Run Away

Fate of the Winx Saga

The three of them were left speechless. After listening to Joohyun's story, from her last mission to EXO Planet to the Black Mamba and her speculation about her lost power.

Since the beginning, they knew how difficult Joohyun's life is. Growing up without parents is difficult and she had no one to guide her. It makes sense if she doesn't fully understand the power she inherited.

Imagine keeping all the information to herself. They couldn't imagine how tough it would be for Joohyun. Especially when the universe depends on her power. She owns a responsibility she shouldn't have at the beginning. 

Must be a heavy weight for her to carry alone which she shouldn't have. But, Joohyun is Joohyun after all. She always makes everything hard for herself. 

"I'm going to check on Seulgi. See if she has awake or not," said Wendy. 


Meanwhile, Joohyun who is isolating herself in her room at the moment, sits on the edge of her bed, zoning out. Her mind went back to what happened today. 

Two major events happened today. There is no way these two events are not connected. One must trigger the others but Joohyun is not so sure which one. 

She wonders if Seulgi is the key that connects the two major events. The girl could be the missing pieces but why the bombing? Could it be a distraction?

Or...the school actually hiding something in that building?

Joohyun remembers only the third year mind students are allowed to go there. Building B. What's in there? 

In the middle of her concentration, something distracts her. A sting pain on her arm alerts her. She can feel the pain under the bandage and it's so painful that she can no longer bear the pain then passed out. 

Before she passed out, she managed to rip off the bandage and some blood fall down to the floor. However, her blurry eyes were unable to let her see the cause of her pain.

She passed out on the floor for quite a long time. 


"Welcome back master," said the man who stands beside a girl. She couldn't quite see their face because she was standing behind them.

"After 1.000 years, it feels good to be back," said the master.

"We are ready with the plan, master," said the girl.

The master smirked. Although the master was gone for years, the followers never dies. They grow. 

"Good. Prepare to execute."

The man nodded and bow before he left. Leaving the girl alone with the master. It seems like the girl is trying to say something. Secret. 

"Bae Joohyun is digging our plan through Kang Seulgi," said the girl.

"Let her be. We have unfinished business in the past. Let her be part of our plan," said the master. 

"Yes, my master." 


Kang Seulgi gasps for air as if all the air was taken away from her lungs. It was a dream...but it felt so if she was really there. that even real? 

"Hey, you're okay? Why are you sweating a lot?" Asked Wendy who has been in the room for 10 minutes. 

What was that? Was it a dream? It doesn't feel like a dream at all. She was there but no one sees her. As if she was invisible. However, she can't see clearly those people in her head.

This is bad. Those people are evil and it seems there are betrayers among them. Disguise as students of this school. Seulgi may not able to see their faces but she remembers their voices. 

Could they still be in the school? What kind of plan they are planning? What kind of business has something to do with Bae Joohyun? And what is her role in this? 

"Seulgi, are you okay?"

"N-no...I-I had a dream or...a vision...I don't know," said Seulgi with her trembling voice. Of course, she's scared. Those people are planning something bad and it involves her along with Bae Joohyun who seems to be off at the moment.

"What vision? Seulgi...whatever it is do you think it's connected to what happened today?" Asked Wendy.

It could be but she isn't sure. 

"I-I'm not sure," said Seulgi.

Whatever the plan is, they are not safe right now. Kwangya is not safe. She has to do something but how? From what she knows, the power she has right now could be the reason for Kwangya's extinction. 

Death. Just like Joohyun's power. Then it only makes sense if they are the ones who will save Kwangya. 

She get out of her bed and barged into Joohyun's bedroom with Wendy, Sooyoung, and Yeri following her behind. A little confused and shocked at the same time because Seulgi looked like a mad dog at the moment.

Sooyoung and Yeri looked at each other wondering what happened to Seulgi that made her like this. 

When Seulgi gets inside Joohyun's bedroom, the girl still lying on the ground, unconscious and her hand is bleeding. 

"Joohyun!" Seulgi called her name panicking. 

"Seulgi what the- Joohyun unnie!"

"What is going on?" Asked Wendy.

"I don't know. We should treat her hand. Do you have any medication?" Asked Seulgi.

"Maybe...wait here. I try to find it," said Wendy.

