Red Velvet Suite

Fate of the Winx Saga

"Welcome to GG School! My name is Seungwan but you can call me Wendy or whatever you prefer! I'll be your mentor for the whole semester. I believe Miss Kim has told you before! Nice to meet you!" said the short blonde hair girl to the girl in all black who look completely lost in the crowded school garden. 

"So, what fairy are you?" Seungwan asked again.

However, the girl didn't respond right away because everything is still new for her. Yesterday, she woke up still an ordinary girl and now she's here. At Kwangya. A world she never heard of before and didn't even know this world existed.

How did she arrive here? Oh well, shortly, she burned her old school after she got bullied by the famous Moonbyul. Previously, she always can handle her emotion but the previous event clearly said she was not good at controlling her emotion. 

That's when Miss Kim found her. Told her that she belong to Kwangya where she will be able to train her power and emotion. Well...technically Miss Kim didn't find her...more like she came barged into her room. When she came home, Miss Kim is there. Sitting at the edge of her bed, waiting for her to come home patiently.

Miss Kim introduced her to Kwangya, who said that that place is where the magic happens and belongs. A place where she will meet friends just like her. She hardly believes that but after what happened in school and it was odd to find her parent didn't know anything about the event...surely something is wrong. 

That's when Miss Kim told her she erased the people's memories and made up a new story. Electricity caused the fire and burn the school. 

"Seulgi? Kwangya to Seulgi? Hello?"


"I see! Well, a fire fairy is very rare here since there is only one fire fairy and she's the Kwangya hero. Anyways! I'm a water fairy! Hope we get along well! Get it?" asked Seungwan with a goofy smile on her face.

"A hero? What did she do?"

That's the only thing that matter to Seulgi. She would like to know how can a person that shares the same power as she can be called a hero. Not that she wants that title. In fact whoever that person is, people called her a hero which means she has control of her and Seulgi would like to learn from the person who understands her. 

"Well, last year she killed all the burned ones and the blood witches. Two most dangerous creatures in Kwangya. She is the leader of our suite! Before I introduce you to the other members of our suite, Miss Kim instructed me to lead you to her office. Now, let's go!"


"How was your summer?"

"Miserable. I broke up with Kai"


The brunette girl frowned upon hearing the response from her cousin. She tilted her head a little. 

"I mean...I always knew you two won't work out, Jen," Jennie rolled her eyes.

"Thank you for your honesty, Joohyun," said Jennie sarcastically. 

Joohyun shrugged. 

From the top floor of the school building, they can see students roaming around the school garden. They look very small from up here. It's not like they enjoy the view. More like they are trying to run away from people. All the noise interruption is kind of a pain in the .

Especially for Joohyun. After all, she's the famous Bae Joohyun. The town talk, even the world talk. She becomes so popular after what she did last year. 

"I heard you spent your summer doing a mission. Did Taeyeon sends you?"

"Mm," said Joohyun.

It only means the mission didn't go well. 

"Good news is no one seems to notice that, Hyun. Your reputation is still protected. Kwangya's hero," said Jennie jokingly. 

However, Bae Joohyun is not in the mood for it. It didn't make her feel better at all.

She cannot forget her last mission which keeps bothering her for the rest of her summer holiday. Not that she cares about her title as a hero because other than it is just a title, it is also a burden for her.

A responsibility she must carry...something she never imagined she would have to carry for the rest of her life. Additionally, how can she do her responsibility when the only thing that has been keeping her alive is currently unavailable?


"Are you sure you could help me?" asked Seulgi worriedly.

"If I'm not sure, why would I bring you here? After all, you decided to come here because you don't have a choice. Am I correct, Seulgi?" said the headmistress. 

She got her point, thought Seulgi. 

"Please take a seat," said the headmistress, also known as Miss Kim. 

While waiting for the headmistress who seems to be occupied with paperwork, Seulgi takes her time to observe the headmistress's office. The wooden wall and floor match each other which gives the room an ancient and classic feeling. 

Also, a nerd. The headmistress's office is surrounded by bookshelves with a wide window showing the school garden as the view. It's a great view from here. But Seulgi prefers to have some privacy.

"So, classes will start tomorrow morning and you'll start from the basic"

"Basic?" Miss Kim took off her glass and put it on her work desk. Eyes focus on Seulgi.

"You out of many people out there should have known how dangerous magic could be. You need to control your emotion and magic because they are connected. That is the reason why you burned your school," said Miss Kim pointing out her mistake which she would like to forget sooner. 

Yeah...she is well aware of that. Then Miss Kim divert her attention back to the paper on her desk. One final signature and she is finished. Miss Kim put the paper aside and give all her attention back to Seulgi with a warm smile on her face.

"Any questions?"

"Kwangya's hero. That person has the same power as me, right? Can I learn from her?"

Miss Kim frowned in her place. Too surprised that the new girl heard of that already. Well, she cannot deny Bae Joohyun's popularity after last year's event.

Even the Queen of Kwangya admits her powerful ability. 

"Seulgi. I understand how desperate you are right now. However, as I mentioned before, start from the basics. Trust the process and do not expect you'll learn something great from someone who shares the same power as you. She may share the same power as you but your experience and hers are completely different. Do not rely on someone else to help you grow. It could be dangerous. For you and her," said Miss Kim. 

Miss Kim is trying to warn her and give her a clear boundary. However, it doesn't make Seulgi back away because a warning doesn't work for her. She is even more curious about what that person is capable of. 

If she is known as the Kwangya's hero then she has her way to control her power and emotion. Something they have in common. Fire and unclear emotion. Seulgi will believe Miss Kim once she proves that what Miss Kim told her is true. 

