Chapter 6: This is married life

Fake marrying the (soon to be) love of my life

It's been two months since they moved together. Kyuhyun thought they got used to it rather quickly.

He expected more awkwardness, uneasiness and some discomfort from living with someone new, but it felt weirdly natural. It was as if they were the best roommates for each other.

Well, not everything was perfect. There were things from the other that bugged them, like how Kyuhyun would stay up until late playing games, disturbing Yesung's sleep, or like Yesung forgetting at times to wash his hands after going to the bathroom. But even if there were little things that irked the other, they were working on it.

It was strange how fast they got used to living together.

Even though he had never had a pet before, now Kyuhyun is the one who walks Kkoming and Melo, Yesung's dogs, when the older doesn't have time. He still panicked when those little furballs came running to him, but it was very funny seeing Yesung all dejected when they ignored him. He also fed Yesung's turtles when their owner wasn't available. (Kyuhyun found those reptiles a little scary, but he wasn't going to admit it. Ever.)

They have developed a routine as well. Since Kyuhyun's alarm always ended up disturbing Yesung's sleep, he would be the one waking Kyuhyun up and making breakfast. After that, Kkoming and Melo's walk would take place. When that was done, they would go to work and come back to dinner, with Kyuhyun cooking their food. If both had to stay overtime, they would just order some takeout. Afterwards, depending on how much work they had, they would either be at their shared office or watching a movie together.

There were nights in where they just talked as well. Yesung liked to talk a lot and Kyuhyun liked to hear him. Kyuhyun also talked a lot. He felt he could tell anything to Yesung. Like that night when he told him he was aual and his dating experience. It wasn't a secret, but neither was something he was all that comfortable talking about. The only ones who knew were his sister and Ryeowook, and that was only because they were there when the fiasco called his relationship happened. He still wasn't sure why he opened like that with Yesung. He may have not gone into details, but it was the most he had ever told anyone.

Maybe it was the way Yesung didn't push him nor judge him. He listened when he needed to say something and talked when there was something to say. Kyuhyun wanted to do the same for him, to be someone Yesung could be comfortable enough to talk without inhibitions. He thought he was getting closer to that.

They had gotten a lot closer in these two months.

Ever since that night, Kyuhyun relaxed more around Yesung. He would still feel butterflies when they brushed skin, but he didn't feel nervous around him anymore. Skinship became natural between them. Kyuhyun still wasn't all that fond of it, but he enjoyed it a lot when it was done in the right moment. And Yesung seemed to know exactly when was that.

Things went well at work as well. The collaboration between the companies was being a success. Kyuhyun thought it was a given. They had more time to plan it than their wedding.

His family company was LGBT+ inclusive since way before, so they didn't lose any client after the wedding. Some other people on their field of work were reluctant to keep their partnership, but as they would only get loses if they were to break ties with them, they didn't do it. Yesung's family was doing well as well. Both companies were getting lots of profits.

Things were going very smoothly.

The only thing Kyuhyun hasn't gotten used to was wearing his ring. It was weird and uncomfy having something in his hand all the time, so he decided to use it as a necklace. That way, if anyone asked about it, he could just show them the ring and tell them he used it like that because he didn't want to lose it. It was believable enough, Kyuhyun washed constantly his hands and would definitely take off any ring before doing it. Kyuhyun didn't understand how Yesung could like to wear so many accessories.

Kyuhyun took the ring attached to his neck and started playing with it. He was at work, but he only needed to check some last details before going home, so he had time.

He stared at the object in his hand. It was made of gold and had a simple design. It was chosen by their parents, so it didn't mean much to him. It was just a prop for this show they were doing. Just that. It didn't represent his relationship with Yesung by any chance.

It didn't portray neither the trust nor fondness they had for each other. They weren't lovers, but their relationship was way deeper and special than a golden ring could symbolize. The cheap necklace Yesung gave him to attach the ring was way more precious to him than the ring itself.

Still, he couldn't throw it away. It was an important object to show off status. In this world Kyuhyun lived, keeping face could be more important than anything else. It was such a bother, but those were the rules.

