Chapter 3: Of cursing and bonding

Fake marrying the (soon to be) love of my life

This wedding is the life out of Jongwoon. Everything is so damn annoying. It's not like Jongwoon doesn't enjoy planning things and choosing decorations. The thing is, everything was rushed and stressful. But every decision had to take ages, for some damned reason. At least it was going to end soon, they only had a month left.

He was still angry at his dad for deceiving him, but he was even more angry at the fact that he fell for it. It was the same strategy his dad used to lure him to his current job. 'Just help us once', he said. 'You don't have to continue if you don't like it', he said. But once became twice, and then once a week. And look at him now. Eight years on the company.

Heck, his dad has been doing it all his life. Ever since he was six and didn't want to go to school, he had been falling for the same trick. His dad would say to 'try it only once', but then make excuses to keep Jongwoon at it.

The only good thing that came out from this mess was meeting Kyuhyun. Jongwoon thought it would be better if they met in different circumstances, but this is what they got. He was sure they would meet sooner or later, knowing that their families work on the same field, but he tried to not think about it.

He met Kyuhyun and that's what mattered.

When he saw him at first, he didn't think much about him. Sure, he noticed he was tall and had a cute face, but he didn't form any opinions. He also noticed Kyuhyun tried to keep a distance between them. He was wary, even. Jongwoon didn't blame him. It was awkward as hell talking with someone you barely know, more so if you know you have to marry them. But as they kept texting and meeting, he got to become closer to him. Talking with him was a great relief between all the chaos that is wedding planning.

Sure, they mostly talked about how to survive the wedding planning the first week. But now they talked about all sort of things. Jongwoon liked to think they had a good relationship. He felt Kyuhyun was opening little by little to him as time went on. Last time, he let Jongwoon take a selfie with him!

They were on ways to become very good friends.

And that's what he had been trying to tell Heechul for more than a month. Kyuhyun and him were friends. Nothing more.

"You say that now. Just wait to when you act all lovely dovey." Ever since that time they had dinner together, Heechul had been insisting that Kyuhyun and him would be a thing. It was the reason behind his weird behavior that night. 'It's a hunch', he said. 'It's bull', Jongwoon said.

"We are not interested in each other in that way."

"But look at the chemistry you two have! You know I'm never wrong about this things." Jongwoon would argue that he, indeed, had been wrong, but it wasn't worth it. Heechul would manipulate the evidence to make it seem as if he had been right.

"You'll make Kyuhyun uncomfortable if you keep that."

"I'm not that bad. I've keeping my mouth shut in front of him." Heechul threw a look at Jongwoon as if he had been insulted. "It wouldn't work if I scare him." He mumbled the last part, but Jongwoon still heard him. He was going to retort but Heechul interrupted him. "Stop complaining and get out. We arrived."

They were at the Lee Hotel. They were going to practice the ceremony for the first time today. Jongwoon got down and followed Heechul, who was already at the entrance.

They went to the venue in where the ceremony would be held and meet with the rest of the bridal party. Jongwoon was a little nervous. Now he cursed they had so little time left. He won't be able to practice as much as he'd like.

"Hyung, you're here." Jongijn came to greet Jongwoon. They hugged and started talking. It was always nice to see his brother.

Jongwoon studied the rest of the bridal party members. Jongjin was a groomsmen as he refused to be his best men.  'Too much work', he said. Heechul took the role while the rest of his groomsmen were his friends Donghae and Eunhyuk. He met Donghae in highschool and Eunhyuk in university. They're Jongwoon's precious dongsaengs.

Kyuhyun had a best woman, his sister Ahra, and three groomsmen, Ryeowook, Siwon and Changmin. Siwon was his cousin and Changmin another friend. Jungsoo, Kyuhyun's hyung, was going to be the MC.

It took some more time until everybody arrived, time he used to greet the rest of the bridal party and talk with his friends.

"Hyung!" Donghae came to him with a goofy smile before almost tackling him. Eunhyuk came to his rescue steading him. Of course, after Donghae released him, he was the next to make Jongwoon lose his balance.

