbye.


Wait! Thank you for this. Taecyeon said while raising the calling card and the letter.


No, problem! It’s my pleasure. I’ll see you soon! Eat that food that I brought, it will help you to recover.

Goodbye. A man left the room.



Taecyeon POV


I think that man is good and he doesn’t have any bad intention towards me. He helped me; I know I owe my life to him and to Jessica, but if I were to ask I don’t want to leave. I’m dying missing my Umma, she’s my only family left and now she’s already gone. I don’t know how to start my day if I’m out this hospital. Hmm, I wonder what is written in this letter, the man said it came from my Umma; I know Umma’s hand written. I think I have to read this letter so I can convince it was really my Umma’s letter.


When Taecyeon about to start to read the letter. Someone came into his room all of a sudden.


Hello! Good morning! How’s your sleep? Your wound? Is it fine? Here, I’ll bring this food for you. Jessica hand him a food that she brought.


Yah! Why you just came in all of a sudden? You don’t even bother to knock the door first? Taecyeon trying to hide the letter that he was holding.


Ohh I’m sorry. Was it necessary? Hold on. I’ll go out again and knock the door, okay? Happy? Jessica said cutely to Taecyeon.


Are you crazy? It doesn’t make sense. Just sit down, okay? Take some rest, it seems like you’re tired. There’s a fruit there, you may eat them. Taecyeon point the fruits on the table.


Whoa… Who brought this fruit? Is it your girlfriend? Did your girlfriend visit you? How lucky you are. Jessica teases Taecyeon.


Huh! It was the man who brought me here. I don’t know his name, I know him but not on his name I know him by his looks. Taecyeon said to Jessica.


How? Jessica asks him.


Never mind. We’re not that close, we’re not even friends yet so I can’t tell you my story. Taecyeon said to Jessica.


Can we be friends? Jessica reached her hand to Taecyeon for a shake hand.


Taecyeon were shock. No, I can’t be your friend you don’t deserve a friend like me. Remember last night, if it wasn’t about me you were not supposedly get that bruise in you. I don’t want anyone will be my friends and just get hurt at the end because of me. Taecyeon explained to Jessica.


Ohh it’s nothing. Not even hurt! And look if it wasn’t you I might already get beaten by those bastard but you stop them. Jessica said with a smile.


I just don’t want to see people will get hurt just because of me; I don’t want them to get involved into my carelessness. Taecyeon pouted.


You are not careless, I know they started it first, I know you didn’t do anything. Jessica’s trying to encourage Taecyeon.


And I know you don’t mean your words. You just want to cheer me up! Well, thank you for that but please leave me alone, you may go and don’t show up. You can leave that food in the table or you can get it back if you want. Taecyeon said coldly.


Why are you so cold? Is that how you treat a person who saved you? If you don’t want me to be your friend, it’s okay I will not force you. Have some respect; you should talk to me in a nice way. If you want me to leave, okay? I’ll leave and I will not show my face to you. Goodbye! Jessica walked out and slams the door.


Taecyeon just kept in silent he didn’t say anything.



Taecyeon POV


I’m really sorry Jessica; I don’t want you to get close to me and me either. I know I’ve hurt you, but it’s the only way for you to not get close to me. I understand if you will get mad at me because you have to. I want to live alone, without a friends and companion.


Taecyeon forget about the letter. He’s just staring at the window while lying on his bed. He cried again for the reason that he remembered his mother. He’s holding his pendant and he fell asleep.



Jessica POV


What’s wrong with that guy? Last night he was good, he even smiled at me and now he is cold. I offered him my hand for a shake hand and ask him to be his friend but he rejected me. I understand that thing, but being a disrespectful I don’t understand I didn’t do anything to make him mad at me. I’d tried to be nice to him though at first he shouted me and insulted me, but I accepted it. Now, Mr. Ok Taecyeon I will erase your name in my memory. I wish our path will not cross again. This would be our last day.


Jessica head back to her dorm.



After 3 days Taecyeon had been discharge on the hospital.


Are you okay? A man asks.


Thank you for sending me home. I’m good, you don’t have to worry. Taecyeon thanks the man while hopping out of the car.


Oh okay? So when are you going to visit your Mom graveyard? A man asks Taecyeon.


I have your calling card. I will call you and inform you about it. Don’t be in a hurry! Taecyeon answer coldly.


No, I’m not. I just ask! A man answered back.


Okay! So I’m going in. I need to clean the house; my house is a bit messed. Goodbye!  Taecyeon said goodbye and leave the man on his car.


Taecyeon walked to his house and head straight into his room.



While Jessica is reading a love story book, one of her dorm mate disturb her.


