Chapter 12

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With their stomachs full, Byul said, “In Sung, I am not interested to meet the eligible bachelors tonight. Ji Hyo and I are only here to look and eat the food and we were not disappointed. The food was amazing!”


In Sung just stared in awe.


“Since we’re full now and it’s getting late, we should go. Please tell aunt in my behalf.”


In Sung looked at Ji Hyo and asked, “Leaving so soon? It’s still early.”


Ji Hyo then answered, “We have to open tomorrow morning. We cannot delay opening time for a few hours because morning is one of the busiest times of our bookshop.”


Patting In Sung’s shoulder, Byul told him, “You should stay and look if there’s anyone you like. Even if you’re still young, nothing’s stopping you from seeing someone.”


In Sung stole another glance at Ji Hyo while blushing and said, “I just graduated college, Byul. I’ll think about marrying once I’m steady with my job.”


“Well, there’s no rush since you’re just only twenty-two this year.” In Sung nodded his head and Ji Hyo added, “You were just a little kid when I first met you, look at you all grown up now.” In Sung just stared for a little bit and because the girls really want to go home, he walked them out of the hotel.


When the girls got into their ride, In Sung waved his arm and went back to the hotel after watching the girls ride off. At the hotel entrance, he bumped into Jong Kook who was on his way out. Since Jong Kook has a security detail around him, In Sung took a step to the side to make way for Jong Kook.


“Mr. Zo.” Jong Kook acknowledged In Sung and with a flattered smile, In Sung

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SiAh_Jung #1
Chapter 12: Author_nim plz update soon
anak_rimau81 #2
Chapter 12: Waiting for the update 😊
MySpartaAce #3
Authornimmm update pleaseee. It’s a nice fanficccc aahhh<3
Issaissa #4
Chapter 11: JK thinking she is there looking for rich men while she is just there looking for food. She’s got her priorities right. Hope he gets to know her better soon!
jk_lau18 #5
Chapter 11: 💙💙💙
anak_rimau81 #6
Chapter 10: 🥰👍🏻👍🏻
jk_lau18 #7
Chapter 10: I like this😍...Thank you for this authornimmm..dnt worry were still here waiting till you upload again.💙