His thoughts were interrupted when his secretary knocked on his office door.

"Manager Cho, these are the documents you requested."

"Thank you." He checked them superficially while Secretary Park confirmed tomorrow's schedule with him. There weren't any visible problems on either, so he would review the documents in depth later. It was getting late. "That would be everything for today. Have a good evening, Secretary Park." He got up and packed some more paperwork he needed to review. He noticed his secretary was still there. "Is there anything else that needs to be resolved?"

She was smiling brightly. She looked at his collar before replying. "Oh, no. There's nothing. Have a good evening, Manager Cho." She retired from the office.

Kyuhyun found it weird, but brushed it off. He got his things ready and prepared to go. He got out of his office and bid farewell to the rest of employees. They were preparing to go home as well. He headed for the door and went out. That's why he didn't hear them talking.

"Mr. Cho has sure softened. He used to look so unapproachable before. He's still strict and meticulous, but now it's easier to ask him help."

"That's what love does. Have you seen how much he looks at his ring?"

"He's always smiling when Mr. Kim calls him."

"I'm so happy he has found someone."

If Kyuhyun had heard them, he would have scoffed. He would have formed arguments in his head to refute their speculations. They would be more than anything justifications for himself, but he would have denied that in his mind. He would have thought of something like this:

First, there was all the chaos from the wedding before. Even if Kyuhyun just got back to his usual self, they felt he was softer because they were comparing him to his stressed self during the planning.

Secondly, he always thought about destroying his ring whenever he saw it. He didn't hate it, but didn't take any care of it either. He stared at it with hopes of destroy it with his mind (his attempts until now have been futile.)

And lastly, of course he would be happy if a friend called him. He wasn't all smiles and sunshine when Ryeowook called because he was insufferable at times, but he was very happy whenever he got a call from one of his friends. Why would they think he was lovestruck?

But since he didn't hear them, both his employees and him could continue with their lives in peace.


He drove home and was greeted by two furballs when he arrived at the apartment. He awkwardly petted them and ushered them to let him in.

After feeding them, he went to his bedroom and his computer. Yesung texted him saying he would be a little late, so Kyuhyun decided to play some games before making dinner.

Kyuhyun thought they sure have gotten used to this routine.









"Stop taking photos and eat." Kyuhyun frowned at Jongwoon, who was taking pictures of the food. He was staring at him with a disapproving look, shaking his head from side to side when Jongwoon looked at him.

"I'm almost done. And what are you complaining about? You were doing the same just some seconds ago." Jongwoon pouted. He knew Kyuhyun was just teasing, but Kyuhyun acted cute whenever he saw Jongwoon's pout.

"Yes, but I'm the chef. I have the right to photograph my food. And you took pics of me while I took mine. You've already had your share." Kyuhyun was disgruntled. He pouted and played with his food.

"You take lots of pictures of me as well. What's the problem?"

"You should pay more attention to me when we're talking." He said grumbling.

See? It was adorable. Jongwoon found out that a Kyuhyun acting spoiled was very cute. He put his phone in his pocket and proceeded to soothe him. "Alright, I'm all ears. What did you want to say? Mm? Kyuhyunnie?" He coaxed the younger to tell him, looking at him straight in the eyes. He took his hand, rubbing circles with his thumb.

"Stop that and eat." Kyuhyun pulled his hand, but he looked pleased. The small rise of the corner of his lips didn't go unnoticed. Jongwoon complied and started eating. Kyuhyun drank some water before talking again. "I was just going to tell you we need to go grocery shopping this weekend. We're almost out of ingredients."

"Is Saturday alright? I'll see some friends at night, though."


"Yep, and some other friends from college."

"I see. Send them my regards and tell them to stop sending me edits. I'm this close to blocking them."

"Why don't you just do it? I don't think they'll stop."

"Some of the things Hyukjae sends are funny and I can't get angry at Donghae."

Jongwoon laughed at Kyuhyun's dilemma. "I'll try to convince them."

"Thanks." He brought some food to his mouth and continued talking after gulping. "But yeah, Saturday is fine. We can go on the morning and have the evening free."

