The Pain Everyone Is Hiding

Fate of the Winx Saga

"It was an accident, Miss Im," said Seulgi apologetically. 

"Joohyun! I'm so sorry. Oh my gosh," said Seulgi.

"It hurts! ," said Joohyun as she tries to turn off the fire burning her left hand.

"We need water!" 

The nearest river is 500 meters away from the stone circle and Seulgi is about to run there when all of a sudden the fire is gone. Poof like magic but the pain is still real and it leaves burn scars on Joohyun's hand. 

"H-how?" Asked Seulgi.

None of them have the answer. Joohyun had a hard time believing it too. of them saw it with their own eyes. The fire died without any water trying to prevent it from spreading all over Joohyun's body.

And the burn only burns Joohyun's hand without leaving any on Joohyun's right hand, palms, or anywhere. Normally, sparks will leave scars there and there.

However, none of Joohyun's body has scars from sparks. Only her left hand and the scars seem to form something. Joohyun doesn't know, yet. After the accident, Seulgi brought Joohyun to the infirmary immediately. 

There, Joohyun gets her treatment for a burning scar and Seulgi is there to watch her. Of course, she feels very guilty. She didn't mean it. It was an accident but what would Joohyun's friends say about this?

Especially with her reputation in this school...the students will think Seulgi is trying to kill Joohyun. 

"Looks like this is a second-degree burn. Wait here while I bring you a bowl of cool water. I'll prescribe you ointment. Apply it twice a day. I highly recommend you apply it after taking shower and before you sleep. I'll be back," said Miss Im with her reassuring smile. 

The room fills with nothing but silence. No. There's no tension between them. It just...silence seems to be the right thing to do right now. After all, Joohyun seems to be in deep thought.

While Seulgi...she regrets what she did...Whoever playing with her head wants something from her and it has cost Joohyun's hand. Who else she might hurt in the future?

She must find out who was in her mind. 

"Don't" said Joohyun suddenly. 

It's as if Joohyun knows what Seulgi is thinking because it's true. Joohyun is not mad about what happened and clearly, Kang Seulgi is blaming herself for the accident.

From her perspective, it's not Seulgi's fault. Somehow...Joohyun notices something earlier. Right now, it's not the time for Seulgi to blame herself.

Joohyun knows what could happen and she would like to prevent the nightmare from becoming real. 

She stares at Seulgi and she can see how frightened Kang Seulgi is. The girl is not good at hiding her feelings and that's what she learned over the past two days. 

"Whatever you're thinking right now, it won't give any of us a good outcome. Neither for you. Trust me. I've been there and none of this is your fault. So, stop blaming yourself"

Perhaps this is the very first-time Seulgi saw Joohyun's gentle side. It's not gentle but...she showed honesty and purity behind her sentences. How did she know this was none of Seulgi's fault?

"Don't let your mind decide something stupid. Something you will regret later. We'll figure this out together," said Joohyun.

It's awkward and weird enough for Seulgi to hear it. To hear that Joohyun actually cares and that somehow there is another story behind it. As if Joohyun did something in the past that Seulgi is not aware of.

Can she trust Joohyun? 

Joohyun sigh. Perhaps she wasn't very convincing for Seulgi. 

"If you have heard the rumor, it's true," said Joohyun. 

"Heard what?"

"That I killed someone," said Joohyun.

This is the first time Joohyun is really honest with Seulgi and it's been a year since that accident. Only a few people knew about it and Joohyun never talked about it.

She regrets what she did and it still haunts her every night in her dream. Well, she could never forget the feeling of anger and the face of her victim. A year ago, she was a freshman. 

One who was trying to adjust herself to the new environment. Trying to get control of her powerful magic. However, it didn't go well as she thought. Curiosity brings out the truth.

But the truth is painful. Pain resulted in anger. Anger turns into revenge and it cost Joohyun a victim. She wasn't captured because either Joohyun killed that person or the NCT 127 will.

The Royal Soldier of Kwangya is the Queen's best soldier and their job is to protect Kwangya. Joohyun did them a favor secretly because NCT 127 didn't know she has found the person who called the burned one and the blood witches.

