First day part 2

Journey to become a heir...


Author’s POV

“Where is this Soojung girl? This is so tiring.” Amber shoved her hand inside her pocket as she kicked all the pebbles around her. 

“Are you Aiden Liu?”

Amber turned around as she heard the question. Her smile dropped when she see the girl's face.

Ehh! Isn’t this the girl that… She…she is that girl.

 Amber’s eyes widen upon seeing the girl

This is Soojung??!!!

“Aiden Liu I see. But I can totally verify….that you’re not anywhere near to be a guy.” Krystal raised her hand in front of Amber’s chest just to a little like the other day. Amber backed away almost stumbling backwards.

“Yah!! Yah!! cra..crazy girl. Don..don’t you da…dare..dare com..coming clo..close t…tto me!”

“Aww I apologise for my action the other day. I was just curious.” Krystal smiled innocently.

“You grab… I mean touch my… That is so rude you know!” Amber said pointing at her chest area.

“Like I said I am curious. We are teenager. Don’t you know we’re supposed to curious about everything? Stop being so paranoid.” Krystal yelled back getting a little annoyed.

“Still…” Amber didn’t know what to say anymore. She realized that Krystal was right after all. Even she get curious all the time about many stuffs despite her carefree life.

“So how come you are a guy right now?”

Amber sighed at Krystal sudden question. Great! Another question about her stupid disguise.

Amber glanced at Krystal only to find the girl looking back at her while titling her head a little.

Omo! Krystal looked cute…. and trustable and nice. Wait! She is totally not cute. What am i thinking!!

Amber sighed at her own thought.

“My name is Amber actually. Amber Liu.” Amber glanced to see Krystal’s reaction only to have Krystal motioning her to continue talking.




They sat at the bench as Amber started explaining her story as to why she is a guy now.

“So that’s why I am like this now.” Amber finished her story as she exhaled deeply. It’s tiring to have so many secret. She’s not good at keeping secret after all.

“Wow! That is one interesting life you got. I thought things like this only happen on the tv only.”

“Life is a lot more…complicated Soojung.”

Somehow Amber is glad to know that Krystal seemed to understand her condition and that she seemed like a nice person… ignoring the fact she once practically harassed her.

“It’s Krystal.”


“You can call me Krystal.”

Both of them smiled at each other before Krystal’s smile turn into a smirk.

“And.... since I got your secret up my sleeve now, it's about time twhere you should better start treating me good.”

 Amber’s eyes went wide at Krystal’s word. She gritted her teeth. This girl is totally bipolar huh! Once she is nice then she threaten me!

“Yah! It’s good enough I let you off because you grab my….chest and now you dare to threaten me?!!!”

Amber glared at Krystal only to be glared back. Amber shivered a little. Her glare. Wow! They're colder than normal one. No wonder Sulli said this girl is cold. Even her glare is like freaking ice! Amber try to show that she is not afraid toward Krystal anymore but then suddenly Krystal got up and put both her hand blocking Amber on the chairs.

Amber was shock at the sudden closeness that she automatically shrunken herself into the bench. 

“Just for your information, I can do more than what I do to you the other day.” Krystal smiled devilishly as she bring her face closer causing Amber to gulp.

“See you in the room." Krystal whispered slowly into Amber’s ears since Amber already had her her face turned to the side.

Amber’s face went shock.  Ehh! What did she mean?

Seeing the confused look on Amber's face, Krystal couldn't help but to laugh loudly.

“Didn’t you check it yet? We’re the new.....…roomates.” Krystal winked before walking away leaving the dumfounded Amber.

“We did?!! Yah!” Yah!!! Argh!!!!!!!" Amber screamed her lung out.

“It is  bad enough that she blackmail me now I’m rooming with her?!! Can’t my life be any more miserable than this?”

Amber stared at Krystal’s figure that is walking away from where she’s standing right now. Her head dropped down.

"I am going to revenge you Krystal Jung Soojung. You just wait. Just wait." Amber smirked as her head filled with the thing she's gonna do the that little maniac she will be be rooming with.





Phew! Another chapter finish.

Now! Now! They're both roommate now, let's see the teasing and revenge action going around. Tehee!!!

Please subscribe and comment. Till next update... ^__________^

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Atrangzalla #1
Chapter 24: Thanks for finish this story author ?
Yellowjacket #2
Chapter 24: Thank you for this author, we really appreciate it.
22 streak #3
Chapter 23: Author.. Where are you.. Please update this..
123123123123 #4
Chapter 23: ^^ i love this
kryberDDD #5
plz update soon author
Kryberforlife #6
Chapter 23: Aw this couple is too cute! I wish they'd kiss longer hahaha
Chapter 23: Hehe kryber kiss was yummy hahaha I Hope they heat things next time *byun mode* ^^
dede123 #8
Chapter 23: You should write more like this though. :)
So cute and sweet KryBer! <3
Update more please! Thanks! :D
juny98 #9
Chapter 23: I need y kryber time ^^
eunie30 #10
Chapter 11: reading it the second time was still awesome so you should update soon