
Fate of the Winx Saga

When the headmistress is unable to give her the information she needs, the place she would go to is obviously the library. After her little chat with the headmistress, she thought maybe she could go to the library and do some digging into the past. 


Moreover, after accidentally meeting with Bae Joohyun on her way out, something is bothering her. Especially when Miss Kim told her it is best to have Bae Joohyun as her teacher. 


It is weird for her. In the beginning, the headmistress told her to stay away from Bae Joohyun but now she asked her to learn from 


Have you heard the news? Bae Joohyun lose her power,” said a student talking from the other side of the bookshelf in the library.

“What? How?”

“No one knows but some suspected she lose it after she transform and some also believe she transfers her power to someone else”

“That can be done? I only heard about it when the Black Mamba used scrapers to absorb Fairy power.”

“She’s Bae Joohyun. She gets whatever she wants!”

Kang Seulgi would pretty much hope those girls stop talking about Bae Joohyun and keep their voices down. After all, they are in the library full of people trying to focus on whatever they are doing.

However, this topic attracts her attention. The Black Mamba? She’s not familiar with that name but those students just gave her enough information. More than these books she just read.

The Black Mamba is evil. That’s what Seulgi could conclude from the conversation.

“That’s a shame but I think it’s because of her past. I heard she killed someone in the past which kind of explained why she hates her power.”

“Seriously? Was it intentionally or…”

“Be quiet! This is library girls!” Said the Librarian.

The students left after being scolded by the librarian which left Seulgi with questions about Bae Joohyun.

It’s not cool being the most popular kid at school. People always talk behind your back. The main news and attention every day.

But she didn’t get the about what people said. Especially about her since now people are talking about her because of her power.

Then she learned that she was the second person who possessed the Blue Fire power making her the powerful fairy in Kwangya. However, she doesn’t give any about it.

The reason why she’s in the library is that she is trying to find out who was the first person to possess the Blue afire and how she can possess this ancient power.

In the hope of finding information, she didn’t get any. All she got was history about the great Im Yoona who was the mother of our beloved Kwangya’s hero, Bae Joohyun.

She learned a lot about Bae Joohyun and the dragon flame just in one book. Written by Son Wendy a year ago. Fortunately, her annoying roommate published a book about Bae Joohyun and her history.

Kang Seulgi was able to get a glimpse of Joohyun’s history and a brief introduction to her family. However, nothing was mentioned about her had kill a person in her past.

Is it because Son Wendy is trying to protect the hero? Protect her image? But why? When everyone already knew about the story? Why bother not putting it in the book?

She is left with many questions. Moreover about Bae Joohyun. Although she hates the girl and wishes to stay far away from her, Bae Joohyun’s mysterious past is what attracts her. Curious about what happened because they share the same experience.

They both have the same ancient power. There must be another way to get control of this power. Bae Joohyun is hiding something from her, that’s for sure.

“Hello, world! Look what my mom gave us!” Said Wendy cheerfully as she brought a box full of home cook food.

“Food! Just what I need!” Said Yeri excitedly, gathering together with Joy and Seulgi.

“She also mentioned that she wishes to meet with all of you guys again in the future and she is eager to meet with you too, Seulgi,” said Wendy which earn a smile from Seulgi.

Honestly, Seulgi doesn’t think she has time to meet with anyone outside this school. Perhaps, one day when everything is clear out. After all, Wendy’s mom sounds nice and genuine. Just like the daughter.

As they enjoy the home cooked made by Wendy’s mom, curiosity starts to crumble in one of them.

It is pure curiosity and whoever that be, would like to get confirmation from the targeted victim.

“Seulgi unnie,” called Yeri.


“Can you tell us how you get the blue fire?” Asked Yeri which made Joy and Wendy completely stunned.

Well, Bae Joohyun is currently not in their suite but bringing up that topic wouldn’t be so good right now. Considering both of them share the same power, yet, the other girl happened to lose her power due to an unknown reason.

Kang Seulgi does not have the answers and she just knew that her power is uncommon in this world or…any other world.