But knowing a student killed someone is something that is unacceptable. Therefore, Taeyeon helped her cover up a story. Said that Taeyeon and her team killed the man which the Queen, Kim Boa, believe so. Well, Taeyeon and her team are known for their great magic skills. 

No one questions their ability to fight. 

His name is Cha Eun Woo. The leader of the blood witches. He targeted Joohyun to steal her power and open the Dark World but his plan failed because Joohyun killed him instantly.

He was the reason why she separated from her birth parents a long time ago and she killed him. Perhaps if he didn't mention any of it, Joohyun still let him live. 

But he stupidly mentioned it and Joohyun lose control of her power. Her action didn't make her happy at all because she didn't get the chance to know about her birth parent and where they are right now. 

Just the fact that she killed someone...haunts her. She never believes she is capable of killing people and that is the real reason why she told Seulgi not to follow whatever her mind is thinking. 

Eun Woo mentioned her having the most powerful magic and at that time he is planning to steal her power but Joohyun's parents were fast enough to hide her. 

They were separated because Joohyun's parents wanted to protect her and she felt guilty, sad, and angry. All those feelings combine together and then SNAP. Cha Eun Woo is dead because of Joohyun and she didn't get to know the rest of the story. 

"I was consumed by guilt and anger. I lose control and killed someone in the end. Believe me, it's not the feeling you wanted to feel," said Joohyun. 

Seulgi can feel genuine and honest about Joohyun's confession. Somehow, she could see vulnerability hiding behind Joohyun's armor which only meant that Joohyun is not as strong as everyone thought.

The girl is vulnerable and innocent. Her experiences are the ones that made her the girl she is today. A cold and blunt girl. 

One thing that Seulgi can promise anyone is that once she promises something, she will keep it. Definitely without question. Maybe working together with Bae Joohyun will help her figure out the voice inside her head.

After all, seems like she has a lot of experience. However, Seulgi takes note to remain careful around Joohyun and her friends just to keep them safe. She wouldn't want to get into a fight with Bae Joohyun and the whole GG High School students. 

"Okay. I won't. Promise," said Seulgi. 

Before Joohyun could say anything, the door to the infirmary burst open and Jennie Kim with the others came in, panicking. Jennie came rushing towards Joohyun and tried to reassure herself that her cousin is completely fine. 

"Jennie, I'm okay," said Joohyun. 

"You could have died, Joohyun," said Jennie worriedly.

"But I didn't, right?" Jennie sighs in disbelief at her cousin who seems relaxed after what happened knowing that she has no power currently. 

Meanwhile, on the other side...

"Seulgi, you okay?" Asked Wendy. 

Knowing that losing control can be a traumatic event for anyone, Wendy wanted to make sure Seulgi is okay mentally. However, someone else is in pure anger. 

Suddenly the roots on the wall crawled toward Seulgi and tightened around Seulgi's neck making her difficult to breathe.

"Sooyoung unnie stop!" Said Yeri.

"Do you think you can come here and do whatever you want? Who the hell are you? You can't just come in here and hurt someone else!"

"Sooyoung stop. It's not her fault! She can't breathe! Stop it!" Said, Wendy.

Joohyun rushed toward Sooyoung and try to calm her. Although right now their friendship is vulnerable, deep down all of them still care for each other. They went through a lot last year. 

It's not a surprise to see Sooyoung lose control. She is scared of losing Bae Joohyun. She's not only the leader of their team but also a sister. One who safe her from the burned one and she is in debt with the older girl. 

"Calm down. I'm still alive, Sooyoung. It's not what you think," said Joohyun.

"She almost killed you, unnie," said Sooyoung eyes still throwing daggers at Seulgi who struggling to breathe. 

"If I'm dead, you may kill her. But I'm still here and no one hurt each other under my watch. You hear me, Sooyoung?" 

Never she thought she will end up here at the infirmary fighting for her life over earth magic. What's harder for her to imagine is not losing control as a part of defending herself. Seulgi is struggling with whether to fight or stay calm and let Joohyun save her. 

"Now stop. Pull your magic away," said Joohyun calmly. 

It was like someone is controlling Sooyoung because the moment Joohyun said that, the root is released from Seulgi's neck, and the poor girl can finally breathe fresh air. 

Wendy stands beside her to help her. 

