Epilogue: I guess I do love you

Fake marrying the (soon to be) love of my life

Jongwoon left his office a little later than planned. He usually finished his work quickly, but there were some minor problems that had to be solved now.

He was very efficient with his work and very meticulous. Some would say he was a perfectionist, but he didn't think of himself as one. Pursuing perfection usually led to downfall. He just wanted to do his best in everything he did. That's how he could become successful in his job. But above that, there was the fact that he knew how and who to delegate responsibilities, a very precious skill when managing groups of people. He had a sixth sense that told him if someone was trustworthy or not. That was one of the main reasons he was able to survive in the business despite his obliviousness. He was very good at judging people's character and personality.

That's how he knew he could trust Kyuhyun just after a few encounters. At the time, he didn't think they would get this close, but he was happy he trusted his gut.

As he was waiting for the elevator, Jongwoon checked his phone, reading the conversation he had with him, writing something at the end.




[Cho Enterprises' Cho Kyuhyun]



- What time do you finish today?

- At six

- Ok.

- You finish at five today, right?

- Are you coming to pick me up? ^^

- Today's the reservation. Didn't you remember? You were the one who booked it.

- Oh, right. Then we have to be there early!

- I'll pick you up then.

- Thanks

- See you later!

- <3




- I'm waiting in the parking lot.

- There are a few things I have to check :(

- Can you wait a little?

- Sure.



- How long are you going to leave me waiting?

- You've been there for five minutes!

- Every single second without you feels like an eternity.

- Aww

- Why do you only say these things by text?

- Because it's embarrassing.

- You're already cheesy enough for the two of us.

- Really? Who's the one that composed a love song just to tell me he loves me for the first time?

- Who knows? I don't.

- And who was that one who bought a helicopter travel to see the night lights of the city in our last anniversary?

- You're not any better, you know? Just focus on your work.

- See you in a bit

- ^3^




- I think it will take half an hour (⁠。⁠•́⁠︿⁠•̀⁠。⁠)

- We still have time, don't worry.




- I'm almost done!! :D

-  Just hurry up.




- I'll be there in five minutes




He entered the elevator and pressed the button to reach his destination. When he was in the parking lot, he looked around but couldn't find Kyuhyun. He took out his phone to call him.

— Hello?


— Did you finish?

"Yep. I'm in the parking lot already. Where are you?"

"Right behind you."

Jongwoon got surprised when he heard his husband's voice coming from behind him and not from his phone. He felt a pair of arms envelope him in a tight hug and a chin rest in his shoulder. Jongwoon giggled when Kyuhyun kissed his free ear. The other one still had his phone pressed on it.

"I'm sorry I took so long."

"It's fine. We have enough time until the reservation."

"Didn't you wait much?"

"I brought my PSP with me." Kyuhyun answered calmly, but he started pouting at the next second. "Aren't you going to hug me back?"

"Just let me finish the call."

Jongwoon moved his hand to have his phone at a visible height and ended the call. This little action gave Kyuhyun the opportunity to look how his number was saved in his lover's contacts.

"Cho Enterprises' Cho Kyuhyun? Really? Why do you still have me saved like that?" Kyuhyun let go of Jongwoon to cross his arms and fake a hurt look.

"I sometimes have to send your contact to some clients and such. What face would I put if they see I have you saved like Kkuru, darling or something?" Jongwoon took Kyuhyun's arms with his hands and rubbed them in a comforting way. Kyuhyun just shook his head in disapproval.

"You could directly type the name and number or sent a digital version of people's business card. That's what I do."

"You're doing your work properly, right?" Jongwoon looked at him doubtful. Kyuhyun rolled his eyes.

"I am. I'm the best at it." Kyuhyun cupped Jongwoon's face and kissed him. He pulled apart just enough to be able to look at him in the eyes. "Just as I'm the best at kissing you." Kyuhyun tried to keep his cool, but he quickly became embarrassed. He closed his eyes and pursed his lips before laughing.

"See? You're sappier than me!" Jongwoon was laughing at the cuteness of his lover. How could this grown man be this adorable?

"Says the one who wrote a letter every day when I went to China for a month."

"Can't you forget it already? It wasn't even every day..."

"You skipped like two days. I can say it was everyday."

