The past.

Journey to become a heir...



Amber's POV

I am currently at the headquarters of Liu Corporation, getting ready to meet Nanna. She requested my presence a few day ago. Although I had been reluctant lately since I am not sure if being the heir of a big corporation is something I would want to do with my life but I still showed up today to meet her. I looked around Nanna's office. It were nicely decorated with wooden interior with classical design that I guess suit a mature women like her. 




I turned after hearing my name...well my disguise name and smiled seeing Nanna. It's been a while since I saw her. I got up and went to give her a hug and immediately I was engulfed with this warm feeling when I hug her. She smiled sweetly at me as she hold both of my shoulder, checking me up and down with that motherly eyes of hers.


"You're growing up well Amber. Come sit with me."


I felt touched when she changed and called me Amber. I would love to be called by my real name but I had to keep my disguise just for a while until everything is settled. We settled down on the cushion at the corner of her office.


" I'm sorry for keep requesting your presence. I miss you and I am glad that you can make it here today." 

" It's okay Nanna and I miss you too. I am actually thankful that you're willing to see me despite your busy schedule. So may I know why my lovely Nanna requested my present?"


I winked playfully at Nanna causing her to laugh at my action. She get a hold of both of my hands, tapping them lightly. She breath calmly and it looked like she was gathering her though before she speak to me. I raised my eyebrows at her gesture.


" Is something wrong Nanna? Is the company having any problem? You know you can tell me Nanna."


I looked at her worriedly. For right now, I am willing to help Nanna and the Liu Corporation since this is family business. I would not mind to face the difficulties. I guess my determination showed through my eyes as I looked at Nanna because she suddenly cupped my cheek and chuckled lightly.


" You have your father's eyes. Fill with determination and honesty. Not all people have that and you are lucky to inherate that from him."


I went silent at her remarks. I have never....actually met my father. I had been living with my mother since forever and she died when I turned 18 years old, leaving behind only a small but comfty house that I had been leaving in until I enrolled into the college. Since then I had been working part time during night time at a cafe to support myself and living alone make it quite easy as my expenses is not that high since I rarely shop for anything. Just food and basic need.

I shoked my head to stop thinking bout my late mother and turn to face Nanna again with questioning stare. I guess she can tell all the question that is running through my mind now.


" I guess you didn't really know much about our family roots. Just so you know, your father died just before you were born because of a heart disease. As for your mother....well she decided to move out of the Liu house after your father death. I was reluctant at first because she wanted to live by her own while she is still pregnant of you. But you already know what a stubborn and determine your mother was so I let her go  but with a condition that she let me take care of your study when you are all grown up. Your mother was a lovely wife and women I had ever know. To my adoration for her and of course for you, I keep on getting myself updated with your life since you were little. Your mother and you are my family and that fact will not change despite the death of your father. "


I nodded at Nanna story and felt overwhelmed by it. I never knew this since mum never really speak about it. I was raised in a normal, average life. Living with my mum, our life is not rich but we are happy with it. I didn't felt the need to have lots of money or anything. Mum thought me that being happy is the way to live your life. I also didn not think that I will able to futher my study after mum's death  due to money issue but now I know it was Nanna who secretly had been helping me all along. Thus explain the offer and scholarship that was offered to me a while ago by the college management. So it was all Nanna's help. I couldn't help it but tear up at Nanna's generousity. 


"Mum never really tell me about her past. Nanna...honestly, I do not what can I do to pay you back for taking care of my well being although you do it secretly. I...I can't....I...I"

" It's okay Amber. You are a family. You had been living on your own due to your mother request and I respect her decision. But now that, she passed away, I want you to know that you still have me and that you are a part of Liu family."


Nanna hug me as I cried. I do not know what to do to repay her kindness. I nodded at Nanna explanation. I had a lot of new thing to digest but it was nice to know that I still have someone to lean on.. I wiped my tears and give out my toothy smile to Nanna causing her to chukle at my behaviour.


" Ahh....I also had another thing to tell you. Remember when I came out to you 2 month ago with the news that you're the heir of Liu Corporation and that I need you help? "

"Yeah. Don't worry Nanna. I had been keeping my disguise well." 

"Owh no. It's okay. Now that I think about it now, it was a lot to ask you to disguise as a man and I apologize for that."


I chuckled at Nanna word and told her that it was fine and is not troubling at all. 


" I just wanted to tell you that you don't have to worry anymore. Your cousin, Lee Donghae is back from States. He will be the one helping with the company. So you do not have worry about being the heir to the company no more. But I welcome you if you would like to work in the company and that is if you are interested in business world which I doubt is your cup of a tea."


Nanna and I both laughed at her remarks. Well I am really not interested in business. But I assured Nanna that she can always ask for my help if she need any. She nodded at my offer and before she dismissed me, she insisted that I kept that mansion that she gave me when I told her I would like to move back to my old house. 

I smiled as I stared at the tall building belong to Liu Corporation.  

I had one responsibility off my shoulder. I do not have to disguise as man anymore.  This is freedom!!!!





Author's Note.


Dear reader~

This is your writer here, banging my head to the wall for dissapearing...yet again for almost 4 month.

I apologize for my absent. I had been pretty occupied with my study that I barely had any time to update this fic.

I am sorry !!!! *bow bow bow*


But now that I'm on my semester break !! *yay~*

I will try to keep this fic going since I have lots and lots of cheesiness and fluff stuff to get of my head. 


Till then my lovely ready~

*bow again*

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Atrangzalla #1
Chapter 24: Thanks for finish this story author ?
Yellowjacket #2
Chapter 24: Thank you for this author, we really appreciate it.
21 streak #3
Chapter 23: Author.. Where are you.. Please update this..
123123123123 #4
Chapter 23: ^^ i love this
kryberDDD #5
plz update soon author
Kryberforlife #6
Chapter 23: Aw this couple is too cute! I wish they'd kiss longer hahaha
Chapter 23: Hehe kryber kiss was yummy hahaha I Hope they heat things next time *byun mode* ^^
dede123 #8
Chapter 23: You should write more like this though. :)
So cute and sweet KryBer! <3
Update more please! Thanks! :D
juny98 #9
Chapter 23: I need y kryber time ^^
eunie30 #10
Chapter 11: reading it the second time was still awesome so you should update soon