Chapter 2: The horrible thing that is wedding planning

Fake marrying the (soon to be) love of my life

The evening ended with them coming to some sort of terms. Yesung insisted on convincing his parents to break the 'engagement', if it could be called that. Kyuhyun didn't expect much, but complied on trying as well on his end. If they couldn't change their minds, they would keep meeting to sort of what they would do.

After that, they ate and chatted a little to fill the oh so awkward silence. That's how Kyuhyun learnt Yesung was rather interesting. He was funny and weird and kind of an airhead. He thought they would do just fine if this macabre plan of their parents kept ongoing. They may even become friends. They exchanged numbers before parting, to inform the other of the results of their efforts.

When Kyuhyun arrived home, he went straight to talk with his father. Apparently, his father had the same intention as him, as he was the first to say anything.

"What do you think of Kanghoon?"

"He's nice, I guess. But dad, I will not marry him."

"Didn't you just say he is fine?"

"That doesn't mean I can marry him."

"Yes, you can. He's the best match for you."

"Still, I can't. I will not fall in love with him and I don't want to marry someone I don't love." Kyuhyun wanted to say he wouldn't marry anyone, but his father wouldn't take him seriously.

"How can you be so sure of it? You have only met him once."

"Neither I want to marry someone I barely know!" He lifted his hands to his head in frustration. This was ridiculous.

"It's fine. You have three months to get to know him. The reception will be on the hotel of the Lee family. You can ask your mother for more details."

Kyuhyun couldn't believe his father. He tried to convince him to cancel everything for some more time, but it was in vain.  He tried talking with his mother as well, but got the same answer. The wedding was going to happen, whether he liked it or not. He knew why they were this stubborn, though. His parents also had an arranged marriage, but they were lucky enough to fall in love with each other. So how could it not happen to their son as well? They didn't know they were a rare case.

He texted to the newest number on his contacts to tell the sad news.


- Good night, hyung. This is Kyuhyun.

- I couldn't convince my parents to cancel it.

- Hi Kyuhyun

- same with me

- my parents said they're sending the invitations in three weeks

- what do we do?


Crying, Kyuhyun thought.






They didn't cry. Or at least not yet. Both Yesung and Kyuhyun agreed to make this the least uncomfortable possible. They wouldn't let their parents go crazy with this wedding anymore. They would take control of things.

What they didn't take into account was the fact that wedding planning it's horrible. The worst. Unbearable.

They parents have already done a lot of the planning, but weddings are this monstrosity of an event that consumes life.

Since no wedding planner would agree to plan a wedding in only three months, they had to do it themselves. First, they had to either accept the theme their parents chose or change it (do weddings even have a theme?), then what flowers they would use, plan different menus because some guests were allergic to this or diabetic or vegan or whatever that restringed their diet, what decorations were going to be used, etc. They had to select people to act as best people, a kid to spread petals to form a path and some other roles Kyuhyun thought were unnecessary. The whole event was unnecessary.

But, in Kyuhyun's opinion, the hardest part was to make everyone accept every little detail. They took ages just deciding the colors of the flowers and an eternity choosing the type of flowers.

Weddings are hell.

He should have learnt from his sister's wedding to not get involved in one.

If only they could just go to the civil registration and firm a document. But they had to make it big.

"This is going to kill me, Wookie. I may end up dying single after all. I don't think I can last until the wedding." He still had to do his usual work and check on the collaboration with the Kims. But that wasn't everything. The worst was that it's been only two weeks since Kyuhyun got involved in the planning. There were still two months and two weeks left from this hellish journey. It was even more stressful because their parents decided to do it so fast. Why is spring the best time for a wedding anyways?

"Don't worry. I'll plan your funeral to be the best. It'll be full of people. Full with the guests from your failed wedding."

"Great encourage you give."

They were in a coffee shop. They decided to meet during their lunch time and Kyuhyun took the opportunity to whine. But it wasn't making him feel better.

"You know you'll be dragged to this mess at some point, right? My mom is dying to talk with my groomsmen."

"I know. But at least I know I'm not the one getting married."