"Let's hurry up and go. We may lose the reservation if we stay here more." Jongwoon got very embarrassed and just wanted to change the topic. Those letters weren't mean to be read, he wrote them because he felt lonely. Kyuhyun found them by accident after his return and Jongwoon hasn't heard the end of it yet.

"Sure, sure." They got in the car. After securing their seat belts, Kyuhyun looked at Jongwoon with a smirk. "We can keep sharing anecdotes at the restaurant. All those embarrassing memories from the creation of certain letters."

"I have more embarrassing stories about you, you know?"

"Maybe, but those cannot be compared with the cheesiness of the letters." Kyuhyun laughed evily.

"Just drive the car." Jongwoon hid his face in his hands.

"Let's go!"












"Hyung, stop with the photos already."

"Just one more. This is too pretty to not take photos."

Kyuhyun looked at him fed up. "It's a napkin."

"A decorated napkin. Haven't you seen the pattern? This isn't your average napkin." Kyuhyun shook his head while sending bug glares at Jongwoon. The older knew Kyuhyun wanted attention, but everything was so pretty he had to take as many photos as he could. Kyuhyun included, of course.

They were in a private room in a traditional restaurant. They were celebrating their third year since they confessed to each other. Since it was an special occasion, the room they were in was carefully decorated. This, obviously, took most of Jongwoon's attention, who was the king of selcas and photography in their group of friends. He was using the camera Kyuhyun gifted to him in his last birthday to take pics of everything he saw in every angle possible.

"How would you feel if I brought out my console and start playing?"

"You do that a lot, so I wouldn't mind. I gave it to you knowing it was going to happen. You actually played with it when we arrived."

"It was only while you chose what to order. I put it in my backpack once the food arrived. And I didn't ignore you."

"I'm not ignoring you." Jongwoon looked at Kyuhyun straight in the eyes.

Kyuhyun snorted. "We already finished eating and you keep playing with your camera. We didn't come here to have a photographic session."

"I'm not playing around nor ignoring you. You said you wanted to tell me something after the dinner." Jongwoon left the camera in the table and put a puppy look. "Can you tell me?"

"I don't have anything to tell you anymore." Kyuhyun crossed his arms and refused to look at Jongwoon.

"Come on, tell me."

"You wouldn't even listen."

"Kyuhyun-ah, I want to listen to whatever you have to say. Tell me?"

"Fine." Kyuhyun got up and signaled Jongwoon to get closer to him. The older stood up and walked to the younger, curious at the new position they were in. "This is very important, so listen carefully."

"I'll do. So? What did you want to say?"

"Woon-ah." Kyuhyun took Jongwoon's tiny hand with his own and took a small box out of his jacket with the other.

Jongwoon's eyes got wide open seeing the small object. "This..." He tried to say something, but his voice wouldn't come out. He looked at Kyuhyun with the question showing in his face. Kyuhyun only nodded with a smile in his lips as response.

"We got married more than three years ago, but when didn't have a choice back then." He kneeled in front of Jongwoon. "That's why I want to ask this under our own terms."

With a swift move of fingers, Kyuhyun opened the box. He practiced a lot to be able to open the box with only one hand and was thankful it payed off.

"Would you spend the rest of your life with me?" He talked very confidently, sure he was going to receive a positive reply. Still, the blush in his face reached his neck. Proposing was a very embarrassing thing to do in Kyuhyun's opinion.

Jongwoon brought his free hand to his face. There were so many emotions in his heart, but he was sure the strongest one was love, followed by happiness. He only managed to nod effusively, as there were tears threatening to fall from his face. Kyuhyun chuckled at his husband reaction, the proposal was a success!

Kyuhyun delicately placed the ring in Jongwoon's hand and got up. Once he was standing again, Jongwoon took the other ring and put it in Kyuhyun's hand. Once the interchange was done, Jongwoon brought Kyuhyun closer and kissed him. It was passionate and intense, but without losing the sweetness and gentleness they always share when their lips met. When the kiss eventually ended, Kyuhyun pressed his forehead against Jongwoon's. Seeing each other in the eyes, a smile bloomed in Jongwoon's lips, which was reflected in Kyuhyun's face.

"Just when I was planning to propose as well."

"Actually, I found it out. That's why I decided to be faster."

"Is that why you looked so confident?"

"I already knew you were going to accept, there was nothing to worry about."

