Chapter 5: What better honeymoon than moving together?

Fake marrying the (soon to be) love of my life

When Kyuhyun woke up, the first thing he noticed was the feeling of something touching the area between his nose and his mouth. That was weird. Who could be doing it? Neither his parents nor his sister would do something like that. Did a friend stay over? But he didn't remember inviting someone... He opened his eyes to find out the culprit.

It was Yesung. He was seated next to the bed, in a chair he found somewhere. Why was Yesung in his room!? Kyuhyun didn't remember they were at the hotel until enough fogginess abandoned his mind. Yesung kept touching him the whole time, absorbed in his thoughts.

"Hyung? What are you doing?"

"Oh, you're awake. Your alarm kept ringing so I tried to wake you up. You didn't respond."

Kyuhyun nodded. So he forgot to deactivate his alarm. He didn't need to go to work today, his father gave him the week off. His wedding gift. Though it was so he would use the time to move.

Yesung didn't stop touching and Kyuhyun realized he didn't really answer his question. "Why are you touching my face?"

He finally dropped his hand. "Sorry. I got bored since you didn't wake up. I was watching you sleep to pass time. You have a nice philtrum." So that area has a name. Who would have thought?

But that wasn't important. How long has Yesung been watching him? There wasn't drool on his face, right? Kyuhyun hoped Yesung didn't notice his red ears. "Do you like to watch people sleep?"


Yep. Yesung was weird.

After that, Kyuhyun got up and got ready. They went to reception to check out and then went to have breakfast. Yesung knew a place near the hotel so they went there.

Since Kyuhyun didn't know what to talk about while they waited for their food, he was very grateful when he received a call. It was from work. Some little details of a project that had to be resolved. Kyuhyun got up to answer it.

When he returned from the call, Yesung was reading something in his phone. Kyuhyun got to know what it was after Yesung showed him. It was an article about their wedding. Seems like the media didn't waste any second in releasing the news. And it somehow became viral. Yesung said Heechul sent him the article saying it was funny. Kyuhyun didn't find it funny at all.

From all the pictures they showed, three quarters were from Kyuhyun and Yesung together. Nothing weird with that, they were from their wedding, after all. But every one and single of those had a Kyuhyun staring 'lovestruck' at an oblivious Yesung.

It got popular after a bunch of people twitted some of their photos with phrases like 'I wish I had a boyfriend that looks at me like Kyuhyun-ssi looks at Kanghoon-ssi' or 'if he looks at you like this, then it's true love.' What true love, that was pure bull. Kyuhyun was just dazed by the kiss... Something he shouldn't remember.

Another factor to the viralization of their wedding pictures was Yesung himself. He was a mini star in instagram and twitter. He was good at taking photos and people thought his twits were amusing, so he had lots of followers. His fans were already aware of his wedding since he published a picture of them together. So, when the actual wedding happened, they made sure to spread the news. Yesung himself published some photos of it. Kyuhyun didn't know when he took them.

But thanks to that, the evidence of Kyuhyun's embarrassing actions was there to be seen by the whole world.


"What's with this? You stared at me in all those pictures!" Yesung was amused. He laughed lightheartedly, not knowing how embarrassed Kyuhyun was feeling. Still, Kyuhyun had a huge ego to protect. He wasn't going to show how affected he was.

"Well, isn't that great? Everyone will think we're a happy married couple." Kyuhyun was going to make it look as an act and not him freaking about one of yesterday's events, the one he wasn't going to remember. He would die from embarrassment otherwise.

"That's for sure. Are you that in love with my face?" Yesung said teasingly.

"That hurts, hyung. Are you doubting my love for you?" Kyuhyun put a hand in his heart, acting exaggeratedly hurt. "I should be the one doubting you. You didn't look at me in half of those." He put a very undignified expression. He was being as dramatic as possible.

Yesung blinked several times before getting the cue. He followed his act and faked a concerned face. "What can I do to show you my love?" He took his hand as to contribute to the act. Kyuhyun didn't see it coming and almost broke his facade. He fought back the flush threatening to show on his face. He tried to focus on their little game.