Kyuhyun glared at him. He usually was the one teasing and causing distress. But look at him now, suffering without receiving any consolation. The sound of his phone ringing interrupted his depressing thoughts. If it was another congratulation for his marriage he was going to scream. He checked the message and, instead of yelling, he smiled. He continued glaring at Ryeowook after writing a reply.

Ryeowook got curious at his friend reaction. "Who was it?"

"Yesung. They finally decided on the design for the invitations. Want to see?" He showed him the pictures of the invitations' samples. It had the usuy information, nothing outstanding. Except for the drawing at the end: A turtle and a penguin. It was drawn in a cute style and, surprisingly, it combined with the flower pattern at the top.

"It's cute. Does Yesung like turtles?"

"Yeah, he has three. He sometimes talks with them. Weird, right?" Kyuhyun laughed amused.

Ryeowook was taken aback by Kyuhyun's reaction. He accidentally touched the screen of Kyuhyun's phone with his finger, closing the picture and getting back to the chat it came from. Ryeowook caught sight of a part of their conversation. They seemed to be really friendly, talking about all sort of things aside the planning.

"At first his mom wanted to include something that represents us on the design. After my idea of a cup of coffee and one of wine was rejected, we decided on our favorite animals, then..."

He handed the device back as Kyuhyun told the anecdote. Some gears were working in Ryeowook's head, putting things together.

"You two sure has become closer."

"I prefer to have a cordial relationship with my fiancee." Ryeowook stared at him with an unreadable expression. Kyuhyun frowned at him. "What?"

Ryeowook just shook his head. "It's good to see you getting more friends."

"I have friends. Plenty of them."

"Your drinking buddies don't count. I'm talking about real friends. You only have Teukie hyung, Changmin and me. And I'm the only one you frequently meet."

"It's not my fault they're so busy or so far they don't have time for me. And I have more friends that I'm close to. You just don't know them."

"Who, your gaming friends? I doubt you talk to them for anything but playing."

"Whatever." Kyuhyun grumbled while eating his lunch. He needed to hurry, else he was going to be late. He didn't have time to tell Ryeowook about all the friends he had.

"What are you doing next?"

"Buying the suit. We'll try on some models my mom picked."

"I'll go with you."

Kyuhyun looked at him quizzically. "I thought you were going to keep on the sidelines for a while longer."

Ryeowook grinned at him. Kyuhyun didn't know, but Ryeowook was going to use this opportunity to get to know Yesung. "It's my free day and I want to see you suffering." And they say Kyuhyun is evil.

Kyuhyun was waiting for the moment Ryeowook showed vulnerability. He was going to get his revenge sooner or later.








"That's too simple."

"Too gloomy."

"It doesn't suit you."

"Not elegant enough."

"Too casual."

They were on the hundredth suit and Kyuhyun felt his soul was leaving his body. Yesung was in a similar state, just sightly better.

If it were up to Kyuhyun, he would just use one of the suits he already has. But no, both mothers were too interested on choosing the best outfit ever for their kids. It didn't help that Yesung brought over his friend, Heechul. He was being as picky as he could. There was Ryeowook as well, who was taking his sweet time pointing out whatever little detail he could find.

At least his sister had the decency of being silent while taking pleasure on his suffering.

He took the next outfit chosen for him and went to the dressing room. This was endless.

In the way, Yesung pated his shoulder, probably trying to encourage him, and smiled. Kyuhyun gave what he hoped was a reassuring smile. It probably looked like a grimace.

He just finished buttoning his dress shirt when he realized he forgot the tie. He shrugged. He was just going to put it on when he returned. He finished dressing himself but stopped as he heard someone knocking the door. He poke his head out the curtain of his cubicle. There was no one on the changing room aside from Yesung and him, so they must be looking for one of them.

"Kyu? Are you presentable?" It was his sister. He went to the door and opened it. She was holding the abandoned tie in her hand. "Here. You forgot this." He took it and stared at her.

"So? What's the real reason you came?"

"To check on you. I need to go back to work and we haven't had time to talk."

"I'm fine, don't worry."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm just a little tired of trying on so many clothes."

