Chapter 10

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Ji Hyo then went to her sister’s place and saw her sister busy in the kitchen.


“Annyeong, eonnie”


“Did you eat already? I’m gonna cook some pasta, do you want some?”


“I had breakfast already. You don’t have to cook because I brought you and Joon some food.”


“Thank you! Joon had a fever last night that’s why I did not sleep that much and I just got up. Your brother-in-law had to get breakfast outside and he got mad because he told me that the least I could to is make him breakfast since he said I don’t do anything all day.”


Sun Bin was hurt and Ji Hyo was furious. “You should take Joon to a doctor even if the fever is low in case it complicates. Seriously! I cannot believe your husband did not even bother to help and even got mad at you even if your child was sick. Is he still insisting to divide your expenses equally, eonnie?”


“I’ll bring Joon later, and yes, he’s still asserting on splitting the expenses. He said that all I do is spend his money. He also said that I have no idea how he is working hard. And as part of this family, he said I should contribute with the expenses. I bet his sister insisted that. My sister-in-law always butts in with our family situation after she got married. Your brother-in-law used to be good to me but his sister ruined that.”


Before resigning, Sun Bin had a high position on her company, so she had a lot of salary. She gave it up for love and marriage but she received hate from her in-laws in return. Sun Bin only spent her money on their home. The clothes she buys are from Ji Hyo and it is only seldom, and buying cosmetics are less frequent too. But, her in-laws would complain about Sun Bin’s spending whenever they saw her new clothes and cosmetics. Even if she explains that it was from Ji Hyo’s money, her in-laws will still get mad and will tell her that the money given by Ji Hyo should be a shared between her and her husband so she should not use it by herself.


“Eonnie, what if send Joon to a kindergarten? You can go back to your work and earn as much as if not more than your husband.” Ji Hyo felt sorry for Sun Bin. When Ji Hyo was still living with her sister’s family, she would help her sister with the housework. And now that she’s gone, her sister got more on her plate.


“Your brother-in-law said that we should wait until Joon reach three or four years old before enrolling him in a kindergarten.” Sun Bin also wants to go back to work. Ji Hyo frowned and thought that her brother-in-law treats her sister like and it was only getting worse. Ji Hyo then thought and asked, “Do you think hyeongbu has an affair?”


Surprised, Sun Bin said, “I do not think so. He does not have an extra money to have a mistress, I know how much is his salary.”


“But hyeongbu has been getting ruder and ruder to you. You must think about your future. Do not settle to be a stay-at-home with no income.”


Sun Bin became quiet for a moment before telling Ji Hyo, “Let’s see. Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine. How are you and when is your husband coming back?”

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SiAh_Jung #1
Chapter 12: Author_nim plz update soon
anak_rimau81 #2
Chapter 12: Waiting for the update 😊
MySpartaAce #3
Authornimmm update pleaseee. It’s a nice fanficccc aahhh<3
Issaissa #4
Chapter 11: JK thinking she is there looking for rich men while she is just there looking for food. She’s got her priorities right. Hope he gets to know her better soon!
jk_lau18 #5
Chapter 11: 💙💙💙
anak_rimau81 #6
Chapter 10: 🥰👍🏻👍🏻
jk_lau18 #7
Chapter 10: I like this😍...Thank you for this authornimmm..dnt worry were still here waiting till you upload again.💙