chapter six |

Catching Snowflakes


“Can we?”


“I’ll be sad if you don’t let me.”

Puppy eyes.


I rolled my eyes at Daehyun who has been whining to go to the park for the last 5 minutes. I’m hereby honored to give Jung Daehyun the most persistent award. And I proudly present myself with the Best-refrained-from-ripping-the-child’s-head-off award.


“Fine. Let’s go.” I agreed in the end as he smiled in victory. How can I say no to those adorable puppy eyes?

.. And the fact that’ll he whine for the next 2 hours if I don’t agree. Maybe I should also give him the most whiny award. Wow Daehyun. Aren’t you amazing. Winning so many awards.

He dragged me across the street and into the park. I glanced around and smiled a little to myself. There was a peaceful and happy aura in the park. The entire place was covered in a white blanket of snow with the sight of children playing around with each other ;laughing and enjoying their time.

I heard a giggle besides me. I raised my eyebrow at Daehyun. “What?”

“You’re pretty. And I love your smile.” he stated as I felt a noticeable blush creeping up on my cheeks.

He squealed with delight as he ran towards the playground towards the swings. I chuckled in amusement when he landed on the ground when missing the seat.

“Sunshine! Over here!” he cried as I walked over to take a seat on the swing right next to him.

“So, are you happy now?”  I asked, turning over to face him as he smiled softly at me.

Bastard. Why are you so good looking?

“I will be after I do this.”

I titled my head in confusion before asking,”Do what?”


And there goes a snowball right in my face.

“Yah! Jung Daehyun!”


• The child never seems to grow up.

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asmya94 #1
Chapter 12: Your story is really really it
Chapter 12: This is AWESOME...I swear u made me love Jung Daehyun more...why...oh my god...I'm now even more crazy about him becos of you...thx for such an awesome story...<3
saranghaedongho #3
Never get bored with this for the third time XD hahahahahahaha
Mistlea #4
Honestly, I was feeling pretty crappy until I came across this story and it just made my day :') It's the cutest thing I've ever read! And just one question: does this whole fic happen across a few years or in a short timespan? Since it says dae is 19 in one chappie and then 22 in the last. Not important but I'm just curious ^^
Chapter 13: Probably the best short story I have ever read . <3 I love this story so damn muchie ! And I guess I agree with the traits you wrote there because I am biased too xD
Hope you continue writing more Daehyun story because I am obsessed over him xD hehe xD
Gonna reread this story again one day . I love this story a lot O u O
Chapter 13: The most beautiful fic I've ever read about a relationship. It's just so beautiful I'm lost for words :') Gonna re-read this story whenever I need some fluff in my life.
Chapter 13: So.....I finally finished reading this.....yeah......
Just FYI, you typed chapter 5 twice o3o
And how is this story not labeled "fluffy"??

-Weird otaku in the background out
--daedreamer #8
Chapter 13: WHOA your new stories sound really cool! I'll check them out when I have time =3
--daedreamer #9
Chapter 12: OHMYGOD. This was the most adorable thing I have ever read <3
Thank you so much for writing this adorable fluffiness. Fluffed up my life ;O;