It was a good thing he could free his hand and make it look as part of their game and not because he was flustered. After calming himself down, Kyuhyun returned to his act and glanced doubtful at Jongwoon. "No, no. I already knew I mean nothing to you."

"That's bit true. Will you give me another chance? I'll make it up for you."

"Yeah? How."

"Paying this meal?"

"No, no, no, no...." Kyuhyun moved his hand in a dismissing way, but continued talking after a dramatic pause. "But, if you insist..."

Neither could contain their laugh anymore. They kept bantering and playing even after their food arrived. Kyuhyun was happy things weren't awkward. He was afraid things would change after yesterday, but they got along as usual.

After they finished eating, they went to their respectives houses to finish packing their stuff. Tomorrow, they would bring their things to the apartment. It was already furnished, so they didn't have to worry about moving anything big.

He had already packed everything, so he just lied on his bed. Today, Kyuhyun only wanted to sleep.






It was their fifth day of moving. Jongwoon opened another box and cursed under his breath. "Why do I have so many things?"

Comparing to Kyuhyun, Jongwoon brought too many boxes. Half were full of clothes, so he gave up on arranging them. He would take his clothes directly from the boxes until he emptied them. It would be easier to store things little by little every time he washed his clothes.

That's why he was focusing on the rest of his belongings. It was a lot as well. Maybe he brought too much? But he didn't want to leave his CDs behind and forgotten. Or any of his things, for the matter.

Kyuhyun brought way less than him, so he was practically done. Jongwoon may have finished earlier, but they wasted a lot of time the first day moving the furniture. Even if they called Jongjin to help them, it took a lot of time to move everything.

The apartment was near both their jobs. It had four bedrooms, a full bathroom and a half, a living room connected to the dining room and a kitchen. It had a balcony with a great view to the city as well. It was too big for them in Jongwoon's opinion, but it was bought by their parents so he won't complain.

Their parents original intention was to have them share the main room, have two rooms work as an office for each and leave the last room for guests. But neither Kyuhyun nor Jongwoon liked the idea. Kyuhyun saw the double bed with disgust.

They rearranged things so each had their own room. The main room, the biggest one, ended up as a shared office. The last room would still be for guests. They were sure their family would love to give them surprise visits.

If it weren't for their parents necessity of having them sharing a room, Jongwoon would have already finished arranging his things.

As he was examining the contents of another box, Kyuhyun came to his room. He knocked the door to make his presence known.

"Are you done?"

"Nope, I still have these left." Jongwoon pointed at the remaining boxes left to sort out. Kyuhyun looked at him pitifully.

"I'll help you, so let's continue later. Dinner is ready."

"Thanks." After Jongwoon forgot to eat the first day of the moving, Kyuhyun had been making sure he didn't skip any meal. He looked at him as if he had grown two heads after Jongwoon told him he forgot he was hungry.

It made Jongwoon feel guilty. He was the one supposed to look after Kyuhyun, not the other way around. But he wouldn't waste the opportunity to eat Kyuhyun's food. It was very tasty.

So Jongwoon got up and followed Kyuhyun to the dining room. They talked about what was left to do while eating. He was paying attention to it, but there was another thing he was thinking about.

Kyuhyun has been avoiding him ever since the day after the wedding.

Being honest, Jongwoon was quite flustered when Kyuhyun showed up on his room out of nowhere. With everything that happened since the kiss, Jongwoon was lost as to what would be of them. But then Kyuhyun showed up like nothing happened and asked to share a room, as if they were friends in a pyjama party.

Jongwoon then remembered Kyuhyun didn't see him in that way. They had to act lovingly for the event, yes, but there wasn't anything else between them. Kyuhyun said since the beginning that he wasn't interested in Jongwoon. There was also the memory of something else Kyuhyun said.

