Chapter 1: A proposal you can't reject

Fake marrying the (soon to be) love of my life

Right now, Kyuhyun was seriously analysing how he came to this situation. He was going to meet for the first time the guy he was going to marry, as per arranged by their parents.




It kind of started the moment his father kept insisting on Kyuhyun meeting the daughters of some business partners, this with the intention of getting him married with one of them. Kyuhyun was always able to evade the meetings, but it was very tiring.

He didn't even understand why did his father insist on getting him a wife. It wasn't because of age, Kyuhyun was only 27. His sister was the heiress of the main company (Kyuhyun lacked leadership, according to his father), so it wouldn't be about the image of the company. She had a wonderful husband whom she planned having kids with, so the lineage wasn't an issue. He didn't really think it would be a move to secure partnerships either, as it was more reasonable to just firm a contract than a marriage certificate. Divorce made the latter kind of disposable and worthless.

However, his father seemed to think otherwise and kept pushing girls from important families to him. Eventually, Kyuhyun snapped.

When his father tried to convince him to meet the nth fiance candidate he chose, a girl from a very important associate, Kyuhyun couldn't take it anymore.

"I won't meet her, okay?! Neither her nor any girl. No matter who she is, I won't be interested in anyone you introduce to me! So please stop!"

He ran back to his room right after he finished his yelling. That's why he didn't see the reaction his family had. But he didn't care. Why did his father had to meddle with his life like that?

He didn't need any wife. His relationships with women didn't go farther than being about business or, in rare occasions, friendship. He just didn't want any romance in his life. Two times he tried to date someone, two times it ended terribly. So, no, thank you. He wanted to concentrate on his job and his hobbies, not someone who would the life out of him.


The next morning, his father reprimanded him for yelling, but stopped insisting on the marriage thing. Maybe his father finally understood how he was feeling.

His hopes were crushed, however, the moment he noticed his father's suspicious behavior. He had whisper talks over the phone and had secrets meetings Kyuhyun wouldn't know anything about, which was weird as he sometimes served as his father's secretary. When he caught sight of a list of wedding planner's numbers (he searched them), he knew it was serious this time.

It didn't surprise him when his father came days latter and told him about another blind date. What was a surprise was the fact that his date was a man. He threw a confused look at him. He was actually lost.

"I want you to know that we accept you. However neither your mother nor me want to see you entangled with some scum. Kanghoon is a good lad, and it's like you. At least meet him before deciding anything."

It took Kyuhyun some time to understand what his father's words meant. He stared at him with a blank face until it dawned in him. They think I'm gay.

It's not that Kyuhyun hadn't thought about the possibility before, but for his failed relationship with a guy in university, he concluded he wasn't. He had the same interest in boys as he had in girls: none.

"Dad, that's not what I meant–"

"I know you don't want me to meddle with your love life, but listen to me this time. At least meet him once, alright?"

Kyuhyun nodded. When he was like this, there was no use in arguing back. He wouldn't listen to anything Kyuhyun said.

"Good. Now, the Kim family is an important associate of us. They recently want to explore new markets......"

And he knew it. His father wanted to use this for business. Trust Kyuhyun's father to use the recent legalization of same marriage to his advantage.

But well, he may need to listen to his father this time. If this marriage was going to be pushed so much, it would be wise to meet this Kanghoon before the ceremony. They could even come to an agreement.






When Jongwoon told his parents he was biual, he expected some degree of rejection. However, he wasn't prepared to face so much denial. He had heard the 'it's just a phase' line enough times for a decade. He told them because he found a guy he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, and although they ended breaking up, he hoped his family would understand him.

It only brought a new problem to him. He was now faced with constant blind dates with the intention of getting him married. He had heard the name of countless girls he 'should meet.' He was sick of it. The insisting would calm down whenever he was in a relationship, but would come with double force whenever he broke up with his lover. It has been that way ever since he was 22. And now that he was 31, his parents seemed much more eager to find him a wife.

He was going to reject meeting the nth girl his father wanted to introduce to him when something caught his attention.