She studied his face before answering. "You know I know that's not everything. I'll make some time to have dinner with you one of this days. Tell me then, alright?" He nodded and she hugged him.

The sound of something falling interrupted the siblings' moment. "Do you mind if I come out now?" They broke the hug and turned to see the origin of the voice. It came from Yesung, who was on one of the cubicles, trying to find the best moment to leave and not interrupt their talk. But curse his clumsiness to do it anyways. He just had to drop a hanger.

Ahra laughed and told Yesung to come with them. He shyly did as told. "Sorry to keep you waiting there, Kanghoon. I needed to say something to Kyu." Yesung shook his head. "No, I'm sorry for interrupting you."

"It's okay, I've already finished. It's a good opportunity to chat with you." Although they were introduced to each other before, they didn't have any opportunity to talk with each other. "I'm sorry my parents got you involved in this mess."

"I think mine have equal responsibility."

"It's still a shame you have to be stuck with Kyu."

"Hey, I'm very good boyfriend material, thank you very much."

"Then why don't you have a lover?"

"Because I already have a fiancee."

"Which is fake."

Yesung chuckled at the siblings' quarrel. Ahra followed him soon after. Kyuhyun just scoffed. An alarm on Ahra's phone rang to remind her she had to go.

"I have to say goodbye now. I need to hurry back to work." She checked her watch and then gave Yesung a pat on his arm. "It was a pleasure meeting you. I'll go now, Kyu." She ruffled Kyuhyun's hair and then walked towards the exit. "Take care!" Kyuhyun and Yesung waved at her. They looked at her leaving figure for some time.

Kyuhyun took his jacket and went to the door. "Shall we go as well?"

Yesung put an arm on Kyuhyun's shoulder and pointed at the door with the other. "After you, my fiancee full of boyfriend material."

"Oh, my. What a gentleman is my fiancee."

They merrily went to show their clothes to the remaining public. They had to enjoy this brief relief moment before entering hell once again.






The nightmare that's shopping finally ended and the group went to have dinner together. They were having a peaceful meal until both mothers decided to go. They retired and left the 'couple' and their friends alone. Then another kind of nightmare began.

"So, Kyuhyun. Do you have any hobbies?" Yesung's friend, Heechul, started his interrogation after some small talk.

"I play videogames. Mostly StarCraft"

"He likes to watch historical dramas. He's also training to be a somelier. He drinks all kinds of alcohol." Ryeowook added. Kyuhyun threw him a look.

"Nice, you can invite me to either." Heechul grinned.

"Please, don't invite him to drink. I'll be the one carrying you home if you get drunk, Chullie hyung."

"Not if I get you drunk as well." Yesung rolled his eyes at Heechul.

"What about you, Yesung hyung. Any interests?" Ryeowook also seemed eager to interrogate Yesung.

"This guy loves coffee and selcas. Include collecting accessories to the list." Heechul answered instead of Yesung.

Yesung frowned at Heechul. "Hyung, he asked to me, not to you." He turned to Ryeowook. "I like to watch movies and love music. I enjoy most genres, but I especially like rock."

"Really? Our Kyuhyunnie only listens to ballads."

"Oh! A romantic one." Heechul hummed appreciatively.

"He once told me he thought he would bump into his soulmate in the subway." Ryeowook smiled innocently when Kyuhyun glared at him.

"Why do I feel you two are seizing this conversation..." Kyuhyun looked from Ryeowook to Heechul warily.

"Because you are too slow to answer."

Kyuhyun's eyebrows were lifted, eyes wide open. He looked at his supposed friend with incredulity. He then looked at Yesung in search for an answer to such behavior, but he only shrugged his shoulders. He was as clueless as him about the situation.

Heechul and Ryeowook ignored them and continued talking, asking each other questions meant to Kyuhyun and Yesung, but answering themselves anyways.

This was going to be long.

Kyuhyuncalled a waiter and ordered a wine bottle. If Heechul cheered, Yesung frowned or Ryeowook said a 'I told you', Kyuhyun didn't care. He only wanted to relax with a cup of wine in hand. He deserved that at least.









At the end of it, Kyuhyun's dark past and half of his most embarrassing secrets have been shared. The other half was safe because he had never told them to Ryeowook. At least he got equal treatment as Yesung.

