The Time of Chaos

Fate of the Winx Saga

"I'll wait outside," said Wendy and Seulgi nodded.

Seulgi feels like she's a rebellious student. Going to the headmistress's office almost every day. It's been only two days since her first arrival and yet she's already a pain in the .

No one would have thought she was troublesome when she was born and even at school she had a good reputation. In the first world, she was known as the smart kid. 

Always obey whatever the teacher said and was a very nice friend to all of her friends. She is just a normal girl with a dream of becoming a dancer in the future. 

Meanwhile, coming here she's completely a different person. It first started when she almost burned the whole school with her power. A power she never knew she had before.

Since then, she is not the old Kang Seulgi anymore. 

Here everyone knows her as the blue fire girl. One who seems to be the most powerful fairy in this entire world. One who everyone seems to be afraid of for now.

Never she thought she could scare anyone. 

Yet, here she is. In the headmistress office waiting to be scolded. She couldn't remember the last time she went to the headmistress's office because she had never been there before during her days in the first world. 

Miss Kim who seems to not notice her presence in the room, is currently busy with the task on her desk. Well, maybe it was just her thought.

“Please sit,” said Miss Kim with eyes still lock on the document on her desk.

From her perspective, Miss Kim doesn’t seem to be bothered by the current event. As if she has predicted the event. Or maybe she is just good at pretending and hiding her emotion.

In her imagination, the moment she steps foot inside this room, Miss Kim will stare at her with eyes firing daggers right through her bones. Killing her instantly with the frustrated stares.

Perhaps even expelled her. However, none of it happen and it confuses her. 

As she sits on the chair across from the headmistress's desk, she remains silent. Observing whatever the headmistress is doing.

Perhaps Miss Kim can stop whatever she is doing and stop this silent treatment because Seulgi is about to lose her patience. More like she hates silence. 

Moments later, Miss Kim put her glasses down and stare at Seulgi. Her eyes glued on her. Not intimidating but she seems like she is thinking.

“You know, Bae Joohyun was just like you until recently,” said Miss Kim.

What about Bae Joohyun? Thought Seulgi

“In what ways?”

“She almost burned the school on her first day here. Lost control of her magic for a moment there because she was frustrated at herself”

Huh…at least I did it on my second day here, thought Seulgi.

Miss Kim gets up from her chair and walks around her desk then stop right in front of Seulgi. She seems calm even after what happened.

Perhaps because she has dealt with the same situation before. This is a piece of cake for her or maybe she is just another brilliant teacher here in GG High School in which Seulgi shouldn’t doubt Miss Kim's ability and promise.

“For a long time, I teach. One thing I learned is that I could never stop my students to be curious. It's their nature,” said Miss Kim.

Honestly, it's bothering Seulgi how kind and motherly figure Miss Kim is. She doesn't deserve this. Perhaps letting Miss Kim throw all her anger at her will make her feel better. Much better.

Rather than playing nice. 

But Miss Kim seems to be genuine in what she said. As if she really means it. 

She put a smile on her face before she continues,

"The moment you arrive here, I knew you'll be trouble. You and Bae Joohyun have a similar past. Both of you are full of curiosity. I can't blame that because again it's your nature. All of us"

"Then why I'm here? Why Bae Joohyun is here?" asked Seulgi. 

"Because I want to help you both. Outside of this wall, you both will be lost. The world out there is dangerous without specific knowledge of our world and awareness" 

Well, Seulgi agreed with Miss Kim. She's new here. In a world, she never knew existed before and it can be dangerous for someone like her who has one powerful magic that could kill this world. 

She would harm people she wouldn't want to. 

What's worst, she could lose herself in the process. 

"Seulgi," called Miss Kim.

"I am not happy with what happened in the stone circle earlier. Curiosity is good but it could also be dangerous. What I mean, is if you are curious about something, please talk it out. Especially with me and I know you may not fully trust me, yet, but I am here to help you. I mean it, Seulgi," said Miss Kim. 

Seulgi nodded. Although deep inside she still has doubts about whether she would like to share her secret or not because she is still not sure, yet, if it's real or just her imagination. 

Just when she is about to speak, a loud noise came from outside the room. The door to Miss Kim's room opened. 

