
Fate of the Winx Saga



Who's voice is this? Why is it calling my name? Where does it come from?

It keeps calling for her name and she follows where the voices came from. She's far away from where her room is and she didn't realize that because somehow the voices are distracting her from the real world.

As if it's really pulling her away from her own consciousness and her mind is locked only to focus on that voice. It's been like two days since she's here and she hasn't gotten the chance to look around the school.  

However, she walks as if she already knows the place. She sets foot far away from her suite and the headmistress's room. She was too lazy to look around.

When she turns right to the corner of the building, which leads to a wooden door that is obviously locked up, someone snaps a finger right in front of her face. 

"You must be the new girl! I heard a lot about you! Hi, I'm Karina!" 

Once she came back to her sense, she found a tall young girl, eyes staring right at her and hand asking for a handshake. Seulgi didn't know her. Well, she doesn't know anyone except her suites mate and Jisoo. 

"Uhm...hi," said Seulgi ignoring the handshake.

She wouldn't want to shake anybody's hand in a completely strange place. How did she end up here? It doesn't seem like a place where students are most likely to walk by.

Then what the is she doing here? What the is Karina doing here?

"You seem lost. Do you know where you're going?" Asked Karina. Seulgi remained quiet.

Karina chuckled.

"Road back to the suite is that way if you're wondering," said Karina while pointing at the left turn right at the end of the corridor. 

Seulgi just nodded and left. Leaving Karina'a hanging not that she cares if the famous Kang Seulgi replies or not. After all, she's not for Seulgi but she's here because of her.

She made a smirk and eyed the wooden door.

"Found you...my master"


"Enjoy the food, unnie. You know I always support you no matter what and we're here for you. Stay strong, Joohyun unnie."

Joohyun sigh. Seungwan has always been the nicest among them. She always takes care of others first before herself and sometimes it worries her. 

A while ago, she was about to leave her room when she stop upon seeing a box left in front of her room with a note on top of it. She knew it was from Seungwan the moment she saw the note.

Seungwan has always been the thoughtful one. She's a very nice girl, humble, down-to-earth, and empathic girl. Last year, she also left her a note during Christmas. 

When she thought about Seungwan, she always thinks it's not fair for her. Joohyun has left her hanging without any information when she...her friends deserve to know the truth.

The truth of where she went last year and what is going on in her life right now. After all, they are family, right? Family does not turn on each other and definitely does not keep secrets from each other.

Sitting on the edge of her bed, she stares at the note with a ripped heart. As long as Kwangya isn't safe, she must maintain distance from her friends...her family.

It is for their own safety. No one knows when she will get her power back and if she is able to control it. She has collected many enemies over the last year and she doesn't want her family to be in danger. Moreover, when she has no power. 

Joohyun just hopes they understand. 

She put the note on the bedside and get out of her room only to feel very much foreign with the silence in the living room. She remembers this place used to be chaotic with all of them.

All of them gather together in the living room, goofing around with jokes and games. Now...it's empty and...cold. She wishes she could warm up the place but...

Suddenly the door to their suite opened. Revealing none other than Kang Seulgi herself. From her perspective, Kang Seulgi seems to be confused and scared. 

Far from what she saw earlier today. They both stare at each other no one said a single thing. Well, she remembers Taeyeon said to keep an eye on her but she doesn't know where to begin.

She's not really good at socializing but staring at Kang Seulgi right now...she seems not in the right mind. What the heck did happen to her in just an hour?

It made her wonder and curiosity push her to start a conversation.

"You okay?" Asked Joohyun which surprise Seulgi of course. The hell she didn't realize the girl is capable of asking such a question. Especially after she went mad at her earlier today. 

"Y-yeah," said Seulgi.

No, you're not. Not a good liar, noted, thought Joohyun. 

She sighs. Maybe a little talk and fresh air will do her good. 

"Let's go out," said Joohyun as she walk past her and get out of the suite. Didn't even look back to check if Seulgi is following her or not. 

Confused and wondering why the hell Joohyun acted that way to her...eventually she followed the girl. 

To be honest, Joohyun doesn't know where she is headed. She just follows where her legs bring her and Seulgi followed right behind her like a puppy. 

Staying in the suite seems to be hard at the moment. Especially after what happened earlier and taking fresh air seems to be nice. Though she brings someone along with her...strange company is what she needs right now.

As long as Kang Seulgi remains quiet, Joohyun has something to worry less about. 


"Give me one of yours," said Karina asking for a cigarette. 

The guy kindly gave one of his to her and lit up the cigarette for her. No one comes to the barn located behind the school building because who would like to come here anyway?

Only the specialty comes here once in a while to restore their equipment and today is not the day. They exhale smoke together. Karina's smirked. 

"You found the door?" Asked the guy.

"Of course, I did, oppa. All we need right now is a distraction," said Karina with an evil smile. 

"Leave it to me," said the guy. Karina smile.

"That's your expertise, Kai Oppa"


"Why are we here?" Asked Seulgi. 

"I don't know," said Joohyun.

Deep down, Seulgi is wondering why did she follow Bae Joohyun. Didn't she mention that she hates Bae Joohyun? Then why is she here? Just the two of them?

Seulgi doesn't know the answer but earlier in the suite, Bae Joohyun just drag her out with her own charms. It's like...Bae Joohyun knows exactly how she feels right now and she is here to help her.