"Yah, you two, be gentler. Ye may show with a broken ankle in the ceremony if you keep pushing him so much." Heechul scolded them before greeting them.

It was nice seeing the EunHae duo after such a while. Jongwoon's time was engulfed by the wedding and his work. They chatted happily, catching up on whatever they had missed. He sometimes felt someone was watching him, but when he turned there was nobody. It may be my imagination... Or it could be a ghost. Jongwoon shook his head and dismissed the thought. He kept laughing with his dongsaengs.

After some time, the practice finally started. Jungsoo was the one coordinating them.

"When the music begins, both mothers will walk to the aisle. The fathers will be next." Everyone did as told. "Then, the groomsmen will go. We'll have one of each groom walking side by side. Then is the best people turn and finally the grooms will walk together. At that moment...."

After the first try, they practiced for a while the whole ceremony. Kyuhyun seemed to be a little grumpy during it, but would say it was nothing whenever Jongwoon asked him why. Jongwoon shrugged. It must be all the stress. It was getting to him as well. He then decided to concentrate on the practice. The ceremony wasn't that hard, but Jongwoon was worried about one thing: The kiss.

It is a must in weddings, so they couldn't convince their parents to not include it. They would only do a small peck, but still... Kyuhyun and him only saw each other awkwardly every time Jungsoo said that was when they would kiss.

It would be great if everything goes well.


After their practice finished, Jungsoo invited Kyuhyun and Jongwoon to eat. As Eunhyuk and Donghae heard, they asked if they could tag along, letting more people hear them.

At the end, it became a dinner with all the groomsmen. Kyuhyun's sister couldn't go as she was buried in work, but said she would go next time. Since they were nine, it was very lively and messy. Kyuhyun's friends were nice and fun to talk to. It became even messier after someone ordered soju. The light weight who wasn't careful got drunk very quickly. Jongwoon didn't order any alcohol. The rest booed, but didn't say anything else. He stayed sober all night.

Thanks to that, Jongwoon got to hear a drunk Jungsoo telling him  that since they were going to live together, he had to look after his babyKyu, to not let him stay up until late and some other stuff Jongwoon couldn't understand. He was talking sloppier and sloppier until he fell asleep.

Kyuhyun's cousin, Siwon, asked Jongwoon if they could talk privately when the rest wasn't paying attention. Jongwoon shrugged and agreed. It must be important.

They went to take some air. Siwon was silent for a moment before finding the words he wanted to say.

"I'm happy Kyuhyun got to meet you." His voice was honest. "And I'm happy you're the one he's going to marry." Jongwoon didn't interrupt him. He didn't know what to say. Thanks? It didn't seem appropriate.

The silence prolonged, so Jongwoon thought that was it. As he was about to say they should go inside, Siwon turned and faced him.

"You know, Kyuhyun is snarky and sometimes annoying, but he is goodhearted, caring and kind. It's difficult to get close to him, but once you do, you know it's worth it."

"I know." Jongwoon nodded in agreement. Kyuhyun may be difficult but he was a great friend.

Siwon laughed before replying. "I guess you do. Of course you know." He wore a more serious face, but never stopped smiling. "Thank you for being with him. I haven't seen him so happy in a long time." Siwon must have very little time. Kyuhyun smiled all the time, so if he couldn't see him happy, it must have been a while since they saw each other. "It may not be my position to say this, but I want to ask you something."


"Will you take care of him in my stead?"

Suddenly, Jongwoon's mind cleared. He understood what Siwon wanted. He must be worried about Kyuhyun moving out from his parents house. But as he was busy, he wouldn't be able to check on him. Since Jongwoon would live with Kyuhyun, he was in the perfect position to do that. In short, Siwon was asking him to ensure Kyuhyun's wellbeing. Siwon was a very honest man, he must have thought it would be better if he asked him properly. Given the fact that Jongwoon was older, he already considered it was his responsibility to look after his younger roommate.

