Chapter 11

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The dinner party was at Signiel Hotel in which Ji Hyo never went to.


Byul’s aunt arrived at the venue before Byul and Ji Hyo came and a few minutes later, they came approached the aunt. Byul’s aunt was not actually okay with Ji Hyo going there with Byul. Byul’s aunt thinks that Ji Hyo was better looking than Byul despite losing her parents at a young age. Even if Ji Hyo belongs to a middle class family, she carries herself with grace and class. Byul’s aunt was worried not until Byul’s mom mentioned that Ji Hyo was married and so, she was relieved. When Byul’s aunt saw Ji Hyo wearing ordinary clothes, light makeup, and not wearing any jewelry, she was grateful that her niece outshines Ji Hyo’s natural beauty.


“Look after yourselves inside, ok? The Signiel Hotel is one of the hotels the richest family in South Korea owns and they might be here tonight. Byul, it will be a blessing to our family if you capture the heart of one of their heirs. Their family always keeps a low profile and have very good family values. Most importantly, men in their family do not believe in having mistresses.”


Byul replied, “Auntie, I have no thoughts on climbing up the social ladder by marrying the richest man in South Korea.” Byul came here for food, she thought. She and Ji Hyo’s eyes wandered on the food as the chefs on this hotel had great chefs.


“What’s the last name of the family who owns this hotel?”


“Kim” Byul then tapped her bestfriend because Ji Hyo’s new husband was also Kim. Ji Hyo knows what Byul was thinking but she just grinned and thought that there are many Kims in this place.


“These people might be rich but their family is open minded when it comes to their children choosing their wives, as long as that woman is of good character.” Byul’s aunt then said, “Go inside then, I’m just going to say hello to a friend.”


Byul then dragged Ji Hyo inside to get away from her aunt’s nagging. It was Ji Hyo’s first time at this hotel while Byul had been here a few times that’s why she knows where to go and lead the way.


“We are not acquainted with the people here so they don’t care about us and we don’t need to introduce ourselves to them. Let’s just eat, Ji Hyo. We’re just here because of the food and just to see what does the high society looks like at a party.”


Ji Hyo laughed and said, “Your mom will be mad if she finds out that we’re here just to eat food.”


On the other hand, Ji Hyo also came for the same thing.


“Look at me, do I look like I can catch one the eligible bachelors here tonight? Do I look like a Miss Universe to you? Only my mom and aunt would think that. Let’s go and dig in. This hotel is known for its food and even if I went here before, I cannot order some of the dishes since it’s too expensive. At least I can try it tonight.” Byul said.


“Well, thanks to you I can try the food here too.”


The two went to a corner and enjoyed their food. Suddenly, the people turned to look at the hotel entrance.


“Byul, why did they became quiet and facing the door? Who’s there?”


“No idea.”


The pair stood up and tried to look at the hotel entrance but there were too many people. The event’s host was a prominent figure in the business world and is friends with the Kims. Since Jong Kook is the head of the family and the party was held in their hotel, the least Jong Kook do was to show up.


Jong Kook was greeted with respect as he made his way through the crowd as he courteously nodded in resp

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SiAh_Jung #1
Chapter 12: Author_nim plz update soon
anak_rimau81 #2
Chapter 12: Waiting for the update 😊
MySpartaAce #3
Authornimmm update pleaseee. It’s a nice fanficccc aahhh<3
Issaissa #4
Chapter 11: JK thinking she is there looking for rich men while she is just there looking for food. She’s got her priorities right. Hope he gets to know her better soon!
jk_lau18 #5
Chapter 11: 💙💙💙
anak_rimau81 #6
Chapter 10: 🥰👍🏻👍🏻
jk_lau18 #7
Chapter 10: I like this😍...Thank you for this authornimmm..dnt worry were still here waiting till you upload again.💙