Also, who knows if Seulgi likes the attention she has right now or not? Perhaps what she needs right now is silence and away from her reality, which seems to be ed up at the moment.

However, the awkward silence broke as Seulgi decided to talk about it instead of ignoring Yeri.

“I’m not sure, yet. That’s what I’ve been dying to know and went to the library for the past few days,” said Seulgi.

“You wouldn’t find anything there. Our history is kind of ed up,” said Joy.

“I believe you 'cause I didn’t find anything,” said Seulgi.

Knowing how difficult it is for Seulgi, Wendy reached for Seulgi’s shoulder and squeezes it a little with a reassuring smile on her face.

She knew deep down nobody can help Seulgi. Even the famous Bae Joohyun. This is her problem to face but Wendy would like Seulgi to know that they are here for her. She’s not alone.

At least that’s what Wendy learned from Bae Joohyun. That girl always believes that she carries all the burden herself. The safety of this planet is in her hands which is true.

But now…the fact that she loses her power makes her desperate. She has been pulling herself away from everyone else. Even her friends are in the suite and it worries Wendy. She wishes that Bae Joohyun could open herself more to everyone here. We all support her.

“I’ll find the truth. I will,” said Seulgi.

“We are here for you, Seulgi. We want you to know that even though we just met for two days, we treat everyone like a family here,” said Wendy.

“What she said, Seulgi unnie,” said Joy, the chic girl.

“Can you show us your power?” Asked Yeri.

Little sparks won’t hurt, right?

Seulgi closes her eyes and clenches her hand making a fist. Concentrating her focus on her power and there she goes.

Blue fire on her hand. It’s real. That’s what everybody thought.

“It’s beautiful,” said Yeri.

“What do you think you’re doing?”

The four girls direct their attention to the person standing at the suite door. Looking very much unhappy with Seulgi showing off her power.


No. Joohyun is not jealous. It is beyond jealousy. The safety of her friends is her concern and she wouldn’t want any accident to happen in this suite.

Not under her watch.

Seulgi put off her power and instead of saying sorry, she remained silent. Odd, Joohyun thought. The girl is known for being quiet and talkative when she’s not asked to be.

“O-oh, Joohyun unnie. We were just talking and eating! My mom brought us meals! Here. One for you,” said Wendy breaking the ice.

“Kang Seulgi,” called Joohyun.

It’s clear to everyone who’s watching there. The eyes full of hatred and anger fill those beautiful yet cold doe eyes.

At this moment, they know they shouldn’t do anything reckless. More like they shouldn’t be near Bae Joohyun right now because she is completely scary with those burning eyes of her.

“Outside. Now,” said Joohyun as she get out of the suite and walk to the school garden.

It was the cold tone that made the room so awkward and scary. Perhaps not everybody in the room understands why Joohyun acted like this.

Furious. Angry and mean. Although she is far from that if you get close to her. She’s one of the kindest people but lately…it’s been a rough year for her.

But Kang Seulgi does not know that. All she knows is that Bae Joohyun is the coldest person she ever met. A mysterious girl with many secrets she wonders if will she be ever to hear one in the future.

In the corridor, Bae Joohyun stops not too far from their suite.

“What do you think you were doing?” Asked Joohyun, eyes staring directly at Seulgi.

“I was just showing my power to..."

“How reckless. Do you ever think of how dangerous your power is? You could have killed us all if you don’t know how to control it!” Said Joohyun furiously.

Despite how much she wanted to defend herself, somehow she found what Joohyun said is right. What if she can’t control her power?

The thing she did…the reason why she is here now would have repeated. How stupid did she forget that? No. Perhaps she never forget that accident. She… just wants to show her off.

Her ego almost killed the entire Kwangya and without their protector, she will be the killer. Kwangya’s bomb waiting to explode anytime.

“I-I’m sorry,” said Seulgi apologetically.

Joohyun sigh. She is still mad of course but she has to control her emotion. Although her power is currently MIA, it still. She has to be careful.

She wouldn’t want to be the culprit for burning the school.

