Ch 08

When Flowers Bloom
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Ch 08 | Camping




Stepping out of the car, Seohyun and Yoona adjusted their shades as they looked up at the building before them. Yoona pulled out something from his pocket and shares it with his wife. 


"Is that his face?" Seohyun took it to have a closer look at their target's photo.


"Yeah, he owns this club." 


"Do you think he's there?"


Yoona took the photo back. "We'll find out." And he took his shades off as he grabs Seohyun's hand and they cross the road hand in hand. He opened the door for her and they walk into the club that was not open yet. 


"Hello." said Seohyun loudly when they were greeted by no one. Unfortunately, no one came out.


"Should we check upstairs?" ask Yoona.


"No, it's private property, Yoong, I don't think it's right to go further."


"You truly always follow the law." He wasn't surprised at all. His wife didn't receive the best role model agent for nothing. "So let's just wait here." He takes a seat at one of the chairs at the bar counter.


Seohyun followed and check her wristwatch. "If no one's coming, we have to return before 11." she reminded.


"No problem." said Yoona, wandering his eyes around the club. "It's a big club, eh?"


"Excuse me, we're not open yet." A guy came down from upstairs wearing casual attire and a gold necklace.


"Oh, we're not here club." Seohyun gets up. "We're here for someone." she added as she smiled at the unknown guy.


"Okay. Who?" The latter raised his eyebrows.


"Your boss." Said Yoona. "Oh Jung-Se. Is he around?" 


"He's not around, Mister. Should I relay some message?"


"Where does he live?" Seohyun asked rather. 


"Does Mr. Oh know you two? Because I don't think I've seen your faces here." The guy chuckled softly. He felt suspicious.


Yoona stepped forward but Seohyun eventually stepped in to stop him from going further.


"I heard he runs a loan company." Seohyun said calmly. 


"Oh, you guys want to borrow some money. You should've told me beforehand." The guy then took a card from his pocket and handed it to Seohyun. "This is where he does his office when he's not around. 


'Did she just guess that right?' Yoona smiled quietly from the back. He didn't expect his wife would ask that when they only know he's a thug and owns clubs.


"Oh." A friendly smile flashes Seohyun's face as she took the card. "I appreciate the help, Mister." 


"Also, if you guys want to borrow more, I can lend you some too." The latter mischievously winked earning a scoff from the doe-eyed.


"Yeah, will definitely do. Thanks again, Mister." Seohyun replied and bowed her head a little before she turned and grabs Yoona's arm, dragging her out of the club. 


Yoona couldn't help and hug her. "I'm so so proud of myself I married you." she said, squeezing her and showering her with kisses around her face.


Seohyun chuckled and struggles to let go of his hug. And when he let go, she hit his chest playfully. "You're not using your brain always." 


"Of course I do." Yoona took the card and check the address of the office. "Now this is what the Agency doesn't know about."


"Agency's intel isn't always updated." said Seohyun as they crossed the road again. 


Yoona opened the car door for his wife and the latter stepped in casually before he reclined the driver's seat and drives off carefully.




While everyone is having their snacks, Chanyoung decided to sneak out of the classroom and runs into the hallway excitedly. He passes through a lot of rooms before he reaches the kitchen of the school and gently opened it. He peeks inside to check if his friend Ji-Eun is inside. A big smile formed on his lips when he found her peeling the potatoes.


"Noona!" So he called her out as he walked in.


Ji-Eun got startled but she smiles happily upon seeing the little boy she had been missing. "You're back!" she quickly put the knife down and meet him halfway as the latter hugged her.


"I miss you, Noona." Said Chanyoung, looking up at her with a huge smile on his face.


"Chincha? Because I don't."


He eventually pouted cutely.


"Of course I do." Ji-Eun hastily took it back. She hugs him back and caresses his hair gently. "Glad to see you this bright again."


Chanyoung let out a soft giggle. "Want some?" And he offered his snack from his lunch box. 


"I know you wouldn't mind sharing it with me however, I got some work to finish, Channie. Just enjoy yourself." Ji-Eun playfully poke the little boy's nose as she smiled. She returned to her work while Chanyoung take his seat in the corner so he could enjoy his snack. 


"Heard about the camping?" Ji-Eun glanced at the young boy nearby.




"You know, going to the mountains and having fun with your classmates and teachers." She explained.


Chanyoung shakes his head. "They'll probably tell us later after the class, Noona." he said as he took a bite of his apple.


"You know you can invite your parents for that too." 


"Chincha?" His eyes sparkled in excitement as she looked at him.


Ji-Eun nodded while smiling wide. "You're going with your family this time."


"I can't wait. I can't wait to spend with them in the mountains." Chanyoung dreamily replied as he imagines it already. It's going to be so much fun.


'Look how adorable, is he.' Ji-Eun thought as she giggle.


"When is that?"


