F(x) Village

Fate of the Winx Saga

Before the sunrise, Lisa made sure everyone is ready to go. The earlier they woke up, the better for them to move. She was trained to be ready before the storms come. 

The other followed her direction completely clueless of the road they are walking right now. As soon as they got out from the woods, everybody can feel their power back, except Joohyun.

Last night, Joohyun had a dream. That she finally reunited with her family...in the afterlife. What happened prior didn't cross her dream but she knew exactly what happened. 

Miss Kim sent her a mission through the letter last night and her mission starts when she's in F(x) village. It is only a matter of time before she meet her destiny. 

For what is worth...her family comes first. Her friends are her family. GG High School is her family and she would do anything to protect them. Even if it means to sacrifice herself for the greater good. 

"Lisa, how far are we going?" Asked Jisoo.

"We're almost there," said Lisa confidently.

"How do we know if we have arrive? No one ever been to the village before," said Joy.

"I know. The village is hidden by a shield. Don't worry. Miss Kim told me, we'll know when we get near the village," said Lisa.

"But...how are we suppose to know if we're close, Lis?" Jennie added. 

"Just...trust me will ya?" said Lisa trying to sound sure. 

"Now she doesn't sound so sure," said Yeri whispering to Wendy.

Meanwhile at the back of the line, Seulgi keep staring at Joohyun. Trying to read what's on the girl's mind to try to understand this whole madness infront of her.

She knows this is not the time for her to worry about her personal life because what's waiting for them ahead is far more important. It's a matter of life and death of this world.

A place that contains her history of where she came from which means she has to do everything she can to protect this world if she wants to know her history.

The person infront her is the one who could save it and she need to know how. However, the girl seems to be occupied by her own mind ever since they were in the dark forest.

As if she knew what will happen next and she keeps playing the future scene to stop whatever is coming. Seulgi would like to know more. 

"Can we stop for a moment? I'm out of air already," said Yeri. 

"You need to workout, really," said Joy while shaking her head.

"Shut up!"

"We're just 1 miles away!" said Lisa.

"Alright. Why don't we take a break for 5 minute? Lisa?" asked Joohyun. 

The only specialist in the group sigh and nodded. 

"Finally! Gosh, I really need a break. We have been walking for 3 hours! Aren't we living in a modern era? How come we don't use car?!" Yeri yelled.

"We do not want to attrack attention, Yeri," said Joohyun calmly.

"Yeah...I know unnie," said Yeri who decided to stay quiet after she exchanged eyes with Joohyun. Doesn't mean she's scared of her but she respect the oldest. 

Joohyun chuckled before she grabs her water bottle and sit down for a moment. They rest for about three minutes before they continue their journey.

Lisa doesn't want to stay too long in one place. She's afraid others would be able to find them in which Joohyun agree too. 

As the team leader, Lisa lead their ways in which according to her own counting, they should be arrive in 10 to 15 minutes. However, the road seems so far and the girls are starting to be impatient. 

"Lis, do you really know where we're going?" Asked Sooyoung.

"The map says the village is here somewhere," said Lisa while her eyes looking around. 

Yeri grabs the map from Lisa which cause chaos among the group.

"Hey! That's my map!"

"You're map doesn't help us, unnie! Or you can't really read it!" Said Yeri.

"Yeri, give that back to Lisa!" 

While the girls fighting with each other, Joohyun ignore them with heavy sigh and continues looking around the empty road for clues. 

She knew it won't be easy to find the village due to their history. They are legends with extraordinary power that no one could ever match them during their time.

Old magic they said can be powerful. More powerful than the magic they have right now. 

Suddenly, Joohyun has an idea. 

"Kang Seulgi," called Joohyun. 

The girl who has been quiet along the way, busy with her own mind, walk towards the older girl. While the others are busy with their own business. More like trying to seperates Lisa and Yeri before worl war 3 occurs.

"Try summon the blue dragon," said Joohyun.

"Are you sure?" 

Well, in this case Joohyun had no choice but to ask Seulgi. Even if it mean something in the future. She would very much like to summon her own power but she can't.

Both of them have ancient power and it has to mean something for the legendary F(x). Perhaps by summoning one of their power could help them find the village.

Joohyun didn't say anything but the look on her face tells everything. Therefore, without waiting any longer, Seulgi focus her mind on her power, trying to summon the blue dragon.

With full concentration, a blue fire came out of Seulgi's palm. 

"Now what?" Asked Seulgi.

"We wait"

There was silent between them while noises at the back became puzzled. Eyes like eagle, watching like a hawkeye, looking around for signs of the village. 

When the earth starts to shake and transparant shields infront of them starts to open a door, bricks of wall starts to opening up. Revealing a beautiful village surrounded by greenfield and mountains.

"See! I'm not wrong!" Said Lisa still defending herself.

Joohyun gently put Seulgi's hand down, signing her to put off her power before entering the village. 

Joohyun enters the village followed by her friends and as she breathe the air, there's no other places as clean as this one. Most of them were burnt down just like when she visited EXO Planet.

"Wow," said some of them still amaze with the beautiful scene infront of them.

"The story is true," said Jennie.

"How do you know that?" Asked Seulgi confused. 

It was a gambling decision. There are two possibilities and Joohyun goes for the good. Either someone would attack them or symphaty. 

"Our powers are ancient...goes the same as this village," said Joohyun before she follows her friends.

Long time ago, F(x) was the most powerful group, fought a long with the Queen's Knight to protect Kwangya from danger. However, when one of the members died during the battle, they were left shocked and with grieve they pulled themselve away from public.

People were questioning them especially when many of the warriors died due to the battle. It took them years to finally came out and declare their symphaty.

Years after years of battle, F(x) promised to help the world through other ways. World peace and cure. Warriors who still have hope for cure were caught by them and this village is the place where warriors came out healthy. 

This place is full of miracles. 


A group of people with battle armour attached on their body, form a defensive line infront of them, hold them from going any further. 

"Who are you?" Said one of them in the line.

"We came from GG High School. Miss Kim sent us here," said Lisa.

"You are not welcome here. Turn your back from this place!"

"I thought...they have expecting us..." Sooyoung whispered.

"We're friendly!" Yeri shouted. 

Jennie looked at Joohyun somewhat asking for her help. But Joohyun didn't do anything as if she knows what's going to happen next. 

"Hold your fire," said a woman from the back of the line. 

They let the woman pass through and they bow to her. A woman in her mid 30s, share a look to them until her eyes landed on Joohyun and Seulgi. She smiled.

"Welcome. Your journey have been tough. This is just a beginning. Come inside and you two...come with me" 

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Hello, I'm not saying I'm back but I miss this place and my imagination pop out. Still busy with work and university as well, I'll try my best to find time to come here often. Cannot promise it but...I'll try :). Meanwhile, enjoy the new chapter! Miss you guys!


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Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #1
Chapter 11: finally 😭😭😭 welcome back author nim 🩷
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #2
please update author nim 😭
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #3
Chapter 10: Finally 😭😭😭, thank u very much author nim 😭hope u doing great and can't wait for more 🤍🤍🤍🤍
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #4
please update author nim 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #5
Chapter 9: Thank u so much author nim for update, please don't go hard to yourself, please stay healthy, take care yourself there author nim 🤍
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #6
where are u now author, how are u?
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #7
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #8
Chapter 8: Thank u so much author nim for update, god I can't wait for next 🤍🤍🤍
zjkdlin0121 #9
thanks for the update, can't wait for the next chap
zjkdlin0121 #10
hmm who might it be?