2 Day Left-Confused JungLiu

Journey to become a heir...



Amber's POV

Today seemed to past by a little too fast that it's already evening. I felt so reluctant when I think about the upcoming days where I'll be moving out soon. I just haven't told Krystal yet and heck I am not that excited anymore to move out. I reached the hostel area and begin sneaking inside like I've been doing for the last one and a half weeks. It is sure tiring to sneake in and out like this. I twisted the doorknob slowly but stop half way as I saw Krystal's figure laying on the bed talking to the phone. Somehow I felt curious as I hear Krystal's tone right now so I decided to wait a little.


"No Unnie. I am making her life a miserable one. I've been teasing her a lot lately. It was so funny. No Unnie not that kind of teasing. Yah!! Unnie!!"


Amber smiled as she saw how Krystal was whining as small red shade appeared on her cheek. 


"Nah~~ Sure she can't resist me. I am to pretty to resist remember.  Geez I am kidding Jess. Chill!"  


After a while Krystal ended her call. Instead of going inside, I carefully closed back the door and walked to the rooftop. I laid on the bench prepared there. The view of the sunset ease my heart a little but I couldn't help it to remember what Krystal said earlier.






Krystal's POV

I just finished talking to my sister. I sighed as I rolled on the bed, screaming into the pillow.


"Could Jessica be right? Am I falling for Amber? Well I do feel different lately when I am around her." 


I got up and get ready to go out since I need to distract myself from thinking about this matter again. I decided to go to the rooftop since I am too lazy to go out of the hostel. Everyone rarely went to the rooftop so I figured I could have some time alone for myself there. Reaching up there I saw a very familiar figure laying on the bench.




I cleared my throat a little and saw her turning her head towards me before she sit up facing the sunset view. I walked toward her and settled myself beside her.


"What are you doing here Liu? Imagining erted thing about me?" 


She chuckled at my remarks.


"Yeah sure. I was thinking about you. Thinking about how beautiful you are."


I was surprised at her answer and I felt my cheek heating up, somehow I felt pleased to hear her compliment.  Amber smiled shyly at me as she realized what she just said. Minutes passed as we just sat there admiring the beautiful view. But I couldn't stop blushing. This feels a bit weird seeing us enjoying each other company without bickering. But somehow I think I can get use to this. 


"Yah Jung! Stop blushing already. It don't suit you." 


I hit her lightly before chuckling a little. I turned to face her.


"You know it's really rare to see you being nice to me. What are you up to huh Amber?"


Amber eyes widen probably feeling shock that I called her by her name not Loser Liu or stupid. But I just smiled at her.


"Nothing. I just feel like too. Maybe that way I can get you to fall for me. "


I scoffed at her words and her playful smile.


"More like you are the one that fall for me Liu."


"Haha maybe I already am Jung. "


I turned to face her with a shock expression. Amber had her face down staring at her feet.   I was so confused at her action right now. I thought she dislike me but how come she's.....confessing to.....me?



"Kidding Jung!! Kidding!! I would rather kill myself than fall for you, you know? Hahahaha You should have seen your face earlier. 


"Yah!! You little....."


I got up and went to straddle her before I grabbed her collar. Amber hold my hand trying to wiggle out of my grip but I tighten my hold on her. 


"Jung Yah!! Let me go. Le..llet..me..go"


I was busy trying to keep my grip on Amber when I felt something on my lips. I saw Amber's face so close to mine and that her bright brown eyes were staring right into mine. Amber Liu.................kissing me. After a while Amber pulled back and stared at me. Both of us remain silent with me still straddling her. Amber raised her hand hesistantly. She slowly my cheeks and sighed.


"I don't know what are we doing right now or why we do it. All the teasing game is making me feel restless Krys. You make me feel restless. You make me confused Krys. Confused of my own feeling."


I bited my lips as I was lost for word to said. I was still shock because of the kiss. And having Amber pointing out the same thing I had been thinking lately make me even more shocked and not know what to say or do.




I felt Amber finger on my lips as if stopping me from talking any further.


"I think we are just confused. It's okay. Everything will be settled....soon."


I looked at her curiously. Amber's face looked sad as she said those words. What does she meant by soon? She sound like she's going to leave. Is she?


Amber reached her hand to my back and slowly hugging me. Her scent calmed me down. For some reason I let her hug me . She tighten her hug on me.


"Let me hug you for a while Krystal Jung. I really am going to miss you Krys."


"I am not going anywhere Liu. You're not going anywhere too. Why are you acting like this?"


I pulled myself from the hug as I looked at her asking for an answer only to hear her sighing again. 


"I am leaving in two days Krys. I won't be rooming with you anymore."





Author's SPeech....~~


Owh my Kryber heart!!! I feel like crying to have Amber leaving in this chapter... 

But for the sake of the plot, I have too. Forgive me everyone.... 


But it's going to get better so don't worry Kryber shippers..... 


Out for now..be back soon.... 

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Atrangzalla #1
Chapter 24: Thanks for finish this story author ?
Yellowjacket #2
Chapter 24: Thank you for this author, we really appreciate it.
22 streak #3
Chapter 23: Author.. Where are you.. Please update this..
123123123123 #4
Chapter 23: ^^ i love this
kryberDDD #5
plz update soon author
Kryberforlife #6
Chapter 23: Aw this couple is too cute! I wish they'd kiss longer hahaha
Chapter 23: Hehe kryber kiss was yummy hahaha I Hope they heat things next time *byun mode* ^^
dede123 #8
Chapter 23: You should write more like this though. :)
So cute and sweet KryBer! <3
Update more please! Thanks! :D
juny98 #9
Chapter 23: I need y kryber time ^^
eunie30 #10
Chapter 11: reading it the second time was still awesome so you should update soon