chapter nine |

Catching Snowflakes

“We’re here~” Daehyun grinned happily as we arrived at the heart of Seoul Plaza. Okay I have to say, this place is really pretty around this time of the year. There was a big christmas tree along with a public ice skating rink for entertainment purposes. Christmas in Korea is just wonderful.

Daehyun smiled before dragging me by the arm towards the skating rink. I giggled at his eagerness. He then rented 2 pair of ice skates and pulled me to sit down on the bench. We began to change shoes as I eyed him suspiciously.

“Dae, do you even know how to skate? Because I’m not stepping my foot on the ice if you don’t.” I questioned as he scoffed and faked a hurt expression. “Of course I do!”

I rolled my eyes at him before focussing my attention back to tieing my ice skates. After we were finished, I stood up but found myself immediately losing balance. Daehyun caught me in his arms before my face could impact with the ground.

“Who knew my sunshine could be so clumsy?” he teased me, a playful glint in his eyes. I rolled my eyes before punching his arms playfully as he let out a chuckle.

“Come on. Let’s go. Hold onto me.” Daehyun instructed as I nodded and took ahold of his hand. We finally reached the rink as I looked around, taking notice of all the people who had came here today. Daehyun tugged on my hand, motioning for me to come onto the ice as I nodded, cautiously taking a step forward and setting foot on the frozen solid.

My legs began wobbling as I tried to keep balance but felt Daehyun grabbed both of my hands to help. I smiled at him as he smiled back brightly.

The boy began to carefully lead me across the ice as I tried to get use to the feeling and try moving around without falling. For about 10 minutes or so, I held onto Daehyun as we skated. I eventually felt his hands slowly retreat as I was left on my own.

Daehyun smiled as I nodded and tried to move, slowly at first as the pace gradually became faster. A few minutes later, I found myself moving across the ice as the same pace as Daehyun without any help.

“Wah~ It’s either that my princess learns fast or I’m just an awesome teacher~” he boosted as I rolled my eyes at him. He began skating off while smiling happily.

Okay I admit it. The guy’s a child at times but he’s really reliable and manly when the time comes.

I looked at Daehyun, who was skating around the rink in a carefree manner. My eyes widened as I noticed he was going to hit borders of the rink soon.

“Yah! Dae! Watch out!”


And a pout.




I take my word back. The guy’s a total child.


He’s an embarrassing idiot. But maybe that’s what makes him so cute.

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asmya94 #1
Chapter 12: Your story is really really it
Chapter 12: This is AWESOME...I swear u made me love Jung Daehyun more...why...oh my god...I'm now even more crazy about him becos of you...thx for such an awesome story...<3
saranghaedongho #3
Never get bored with this for the third time XD hahahahahahaha
Mistlea #4
Honestly, I was feeling pretty crappy until I came across this story and it just made my day :') It's the cutest thing I've ever read! And just one question: does this whole fic happen across a few years or in a short timespan? Since it says dae is 19 in one chappie and then 22 in the last. Not important but I'm just curious ^^
Chapter 13: Probably the best short story I have ever read . <3 I love this story so damn muchie ! And I guess I agree with the traits you wrote there because I am biased too xD
Hope you continue writing more Daehyun story because I am obsessed over him xD hehe xD
Gonna reread this story again one day . I love this story a lot O u O
Chapter 13: The most beautiful fic I've ever read about a relationship. It's just so beautiful I'm lost for words :') Gonna re-read this story whenever I need some fluff in my life.
Chapter 13: So.....I finally finished reading this.....yeah......
Just FYI, you typed chapter 5 twice o3o
And how is this story not labeled "fluffy"??

-Weird otaku in the background out
--daedreamer #8
Chapter 13: WHOA your new stories sound really cool! I'll check them out when I have time =3
--daedreamer #9
Chapter 12: OHMYGOD. This was the most adorable thing I have ever read <3
Thank you so much for writing this adorable fluffiness. Fluffed up my life ;O;