"There's been an explosion, Miss Kim. You need to come," said Sunny, her secretary.

What explosion? Thought Seulgi.


"Apply it on your hand twice a day and come back here if it gets worse, okay?" said Miss Im. 

"Thank you, Miss Im," said Joohyun.

She got her hand a bandage to cover her burning injury for a while. Guess who was the first one to sign it. Of course Kim Jennie.

"You better take care of that hand, Hyun"

"Yes, mother," joked Joohyun.

Today has been a tiring day for Joohyun. All she wanted right now is to go back to the suite and rest but apparently, Kim Jennie has another plan for both of them.

She's wondering how can she be related to Kim Jennie. Both of them are two different people with completely different interests. Joohyun loves to read books. Meanwhile, Kim Jennie loves to sing. 

Joohyun is an introvert. Kim Jennie is an extrovert. 

But despite the differences, they are very close. Joohyun is grateful for Jennie. She wonders what will happen if Jennie wasn't there for her all this time. 

As they walk down the hall, pass through several classrooms, then walk down the stairs, now they are at the cafeteria. Earlier, Jennie insisted to treat Joohyun to lunch.

But Joohyun told her to grab the lunch box, Wendy's mother gave them this morning and both of them knew how delicious Mrs. Son's meal is. 

They sit on one of the available desks. Some of the students are looking at Joohyun after what happened today in the stone circle. Well, this is a small school. News spread rather quickly.

She didn't mind them or more like she is used to it.

"Hyun," called Jennie.


"What you said earlier," said Jennie, and Joohyun knew exactly what she meant.


"Did you really mean it?" 

After further consideration and through her own observation, the situation has gotten a lot more serious than she thought. She saw how Seulgi went completely unreachable and lost control of her own power.

Joohyun could sense that it wasn't Seulgi's intention at all. Then the fact that Black Mamba is back and there is a possibility Seulgi is related to it...she can smell something fishy.

She doesn't quite get it. Why now?

Why Seulgi is here in Kwangya? What was her story? What happened in the past which made her end up in the first world? Why did the Black Mamba decide to come to the surface now when it has been hiding for a very long time?

"The situation has gotten more complicated than I imagine, Jennie," said Joohyun.

"Don't you think we need to report this to Queen Boa? She has to know about this," said Jennie worriedly.

"I don't think that wise, Jen. You know how Queen Boa will react to this," said Joohyun.

"Kang Seulgi being captured by the Royal soldiers and you could be dragged along as well," said Jennie, and Joohyun nodded.

There is nothing she could do if she is behind bars in the Queen's basement. She won't get the chance to get her power back and find her parents.

"But sooner or later, the queen will know and before that happens, I have to go," said Joohyun which makes Jennie completely shocked.

"What? Go where? Ya! Have you forgotten that you are powerless now? How are you going to protect yourself? You're crazy," said Jennie.

Joohyun knew Jennie would react like this. Before she could say anything, someone called their name.

"Yo, double J! Over here!" 

A tall, long blonde hair named Lisa waved at them with a wide smile. Besides her, there's Kim Jisoo who can't help but join her dorky girlfriend. 

"Glad to know they are still together," said Joohyun.

 Before they could get closer to them, a sudden loud noise echoed in the cafeteria and the building shook heavily. It was so fast the way Joohyun remembered.

The window glass broke into pieces and scattered on the floor. Students are screaming for their life but Joohyun and Jennie stayed there still 100% aware of the situation.

"Hyun, you okay?" Asked Jennie, and Joohyun nodded.

Without hesitation and as if they already know where to go, both of them get up from their sits and run towards Lisa and Jisoo. The cafeteria is a disaster.

Dust was everywhere although the explosion wasn't here. Lights are off and the school is scarier than it already has before the lights were on. 

Joohyun helps Jisoo gets up and see if she has any injury. 

"Are you guys okay?" Asked Joohyun.

"What the hell is going on here?" Asked Lisa.

"I don't know," said Joohyun. 

The noise was clear. A noise came from above them. A clicking sounds as if something is about to fall and it's the chandelier. 

"Go go!" Said Joohyun telling them to run away from the place before the chandelier fall on them. 


"It's always nice to come here for a little quiet," said Sooyoung. 