Jongwoon smiled brightly. "Of course I'll do it. I planned to do it since the start."

Siwon was more than satisfied with his answer. "Thank you."

They had a light chat before returning with the rest. Jongwoon thought he could become friends with him. That could ease Siwon's worries as well. He would know the person living with his precious cousin wasn't a weirdo. When they came back, Kyuhyun eyed them with an unreadable expression. Then he got up and dragged Jongwoon to sit next to him. Siwon just smiled and shook his head at his cousin antics. Kyuhyun pouted and said Jongwoon had to drink since he disappeared.  They fake quarreled until Jongwoon agreed to take just a sip. Kyuhyun grumbled but didn't push it anymore.

After that, they laughed and talked a lot more with the rest before going home. It was a great night.

However, Jongwoon remained oblivious to the true meaning of Siwon's words the whole time.












Kyuhyun was done. He was regretting accepting to put Siwon as his groomsmen. If only Leeteuk wasn't so obsessed with MCing. But a Leeteuk like that wouldn't be a real Leeteuk.

But really, couldn't Siwon keep his hands out of Yesung? Every damned break in every ing practice day, Siwon would glue to Yesung. It would be terrible if some nasty rumors spread because of it. He was very wary of all the skinship Yesung and his friends were so used to, but that was to be expected. They were very close friends. It didn't make Kyuhyun happy, but he could deal with it. He kept staring at Yesung while he acted all close with them, though. Couldn't they choose a less touchy way to express affection? But as he said, it was understandable.

Siwon, however, wasn't Yesung's precious friend. He knew Siwon loved skinship, but that was his fiancee, for god's sake!

To be honest, Kyuhyun had a good relationship with Siwon. The latter has always supported him, sometimes acting as a devoted fan. They became even closer after Siwon revealed Kyuhyun he loved a man. The older broke down at the feeling he was failing god. The sight of a crying Siwon was overwhelming for a highschooler Kyuhyun. He didn't know how to comfort Siwon, so he said whatever came to his mind, whatever he could come up so Siwon stopped crying. Just as he didn't knew what more to say, Siwon hugged him and thanked him. It took a while, but he accepted himself after some time. He said it was all thanks to Kyuhyun, even when Kyuhyun thought he didn't do anything.

Latter, Siwon became open about his ual orientation and dedicated himself to supporting foundations, more than he already had. Between those, there was one that supported LGTB+ youth.

Kyuhyun thought the reason his parents didn't have any problem accepting his supposed gayness was because of him. If someone as loving and good as Siwon was gay, then it couldn't be anything bad.

At the time, Kyuhyun thought it was good that Siwon was fine with revealing it. He still does. But Siwon seemed to be interested in Yesung. Too much to his liking. And Yesung was way too oblivious to notice anything. He wouldn't realize what happened until it was too late! Kyuhyun knew Siwon wouldn't make a move on Yesung, but other people didn't. Siwon's reputation was at risk too.

"Do you want to burn holes on your cousin's head or what?" Changmin asked Kyuhyun. "You've been staring either at him or at your beloved fiancee."

"He's not my beloved." Of course Changmin would be the first to point Kyuhyun's unusual behavior out.

"I think our KyuKyu is jelly." Ryeowook chirped teasingly.

"Why would I be jealous? I'm just worried about rumors." Kyuhyun defended himself. Why would they even think that? There was nothing between Yesung and him.

"Then why do you worry so much about how close he is with other people?" Changmin was enjoying this.

"We're supposed to be a lovely dovey couple at the eyes of the public. It would be bad for the company if people think one of us is having an affair." It was a perfectly valid worry in Kyuhyun's eyes. This wedding was all about the company, after all.

"Are you sure that's all?" Both Changmin and Ryeowook asked intently.

Kyuhyun couldn't respond that yes, that was all. They got interrupted as they were called to continue with the practice. Kyuhyun grumbled while marching to his post.

Sure, he may have became closer to Yesung in these two months, but that didn't mean he had feelings for him. Kyuhyun may be a tiny bit jealous, but it was only because he couldn't be as touchy as the rest with Jongwoon.