It was after one of the practices for the ceremony. Heechul invited Kyuhyun and him to have a drink. After some talk, Jongwoon had to go to the bathroom. He wasn't sure if it would be a good idea to leave them alone, but he had to go. When Jongwoon returned and before he reached their table, Heechul saw him and told him with his eyes to wait there. He was within hearing range so he could listen to whatever Heechul wanted him to hear.

"Hey, Kyuhyun. Do you find Yesung attractive?" Jongwoon almost went to make Heechul shut up, but he was a little curious about Kyuhyun's answer.

"I think everyone with eyes would think he is attractive." Jongwoon was happy with the compliment. But that wasn't enough for Heechul, so he asked something else.

"Then, would you him? Or maybe let him you?" This time, Jongwoon would have gone to beat the out of Heechul to shut him up if he wasn't too dumbfounded to react. What the heck was he saying!? They both may have drunk a lot by then, but saying things like that was still too much!

Kyuhyun looked at Heechul weirded out before answering. "Ugh, no. I wouldn't have with him. Or anyone in general."  With that, Jongwoon confirmed Kyuhyun didn't want to have that kind of relationship with him. After that incident, Jongwoon didn't leave Kyuhyun alone with Heechul ever again. He feared what other things he may say to him.

But well, with that information, Jongwoon was sure Kyuhyun didn't go to his room for those business. He panicked a little after hearing the shower, but when Kyuhyun came out fully clothed with a penguin pyjama, Jongwoon knew nothing was going to happen. He didn't need to think too much into Kyuhyun's actions. So he happily offered to share the bed. It was a pyjama party, after all.

Kyuhyun didn't seem to mind it that much, so neither the wedding events or that night were the reason why Kyuhyun had been acting like that.

That led Jongwoon to the only conclusion left. Kyuhyun got freaked out after Jongwoon watched him sleep. That was what made the most sense.

Jongwoon couldn't help it. What did he expect him to do when his phone's battery was dead? But he supposed it's indeed weird to find out someone has been watching you sleep. It made him feel bad. He told Siwon his cousin would be fine in his hands, but Jongwoon was just a weirdo who liked to touch philtrums and watch people sleep.

But well, that must be the reason Kyuhyun has been avoiding him.

Although avoiding may not be the correct term. It's not that he has stopped talking with him or didn't want to see him. He has just been being more elusive to physical interaction. Jongwoon thought Kyuhyun had already gotten used to it, but he may have closed up after the incident.

Things as simple as touching his shoulder would make Kyuhyun flustered. He didn't let it show, but Jongwoon was aware. He had been watching him closely, after all. And maybe that's why, but when Kyuhyun reacted like that, it made Jongwoon feel shy and bubbly. Kyuhyun's reactions were very cute, after all.

Jongwoon had been wondering why Kyuhyun hasn't told him to cut it out. He has let Jongwoon touch him and never has he told him to stop. He even tried to initiate skinship. Maybe he wanted to forgive Jongwoon? That would make him very happy.

He had to abandon his thoughts when Kyuhyun asked him something.

"I know it's a little late to ask, but do you have a lover?"

"A whole wedding late. But no, I don't."

"I see." Kyuhyun looked at his plate without showing any particular emotion on his face. "If you find someone, tell me beforehand. That'll make arraning your affair easier."

"Uh... Okay. But I don't think it'll happen anytime soon. I'm going to take a break from all the dating stuff."

"Oh, is that so?" Kyuhyun looked curious.

"Yeah. I'm kinda tired of it. At the end, they always leave me because I'm too weird.”

"What, really? There may be unusual things about you, but nothing bad."

"That's the reason I've received the most after a breakup. They'll say I'm not what they thought or something along the lines. Some even blamed me for making them cheat on me."

"What!? What's wrong with those people?"

"I guess we just didn't click. That's why I'm not searching for a relationship at the moment. It's too much to worry about." Jongwoon remembered the post Heechul sent him. "I don't think anyone would want to have an affair with me anyways. Not after all those photos of us went viral."