Does it make any sense?

Honestly, she kind of believes it. 

After all, the reason why she came to this school in the first place is that she seeks answers. Even if she must seek answers from the person she hates the most, she will get what she needs to know.

She will do anything to get it. 

"I'm sorry about earlier," said Seulgi breaking the silence. 

But the latter remains quiet as she walks around the stone circle. From Seulgi's perspective, Bae Joohyun seems to be busy with her own mind. Well, she's the Kwangya hero.

There are a lot of things on her plates right now...and Seulgi would probably have to...soon. Seulgi carefully watched Bae Joohyun as she tries to understand Joohyun's complicated mind.

Meanwhile, the only thing that pops into Joohyun's mind is her past. She remembers the first time she steps foot in the stone circle. It was...her very first time acknowledging her power.

The power that almost killed someone. Someone precious from her past. A memory she could never forget and will always remind her to be better every day. 

Perhaps...the reason why she is here is that deep down...Kang Seulgi reminds her of herself. The old Bae Joohyun. One who seeks answers and is eager to understand the power she possesses. 

Right here. In the stone circle, she found her true power. She can feel it in his bone...Miss Kim was the first one who helped her embrace her own power.

To not let the past haunt her future.

But now...she can't feel it anymore. Empty...

"I used to not understand the power inside me. I hate it...but when I get full control of it...when I finally understand it...it was too late for me," said Joohyun. 

Seulgi didn't say anything as she wanted to know more. She wanted to listen.

"The stone circle helps you feel your power. Helps you focus on your power. Now...I felt empty." 

"I'm sorry," said Seulgi. That's the only thing she could say. Joohyun smiled bitterly.

"I don't need your sorry," said Joohyun coldly. Seulgi didn't argue because she was right.

Both of them make eye contact as soon as Joohyun raises her chin up. Those stares are sharp and strong, yet cold at the same time. Joohyun loves this country.

She wanted to protect Kwangya and she will finish whoever trying to ruin the world she love. Now she may have no power but she knows the enemy. 

Knowledge is what she will use to protect Kwangya and her family. In addition, she needs someone else and that is Kang Seulgi. 

"What you did in the suite was reckless. I know my friends can protect themselves but I can't watch and do nothing when I cannot control your power. Here, in the stone circle, you can do whatever you want with your power. Now, feel it," said Joohyun inviting Seulgi to come to the center of the stone circle.

It took her seconds to accept the invitation because she is wondering what the hell Joohyun is trying to do. She calmly walks toward the stone and Joohyun is standing across from her. 

"Do what you have to do. Close your eyes and feel your power," said Joohyun guiding her.

Seulgi hesitates for a moment because she's afraid. What if she actually loses control right now? What will she do this time? 

But then a soft hand touch her shoulder. A very soft one. Light like a feather. She can smell the lavender when Joohyun stood beside her. 

"Scared only holds you back. Dig deeper. Feel the power in your bones," said Joohyun. 

She takes a deep breath and closes her eyes. Dig deeper into her self conscious and call for her power to come out. Imagine a spark of fire inside her. 

The hot air slowly wrapped around her body. She can feel the fire in her bones and she directly transfers it to the stone circle easily. There, Bae Joohyun finally witness the blue fire.

It's beautiful. 

However, the more Seulgi dig deeper, the more she found something.

"I can give you the answer you need, Seulgi"

A sudden flash of the past in black and white suddenly appears in her mind. Disturbing her focus results in her being unable to control her power. 

"Who are you? What are you doing in my mind?"

"Get me out, Seulgi. Get me out and you get the answer you have been seeking"

"Seulgi. Wake up. Stop!" Joohyun calling out for Seulgi. 

Another memory of the past flash through her mind. It's too vague...she can't see it clearly. She's struggling because she wants to see more but it feels like someone is blocking her. 


The moment Seulgi woke up, she realize she has lost control of her power.

"Stop! Get this thing off!!!" said Seulgi as she struggled to control her power.

"Calm down! You're going to get someone hurt!" Said Joohyun as she is trying to help Seulgi.

"Help! Please help me!" Seulgi begged. 

However, when Joohyun is trying to calm Seulgi down, the blue fire reaches for Joohyun, burning her right hand and she screams in pain.




Next chapter~


"Joohyun unnie! Are you okay?"

"What the did you do to her?!"

"This is more serious than I thought..."

"Ready for the distraction"





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Hello, I'm not saying I'm back but I miss this place and my imagination pop out. Still busy with work and university as well, I'll try my best to find time to come here often. Cannot promise it but...I'll try :). Meanwhile, enjoy the new chapter! Miss you guys!


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Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #1
Chapter 11: finally 😭😭😭 welcome back author nim 🩷
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #2
please update author nim 😭
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #3
Chapter 10: Finally 😭😭😭, thank u very much author nim 😭hope u doing great and can't wait for more 🤍🤍🤍🤍
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #4
please update author nim 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #5
Chapter 9: Thank u so much author nim for update, please don't go hard to yourself, please stay healthy, take care yourself there author nim 🤍
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #6
where are u now author, how are u?
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #7
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #8
Chapter 8: Thank u so much author nim for update, god I can't wait for next 🤍🤍🤍
zjkdlin0121 #9
thanks for the update, can't wait for the next chap
zjkdlin0121 #10
hmm who might it be?