Seulgi nodded and then she proceed on moving Joohyun to her bed. 

"Today is a pretty weird day," said Sooyoung.

"Seulgi unnie, what's that on Joohyun's hand?" Asked Yeri.

The latter immediately check the bleeding hand and notice it was the wound she made earlier in the stone circle. She remembers they both went to the infirmary to treat it.

Why is it still bleeding? She remembers clearly Ms. Im has treated it. However, when Seulgi takes a closer look, there is something underneath the bleed. 

Something like...a word. What?

"Do you guys have any tissue?" Asked Seulgi.

Yeri then went to the living room to take a few tissues and went back to Joohyun's room. Seulgi then wipes all the blood away from Joohyun's hand and she can't believe her eyes. 

It's a word written by hand...on Joohyun's skin? How...can it be? Who did this to her? 


But the girl is still breathing, is this Joohyun's future?

"Seulgi unnie...who did this?" Asked Sooyoung can't believe what she saw.

She doesn't have a clear answer. What she could think of right now is how can Joohyun bear all the pain herself. 

"Here," said Wendy once she came back with a first aid kit she found in her room. Turns out she has it in her room. Hidden inside her untidy wardrobe. 

"What's that?" Asked Wendy.

"Unnie, don't you think we have to tell Mrs. Kim? This has gotten a lot worse," said Sooyoung.

However, before any of them could say anything, the girl who is lying on her bed said something.

"No," said Joohyun weakly.


"Alright, we won't," said Seulgi.

Seulgi learned if the hero said no, she must obey. Unless you want to die, do whatever you want but the hero will always save you no matter what, and Seulgi won't do anything stupid from now on. 



The four of them stayed in Joohyun's room. Waiting for the girl to wake up while Seulgi treated Joohyun's wound, they are busy with their own mind. 

Meanwhile, Kang Seulgi's eyes locked on Joohyun. She didn't realize how beautiful the girl is before. The more she look at her, the more she's enchanted by the beauty. 

Her heart aches to know the girl she's looking at right now has been in pain for years. Yet, she's here, adding more pain to her broken life. Seulgi wonders what she can do to fix all this. 

"What do you think she has in mind?" Asked Wendy.

"I don't know but saving Kwangya must be her priority," said Seulgi, and Wendy can't help but smile. 

"Just two days here but you seem like you already know her," said Wendy.

"It's easy to guess," said Seulgi. 

Somehow, deep down in Seulgi's heart, all she wishes is for Joohyun to stay like this. Rest and when she wakes up, Kwangya is finally safe from evil and she doesn't have to worry anymore. 

She can finally breathe properly and enjoy her life like everyone else. But Kwangya needs her now. 

"So, what are we going to do now, unnie?" Asked Yeri.

The two oldest girls stared at each other, not knowing what to say or what to do. From what they know, it is not safe to go out there and also it's not safe to stay in this building.

Then...where do they have to go?

"We're not safe in here anymore," said Wendy.

"Then what are you suggesting? That we leave?" Asked Sooyoung.

"Yes," said Seulgi.

"But where? Nowhere is safe in Kwangya," said Sooyoung. 

"We're not safe if we don't make a move right now," said Seulgi.

"Are we going to leave without everyone knowing? Unnie, isn't that dangerous?" Asked Yeri.

"Whatever we are doing right now is dangerous, Yeri-ah. But...are we going to stay here? I don't think so," said Wendy.

"And I don't think it's a good idea to leave GG without telling Mrs. Kim," said Sooyoung frustrated with the current situation.

It's not that she doesn't understand the situation...she just doesn't like the idea of leaving GG without proper direction. Where else are they going? They can't possibly go to their parent's house. It would only bring danger to them. 

All Seulgi could think of is leaving GG. It is the only way they are safe. At least for a few days until they figure out what the hell is going on in Kwangya. 

Perhaps, this could be easier if Joohyun is awake. Should they force her to wake up? A mind fairy...they can wake her up, right? That idea was kind of intriguing for Seulgi but decided not to proceed.

"How about this, we try to observe the situation out there. See if the situation is worsen or not. If yes, then we're leaving GG," said Wendy.