"I wanted to be the one proposing because I knew I was going to cry if you did, look at me!" The tears finally left Jongwoon's eyes and traveled down his cheeks. Kyuhyun wiped them with his thumb and kissed him again. No matter how pretty he looked while crying, Kyuhyun didn't enjoy seeing Jongwoon cry. But if that was what he needed, he would lend Jongwoon a shoulder to cry on.

"I'm here to wipe your tears so don't worry."

Kyuhyun hugged his lover in a protective hug. Jongwoon always felt safe in Kyuhyun's arms, just as he felt at home when being with him. Jongwoon hated being weak, but he allowed himself to show vulnerability in front of Kyuhyun. He buried his face in Kyuhyun's chest and hugged him back. They stayed like that for a few seconds, until Jongwoon felt something wet falling in his head. He looked up and found Kyuhyun trying to hold back his tears.

"I did my best to look cool, but I'm just too happy." Kyuhyun used the side of his hand to wipe the few tears escaping his eyes.

Jongwoon pinched Kyuhyun's cheeks with his little hands. "Kyunnie, you look cool even with these soft cheeks of yours and your doe eyes. A few tears won't do anything to your coolness."

Kyuhyun tried a little more, but he finally gave up and let the tears fall. It was such an emotional moment he couldn't help himself. People often said Kyuhyun was very cold-hearted or expressionless, but he was everything but that in front of Jongwoon. Just what did Jongwoon do to him? What did love do to him? He sometimes wondered how much he trusted Jongwoon to be able to expose his heart like this in front of him.

Seeing his lover's tears, Jongwoon started crying again. They hugged each other, crying and laughing. They were just so happy for their future, so grateful for having met. This moment for sure would keep in their memories for all their life.

"What's going to be of us in the ceremony if we're already like this with the proposal only?"

"It'll be our night, who cares if we cry or laugh like crazy?"

"It's going to be so chaotic."

They hugged each other until their tears dried and their laughs subdued, but nothing could erase the smiles in their faces.

"Talking about the ceremony, what are we going to do? Do we divorce and remarry?" Kyuhyun laughed while Jongwoon slapped his shoulder due the silly idea.

"We don't have to do that. We can just renew our vows."

"More like exchange real vows. I don't think the ones from our wedding count."

"I still don't know what the officiant said back then. I only remember your surprised expression when we had to say the ‘I do’." Jongwoon laughed remembering the ceremony. They both were so lost when it was held.

"Don't mention it, I finally blocked all the memories from back then. I don't want to cringe again remembering that."

"Everything? Even the kiss?"

"Everything but that. How would I forget our first kiss?" Kyuhyun leaned forward and trapped Jongwoon's lips in a brief kiss. "Each one is unforgettable."

"You're being extra cheesy today!"

"My romantic mode was activated for our anniversary. You'll have to deal with it until tomorrow."

"I'm not complaining." Jongwoon initiated another kiss. "I love you." He whispered in Kyuhyun's lips, making the younger hold him tighter.

Jongwoon didn't say those three words that often. He thought saying them all the time would make them lose their power. He only said it when the place, mood and timing was perfect. And as compensation for the rarity of the event, he always made it a special moment, whispering in Kyuhyun's ears everything he liked and loved about him.

On the other hand, Kyuhyun thought it was better to say it as often as he could. However, given that it was difficult for him to be vocal with his feelings, he didn't say it much. He did his best to tell Jongwoon how much he loved him as often as possible, but it fell short to the amount of times he fell again and again for his so beloved husband.

Each and every one of those declarations of love, as scarce as they were, were so honest and beautiful, each word filled with their feelings.

But even if they didn't fill their days with ‘I love you’s, they said it all with their actions. Every look, every smile, every hug and every kiss. Every show of affection and every moment they spent together was enough to show the whole universe how deep their love was.

In this moment, though, Jongwoon wanted to hear those words explicitly from Kyuhyun's lips.

When they pulled apart, Jongwoon took Kyuhyun's face with his hands. "What about you? Mmm? Do you love me?"

Kyuhyun made a face. "Do I have to answer?"

"Come on! I just said it. What happened to your romantic mode?"

"Fine." Kyuhyun sighed exaggeratedly. "I guess I love you too."

"You— !" Just as Jongwoon was going to complain, Kyuhyun silenced him with another kiss.

