chapter four |

Catching Snowflakes

Poke. Poke.

“Baek Sul?”



..”Shut up.”

Silence. Giggles.

“Ice cream? Please?”


“I want ice cream..”


Laughs again.

“Shut up. Don’t laugh.”

Few more seconds of silence. Stifles laugh. Reddening cheeks.

“Please? Icecream for your Daebaby?”

“I hate you.”

Chuckles. I give up with the child.

“I love you too sunshine~” he laughs as he drags me towards the icecream shop.


 His laugh.

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asmya94 #1
Chapter 12: Your story is really really it
Chapter 12: This is AWESOME...I swear u made me love Jung Daehyun more...why...oh my god...I'm now even more crazy about him becos of you...thx for such an awesome story...<3
saranghaedongho #3
Never get bored with this for the third time XD hahahahahahaha
Mistlea #4
Honestly, I was feeling pretty crappy until I came across this story and it just made my day :') It's the cutest thing I've ever read! And just one question: does this whole fic happen across a few years or in a short timespan? Since it says dae is 19 in one chappie and then 22 in the last. Not important but I'm just curious ^^
Chapter 13: Probably the best short story I have ever read . <3 I love this story so damn muchie ! And I guess I agree with the traits you wrote there because I am biased too xD
Hope you continue writing more Daehyun story because I am obsessed over him xD hehe xD
Gonna reread this story again one day . I love this story a lot O u O
Chapter 13: The most beautiful fic I've ever read about a relationship. It's just so beautiful I'm lost for words :') Gonna re-read this story whenever I need some fluff in my life.
Chapter 13: So.....I finally finished reading this.....yeah......
Just FYI, you typed chapter 5 twice o3o
And how is this story not labeled "fluffy"??

-Weird otaku in the background out
--daedreamer #8
Chapter 13: WHOA your new stories sound really cool! I'll check them out when I have time =3
--daedreamer #9
Chapter 12: OHMYGOD. This was the most adorable thing I have ever read <3
Thank you so much for writing this adorable fluffiness. Fluffed up my life ;O;