Not that Joohyun realized, she has been holding her breath. It's unlikely to see Sooyoung lose control like that. Thought that the only person who cannot control her magic is herself.

Apparently, Sooyoung also has her own issue. This is what happened when you isolate yourself from the people you love. You begin to forget about them but they will never forget about you. They will continuously care for you, be worried for you, and be scared of losing you. 

Though, in fact, they already lose Joohyun. 

"Sooyoung unnie!" Yeri called for the girl who left the room. 

Joohyun sigh. She better fix this later. 

"Oh. You got visitors, Joohyun. Despite how much I love seeing you with your friends but you need to rest. Therefore, I would like all of you to leave the room and let Joohyun rest here for a while," said Miss Im. 

"I would like to stay, Miss Im. If that's alright," said Jennie voluntarily. 

"Well, no one could ever separate you both. Wendy. Seulgi. Please leave the room. Oh and Miss Kim called for you, Seulgi"


After she rushed away from the infirmary, Yeri followed right behind her. She would like to be there for Sooyoung. Though she's not a mind fairy that is able to ease Sooyoung's mind and feelings, at least she's there for her sister.

One that could give her company. 

The young girl followed where Sooyoung go. To the school garden and to the forest. Escaping the invisible barricade that secures the school from the danger outside the school barricade. 

It doesn't scare Yeri anymore. To go outside beyond the barricade after last year's event. However, though she knows both of them are capable of protecting themselves, still...going outside the barricade is a death sentence for anyone.

Going deep into the forest almost near the river Wendy used to swim, Sooyoung stopped. Her mind replayed what she did earlier at the infirmary. It wasn't her.  

She wasn't in her mind lately. How is that an excuse? 

"Unnie," called Yeri. 

"What was I thinking, Yeri?" Asked Sooyoung.

"I don't know, unnie," said Yeri. 

"D-did I really..."

"You were just mad, unnie," said Yeri.

"But I almost killed someone. Seulgi unnie"

The young girl walks closer to the fragile girl and hugs her from behind. What Sooyoung did was her way of protecting the one that had saved her life before. 

Nothing is wrong with that. However, Sooyoung must accept the feeling she felt earlier. Instead of denying it because it won't help her heal.

"Admit it, unnie. I know you have trouble admitting your feelings. You're hiding behind your chick style. Trying to be strong like Joohyun unnie but you're not. I wish I could tell Joohyun unnie this but..."

"She's been distant," said Sooyoung and Yeri nodded. 

"You know, it's okay to be angry at someone but you must control your action. Maybe next time, do more talking," said Yeri and Sooyoung chuckled. 

"I will"


Wendy offered her a glass of water and leaned against the kitchen counter right beside Seulgi who seems trying to process what just happened earlier. 

She almost dies earlier but didn't scare her at all. She did enough damage with this power and she is scared of hurting someone else again. Joohyun is her first victim. Who else?

She doesn't want any more causalities on her hands. Perhaps death could be the perfect way to protect this world. 

"What are you thinking?" Asked Wendy. 

A lot, thought Seulgi.

"Nothing," she lied.

"Seems like you have a lot of things on your plate, Seul. You know I'm here for you, okay?" said Wendy while reaching for Seulgi's hand and giving her a light pat. 

One thing Seulgi noticed is why Wendy should be the strong one. Acted like she is responsible for the problems within the group. As if she is the one who will bring everyone back together.

When it is not her responsibility at all. The group will come together when the time is right. When...everyone has settled their own problems. While she's taking care of everybody's feeling then who is taking care of her feelings? 

She's being selfless and Seulgi hates it. 

"It's not your responsibility to carry all the weight yourself, Wen," said Seulgi and Wendy smiled.

"When you care about the people you love, you'll do everything for them," said Wendy. 

Seulgi can relate to that. After all, she came here because she want to be taught how to control her power. To protect her loved one. To ensure their safety. 

"And I'm here for you if you need to talk, Wen," said Seulgi.


"What exactly happened, Hyun?" 

Somehow she forgets she has one cousin that seems to want to know everything that is going on in her life. Like a babysitter. But Joohyun cannot blame Jennie for doing so.

Last year, she almost died. Killing the burned one and blood witches then Eun Woo...drained her energy. Moreover, she transformed which drained her energy more. 