"Okay. Do you have any other plans that day?"

"Mmmm, nope. I'm seeing Wokie and Leeteuk hyung on Sunday, though."

"Tell them I say hi. It would be nice if we all meet."

"There may be an opportunity to do so in the future. But why do you ask?"

"What do you think if we go to watch a movie after shopping?"

"Sure. Do you want to see any in particular?"

"I have some in mind. I was checking and these look interesting." He showed his phone to Kyuhyun and pointed at the posters of some movies.

"Oh, I saw a review from this one. They said it was good."

"Okay, I'll buy the tickets."

They continued talking throughout all the meal. Topics went from work and personal stuff to random trivia they knew. When they were about to finish, Kyuhyun remembered something.

"Ah, right. Sungie, do you have the night free Saturday next week?" Jongwoon was still munching, so he just nodded. "There's a party Siwon is organizing to get funds for one of the foundations he supports. The one for gay children. Since it's June and all. I'm giving an speech or something. Do you want to go with me?"

They had gone to some parties together in these two months. They were invited by people whom they had to mantain a good relationship with, so although neither wanted to go, they attended every event. But since this one was held by Siwon, it should be more enjoyable. There would be more people he got along with as well.

Jongwoon gulped his food before answering. "Sure. What time will it be?"

"The event starts at six but the party itself is at seven. It's less formal than the others we have gone to."

"Okay. Do you want to wear matching outfits again?"

Kyuhyun scrunched his nose. "Not really. Let's just make sure our clothes don't clash. But don't choose something too flashy."

"But isn't it for a queer event?"

"Yes, but it's for business people. Boring clothes is a must."

"Okay, I'll try." Jongwoon grinned and Kyuhyun eyed him warily.

They finished eating and cleaned the table. Jongwoon washed the dishes while Kyuhyun helped him drying them. They stayed in silence, but it wasn't awkward. It wouldn't be as they were enjoying each other company.

After that was done, Kyuhyun reviewed the paperwork he brought home while Jongwoon took a bath. When he got out the bathroom, it was Kyuhyun's turn. Jongwoon took a book, sat at the couch and the TV. He revised his social media at the same time.

He chose some photos to share and published them. He saw the photo he took just now of Kyuhyun in his gallery. It was a really cute pic, but he wasn't going to publish it. Kyuhyun wasn't very comfortable with all the fuss the media made about them. They took every opportunity they could to talk about them. Sometimes, it wasn't in the best lights. Articles that ‘talked’ about their relationship, but in reality were just homophobic, weren't that uncommon. But the general public was less harsh on them.

Since they had shown at some parties and events together, there were a lot of pictures of them on internet. Kyuhyun decided to use the coincidence at their wedding pictures like some sort of trademark, so most of their images had  a Kyuhyun side glancing Jongwoon. It made most netizens be endeared by their relationship.

Some of Jongwoon's fans asked him to show them selcas he had taken with Kyuhyun, but he told them he wouldn't since Kyuhyun was very shy. He rarely uploaded any photo of Kyuhyun, he only did when he received explicit consent from him. It made his fans a little sad, but they created a game of ‘spot the Kyu-element.’ It was amazing how they could notice such little details, things not even Jongwoon realized were there.

They could even point out if the sky photo he published was from a date he had with him (though Jongwoon would call it an outing.) They went to such lengths as to identify Kyuhyun's shoes. It was funny seeing the comments and sometimes scary how accurate they were.

He was waiting for the replies from today's post when Kyuhyun got out the bathroom. He was drying his hair with a towel, his glasses sightly clouded by steam. When he noticed Jongwoon on the couch, he went to sit next to him. He saw him, then the TV and finally the book.

"I still don't understand how you can pay attention to so many things at the same time."

Jongwoon laughed and put an arm around Kyuhyun's shoulders. The younger leaned to him and settled in a more comfortable position.

