Chapter 7

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Jong Kook got into his Bugatti and said, “Do not forget to bring the car I bought.” It’s obviously to fool his wife. “Oh, what’s her name again?”. The marriage certificate was with his halmeoni so he could not check. The bodyguard replied, “Sir, your wife is Song Ji Hyo, she is twenty-five this year.” Jong Kook has an exceptional memory, but if it is for people who he is not fond of, he forgets it.


With the convoy stopping at the gate, Jong Kook transferred to the other car into the neighborhood. Even if he cannot remember his wife’s name, he is not going to forget the property he bought. Soon, he arrived at the entrance of his house and noticed a familiar slippers at the door, which seems to be his. Why were they thrown out? It must be Ji Hyo!


He was thankful for the lady to save his halmeoni, but all of that was lost when his halmeoni was always praising her and nagging to marry her. Now, he believed that Ji Hyo was a scheming person. Even if he gave in to his halmeoni and married her, Jong Kook drew the line there. He is planning to keep his true self and judge Ji Hyo’s character first. If she pass the test, then he would accept her as his wife forever.


When Jong Kook tried to unlock the door, his attempt was unsuccessful. He realized that he was locked out. This was his house! He let her in but she locked him out. Jong Kook was fuming mad and kicked the door. He tried to call Ji Hyo on the phone. Because of what happened earlier, Jong Kook saved Ji Hyo’s phone number as “Wife” so that he would remember who she is and not delete her contact again.


Ji Hyo was alarmed awake by the kick on the door. She was a grouch in the morn

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SiAh_Jung #1
Chapter 12: Author_nim plz update soon
anak_rimau81 #2
Chapter 12: Waiting for the update 😊
MySpartaAce #3
Authornimmm update pleaseee. It’s a nice fanficccc aahhh<3
Issaissa #4
Chapter 11: JK thinking she is there looking for rich men while she is just there looking for food. She’s got her priorities right. Hope he gets to know her better soon!
jk_lau18 #5
Chapter 11: 💙💙💙
anak_rimau81 #6
Chapter 10: 🥰👍🏻👍🏻
jk_lau18 #7
Chapter 10: I like this😍...Thank you for this authornimmm..dnt worry were still here waiting till you upload again.💙