"Unnie, are you seriously going to leave GG? With Joohyun un-"

"Sooyoung-ah, you heard Seulgi. We're not safe here. I think we are more in danger if we stay here a little longer," said Wendy as she stood up, getting ready to walk out of the suite.

It's not an invitation but they can sense that Wendy is asking them to come with her. As the girl walks out of Joohyun's room, the two young girls followed. Sooyoung still with her unsure mind while Yeri just followed whatever the oldest girls decided.

"I'll case she wakes up, someone is here with her," said Seulgi and they nodded before leaving the suite.




It was chaos the moment Wendy, Yeri, and Sooyoung arrived in Tower B. Specialists are everywhere to check the place and guard the place. The whole tower turned black due to the fire.

Miss Kim and Mr. Lee are there watching the place and seem to be in a serious conversation. Lisa and her teammates are there. Wendy decided to approach her to get insights into what was really going on. 

Perhaps they already found out who's behind the bombing. 

"Lisa," called Wendy.

"Wait, you guys aren't supposed to be here," said Lisa surprised by their presents which brings confusion to the three of them. 

"Why? Is there anything to do with us? Fairies?" Asked Sooyoung.

The specialist leader looks around her as if she is trying to make sure it is safe to talk there. However, her worried face told them everything. Therefore, Lisa drag them away from the site and took them to the back garden.

From the way Lisa reacted, the situation seem to be worse. It only makes Wendy even more sure to leave GG as soon as possible. 

Once Lisa thinks it is safe, she says,

"You have to get out of here," said Lisa. 

"What?" Sooyoung reacted.

"It's not safe for you guys to stay here any longer. Take Joohyun, Jennie, Jisoo, Rose, and everyone. You can't stay here, not even a day," said Lisa.

"Lisa, what's going on? You have to tell us for us to understand and know who we are dealing with," said Wendy. 

Lisa looks hesitated to tell them because it was still classified information. Once the news is out, the Queen's soldiers will be involved and the whole Kwangya will know the danger they are in. 

Shortly, the news can bring chaos to the whole world.

"The Black Mamba has escaped," said Lisa which made the three of them gasp in surprise.

"H-how?" asked Yeri with her trembling voice.

"The Black Mamba was in the tower I right?" Said Wendy and Lisa nodded.

"What the fu- so...this whole time those mind fairies were there to guard the Black Mambas? Do they even know what they are guarding?" Asked Sooyoung.

"That makes sense because only the mind fairies are allowed to go to tower b." 

"Mr. Lee will kill me if he knows this...I don't know the details but I heard there was someone from the inside. Among the students but we are not sure who was it, yet. Although the Black Mamba has gone for millenniums, its followers still spread around the world. Sadly, a few of them are in the schools and even Miss Kim didn't notice it," Lisa explained. 

"If the Black Mamba has escaped then nowhere is safe in Kwangya," said Yeri.

"But it will be more dangerous for you guys to stay here. You guys know why," said Lisa.

Yes. They are well aware of the reason. It will be easier for the Black Mamba to find them and both Kang Seulgi and Bae Joohyun will be in danger. They have to move fast.

At least they have to be away from GG to protect the other students. 

"Then you must leave with us, Lisa. It's not safe for you either," said Wendy.

"I can't. Mr. Lee has specifically mentioned that the whole specialist will handle this. I can't just leave my teammates," said Lisa.

Wendy knew how strong the bond is between the specialist members and there is no other way for her to persuade Lisa. Even her girlfriend can't. She sighs. At least she tries. 

"Alright. Stay safe, Lisa. I'll gather all of our friends and we will leave GG this evening," said Wendy.

"Okay. I'll tell my teammates to cover the back garden. Leave through the back since Mr. Lee and Miss Kim are still expecting all of you inside the suites and no one is allowed to leave GG," said Lisa, and Wendy nodded. 




As she regains consciousness, she can still feel the sting pain on her hand but it wasn't as painful as the first. Her head is a little light but it's still bearable. 

Her eyes slowly open and realize she is still in her room but she's on her bed. Who moved her?

Although her vision is still blurry, she can still look around her room only to find a girl standing by the window in her room. She know that person and when her vision is clear, she can see the girl is having deep thought.

Curiosity came to her sense. Wondering what's in her thought. 

