Here we go

Journey to become a heir...




Krystal's POV

It had been almost a week that Amber had move out of the dorm. The room felt empty and a little too quiet without our daily bickering. I smiled to myself as I remember all the michiveous plan I used to do in order to have my revenge on that Liu. 




"Hihi serve you right llama-face  for you slimy prank yesterday. Hope you like the 'surprise'." Krystal muttered as she walk out of the dorm leaving the still sleeping Amber and head for the class.

2 hours later...

"Owh shoot!! Why did the alarm not working??!!! Where's the ing battery????!!!!"

Amber screamed as she realized she had slept almost to the noon and that she had practically accidentally skipped her first class for today. She stumbled around the dorm, putting her cloth on while grabbing her shoe and immediately putting them on. As she took a step, she could feel a slimy sensation on her feet.

"Wha...what is this??? Is that...!!!!! That...crazy....devil.....Jung!!!!!!!!!!!!"

End of flashback...



Owh yeah putting ketchup in her favourite shoes was definitely worth it. We end up bickering for the whole day because of that prank. I can still remember how Amber continously whining on her bed because her so-called-lucky shoe got ruined by me. Back then I would find her whining voice to be so disturbing that I would ignore her until she fell asleep. But as for now, I find myself missing her voice so much. 

"How I wish I had realize my feeling for her sooner and be nice, maybe she would not move out."





Amber's POV

It had been one hectic week. I had to spend the past three day with Nanna, learning bit by bit on the company management. Each day after class ended, I would go and meet Nanna at the Liu's Corporation. We spend all the evening until late in the night trying to get myself familiar with the business and maybe for the soon to be take over. I was tired that I barely texted Krystal to ask how she is doing.

Should I text her? Would she be mad at my sudden text? Well I was really,really busy to even call her. Hmm...

I glanced continously at my phone. Just then an idea popped in my head.



Later in the evening....



To: Lunatic Jung

Hey Krys. Are you busy today?


I felt like Krystal is taking forever to reply to my message right now.

Why is she not responding to my text? Did she go somewhere? Aish!!! Is she out with some guy?? She could right??

I can totally saw myself panicking over my own thought as I paced around my living room, staring intently at my phone.

"That it !! She is taking forever to reply, I am going over to the dorm." I fistpump to myself before I ran out of the apartment.



Arriving at the front door of my used to be dorm, I stared at the ground for the longest time. Krystal does not reply to my message at all. I bring my hand up to knock on the door but hesitation hit me as I back away from the door. 

She could just be out. Is it okay for me to bother her? But I...I...hmm...

I back away even more and stare at the door again. Just then I heard voice calling out my name. 

"Amber. What are you doing here?"

I turned my head toward the voice and was surprised to see Krystal holding groceries bag, looking at me with the same surprised look.

"I...I texted you. But you did not reply. I thought...I..I...err..."

I rubbed the back of my neck as I find myself failing to find and answer as to why I am here at, in front of the dorm so late in the evening. Krystal walked closer to me and was struggling to hold the groceries bag as she searched for the key in her bag.

"You did? I'm sorry but I kinda accidentally left my phone behind. Is something wrong?"

I can feel the worry in her voice even when she does is not looking at mw and somehow that little gesture she show manage to calm me down as I smiled a little and walked up to her, taking the groceries bag away.

"Nah~ Everything is fine. I just...feel like seeing you."

I looked away as I said those word. It is still hard for me to display my affection for other. I felt my cheek heating up as I see Krystal stood there, unmoved as she stared at me. Just then she smiled and I felt my heart beating fast.

"I..I...I could just go if you're busy." I was about to walk away when I felt someone tugging on my shirt from behind. 

"Stay. You are still holding the groceries bag. Beside I am hungry, so you...are going to cook for me."

I turn to face her and I can clearly see the smirk she had plastered all over her face. I swear I had goosebump as her smirk seemed to be so devilish right now but I nodded either way and follow her into the dorm either way.





Author's Note

Hey hey everyone. Short update here. 

I am trying to build up the mood and plot so I can.........purposely write romance and shekshi scene between Kryber here~~ hihi hihi

/Forgive my byun mood/

Either way, I am off for now. But I will be back after I decided on how to make them flirt in the kitchen. I need to make the next update so shekshi so you guys won't kill me.... I will try my best... /bow bow/

Out for now...adioss`~~ ^___^



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Atrangzalla #1
Chapter 24: Thanks for finish this story author ?
Yellowjacket #2
Chapter 24: Thank you for this author, we really appreciate it.
21 streak #3
Chapter 23: Author.. Where are you.. Please update this..
123123123123 #4
Chapter 23: ^^ i love this
kryberDDD #5
plz update soon author
Kryberforlife #6
Chapter 23: Aw this couple is too cute! I wish they'd kiss longer hahaha
Chapter 23: Hehe kryber kiss was yummy hahaha I Hope they heat things next time *byun mode* ^^
dede123 #8
Chapter 23: You should write more like this though. :)
So cute and sweet KryBer! <3
Update more please! Thanks! :D
juny98 #9
Chapter 23: I need y kryber time ^^
eunie30 #10
Chapter 11: reading it the second time was still awesome so you should update soon