"You're being dramatic, unnie," said Yeri.

"And you're being sarcastic. Aren't I supposed to do that?" Asked Sooyoung. 

The young girl rolled her eyes and chuckled. Ever since last year, fewer students decided to cross the barrier. It's unpredictable whether it's safe or not although the Kwangya's hero had killed those evil creatures. 

But much to they know, there is no safe place in Kwangya. 


A loud noise of an explosion disturbs their peace which alerts them. 

"What the hell was that sound?" Asked Sooyoung.

"Unnie, there's a fire in the school!" said Yeri.

Then both of them ran back to the school.


"What's going on?"

"I just heard an explosion from Tower B. Miss Kim is evacuating students to Tower A and she sent the specialist there," said Wendy.

Isn't that the place Seulgi went to this morning? 

"Seulgi. We have to find the others. Make sure they are okay. Come on," said Wendy. 

Why does the situation seem to be a coincidence and why did two different events happen on the same day? 

Her mind is trying to get a sense of what is going on right now. While at the same time, she's worried for her friends. 

Joohyun thought Seulgi.

Somehow, that is the only name that crosses her mind and she really wishes the girl is safe. Wherever she is right now. 

As she walks past the main hall, students are running for their life and it's chaos over here although the explosion happened in the other tower of the building. 

Some of them are helping their friends who got injured due to the explosion. It was a horrible site for everyone.

"Seulgi, come on," urged Wendy. 

Deep down she is hoping that Bae Joohyun is safe and she does not need to witness this when she gets to meet her later. But right now, where is she? Where are the others?

"Wendy! Seulgi!" 

"Jennie unnie!"

They rushed toward the four girls who look as shocked as they are with the current situation. One person who grabs Seulgi's attention is none other than Bae Joohyun herself.

From her perspective, the girl is fine. Her eyes looked terrified and horrified by what she is seeing right now. The main hall is a disaster.

"Are you guys okay?" Asked Jennie.

"Yeah. We were at Miss Kim's office when we heard the explosion," said Wendy.

"Hey. I think I have to go. I need to check on my team," said Lisa.

"Be careful," said Jisoo. 

Then Lisa left. 

"Joohyun unnie!" 

Sooyoung and Yeri joined them afterward. Now Joohyun can breathe properly knowing all of her family is here with her. At least they are together now although she has no power to protect them.

But what's important is that all of them are safe. 

"What the hell happened out there?" Asked Sooyoung. 

"The explosion happened suddenly. Do you think someone has invaded the school?" asked Jennie.

"We don't know for sure but it must mean something," said Wendy.


That voice again. Seulgi looked around her, trying to find the source of that voice but no one seems to grab her attention. Meanwhile, Bae Joohyun who didn't say anything has her eyes locked on Kang Seulgi.

She believes this is not a coincidence at all. However, she never expects whoever it is to make an attack within two days of the new semester. 

Seulgi, don't you want to know where you came from?

Compare to her previous encounter, this time the voice seems to be closer and...intimate. As if that voice really knows who she really is. Who's voice is this? 

"Ya, Kang Seulgi," Joohyun called her name but she received no response. 

"Kang Seulgi!"

This is exactly what happened in the stone circle. The same thing cannot happen twice. Not today. 

"Wendy, prepare yourself. All of you take cover!" Said Joohyun instructing the other students.

"Unnie what are you doing?" asked Yeri.

"This is exactly what happened in the stone circle today. Quick! Take cover," said Joohyun.

"You're coming with us, Hyun," said Jennie but Joohyun is a stubborn . She insisted to stay with Kang Seulgi. Risking her life once again. 

"Hyun! We talked about this!" Said Jennie. 

I have all the information you want, Seulgi. Come meet me, alone. 

"Sooyoung. Take Jennie with you," said Joohyun. 

"But Unnie,"

"Kang Seulgi. Wake up! Whatever you're doing right now, don't! Don't even think about it, okay? Seulgi! I'm here. We're here to help you!" 

Sooyoung pulled Jennie away from the scene. Joining the others hiding behind the brick walls. Of course, she struggled because Jennie fought her but Sooyoung is a lot stronger than Jennie. 

The other students watched them from afar. Hiding to save their own life while hoping nothing bad will happen next. 