"Nice view, right?" Said Joohyun waking Seulgi up from her thought. 

"Easy there," said Seulgi when she saw Joohyun trying to get up.

"I'm fine," said Joohyun as she insist to get up and that's when she noticed the bandage on her hand had been changed.

"You passed out and your hand was bleeding. I had to change it," said Seulgi.

Somehow, Joohyun can see how guilty Seulgi is and she sighs.

"It's not your fault," said Joohyun.

Seulgi bite her lips and looked away. 

Perhaps she has been too hard on Seulgi...well...yeah she admits it and the reason is that...she cares. She cares deeply for Seulgi because they have similar pasts and power.

She doesn't want anyone else to experience the same thing as her. Being the hero and with all the responsibility...she knows the feeling and hates it for someone else to have it. 

It's not nice like everyone thought. That's why she has been trying to distance herself from everyone. Being cold to everyone else to protect them from having the same responsibility as her.

Joohyun wishes it will end with her and only her. No one else should suffer like her. However, maybe distancing herself from everyone is not fully a good idea.

She has left her friends and nothing good came out of it. They keep trying to get close to her. Try to understand her. Like Seulgi. Joohyun knew the girl has been trying to get to know her. Secretly trying to understand her and the last two days...Joohyun could say the girl is close on understanding her. 

Like...they can be friends...maybe they can. 

When she was unconscious, she remembers Seulgi said they won't tell anyone about what happened to her earlier. It seems like Seulgi understands her. Although it had only been two days.

Too fast to call them friends but...Joohyun is thankful and grateful for what Seulgi has been doing to her today.

"Thank you," said Joohyun.

Which surprised Seulgi the moment she heard that word come out of Joohyun's mouth. 

"For this...and for not telling anyone," said Joohyun while raising her bandage hand. 

It seems hard for Seulgi to process this situation but somehow she found herself smiling. She can see through Joohyun's eyes that she meant what she said. 

Seulgi smiled and nodded. 

Maybe being hard on Seulgi was wrong. She can be good company and maybe a good friend. When they are having their moment together, eyes locked on each other, someone came into Joohyun's room. 

"Unnie, you're awake!" Said Yeri excitedly and rushed towards Joohyun to hug her.

Joohyun smiled a little and hug Yeri too. 

"Joohyun unnie," Wendy called.

They both stared at each other and Joohyun knew what it meant. 

The war has begun. Joohyun never thought she will leave GG with her friends. Running away from the enemy and they will be all by themself for the meantime in the future. 

And it's up to Joohyun to protect them...powerless...but perhaps she's not that powerless.

She has her friends. She has Seulgi. They can survive. They just have to stick together and be optimistic.

Soon they will stop running and fight. However, for now, they have to run to a safer place and train. 

"Alright. Let's pack our things," said Joohyun. 





Sorry it took a long time for me to update. A little busy with work and I'm trying to find the best storyline for this chapter before I updated. Let's go slowly with Joohyun and Seulgi's interaction, shall we? I want to make it as smooth as possible. No rush. Hehe...hope you guys enjoy this chapter.

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Hello, I'm not saying I'm back but I miss this place and my imagination pop out. Still busy with work and university as well, I'll try my best to find time to come here often. Cannot promise it but...I'll try :). Meanwhile, enjoy the new chapter! Miss you guys!


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Oct_13_wen_03 #1
Chapter 11: finally 😭😭😭 welcome back author nim 🩷
Oct_13_wen_03 #2
please update author nim 😭
Oct_13_wen_03 #3
Chapter 10: Finally 😭😭😭, thank u very much author nim 😭hope u doing great and can't wait for more 🤍🤍🤍🤍
Oct_13_wen_03 #4
please update author nim 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Oct_13_wen_03 #5
Chapter 9: Thank u so much author nim for update, please don't go hard to yourself, please stay healthy, take care yourself there author nim 🤍
Oct_13_wen_03 #6
where are u now author, how are u?
Oct_13_wen_03 #7
Oct_13_wen_03 #8
Chapter 8: Thank u so much author nim for update, god I can't wait for next 🤍🤍🤍
zjkdlin0121 #9
thanks for the update, can't wait for the next chap
zjkdlin0121 #10
hmm who might it be?