"So...why I don't see any wings and Tinkerbell?"


"I heard another fire fairy has arrived," said Joy who is sitting on the couch in the middle of the Red Velvet Suite. 

"Another fire fairy! Joohyun unnie will be thrilled to hear this!" Said Yeri excitedly as she join the older girl on the couch. She's sitting across from Joy who looks very much comfortable on the couch across from her. 

"Do you believe that Joohyun unnie will be happy to hear that?" Yeri grin. She lied. She was just trying to cheer up the room because both of them knew how scary Joohyun could be in front of new people, especially if she knew that the new student is a fire fairy. 

Fire fairy is rare. Only 1% of the population are fire fairies and they are scattered around the world. Instead of feeling special for being a limited edition, Bae Joohyun thought otherwise.

Because to tell the truth, Bae Joohyun hates her power very much. 

Yeri flicks her fingers and a white light appears in front of her. She's a light fairy. Meanwhile, Joy is an earth fairy. That explains the plants scattered in the Suite. None of them mind it actually because it makes the room looks alive.

"Talking about Joohyun unnie, where is she? I haven't seen her since I came," said Joy.

"Nope! She's probably somewhere in the school. You know how she hates the attention after what happened last year," said Yeri while taking the time to fix her makeup. 

They were here last year and of course, they heard the news. After all, Joy and Yeri share the same suite as Joohyun along with Seungwan. After last year's event, Joohyun hasn't been the same or they thought so.

The leader has been through a lot and it was a rough year for her. The news of her killing the most dangerous creatures in Kwangya spread immediately. 

Not only that, but she also transformed. After two decades and more, no one has ever transformed. Joohyun was the first fairy that transformed which became hot news even now. 

She became famous after that unforgettable event. Her name was all over the newspaper and on the internet. People on the street recognize her immediately and asked for autographs.

It was tough for Joohyun and she ended up spending her summer vacation inside her house. Hiding from society. But more than that, she has her reason why she's hiding away from society.

All they knew is that Bae Joohyun went on a mission during the whole summer vacation. The news said that the mission was a success but even after the mission was finished, they heard nothing from the hero. 

From the beginning, the three of them, Joy, Yeri, and Seungwan knew how mysterious Bae Joohyun is. The girl is keeping a lot of secrets from them and despite that, she is still a great leader and friend to them. 

The door to their suite opened, interrupting their ongoing conversation. Reveals Wendy and a new girl they are not familiar with. 

"Hi, guys! Look who I brought! This is Kang Seulgi she's the same as me! She is our new roommate which means she is our new member of the Red Velvet Suite," said Wendy excitedly.

From where they are sitting, both of them said hi to Seulgi.

"Hi! Nice to meet you, unnie! My name is Yeri," said Yeri cheerfully, and at the same time she shut the light off.

"Welcome aboard, unnie! You can call me Sooyoung or Joy. Pick your favorite," said Joy cooly.

The girl in a black outfit only bowed slightly. Well, for a new girl and someone who came from a completely different world, she didn't make a good first impression. Not that she cares at all.

"She's quite shy, guys. Don't worry, Seul. Take your time to adjust to the new environment. I bet you will need time to digest all these new things," said Wendy.

"Why should she adjust?" 

The four of them turned their heads to where the voice came from. To Seulgi's surprise, she is seeing the most beautiful girl she has ever seen. Her white porcelain skin glow under the room lights and her doe eyes are shining. 

However, the way the girl stares at Seulgi brings a chill to her spine. Although the girl is very beautiful, she can be...pretty much intimidating and cold. 

"Ah! Joohyun unnie! This is Kang Seulgi. She's a fire fairy! Just like you!" Said Wendy which made the room suddenly intense.

Yeri and Joy stared at each other in shock. Two fire fairies in their suite. This can't be good at all. 

So, she's the hero, thought Seulgi staring at the girl.

It's not like she didn't feel the intensity around the room. She can feel it and she wonders why but perhaps she knows why. The girl in front of her is Kwangya's hero.

The one who seems to be keeping a lot of secrets. Even the headmistress hates to talk further about her. 

Meanwhile, Bae Joohyun keeps her face straight. She heard of a new fairy coming to the school but she never thought they would share the same suite. Joohyun does mind because she would like to stay far far away from other fire fairies. 

She has no intention of sharing her experience or tips to control her power because she has no tips or tricks. She had enough adoration from society and she wouldn't like to have one that sticks close to her like sharing the same room as her. 

Moreover...she hates fire. She hates it...very much. 

Seulgi hands her hand over for a handshake. Unbothered with the awkward situation in the room. Joohyun just keeps staring at the girl intensely without giving any of a handshake. 

"My name is Kang Seulgi. It's nice to meet you," said Seulgi easily. 









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Hello, I'm not saying I'm back but I miss this place and my imagination pop out. Still busy with work and university as well, I'll try my best to find time to come here often. Cannot promise it but...I'll try :). Meanwhile, enjoy the new chapter! Miss you guys!


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Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #1
Chapter 11: finally 😭😭😭 welcome back author nim 🩷
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #2
please update author nim 😭
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #3
Chapter 10: Finally 😭😭😭, thank u very much author nim 😭hope u doing great and can't wait for more 🤍🤍🤍🤍
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #4
please update author nim 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #5
Chapter 9: Thank u so much author nim for update, please don't go hard to yourself, please stay healthy, take care yourself there author nim 🤍
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #6
where are u now author, how are u?
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #7
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #8
Chapter 8: Thank u so much author nim for update, god I can't wait for next 🤍🤍🤍
zjkdlin0121 #9
thanks for the update, can't wait for the next chap
zjkdlin0121 #10
hmm who might it be?