That probably explained why her recovery is long but she didn't expect it to be this long. 

"It was an accident, Jen. I pushed Seulgi to embrace her power and she lost control," Joohyun explained.

"Didn't you think of the consequences, Hyun? You do realize you don't have your power with you, right? You're powerless!"

"I know"

"Then why did you push her?" 

"Let's talk about this later, Jen. Please"

"No! Your action has been reckless, Hyun. I cannot lose you, okay? I'm your cousin! Didn't you even think about me?"

"I did, okay! I did!" said Joohyun almost screaming.

Of course, she thought about Jennie and her friends. They are her family. The thought of not seeing them again scares her. She didn't mean to scare everyone.

It just...she is desperate with all the things happening right now. She has no power. Her parents could be out there. The Black Mamba is back and now Kang Seulgi.

The most powerful fairy in Kwangya completely has no idea to use her power. 

Everything just frustrated her. 

"Then why do you get yourself in trouble all the time, Hyun?"

"I'm desperate, Jen. My parents are out there. Hiding somewhere because of me. I believe Kang Seulgi's arrival has something to do with my parents and the Black Mamba. What happened last year could be related. I could feel it, Jen. The only way to find out is to push Kang Seulgi in embracing her power. She is the key to safe the world and I will get to meet my parents," said Joohyun.

Jennie stood there feeling guilty for pushing Joohyun. Her cousin has been through a lot since last year. Never rest and during that problems never stop coming. 

All Jennie ever wanted is for Joohyun to be happy. To finally have control of her magic and get the answers to all of her questions. However, coming here to GG High School only brings her more questions and struggles.

She struggled a lot her entire life. Jennie has seen it. The moment Joohyun realizes her own magic and how she struggled to get control of her emotion and magic. 

Then she came to this school. The burned one. The blood witches. Eun Woo. And Now the Black Mamba. Jennie thought the Black Mamba was a legend. A legend that should have stayed in the past but seems like the past isn't done, yet. 

Joohyun has a lot on her plate she carries all the burden herself. She shouldn't do that at all because she has friends who are like family to her. Perhaps that is the reason why she doesn't want to burden others.

She wanted to protect them. However, Joohyun is Joohyun. She always has secrets that one will never tell and she has her own way to deal with things. Ways that Jennie wishes to not witness at all because she's afraid of the outcome. 

Jennie sigh. 

"I know that you've been through a lot but you don't have to carry the world all by yourself, Hyun. I'm here for you. The Red Velvet is here for you. Hyun. I don't want to see you die," said Jennie. 

Jennie gives her a light squeeze on Joohyun's shoulder telling her that she's here and reassuring her that everything will be alright. 

But Joohyun isn't very sure about it. She can feel it in her vein that there is no way she will win this fight against the Black Mamba. It seems...impossible. 

Even if she has her magic right's not enough. 

Joohyun pulls Jennie closer and tells her to sit down right next to her. She has been giving it a thought actually. After what happened and with the information she has right now...

"Jennie," called Joohyun and she hummed.

The hesitation doesn't suit Bae Joohyun at all. She always looks strong and firm but now...she looks so fragile and in pain.

"The situation right now...this is more serious than I thought, Jen"


A smile formed perfectly on his face as he walks closer to Karina. 

"Ready for distraction, my lady," said Kai. 


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Hello, I'm not saying I'm back but I miss this place and my imagination pop out. Still busy with work and university as well, I'll try my best to find time to come here often. Cannot promise it but...I'll try :). Meanwhile, enjoy the new chapter! Miss you guys!


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Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #1
Chapter 11: finally 😭😭😭 welcome back author nim 🩷
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #2
please update author nim 😭
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #3
Chapter 10: Finally 😭😭😭, thank u very much author nim 😭hope u doing great and can't wait for more 🤍🤍🤍🤍
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #4
please update author nim 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #5
Chapter 9: Thank u so much author nim for update, please don't go hard to yourself, please stay healthy, take care yourself there author nim 🤍
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #6
where are u now author, how are u?
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #7
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #8
Chapter 8: Thank u so much author nim for update, god I can't wait for next 🤍🤍🤍
zjkdlin0121 #9
thanks for the update, can't wait for the next chap
zjkdlin0121 #10
hmm who might it be?