"I have no idea when but probably by the end of the month." She shared excitedly too. But of course, it means she can watch close of the young boy at that time. 


"I'm sure Omma and Appa will be so excited too."


"Absolutely. It's their first time, either way."


Chanyoung giggles. "Thank you for telling me in advance, Noona."


"No problem, Channyoungie." 


Taking a bite of his apple, Chanyoung got quiet as he finishes his snack while Ji-Eun is continuously peeling the potatoes quietly.


When the break is over, he sprinted outside and returned to their classroom. Their teacher resumed their class while his mind is still thinking about the camping. 




The building is dirty and messy, with left and right people talking, and laughing and some are giving them weird looks. The couple however doesn't feel any scared at all as they would only smile and bow their heads a little on their way to the loan shark's office. Yoona knock twice before they were asked to walk in.


The smell of Smoke from cigarettes and thugs wearing tattoos all over their bodies greeted them as they slowly walk in. 


"How may I help you?" One of the thugs greeted them as he meet them halfway.


"We were... wondering if Mr. Oh Jung Se is around?" Yoona carefully asked, flashing a friendly smile. The smug smile and the tattoo all over his arm are giving the doe-eyed a bad aura. But he's used to it with lots of criminals he and Seohyun have encountered with their job. 


"For what?" He asked back, looking at him from head to toe.


"We're here to borrow some money." Seohyun explained. "How much could we borrow?"


"And is there an interest?" Yoona continued.


"I see." The man snickers and steps aside. "Have a seat first. Mr. Oh is still outside. He will be here in a while." 


Yoona and Seohyun smiled as they complied. Both couldn't help and felt uncomfortable with the way the thugs are looking at them. It's like they're in a hot seat or something.


"Why would you wear a suit when it's spring." One of the thugs pointed out.


"Oh, for your information, we came from the funeral. And we need money for the cremation of my late sister." Seohyun instantly came up with an explanation.


Yoona immediately pulled his wife and hold her, giving her some rub on her arm for comfort. 


"You guys don't look like have cried or something."


"We've been crying for days, we had enough." The doe-eyed explained this time. 


"What drink do you want?"


"Just a tea please." Seohyun requested and one of the men went to the pantry to make them the drink. 


"How long will it take for him to return?" Yoona couldn't keep quiet and asked them. 


"He just left to pay something. Just relax will you." One of them chuckled in response and the rest laughed.


"Is that funny?" Seohyun sternly asked which shut the men's mouths. She scoffed and turned her head to her husband with a wink. "They're afraid of me." she whispered.


"Silly." mumbled the doe-eyed but it brought a giddy smile to his face. 


As their arrived, the door opens with a man in his 40s entered. All men immediately get up and bowed to him.


"We have a guest?" Mr. Oh raises his eyebrows as he approaches the couple.


Yoona gets up and stretches out his hand. "I'm Park Yoshi, Mr. Oh. It's pleasure to meet you." he introduced himself.


"Okay, what can I do for you?" Mr. Oh accepted his hand.


"And I'm Kim Sejun." Seohyun also introduced herself.


"We are wondering if you could lend us money." Said Yoona as they take their seats back.


Mr. Oh snickers. "Do you guys have the necessary documents in order to get the amount of money you want?" he asked as he observes their expressions. They look familiar but he doesn't want to think it over when it's money they're after.


"Yes, we have it, Mr. Oh." Seohyun hastily opened her messenger bag and handed the brown envelope.


While Mr. Oh is checking their fake documents, Yoona is glancing over his men on the side. He's thinking of kicking them out so they could start asking Mr. Oh about Taecyeon. 


"Um, can we have a moment with you, Mr. Oh." Seohyun requested which made the doe-eyed look at her in disbelief.


"Did you hear my thoughts?" Yoona whispered to her.


"Didn't we plan for this?" she reminded.


Blinking confusedly, the doe-eyed grinned awkwardly. "I forgot."


"Aish." Seohyun knocks his head.


"How much do you need?" ask Mr. Oh after checking every document.


"Um, about 100 Million won." Seohyun replied simply.


"Can you get it fast?" Yoona added immediately.


"Of course." Mr. Oh then gets up and approaches his men, giving them the key to their storage. They left and he returned to his clients. "But you see, we have interests here. A 10% interest every month." He also shared the documents about the loan they're getting. 


Seohyun turned her head to Yoona and nodded a little, giving him the signal. The latter got up and casually went to the door, locking it securely before she showed the photo of Taecyeon to Mr. Oh. "Tell us who ask you to send this guy." she seriously requested.


"What?" Mr. Oh is surprised. He looked at the picture and the couple before him. "I knew it!" He exclaimed as he finally realized the two are Mr. and Mrs. Im. He got up and rushed to the door, but the doe-eyed kicked his legs, dropping him on the floor.


"We just want an answer, Mr. Oh." Said Yoona as he pulled him up on his collar and drag him back to the sofa. 