Joohyun tries her best to bring Seulgi back. Now she is sure that whatever happening right now has something to do with Seulgi's arrival in Kwangya. Maybe the Black Mamba plays the biggest part here.

She takes small steps closer to Seulgi who freezes on her spot. Behind her, she can hear Jennie screaming her name. Telling her not to get closer. If this is her last day in Kwangya, at least she did something to protect her family.

They are everything to her and she wishes them to have a long life ahead. 

"Unnie, be careful," said Wendy.

"Seulgi, wake up. We're here for you. Don't listen to that voice," said Joohyun.

Aespa village. I will be there waiting for you.

Like a switch, Seulgi woke up feeling dizzy and light-headed in which she is about to fall but Joohyun quickly grabbed her. Preventing her from falling to the floor hard. 


"Joohyun," said Seulgi before she completely passed out. 

"Is she alright, unnie?" Asked Wendy.

"Let's bring her to the suite"


"Are the students safely evacuated, oppa?" Asked Taeyeon.

"Yes. Some of them are injured, so, Yoona took over. The rest I told them to go back to the suite," said Leeteuk the leader of the specialist. 

Taeyeon nodded. 

Currently, she is looking at the tragic scene. Someone has initiated the attack and it must be from the inside. The barrier has been upgraded ever since what happened last year.

Anyone outside of GG High School won't be able to cross the barrier and the specialist would have noticed if anyone from outside GG barges into their school. 

However, it's not the main problem here. The main problem here is someone has escaped from the jail Taeyeon made a long time ago. 

"Who did this?" asked Leeteuk.

Taeyeon sigh.

"Does it really matter now, oppa?" Asked Taeyeon.

"She has escaped," said Taeyeon. 


"How is she?" Asked Joohyun.

"Still pass out. Can you tell us what's really going on, unnie?" Asked Wendy.

The four of them gather together in the suite. While Jennie went back to her own suite to check on her friends too. Although she would probably come back here later to scold Bae Joohyun.

Jennie wasn't happy earlier and certainly, there is no way back for Joohyun. She will eventually get scolded later but she doesn't care about it now. What she is thinking right now is what secret is Kang Seulgi hiding from her.

How everything is related to each other? Since her last visit to EXO Planet to today's explosion. 

"Joohyun unnie," called Yeri.


"Please don't ghost us, unnie. We need to know what's going on," said Yeri.

"It's pointless to leave us out like this, unnie," Sooyoung added.

The only reason why she doesn't want to tell them is that she wanted to protect them and she knows they will do anything they can to help her. However, that's not what she wants.

This is her fight in which her past plays the biggest part in today's world. Her past shape the present and her friends shouldn't be included in her fight. 

She has unfinished business to do and she really wishes that her friends remain safe. They're innocent. 

"Don't tell us this is your fight. We want to help, unnie. Protecting Kwangya is also our main agenda," said Wendy firmly. 

"If you don't want to tell us, we're going to ask Miss Kim or anybody out there," said Sooyoung.

Joohyun sigh. 

Perhaps, she really owe them and she knew how stubborn they can be. After all, it is time to reconcile with them. She has been ghosting them since last year. 


Karina and Kai bowed to the person standing in front of them. 

"Master. You have been freed," said Karina. 

"Thank you, my child. It's time"

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Hello, I'm not saying I'm back but I miss this place and my imagination pop out. Still busy with work and university as well, I'll try my best to find time to come here often. Cannot promise it but...I'll try :). Meanwhile, enjoy the new chapter! Miss you guys!


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Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #1
Chapter 11: finally 😭😭😭 welcome back author nim 🩷
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #2
please update author nim 😭
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #3
Chapter 10: Finally 😭😭😭, thank u very much author nim 😭hope u doing great and can't wait for more 🤍🤍🤍🤍
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #4
please update author nim 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #5
Chapter 9: Thank u so much author nim for update, please don't go hard to yourself, please stay healthy, take care yourself there author nim 🤍
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #6
where are u now author, how are u?
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #7
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #8
Chapter 8: Thank u so much author nim for update, god I can't wait for next 🤍🤍🤍
zjkdlin0121 #9
thanks for the update, can't wait for the next chap
zjkdlin0121 #10
hmm who might it be?