Kyuhyun didn't like skinship that much, but knew that was the way Yesung showed affection. He could happily comply with it. But since he realized Kyuhyun wasn't comfortable with it, Yesung reduced greatly the amount of physical interaction they had. Kyuhyun didn't like that. He wasn't made of porcelain or something. He could handle skinship if it was with someone he liked. And he liked Yesung. Well, not in that way. Yesung was just a very likeable person, okay?

"You're frowning." He felt a finger touch his scowl, easing the tension in his frown. Kyuhyun was surprised by the sudden touch, but didn't step back. It was Yesung, after all.

"I'd like to scowl in peace, if you don't mind." It was difficult to maintain his frown with those little fingers massaging it.

"Well, suit yourself." Yesung gave him a bright smile after putting his hand down. Kyuhyun tried his best to maintain a solemn face, but couldn't help the way the corner of his lips sightly turned up. Yesung's good mood was contagious. But as he wouldn't let it be noticed, he covered it with a smirk.

"Do you like to see my smile that much?" He was putting as much tease on his voice as he could. "Do you think you'll fall for it?"

Yesung pinched his cheeks. It didn't hurt a bit. "You wish."

Kyuhyun laughed. "As if."

They ended their bantering as it was their turn to go. It was the last practice of the day. Everything went as usual. They did everything right and ended the day.

Kyuhyun got home and went to his room. He was preparing to sleep, but he kept thinking on something. Where would Changmin and Ryeowook get the idea he was jealous? It didn't make any sense.

He lied down on his bed, thinking what he would do tomorrow. They wouldn't have their last practice until three days later, so he wouldn't have to worry about Siwon sticking with Yesung. Still, he had to do lots of paperwork, work on some project proposals, call some people and attend a meeting. Such a bother. He also had to go with Yesung to check on minor details of their suits.

Suddenly, the next day didn't look as bad as before. Kyuhyun thought it was due to relief of having one thing less to worry about. He drifted to sleep thinking what he would talk about with Yesung.









Author's note: this was the most edited chapter ever. I had a lot of ideas but didn't know how to connect them. The progress made sense in my head but was weird when it got written. I'm not completely satisfied, but I think this is fine? I may change some things in the future.

I have a better idea for next chapter so it is almost ready (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧

I forgot to say it last chapter, but the drawing was made by me. I'm not promising anything, but I want to draw another for next chapter.

I hope you had fun reading and I wish you a peaceful day (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)

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The epilogue is finally released!


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kray4Yesung #1
Chapter 11: THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL. Thank you, author-nim 😭💙
18 streak #2
Chapter 12: This was beautiful they’re really cute together & I loved how cluelessly in love they were at times plus the communication was top tier ‼️🥰
Chapter 12: This story was really cute, they were equally dumb and clueless. It's also the first time I see auality written realistically in a fanfic and not just treated as a joke, so thank you for that.
Chapter 12: Aww.. Cute gif 💙
Can't get enough of cute Yeye and tsundere Kyu.
I thought it's already finished in chapter 10, the epilogue is a very nice surprise.
Bring us more sappy Kyusung things, we can handle them all 😁
Chapter 5: I would be devastated if this isn’t a happy ending. They’re so cute.
Cenya14 #6
Chapter 12: Love the entire story. It was nice seeing their relationship grow
Chapter 12: Soo sweet and cute, at the same time kinda hilarious hahahahahaha, loved it. Thank you for this awesome story author-nim!!(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)
390 streak #8

LOL I hope you don't mind. Don't worry, it's just for me~ >___<b

Eniwei, it's really a beautiful epilogue! And of course beautiful story for all the chapters! Thank you so much that you put yourself for writing this, love you to the moon and back!

PS : You are now one of my fav kyusung author <3
_MyName_ #9
Chapter 12: Such a beautiful epilogue! And even if they are a little sappy, I think it's cute especially if they act like that only sith each other <3 your drawing is amazing ^^