Yah! Jessica, what are you doing? Tiffany throws a pillow on Jessica.


And what do you think you’re doing? Jessica ask back and throw back the pillows to Tiffany.


Of course I’m disturbing you. Tiffany answers her with her eye smile and peek to the window.


Ohh please! Don’t disturb me. Jessica said while reading a book.


Hey! Look Jessica, come here. There’s a guy down there. He’s hot, huh? I think he’s our neighbor. We have to meet someone who had been stayed here for more than a year since we only stayed here for one week. Let’s go out and have some friends so that they can tour us. Tiffany happily said to Jessica.


Nah. I told you don’t disturb me. And that guy? I’m not interested to him; even he’s the hottest guy in here. If you want to meet new friends, just go and leave me here. Jessica explained while sitting on the bed and holding a book.

C’mon Jessica, I want you to come with me and let’s ask that hot guy I’ve seen earlier. Tiffany grabs Jessica.


No! Please let go of me Fany. Jessica is trying to pull herself back.


No, you come with me. Tiffany still grabs Jessica.


Tiffany successfully grabs Jessica; they go down stair and wait for the guy to come out first.



Taecyeon POV


(Staring on their photo.)I really miss you Umma. Is it okay for you if I’m going to leave Korea? I’ll be back when everything is fine. Please Umma, I hope you understand me. I know I’d been in trouble but you know Umma, I didn’t fight them back at first but this girl showed up I don’t know what to do? How to protect her? I just beat them and this is what happens (pointing his cut on his chest.) I know Umma you always reminding me when I was a little that I will not talk to a stranger; I will not join in any trouble, respect girls and the elder and don’t tell a lie. I’m sorry Umma, I disobeyed you. But I promise I’ll make things right when I’ll get back here. I’m going to visit your graveyard; I don’t need the help of that man to look for it. I can ask your friend here who owns the dorm right next to our house. Okay Mom, don’t worry when I’ll get back, I will look for Appa.


Taecyeon rise up on his bed and fix his self.  He went to their neighbor.


Just wait here Fany; I need to go to the Comfort room. Jessica said to Tiffany.


Okay Lazy girl. Tiffany said and smile.


What? Jessica ask in shock.


 Ohh nothing. Just go! Tiffany said and smile.


After Jessica left, a guy knock on their gate.


Wait a second. (Tiffany run towards the gate and open it.)Hi! Mr. what can I do for you? Are you looking for someone? Show her eye smile and act cute.


Ahh ahm actually yeah, I’m looking for someone. The owner of this dorm, Mrs. Liu? A guy answered him with a shaky voice.


Are you okay? May I know your name? My aunt won’t show up unless you tell me your name. Tiffany said to him.


Yeah! I’m okay; it’s just my first time to be here. Just tell her I’m Okcat, she already knew that. Okcat answered.


Okay! Just wait in here and I’ll call Aunt Liu. Tiffany head to Mrs. Liu.

Okay! Okcat said.





I will continue this on chapter III. I’m really sorry for my grammar and I’m sorry if my story makes you confuse, I'm not really good in writting a story. Hope you still support and read this story of mine. For the subscribers, readers, friends and to the comment you left I really appreciate you/it.  Thank you so much! I really thank you everyone.


I’m so sleepy! At my time it’s already 2:54am and need to wake up 6am.

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jessicakate33 #1
Chapter 8: please update
nursyakinahchesamsur #2
Chapter 8: Update please authornim... Please
Chapter 8: sicaaaaaahhhh what the heck?.... huhuh that was really fast sica goosshhh.., taec oppa don't give up okay?... taecsica fighting ....
Chapter 8: Nooo~~!! Sica nooo!!! TT^TT poor Taec...
iMushroomBiancx #5
Chapter 8: Poor Taec oppa, he waits for nothing and eventually get wet from the rain, tsk3. TAECSICA FIGHTING! Thanks and update again authornim! ;)
Chapter 7: okay this is absurb .... tiffany?... seriously?. argjdlfojgeoj and donghae?... gooossshhhhh stay away from sica....
Chapter 7: Oh no! Taec will be waiting for Jessica and she will never come D:

Merry Christmas author-nim~ I'll wait for the next update patiently~~ ^^b
iMushroomBiancx #8
Chapter 7: OMO! Sica must know that Taec is waiting for her, tsk3 poor Taec oppa. How bout adding Khun as Taec's bestfriend? for Fany's partner? keke. Thanks! Keep it up author-nim and Merry xmas! :))
Chapter 7: No haesica!!! >__<
btw Merry Christmas author !!^^
I mean merry Christmas... Omo! What's wrong with my spelling? hahaha .. sorry guys..