“Just…think of your action before you proceed and remember your power is not for self-defense anymore. The world's safety is what you will carry around on your shoulder for the rest of your life. So, be wise and be careful using your power,” said Joohyun before she leave Seulgi to their suite. 


Perhaps, what Miss Kim said was right. She could really seek guidance from Bae Joohyun...and dig for some information.


When she is about to walk back to the suite, the wind blows her hair. A whisper she cannot hear quite well except her name being called. The wind came from the other side of the corridor. Away from the suite. 


Out of curiosity, she follows where the wind came from. 



Joohyun opens the door to her group suite and found her friends still sitting in their living room. She knew she just made a grand entrance earlier. However, she has her own reason and one of them knew. It will make sense if they knew it. 


She sigh. A year ago, they were so happy together. Laughing like there is no tomorrow but everything changed after she transformed. She created distance with her friends.


Lock herself up in her room for a month before she went out on a mission only to come back with no power. Now, not only she can't protect the world, but she is also unable to protect the only family she has. 


Without saying anything, she went to her room and lock the door behind her. 


"Joohyun unnie has her own reason. Please know that she only does this because she is protecting us," Wendy explained.


"How come...distancing herself from us is her way of protecting us? I mean...it's not that we're helpless or anything. We can defend ourselves. She's overreacting," said Joy.


"Sooyoung-ah, you know how tough it was for Joohyun unnie last year," said Wendy.


The chic girl gets up from the sofa and shook her head. 


"I don't give a anymore. We have been so patient with her, yet, she just makes it so hard for all of us, unnie. I'm done being nice to her," said Joy before she walk to her bedroom.


Wendy sigh and look at Yeri who seems to share the same thought as Joy. 


"Yeri-ah," called Wendy.


"I agree with Sooyoung unnie. Joohyun unnie better open up to us or she'll lose us," said Yeri before she follow Joy to her own bedroom. Leaving Wendy all by herself in the living room.


Today should be a great day for all of them. Her mother sent them meals and Wendy wished they could gather together in the living room. Getting to know each other more and helping the one who needs help the most. 


However, it seems useless now. She sighs before she walks to her own bedroom and shut herself down for the whole day although Seulgi is there in the room with her.


Meanwhile, in the other room, do not think she didn't hear that conversation in the living room. She heard it. Loud and clear. She has been standing by her door, listening to everything her friends said.


It broke her heart to see Wendy still defending her. Perhaps, that is because she is the only person other than Jennie who knew what happened last year. The real reason why she was so mad at Seulgi for showing her power inside the suite.


But there is more. Although she has no power, she is still dangerous. No one knows when she will get her power back and when she does...she's not sure if she will be able to control it. 


She is dangerous to everyone...even to herself and it's only wise for her to stay away from her family...to protect them. They will understand it one day.


Right now, she need to focus on finding her parents as well as protecting Kwangya from the Black Mamba and Kang Seulgi...is the key to save us all. 


Considering her relationship with Kang Seulgi is quite complicated...well she's the only one who make this all complicated...this will be a hard task for her. 


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Hello, I'm not saying I'm back but I miss this place and my imagination pop out. Still busy with work and university as well, I'll try my best to find time to come here often. Cannot promise it but...I'll try :). Meanwhile, enjoy the new chapter! Miss you guys!


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Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #1
Chapter 11: finally 😭😭😭 welcome back author nim 🩷
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #2
please update author nim 😭
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #3
Chapter 10: Finally 😭😭😭, thank u very much author nim 😭hope u doing great and can't wait for more 🤍🤍🤍🤍
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #4
please update author nim 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #5
Chapter 9: Thank u so much author nim for update, please don't go hard to yourself, please stay healthy, take care yourself there author nim 🤍
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #6
where are u now author, how are u?
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #7
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #8
Chapter 8: Thank u so much author nim for update, god I can't wait for next 🤍🤍🤍
zjkdlin0121 #9
thanks for the update, can't wait for the next chap
zjkdlin0121 #10
hmm who might it be?