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A lady who saved an old woman and in return, the old woman wants the lady to get married to her first grandson.


Hiii!! I am fond of reading novels and I have mustered up the courage to try to write a novel about my favorite couple. This story is like an adaptation of the novels I read because I really really imagine that they are the ones I'm reading and of course, I will try to update every now and then since I am busy with my studies. Thank you!


* Note

  • This story will have a lot of characters
  • Age of the actors and actresses I'm gonna include here is not their same age IRL
  • Ofc, this is not a real story so please don't be mad at me if you're a fan of some of the characters here
  • And lastly, I am just a noob in writing stories so please bear with me.




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SiAh_Jung #1
Chapter 12: Author_nim plz update soon
anak_rimau81 #2
Chapter 12: Waiting for the update 😊
MySpartaAce #3
Authornimmm update pleaseee. It’s a nice fanficccc aahhh<3
Issaissa #4
Chapter 11: JK thinking she is there looking for rich men while she is just there looking for food. She’s got her priorities right. Hope he gets to know her better soon!
jk_lau18 #5
Chapter 11: 💙💙💙
anak_rimau81 #6
Chapter 10: 🥰👍🏻👍🏻
jk_lau18 #7
Chapter 10: I like this😍...Thank you for this authornimmm..dnt worry were still here waiting till you upload again.💙