Kyuhyun groaned. "Ugh, I don't think I'll ever hear the end of it. My friends have been spamming me with edits of us together." He buried his face in his arms.

"Hahaha, how bad."

Kyuhyun lifted his head high enough to take a peek at Jongwoon. He made eyes of a broken-hearted puppy. "Hyung, you should be soothing me and not mocking me." He pouted at him with those plump lips of his. Kyuhyun knew those attacks were deadly to Jongwoon. He just couldn't resist cute things.

Jongwoon got up and moved to stand right next to Kyuhyun. The younger was following his every move. But he didn't expect to be hugged. Jongwoon started running his fingers through Kyuhyun's hair in a soothing way. Kyuhyun got nervous but leaned to the touch.

"Is this soothing enough for you?" Jongwoon's voice was sweet. Kyuhyun may have said it as a joke, but Jongwoon was worried. Kyuhyun seemed to be very affected by the viralization of his image. He didn't know if the hug would help, but Jongwoon really wanted to make him feel better.

Kyuhyun studied Jongwoon's face before shifting. "It's not bad." He moved to leave a small space on his chair for Jongwoon. He gladly accepted the offer and changed positions. They were seated side by side.

It must be funny seeing two adult men sharing a chair. They barely fitted, so Kyuhyun used his arm to not let Jongwoon fall. The older leaned his head on Kyuhyun's shoulder. After some hesitation, Kyuhyun leaned his on Jongwoon's.

They stayed like that for a few minutes. Jongwoon running fingers on soft brown locks and Kyuhyun having a steady hold on Jongwoon.

Even if it wasn't the most comfortable position to be sitting in, Jongwoon found the moment very cozy. Spring was in full bloom, but there were days where the weather would be cloudy and chilly, like today. The cold weather must be the reason why he enjoyed sharing warmth with Kyuhyun so much.

He could stay all day like this, silently hugging Kyuhyun. Well, it would be great to chat with him as well. Just like they were doing before.

Right, they were talking about something.



"What about you? Are you seeing someone?"

Kyuhyun scoffed. He raised his head before replying. "Nope. And I'm planning to stay like that for the foreseeable future."

"Really? What happened to the romantic Kyuhyun who thought he would meet the love of his life in the subway?"

"I kindly request you to remove that memory from your brain. If you refuse, I may proceed to threatening." Kyuhyun dropped his hold on Jongwoon.

"Are you threatening me with threatening me?"

"Only because you deserve it."

Since Kyuhyun wasn't holding him anymore, Jongwoon almost fell. Kyuhyun grabbed his arm to avoid the fall and, after making sure Jongwoon was alright, got up. He cleaned the table and started doing the dishes.

For what Jongwoon could tell, it was a touchy subject for Kyuhyun. He didn't want to push him, so he didn't say anything else.

They stayed silent. However, Kyuhyun started talking after a while.

"It's just, I realized it was never going to work for me. No matter how hard I tried."

Jongwoon was surprised. He didn't expect an answer. He was also confused by his words. "What do you mean?"

Kyuhyun searched for the correct words to explain it. "I'm not ually attracted to anyone. No matter their or gender. I don't particularly like having either."

Oh, so that's a thing. Jongwoon hadn't thought about the possibility before. "I see."

Kyuhyun remained silent. He seemed to be waiting for something. Jongwoon didn't have any idea what it was, so he waited as well. After a long pause, Kyuhyun finally turned to look at him confused.

"Aren't you going to ask how it is possible? Question if it's real?"

"I have to do that?"

"No, it's just..." Kyuhyun had a blank face. After regaining his senses, he started laughing. "You're indeed very weird hyung. But that's a good thing." His laughter was out of amusement, but there were traces of relief as well. He continued doing the dishes. There weren't much so he finished quickly.

The silence returned after Kyuhyun's laugh died out, thought this time it was Jongwoon who broke it.

"But what does that have to do with dating? There's more in love than just ."

"That may be true, but most people find it a fundamental part of it. It's called to make love, after all."

