First day part 1

Journey to become a heir...


Amber’s POV

The day finally arrived. Breath in Amber. It’s only for a few months. Once my qualification is verified, I can be free again.

Okay everyone is ignoring me. This is good! This is good! Keep talking to each other.


“Yoo! Bro. Here! Here!” Jim’s voice echoed throughout the class.

Everyone  immediately turned their attention turn to me. Oh ! Not good! Not good! Haish! I  awkwardly made my way  to the back of the class. Slumping my body on the vacant seat next to Jim, I cough a little while swatting his waving hand away. Jim just grinned while showing an apologetic look. I started to shift uncomfortably seeing the various look I am getting from the other student. Luckily the loud sound of the front door caught everyone attention. Good!

“Settle down everyone. I am your new math teacher. Call me Mr. Jang. Let’s begin the lecture shall we?” Everyone moved to their own seat which is a relief to me since they will forget about me as time passes.

“Oh what do we have here? A new student I see. Mr…..Aiden Liu?”

I was getting immersed in my sleep when I felt Jim poked my waist. He urged me to stand up. Owh this is fantastic! Nanna even changed my name. Great thing is that she didn’t even bother to tell me first. I got up bowing a little before introducing my ‘new’ name then quickly sit down. It was a long….painful day until I hear the bell rang. Ahh my life saviour. I was about to be attacked by my newly-formed fangirls but was saved when Mr. Jang called me up. Sorry girls.

“Yeah. See u at the café later Jim.”I nodded a little at him.

“So Mr. Liu, it is actually a need for new student to have tour around the campus for the first week. Since we have another new student here, I was hoping you can do the little strolling around with her. You can find the other new student at this class. Well that’s all Mr.Liu.”

Mr. Jang handed me a piece of paper containing some name and class number. Great! Now I am stuck with some random girl for a week. Not to mention I am the one that need to find this girl. Just nice.




“Amber!!!” Sulli jumped onto my back almost causing me to choke on the food I was shoving in my mouth. I was currently at the café, eating by myself since Jim disappeared just like that leaving me after class ended.

“Yah! Be quiet will you. It’s Aiden now. No more Amber.”

“Huh? How come?” Victoria questioned as she took the seat next to me.

“Well nanna decide to change my name and I just found out my new name just now. Great isn’t?” I said sarcastically.

“Poor you. But hey don’t forget, we’re having the room exchange starting today. Luna!!! We’ll be rooming together. Can you believe it? Kya!! I am so excited.” Victoria practically screamed in my ears.

“Really? You already double check the arrangement?” Victoria nodded while smiling so brighttly. Gosh! There they go starting to plan for sleepover already. These girls are rather loud sometimes. I shook my head at them,uninterested with their plan.

I stared outside the window. I didn’t really care to know who is my new roommates. I just hope that she is not some ert or maniac like the drunk girl from two nights ago. I smiled to myself remembering that girl. She was totally a real beauty. Her face when she is sleeping was so peaceful. I rarely find someone beautiful unless they are. But what’s the point having beautiful face when you’ve got a erted mind. I shivered remembering how she grab…I mean touch my chest.

Shaking my thought bout the girl, I poked Sulli to get her attention as I showed the paper containing the new student’s info.

“This is a new student. I was supposed to have the tour around the campus with her. Do you by any chances know this class?”

“Soo…jung. Soojung!! Omo this is the new student in my class. You are so ‘lucky’. She’s totally ‘cold’ with everyone.” 

“Really.  Good then.” I was glad to hear that. But what I missed out is that Sulli said in a rather sarcastic way on that ‘lucky’ and ‘cold’ word. I ignored it when the girls started whispering probably gossiping about other classmate of theirs. I am so not into gossip.

“Tell her to meet me after class. I will be waiting at the park. Thanks Sulli.”



This is getting rather boring right?

I'll try to make up some drama going as soon as possible okay?  ^__________^

Please do comment on the story, I appreciate it. Make me more spirited to write more >__________<

---Author out----

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Atrangzalla #1
Chapter 24: Thanks for finish this story author ?
Yellowjacket #2
Chapter 24: Thank you for this author, we really appreciate it.
21 streak #3
Chapter 23: Author.. Where are you.. Please update this..
123123123123 #4
Chapter 23: ^^ i love this
kryberDDD #5
plz update soon author
Kryberforlife #6
Chapter 23: Aw this couple is too cute! I wish they'd kiss longer hahaha
Chapter 23: Hehe kryber kiss was yummy hahaha I Hope they heat things next time *byun mode* ^^
dede123 #8
Chapter 23: You should write more like this though. :)
So cute and sweet KryBer! <3
Update more please! Thanks! :D
juny98 #9
Chapter 23: I need y kryber time ^^
eunie30 #10
Chapter 11: reading it the second time was still awesome so you should update soon