note from your author |

Catching Snowflakes


Well hai there people of Earth and Planet Mato.
Okay, the previous chapter was the last and I'm glad to see a lot of you enjoyed the story. Really worth all the effort of writing to see how a lot of you enjoyed the read.
So, I just wanted to take a moment to explain some things and answer some questions my readers had.
Okay so, why did I choose the name Catching Snowflakes? Well, first of all, I hate it when my stories have cliche names that other stories here on AFF already had so I found "Catching Snowflakes" really original. The other reason was the small meaning behind it. 
You know how people say. Two snowflakes are never the same? Well, that's kind of what Baek Sul and Daehyun felt for each other. That their partner was special in their own way and not similar to anyone else, hence the reason I had those little comments of Daehyun at the end of each chapter. It was Baek Sul's way of showing how her "snowflake" was special (and I total life ruiner).
Now talking about that, I got a comment asking if those Daehyun traits are true. Well, most of them are true indeed, and some are well, I'm just being totally biased about what I feel is wonderful about him.
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Chapter One : His singing  | Okay you would be lieing to yourself if you claimed that Daehyun's singing isn't good. I'll throw you off a cliff if you say so. I swear, his voice makes my ears ually fustrated.
Chapter Two : He can be so utterly adorable in the most ridiculous situations | This is where my biasness comes in. But it is kind of true. If you watched killing camp, the time in episode one when he was left on the bus to wander around Seoul with Zelo. He began freaking out since they were lost. And then after Zelo knelt down asking the camera man for money, Daehyun said "I'm sorry. Hyung sold you for icecream." I just found that utterly adorable but it was funnny since they were wandering lost in Seoul.
Chapter Three : His glare could kill you within a heartbeat | Well, I could say they kill us fangirls. Have you seen the way he stares into the camera? I cannot. My feels.
Chapter Four : His laugh | Being biased again now aren't I? But truth is I really do like his laugh. 
Chapter Five : He can consume food in any situation | Okay, it is known that Daehyun is the member that eats the most food out of all of BAP. And he really does like cheesecake, and his favorite icecream flavor is green tea soo.. yeah.
Chapter Six : The child never seems to grow up | Idk about this one honestly. It just fits Daehyun's character in this story.
Chapter Seven : Most talkative ninja you'll ever meet | If you have watched Ta Dah! It's B.A.P, Daehyun is wearing a mask in there and his character is just this silent mysterious dude in the background. I have a feeling the company set him up to be that way. Just the same as DBSK's Jaejoong and Infinite's Myungsoo. But once I watched Killing Camp, I wondered where that silent mysterious ninja went. He's so talkative, cheerful, weird and dorky. And I'm just glad I got to see the real him.
Chapter Eight : His cheesy nicknames for his girlfriends | Once again, I don't know about this but.. yeah.
Chapter Nine : He's an embarassing idiot | Up to people's opinions I guess. But to me, when this guy messes up for fails, it's just utterly adorable.
Chapter Ten : His smile | I'm being very biased on this but come on, how can you say that Daebaby's smile is not the best this ever. It's precious isn't it?
Chapter Eleven : That awkward turtle | Mayb it's just my opinion but he seems awkward at times. It's cute though. Well.. that's just coming from me since I find everything he does cute.
Chapter Twelve : Okay. That one was just for story purposes but I can't help but be jealous of Daehyun's future girlfriend since I'd know she'd have the best christmas ever with him. Who wouldn't?

So that's all from this author. I talk too much don't I? Don't answer that. lol. 

Once again, thanks for sticking by me and commenting on this story often~ Let me all send you hugs~ And cookies. o u o

Before I go, being the shameless person I am, I would ask you guys to check out a new story of mine. 

Well first of all, to you Daehyun biases, check this one out.

Eternal Paranoia

A world without emotions. I couldn't laugh. Cry. Love. Please.. save me from myself.

How would you feel if you had to live in a world with no emotions? Your answer?

You won't have one. Why?

Because you couldn't feel anything. A simple injury caused damaged her brain. She had no more emotions. She couldn't feel.

Smile. Laugh. Cry. Love.

No matter how hard she tried. She just couldn't.


It's different from all the stories out there on AFF, I promise you. I had to do a lot of research in planning to get it all straight so it would help if you could check it out and subscribed if it sounds interesting.

And this is a story I just started earlier. I'm so going to kill myself for having so many stories but I can't help it. Stories pop up when I don't need it and I can't stop my mouse from moving to the 'Start Writing' button.


Project : Kiss Me!


High school president by day, 7 year old girl by night. A kiss to break the rejuvenation spell. Project : Kiss Me!


  Park Jin Ah was the well known high school president of Woolim High. Stubborn, hard headed, and well feared by all the delinquents at school. And she was planning to keep that image of hers.

But that image all went crashing down when she found herself stuck staying at the house of the seven new trouble makers of the school in the form of a seven year old girl.

“ Well, good morning Miss Prez. And may I please ask for the reason why you’re sleeping on my bed? 


Until next time peasants. lol just kidding. Come on, aren't I capable of joking?

See you in my stories~ check them out if you have time o u o daebaby is demanding for you to.

ninja. out.


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asmya94 #1
Chapter 12: Your story is really really it
Chapter 12: This is AWESOME...I swear u made me love Jung Daehyun more...why...oh my god...I'm now even more crazy about him becos of you...thx for such an awesome story...<3
saranghaedongho #3
Never get bored with this for the third time XD hahahahahahaha
Mistlea #4
Honestly, I was feeling pretty crappy until I came across this story and it just made my day :') It's the cutest thing I've ever read! And just one question: does this whole fic happen across a few years or in a short timespan? Since it says dae is 19 in one chappie and then 22 in the last. Not important but I'm just curious ^^
Chapter 13: Probably the best short story I have ever read . <3 I love this story so damn muchie ! And I guess I agree with the traits you wrote there because I am biased too xD
Hope you continue writing more Daehyun story because I am obsessed over him xD hehe xD
Gonna reread this story again one day . I love this story a lot O u O
Chapter 13: The most beautiful fic I've ever read about a relationship. It's just so beautiful I'm lost for words :') Gonna re-read this story whenever I need some fluff in my life.
Chapter 13: So.....I finally finished reading this.....yeah......
Just FYI, you typed chapter 5 twice o3o
And how is this story not labeled "fluffy"??

-Weird otaku in the background out
--daedreamer #8
Chapter 13: WHOA your new stories sound really cool! I'll check them out when I have time =3
--daedreamer #9
Chapter 12: OHMYGOD. This was the most adorable thing I have ever read <3
Thank you so much for writing this adorable fluffiness. Fluffed up my life ;O;