Not everything was bad. Heechul was a funny person to talk to. When he wasn't assessing him, of course. They had a good time after he and Ryeowook got their information.

He only had a few more days of rest before being scrutinized once again.

After sorting out the most convenient day for them, Ahra and Kyuhyun went to eat together. They talked about different things before getting to the most concerning point. The wedding.

"You look like . Are you sleeping properly?"

"I have been doing overtime to make up from the time absorbed by the wedding."

"I would help you, but mom is asking me to do a lot of tasks as well." She smiled sheepishly before changing her demeanor. "So, do you think something will happen between Kanghoon and you?" Ahra moved her eyebrows suggestively.

Kyuhyun groaned. "Of course not. You must already know it."

"I know. But it's funny seeing that expression on your face." She laughed and he rolled his eyes. He wasn't angry, but he had a face to keep. "I can try to talk with mom and dad again, you know? It's not fair they're forcing you to do this." She eyed the ring awkwardly encircling Kyuhyun's finger. It was prepared by their parents beforehand. A sing of the compromise forced on her brother.

"It's fine, really. This is just play pretend. Yesung and I are on good terms, it'll be like having a roommate. And I won't have to hear about any blind dates anymore."

"I guess that's true." She sighed apprehensively, but showed a smile with her next comment. "And you got to meet Kanghoon. I'm glad you have a new friend."

"Ugh. Not you too. Ryeowook said something similar a few days ago."

"But it's true. You are secluding yourself too much. I understand why you are afraid of forming new bonds, but you can't keep like this. Not when this is not what you really want." Even if he was shy and awkward, Kyuhyun was friendly and open. But he had cut ties with most of his friends and haven't got close to anyone since his university days.

"I'm not isolating myself." She eyed him and hummed noncommittally. Even if he had a good control over his facial expressions, Ahra could always see through him. "It's just- I don't know. I've just found it harder to trust people."

She took hold of his hand. "Kyuhyunie, it's okay to be sacared, but nothing's going to happen. I won't let anything happen to you."

"I know." Kyuhyun knew just how much she cared for him. She has always been there for him. "You don't have to look after me so much, you know? I'm already an adult."

"But I want to. I don't want to see you hurt again."

"And you won't."

Wanting to live up the mood, Kyuhyun changed the topic and told her about the newest game he's been playing.

He would get back to the hectic schedule in a few hours, but for now, he was going to laugh with his sister.









Author's note: I had to research a lot about wedding planning. I only go to the reception to eat.

I'm happy to read so many encouraging comments. Thank you! I wish you have a nice day.

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The epilogue is finally released!


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kray4Yesung #1
Chapter 11: THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL. Thank you, author-nim 😭💙
18 streak #2
Chapter 12: This was beautiful they’re really cute together & I loved how cluelessly in love they were at times plus the communication was top tier ‼️🥰
Chapter 12: This story was really cute, they were equally dumb and clueless. It's also the first time I see auality written realistically in a fanfic and not just treated as a joke, so thank you for that.
Chapter 12: Aww.. Cute gif 💙
Can't get enough of cute Yeye and tsundere Kyu.
I thought it's already finished in chapter 10, the epilogue is a very nice surprise.
Bring us more sappy Kyusung things, we can handle them all 😁
Chapter 5: I would be devastated if this isn’t a happy ending. They’re so cute.
Cenya14 #6
Chapter 12: Love the entire story. It was nice seeing their relationship grow
Chapter 12: Soo sweet and cute, at the same time kinda hilarious hahahahahaha, loved it. Thank you for this awesome story author-nim!!(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)
401 streak #8

LOL I hope you don't mind. Don't worry, it's just for me~ >___<b

Eniwei, it's really a beautiful epilogue! And of course beautiful story for all the chapters! Thank you so much that you put yourself for writing this, love you to the moon and back!

PS : You are now one of my fav kyusung author <3
_MyName_ #9
Chapter 12: Such a beautiful epilogue! And even if they are a little sappy, I think it's cute especially if they act like that only sith each other <3 your drawing is amazing ^^