"His name is Kyuhyun, he's the son of the Cho family, our new business partners."

He wasn't a girl.

Jongwoon gave him a questioning look. Had his father finally accepted him?

"I know I had been very harsh on you and that I hurt you. But at least let me be concerned about you. Kyuhyun is a good kid and it's the same as you. If not to marry, at least meet him to befriend him."

Jongwoon felt touched at his father's attempts of redemption after rejecting him for so long. Even if they weren't the best, he would gladly comply this time. He didn't think he would fall for this Kyuhyun guy, but he thought it would be good to become friends with him.







"It surprises me you actually agreed this time." Ryeowook said to him. They were on a bar having a drink, catching up with what the other have been doing.

"He's serious this time, Wookie. He even contacted some wedding planers. I think he had already reserved a hotel and someone to officiate the ceremony. Even noona talking to him didn't work." Kyuhyun groaned. This was becoming inevitable.

" to be you. When are you meeting him?"

"Next week. What do I do if he asks for commitment? I can't fall in love with anyone."

"I don't think he will. If his parents did the same thing as yours, I don't think he's happy with this. If you are worried, make him sing a contract. 'You can't touch me' or some bull like that, just like in dramas." Ryeowook seemed rather amused by his suffering. Kyuhyun glared at him and sighed.

"Even if you're like this, it would have been way better to be forced to marry you than a stranger. At least I would know what to expect."

"Ew. That would be , or at least feel like it. We're practically brothers, Kyuhyunnie." They met in some piano lessons when they were kids and became best friends ever since. They were family at this point.

"And it wouldn't do. Our families are already on good terms. There would be no gain for either bussines if we were to be married." Ryeowook added something as an afterthought. "It would even be a loss. I would only end up with a brat." That uproarious laugh of Ryeowook resonated in the room. Kyuhyun laughed as well, but not before telling Ryeowook that he didn't want to end up with someone as noisy as him. Then a battle of pointing out each other's bad traits began. It wasn't clear what was the outcome, as they both ended laughing out loud, but it didn't really matter. Once they calmed down and drank some more soju, Kyuhyun analyzed Ryeowook's words.

"But I guess you have a good point. My father is way too interested in doing bussines with the Kims. Well, not your Kim family, but this Kim Kanghoon's family."

"Really? Then it must be a good deal."

"I still don't know the details, but I can tell it's going to create lots of profit."

"Well, lets cheer for it! Congratulations on your marriage as well, Kyuhyunnie."

"Be grateful your family hasn't forced you to do the same yet."

"I sure am. But I'm also very sure they wouldn't do it. Even if we both are shy, I'm not as socially awkward as you."

"You just don't understand how carismatic I am." Ryeowook scoffed.

The night continued with them drinking and chatting, every once in a while returning to the same topic. They bid farewell before it became too late and parted ways. Kyuhyun still kept thinkng of this whole ordeal. He just wished the guy wasn't a weirdo.






Finally, the day of the long awaited meeting came, bringing us to the situation at the beginning.


Although it wasn't supposed to be until an hour latter, Kim Kanghoon and Kyuhyun's parents decided to meet one hour prior to talk. Kyuhyun saw this as an opportunity to know what kind of bussines they were doing, so he tagged along. He didn't know in what moment they became friends, but understood why his father was so interested in doing business with them. They had exellent proposals and an even better execution of ideas.

15 minutes before the actual meeting between Kyuhyun and the other guy, both set of parents retired. They still had job to do. Kyuhyun then waited alone in the restaurant. It wasn't long before a guy aproached him, most likely the famed Kim Kanghoon.

"Cho Kyuhyun? I'm Kim Jongwoon. I think we were suposed to meet this evening." He offered a hand for shake his.

Kyuhyun eyed him cautiously. Did this guy came instead of Kanghoon to turn him down?  That would be fine with him, but he didn't think it would work with their parents. But this guy fitted Kim Kanghoon's description. At least the one he heard. "That's not the name of the person I'm waiting."