"Though I would say that what I feel for you can't be described with the word ‘love’ only." Both the embarrassment of his own words and Jongwoon's blushed face and gaping made Kyuhyun laugh.

It was surely a magic moment.

They have had silly fights and more serious arguments in the three years they've been together, but since they were willing to listen and understand, they have been able to resolve all their conflicts. And they would make sure to keep that attitude in the future. As strong as love is, it requires effort and actions to keep it alive.

When Kyuhyun was younger, he used to have this idealized idea of what love and romantic relationships were about. He had a lot of misconceptions about the nature of that wonderful feeling, making him confused when his past relationships twisted into something painful.

Jongwoon had lots of misconceptions about what love should be like that made him have and try to follow expectations impossible to meet. It tired him out and made it very difficult make his relationships last.

However, since they met not expecting something in particular from their relationship, they were able to set those misconceptions apart and live naturally. It was difficult, but they learnt how to love again.

They weren't experts, they were just amateurs trying to do things right. They both kept making silly mistakes, getting confused and panicking at times, but they kept loving each other and doing their best to show it. And that's what mattered.

They'll have a lifetime to keep learning, anyways.



A lifetime to keep loving.














Author's notes: THE END

Oh, my goodness. This was so difficult to edit. I actually had this written since last month, but couldn't bring myself to edit it. It got sappier and sappier as I kept going. I had to cut out some things because they were too cringy, I couldn't even read them.

I don't even know if this works as an epilogue or not, I'm just posting it to then repent of it on the future. Oh, my... I'm sure going to cringe reading this in the future........




Anyways, some announcements (here because I don't get how feed and those other function's of AFF work yet)

Firstly, I created a twitter account to participate in KyuSung week (I still don't get how twitter works either, so I haven't posted anything yet. I'll share the link later.)

However, my brain doesn't work well with promps, so I'm not sure if I'll finish on time  ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ


Secondly, have you seen my new profile picture? It's KyuSung hug made into gif! I drew it myself, please compliment it! (that's actually the reason why I didn't finish my fanart for SuJu's 17th anniversary (⁠ ⁠;⁠∀⁠;⁠)... I couldn't stop myself from doing it more complicated that needed.)

This is it! I'm very proud




Thirdly and lastly, There is another story in process of editing to be published! If I think the promps are too much for me and don't draw anything, I'll just upload it as a small celebration for KyuSung week. If I actually manage to bring the energy to work in the promps, it will be released at the end of november.






Finally, I want to thank you again for all the support this fic got. Every comment made me giggle and get motivated to keep writing, every notification of someone upvoting or subscribing made my heart warm, thinking there were people interested in this thing I was writing.

It was a messy process in where I made mistakes and forgot to write some things, but it was very funny to do. This actually made me motivated to keep writing and drawing, but more than anything, it made me enjoy it again.

Once again, thank you.

Stay safe and healthy, I hope we can meet (virtually) again! Byebye!



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The epilogue is finally released!


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kray4Yesung #1
Chapter 11: THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL. Thank you, author-nim 😭💙
18 streak #2
Chapter 12: This was beautiful they’re really cute together & I loved how cluelessly in love they were at times plus the communication was top tier ‼️🥰
Chapter 12: This story was really cute, they were equally dumb and clueless. It's also the first time I see auality written realistically in a fanfic and not just treated as a joke, so thank you for that.
Chapter 12: Aww.. Cute gif 💙
Can't get enough of cute Yeye and tsundere Kyu.
I thought it's already finished in chapter 10, the epilogue is a very nice surprise.
Bring us more sappy Kyusung things, we can handle them all 😁
Chapter 5: I would be devastated if this isn’t a happy ending. They’re so cute.
Cenya14 #6
Chapter 12: Love the entire story. It was nice seeing their relationship grow
Chapter 12: Soo sweet and cute, at the same time kinda hilarious hahahahahaha, loved it. Thank you for this awesome story author-nim!!(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)
400 streak #8

LOL I hope you don't mind. Don't worry, it's just for me~ >___<b

Eniwei, it's really a beautiful epilogue! And of course beautiful story for all the chapters! Thank you so much that you put yourself for writing this, love you to the moon and back!

PS : You are now one of my fav kyusung author <3
_MyName_ #9
Chapter 12: Such a beautiful epilogue! And even if they are a little sappy, I think it's cute especially if they act like that only sith each other <3 your drawing is amazing ^^