Melo arrived after some time and got on Kyuhyun's legs. Soon after Kkoming followed and settled on his feet. Kyuhyun didn't knew what to do with the little creatures, so Jongwoon moved them to his own lap and his side. They weren't pleased, but got comfortable on their new position. They stayed like that, Kyuhyun watching the movie on the TV, Jongwoon multitasking and the doggies sleeping.

Kyuhyun would ask him from time to time about things that happened at the beginning of the movie and Jongwoon would answer while still checking his phone or his book. After the movie ended, Kyuhyun took a book as well. He wasn't interested in the new movie that was going on.

When the movie was halfway, Kyuhyun was dozing off, book still in hand. Jongwoon woke him up and told him to go to bed. Kyuhyun grumbled but got up to brush his teeth. The dogs felt Kyuhyun's absence and went to his bedroom. Jongwoon shutted down the TV and went to do his nightly routine.

After they were done, Kyuhyun went to his bedroom. Jongwoon followed to retrieve his babies. Kkoming could be coaxed to follow Jongwoon, but Melo was stubbornly ignoring him.

"Sorry, they don't want to come with me." Jongwoon knew Kyuhyun was still unsure on how to act around pets.

"It's okay. Do you want to stay tonight as well?"

Jongwoon smiled sheepishly. "Yeah, if it's alright."

Kyuhyun nodded and grabbed a pillow from his wardrobe.

Ever since one time Kyuhyun woke up in the middle of the night and caught Jongwoon sitting in his bed watching him sleep, Kyuhyun suggested to sleep together whenever he couldn't fall asleep. Most times, Jongwoon would have trouble sleeping when he felt alone or anxious. Being in company of Kyuhyun made him feel at ease, making easier to fall asleep. They sleeping together was an event that has been repeating for some time.

"Make yourself at home." Kyuhyun said while patting the bed.

"I'm pretty sure I live here as well."

"Doesn't that make things easier?"

Jongwoon just chuckled. He went to his room to grab Kkoming and Melo's bed and brought it to Kyuhyun's room. The dogs made themselves comfortable on it. Once he made sure they were asleep, Jongwoon went to bed and lied down. Kyuhyun was already nestled under the blankets.

The double bed ended up in Kyuhyun's room, so both had enough space to lie down comfortable. Still, they tended to get closer to each other in their sleep. Most times, Jongwoon would wake up and find they were cuddling. It wasn't a bad thing, so he hadn't pointed out.

He turned off the lights and settled down. After wishing each other good night, they fell asleep.







Author's notes: There are some things in this chapter I'm not satisfied with, but I guess it's fine? I wanted to include some other things, but it kind of broke the flow when I tried to.


I'll add fluff as a tag, this ended up being sappier than planned.




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The epilogue is finally released!


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kray4Yesung #1
Chapter 11: THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL. Thank you, author-nim 😭💙
18 streak #2
Chapter 12: This was beautiful they’re really cute together & I loved how cluelessly in love they were at times plus the communication was top tier ‼️🥰
Chapter 12: This story was really cute, they were equally dumb and clueless. It's also the first time I see auality written realistically in a fanfic and not just treated as a joke, so thank you for that.
Chapter 12: Aww.. Cute gif 💙
Can't get enough of cute Yeye and tsundere Kyu.
I thought it's already finished in chapter 10, the epilogue is a very nice surprise.
Bring us more sappy Kyusung things, we can handle them all 😁
Chapter 5: I would be devastated if this isn’t a happy ending. They’re so cute.
Cenya14 #6
Chapter 12: Love the entire story. It was nice seeing their relationship grow
Chapter 12: Soo sweet and cute, at the same time kinda hilarious hahahahahaha, loved it. Thank you for this awesome story author-nim!!(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)
400 streak #8

LOL I hope you don't mind. Don't worry, it's just for me~ >___<b

Eniwei, it's really a beautiful epilogue! And of course beautiful story for all the chapters! Thank you so much that you put yourself for writing this, love you to the moon and back!

PS : You are now one of my fav kyusung author <3
_MyName_ #9
Chapter 12: Such a beautiful epilogue! And even if they are a little sappy, I think it's cute especially if they act like that only sith each other <3 your drawing is amazing ^^