Jongwoon seemed confused for the briefest of the moments before realization hit him. "Right. My mom recently changed my name in the register to Kim Kanghoon. I'm not used to it yet." Kyuhyun nodded. He remembered his father mentioned something about Kanghoon being a new name or something. He didn't pay much attention to it. He got up to shake his hand, then monitoried him to take a seat. Jongwoon took the offer gladly.

"As you may already know, I'm Cho Kyuhyun, 27 years old. I work in my father's company in management."

"Kim Jong- sorry, Kim Kanghoon, 31. I'm in charge of one of our familiy's bussines branch."

"Would you prefer if I call you Jongwoon-ssi?"

"Just call me Yesung. Everyone does it. And you don't need to be so formal. Hyung is fine."

"Okay, hyung."

A waitress came to take their orders. Kyuhyun didn't order much as he had already eaten a little during the previous parents meeting. Jongwoon ordered something simple. They were silent for a while until Kyuhyun spoke.

"Just to make things clear, I don't intent on having a romantic relationship with you. This was decided by my parents."

"Me neither. I was worried I would be playing with the feelings of some kid." Yesung looked relieved.

"I'm not a kid, but you don't have to worry about breaking someone's heart."

"You're four years younger than me, I can call you a kid. I wont't, though." Kyuhyun was preparing to retort, but Yesung's last statement made him decide against it. It wouldn't be wise to be on bad terms with him.

"Since we have this settled, I think it would be good to make some agreements."


"It's better if we settle rules beforehand so we don't end up making the other uncomfortable while living together."

"We're going to live together?"

"I think so? At least that's my parents intention after the ceremony is held."

"Wait! Are you implying we're going to marry?" Yesung looked surprised. Kyuhyun looked at him blankly. "Yes? Wasn't that the only reason we're here?"

"But didn't we just agreed that we weren't interested in each other!?"

Kyuhyun locked his eyes with Yesung's. It seemed the other hadn't realized yet.

"Hyung, they're serious. From what I could catch on, I think they have already contacted the media to announce the news. Everything is reserved and the date has been chosen."

Yesung's expression was full of incredulity. It wasn't possible their parents were this ridiculous, right? But there were some facts that backed Kyuhyun's assumptions.

"So that's the reason they have been getting in contact with all the relatives they could..." He looked at Kyuhyun asking for confirmation. Kyuhyun gave him a pained expression before nodding.


They didn't have any way out of this.





When the waitress returned with their orders, she didn't have any idea why these customers were so somber.







Author's note: this was supposed to be a one shot but got too long.

Let's see how well I can do this.


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The epilogue is finally released!


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kray4Yesung #1
Chapter 11: THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL. Thank you, author-nim 😭💙
18 streak #2
Chapter 12: This was beautiful they’re really cute together & I loved how cluelessly in love they were at times plus the communication was top tier ‼️🥰
Chapter 12: This story was really cute, they were equally dumb and clueless. It's also the first time I see auality written realistically in a fanfic and not just treated as a joke, so thank you for that.
Chapter 12: Aww.. Cute gif 💙
Can't get enough of cute Yeye and tsundere Kyu.
I thought it's already finished in chapter 10, the epilogue is a very nice surprise.
Bring us more sappy Kyusung things, we can handle them all 😁
Chapter 5: I would be devastated if this isn’t a happy ending. They’re so cute.
Cenya14 #6
Chapter 12: Love the entire story. It was nice seeing their relationship grow
Chapter 12: Soo sweet and cute, at the same time kinda hilarious hahahahahaha, loved it. Thank you for this awesome story author-nim!!(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)
400 streak #8

LOL I hope you don't mind. Don't worry, it's just for me~ >___<b

Eniwei, it's really a beautiful epilogue! And of course beautiful story for all the chapters! Thank you so much that you put yourself for writing this, love you to the moon and back!

PS : You are now one of my fav kyusung author <3
_MyName_ #9
Chapter 12: Such a beautiful epilogue! And even if they are a little sappy, I think it's cute especially if they act like that only sith each other <3 your drawing is amazing ^^