"I don't know who are they, I just followed their order." Mr. Oh tried to get up again but the doe-eyed stayed by his side, holding his shoulder down. 


"Taecyeon told us everything. So if you don't cooperate, we have no choice but to hurt you." Seohyun warned. "We want answers." she slammed her hands on the coffee table, sending glares to the poor man.


"I swear, I have nothing to do with this. I was just asked through a phone call and they send me money. That's all." Mr. Oh shakily replied. He's scared, the way the woman before him is staring at him. It's as if she's going to get his eyeballs or eat his soul.


"Mr. Oh! What is happening there? Open the door!" His men returned, trying to open the door.


"Help me!" shouted Mr. Oh before Yoona covered his mouth. 


Seohyun then hastily took the pen nearby and attempted to stab him in his eyes but stopped just an inch of his right eye that cause the latter to gasp. "I know you know you send the money, so tell us if you don't want us to report this to the police or you get hurt by us." she sternly demanded.


But before Mr. Oh can respond, the door swung open. Yoona hastily rushed to them and throw kicks, and punches but he got hit on his back which cause him to stop. He turned and saw Seohyun coming fast to send the man to the floor with his flying kick. He hastily resumed fighting with the others and Seohyun does the same on the other side.


While they're at it, Mr. Oh quietly escapes the office with one of his men. 


"He's leaving!" Seohyun shouted and tried to follow but a man kick her on her legs, dropping her to the floor with a thud.


Yoona throws a punch at the guy and helps his wife up. "We have no time, let's just leave." He ordered and quickly grab her hand as they runs out of the office.


"YAAAAH!!!" All men chase them.


Yoona was reminded by his wristwatch as they are nearing the window at the end of the corridor. He quickly pushed the button and a rope shoots to the wall. "Hold on, Hon!" He shouted and grabs Seohyun close and the latter held into him as they jump to the window, breaking the glasses into pieces. As they fell from the third floor of the building, the men couldn't continue chasing them anymore.


"! ! !!!" Seohyun literally scream in frustration the moment they got into the car.


"Omo, you have a nosebleed, Hon." Yoona noticed it and quickly took tissue paper from the compartment, helping her immediately wipe the blood off.


"That bastard, he obviously doesn't want to tell us."


"Don't stress out, you're getting a nosebleed again." 


Seohyun exhales so loud as she throws her head back with the tissue sticking out in her nose. "Drive it off, it's almost lunch." she reminded me about their song. She adjusted her necktie as she closes her eyes. 


"Tsk. We'll get them back, don't worry." Yoona assuredly says as he slowly drives the car. "Omo, isn't that Mr. Oh?" However, he found their target running on the side of the street.


"Go after him!" Seohyun immediately ordered.


Yoona change lanes and followed the latter. 




Bowing to their teachers that help them rehearse for their recital, Chanyoung and the rest of his classmates exited the gym excitedly. They're walking in line as they follow their teacher on their way to their classroom. 


Jaehyun who is last keeps checking the entrance door of the school building, and when they got closer to their room, he spotted his mother waving at him by the door. He wave back enthusiastically before he got inside.


"Teacher, my mother is already outside." He informed, so he will be the first to go out.


"Chincha? Gather your stuff then and I'll walk you out." The teacher instructed. "Everyone, prepare yourselves too. Your parents must be on the way to pick you up." she announced in the process. 


Jaehyun finished in no time and immediately runs to their teacher waiting for him by the door. 


Chanyoung didn't forget to place the invitation card to his backpack and made sure all his belongings are inside his backpack, including the lunch box. 


"Chanyoung-ah, do you think my mother will come?" Woojin suddenly approaches him with a question.


"Of course, Woojin-ah. She won't miss it." A big smile flashes on Chanyoung's face. 

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1120 streak #1
Chapter 22: Good friends? Yulsic... Shin Hye Sun one of my fave actresses
1120 streak #2
Chapter 3: oh my Taeyeon is the villian here? and also Ji eun? im sure Chanyoung will be sad if he knows that his only friend is only being friendly because she was being ordered by someone obsessed to him
1120 streak #3
Chapter 1: Aww Chanyoung is proud of his appa
Chapter 18: Welcome home yoong.

Chanyoung and jaehyun are so adorable.

The trauma that chanyoung has was kind of severe,poor baby.

What if minho is just fooling around?
multistory #5
Chapter 22: Nice surprise...
multistory #6
Chapter 21: Thanks for wrapping this up!!
Chapter 21: wow, finally Kim Taeyeon was died and The Im's live happily ever after

Thank you for your story author-nim
multistory #8
Chapter 20: Interesting the IM’s not seeing eye to eye…

Looking forward to the next update and how you plan to close this out.
Chapter 17: Ok new character reveal. My yulsic heart is pumping again. I probably want for them to be together but i know taeyeon will return for his family.

Im family is really the ideal family.
Chapter 19: oomoo.. omo taengsicku