"But there must be people who understands. Or some that are the same." Kyuhyun went to stand next to Jongwoon. He leaned on the table.

"I think there must be, but it's so tiring searching. I tried dating before, but it didn't end well... They doubted my feelings and I became paranoid about them cheating on me..."

Jongwoon wasn't sure what would be the best way to answer, so he just took Kyuhyun's hand, to at least let him know he was there for him. Kyuhyun looked at their linked hands and then at Jongwoon. He squeezed his hand.

"It wasn't good for anyone, so I had to end it. But after that I got scared from using the subway. What if I met the love of my life but ended up ruining it because I'm broken?" Jongwoon wanted to tell him he wasn't broken, that there wasn't anything wrong with him. Kyuhyun must have read his mind, because he talked before Jongwoon could say anything. "Don't worry, I don't think like that anymore. But it's still scary. Falling in love."

Jongwoon hugged him. There was so much he wanted to say but not enough words to make it have sense. So he just hoped to send some of his feelings to Kyuhyun through his touch. He didn't know if they were able to reach him, but Kyuhyun returned the hug.

"Guess we're both losers in love." Kyuhyun was making fun of their bad luck, but it didn't sound self deprecating.

"We're not losers. We just play the game in a different way."

"That's a way to see it." Kyuhyun pulled apart from the hug. He looked better than before. More relaxed. "Let's continue with your room. You'll have to sleep on the couch otherwise."

"Not in the guest room?"

"That's an option. I guess you don't need my help then." Kyuhyun smile was full of mischief. "Good luck with arranging your room."

"Oh, come on. You promised to help me."

"Did I?"

"Yah, brat." Jongwoon hit him in his head. It lacked strength and was mostly for show. Kyuhyun laughed again and stopped Jongwoon before he could tickle him. Although he was winning their little fight (curse his long arms), Kyuhyun decided to give up.

"Alright, hyung. I'll help you."

They spent the rest of the day on Jongwoon's room. Kyuhyun questioning his taste every time he grabbed something and Jongwoon thinking it would have been better if he did it alone after all.






Author's notes: For some reason, after I read some comments asking for a happy ending, I got some ideas for a tragic one.

Those won't be for this story, but I may use them in the future for something else.  I'll stick to the original ending I thought for this. Since I'm writing this because I'm stuck with kyusung roaming around in my mind, they'll end up together.

Just remember that staying together with someone isn't necessarily a happy ending (⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。⁠)




But this will be a happy ending, don't worry.




See you next time (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠✧⁠*






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The epilogue is finally released!


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kray4Yesung #1
Chapter 11: THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL. Thank you, author-nim 😭💙
18 streak #2
Chapter 12: This was beautiful they’re really cute together & I loved how cluelessly in love they were at times plus the communication was top tier ‼️🥰
Chapter 12: This story was really cute, they were equally dumb and clueless. It's also the first time I see auality written realistically in a fanfic and not just treated as a joke, so thank you for that.
Chapter 12: Aww.. Cute gif 💙
Can't get enough of cute Yeye and tsundere Kyu.
I thought it's already finished in chapter 10, the epilogue is a very nice surprise.
Bring us more sappy Kyusung things, we can handle them all 😁
Chapter 5: I would be devastated if this isn’t a happy ending. They’re so cute.
Cenya14 #6
Chapter 12: Love the entire story. It was nice seeing their relationship grow
Chapter 12: Soo sweet and cute, at the same time kinda hilarious hahahahahaha, loved it. Thank you for this awesome story author-nim!!(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)
390 streak #8

LOL I hope you don't mind. Don't worry, it's just for me~ >___<b

Eniwei, it's really a beautiful epilogue! And of course beautiful story for all the chapters! Thank you so much that you put yourself for writing this, love you to the moon and back!

PS : You are now one of my fav kyusung author <3
_MyName_ #9
Chapter 12: Such a beautiful epilogue! And even if they are a little sappy, I think it's cute especially if they act like that only sith each other <3 your drawing is amazing ^^