2 week survive

Journey to become a heir...



Amber's POV

It's been two days that I didn't go back to the my new hostel room. Instead I crashed at my friend's house for a while. I am just not ready to face that devil Jung. I felt so glad that today seemed to past by so fast. I was getting annoyed at all the fan girls who kept bugging me all day so I need to escaped them by leaving as fast as I could.

I made my way, sneaking around trying to avoid the fan girl as I felt my phone buzzed non stop indicating an incoming call. Seeing the surrounding is clear from any fan girl, I stopped to answer the call. It was Nanna. I breathed in deep as I push the green button.

After couple of minutes later, the call ended. I shoved the phone back into my pocket. A wide smile spread acroos my face before I started running while screaming loudly across the hallway ignoring other students who is passing by. 




I decided to go back to hostel today. Standing in front of my room, I hesistated for a while before I finally pushed the knob and stepped inside. I lifted my head from the ground only to meet with a half Jung with only towel wrapping her body. 

Omo! That was one y body.  

Krystal eyes widen as she turned around after hearing the creaking sound of the door. I was stuck there not being able to move as I continuosly stared at her body. Suddenly a loud scream filled the room as well as something flying toward me and hitting my head hard before I felt everything went black.




Ouch my head hurts. 

I opened my eyes only to find myself staring at the ceiling. How come I was on my bed?

Then the door opened up revealing the devil Jung. When I see her, my mind immediately became clear of what just happen. I can see her glaring at me.

"I thought you were never going to come back forever." Krystal said annoyingly.

"Mind your own business. This is my room too so I can do as I pleased."

I got off the bed and try to walk but the headache struck again causing my step to sway a bit. Krystal grabbed me by the wrist to avoid me from falling forward and pushed me to sit on the bed. I closed my eyes trying to bear with the pain on my forehead. I looked at her only to be greeted with guilty look on her face. So she did pity other people. Tsk!!Tsk!!

"I am sorry that I throw the clock at you. I was shock and uncontiously did that."

Krystal was staring somewhere else, obvioudly avoiding my eyes. I sighed.

"Forget it Jung. I always knew you were violent." I chuckled seeing her glaring at me.

"Yah! In case you forget, I know your secret. Shouldn't you be treating me good so that maybe I will keep my mouth shut."

This little devil is using that again as her weapon against me. 

I glared at her before getting up to wash up leaving her earlier remarks unanswered. 




So what should I do to revenge her? I got at least two weeks left to make her life a miserable one.



"You are going to be living at the mansion from now on." My eyes widen at Nanna's statement.

"Sse...seriously? But why?"

"In case you forget you are currently living in the girls hostel while disguising as a guy everyday."

"I guess you're right. It had been troubling me, having to sneake out everytime I need to enter the hostel area."

"But the mansion will only be ready in two weeks so for now bear with it. See Amber Nanna got to go. I am looking forward to see you this weekend. Take care."

End of flashback....


I grinned devilishly as I got a few ideas popping up on how to revenge the Jung. I eyed the little gorgeous I mean devil, devil!!! Jung that was so absorbed in her homework. Suddenly she turned to me causing me to quickly turned my back and pretending to sleep.

"Stop staring at me dork."

I heard her but I decided to ignore it. Just prepare Krystal Jung. You're going to be sorry for blackmailing me. This gonna be one hell of a week.



Krystal's POV

"Stop staring at me dork." I said coldly at her but she is not responding. Like I didn't know she were pretending to sleep.

But why is that dork smiling like an idiot? She must be having erted thoughts again. Come to think about it why did she suddenly turn up today. I thought she was unwilling to be rooming with me since she know I was up to torture her.

Talking about torturing, this week going to be one interesting week. Be ready to be my servant Amber or oopss should I say Aiden Liu. 

Krystal smirk at the thought of suffering 'Aiden Liu'.





A short update. Sorry that I been away without any notice at all.

Now need to go and build the torture plan for both of these lovebird.


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Atrangzalla #1
Chapter 24: Thanks for finish this story author ?
Yellowjacket #2
Chapter 24: Thank you for this author, we really appreciate it.
21 streak #3
Chapter 23: Author.. Where are you.. Please update this..
123123123123 #4
Chapter 23: ^^ i love this
kryberDDD #5
plz update soon author
Kryberforlife #6
Chapter 23: Aw this couple is too cute! I wish they'd kiss longer hahaha
Chapter 23: Hehe kryber kiss was yummy hahaha I Hope they heat things next time *byun mode* ^^
dede123 #8
Chapter 23: You should write more like this though. :)
So cute and sweet KryBer! <3
Update more please! Thanks! :D
juny98 #9
Chapter 23: I need y kryber time ^^
eunie30 #10
Chapter 11: reading it the second time was still awesome so you should update soon