Ch 18

When Flowers Bloom
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18 | New Mission




Tiptoeing inside the ward, Seohyun got startled when she realized her husband is awake, staring at her confusedly. She then smiled as she headed to the sofa where their son is sleeping.


"Where were you? I think that was 2 hours... 2 hours since you left." Yoona is not sure but as he checks the wall clock, it's definitely the case.


"Didn't realize the time, I got too immense with my conversation with Sunny Unnie." She explained yet a bit of a lie. She grabs the extra comforter and joined their son as she lays down next to him.


Yoona squinted his eyes. 'She should be back after thirty minutes but what took her really long?' He feels like there was another reason and he's curious about it.


"By the way, what was your other wish again?" Seohyun asked when it crossed her mind. "I know you have another wish today."


Sighing, Yoona decided to finally lie down on his pillow. "It's a secret. You might not like it."


"What? Why would I?" she chuckled.


"I just think so. Nothing else. But thanks for today, honey. Really had fun. It's one of the best birthday celebrations of mine." He sincerely says as he unconsciously smiles while staring at the ceiling. "What's makes it more special, I've got to spend it with our son. It's been one of my wishes since then."


Seohyun's lips broke into a sweet smile while she was looking at Chanyoung next to her. "It's mine too. Next year, I know that will happen."


"You just realized it don't you?"


"That we haven't celebrated our birthdays with him?"


Yoona nodded gently. "Yes."


"Absolutely. It's definitely something to treasure. Chanyoung seems to love celebrating birthdays." She giggled, poking her son's nose. 


Chanyoung rubs his nose unconsciously and pursed his lips without waking up.


"Aigoo... but he was totally all over earlier. Couldn't contain his joy." Yoona recalled while smiling warmly. It's like it was recorded in his mind, it keeps repeating before his eyes. The joy on his son's face is one of a kind and he couldn't take it for granted. He's totally on cloud 9 at the moment.


"I have nothing else to say besides... let's keep protecting that joy in him." Seohyun softly says.


The doe-eyed slowly nodded without a doubt.




2 days later...


It's a bright sunny day of Yoona's discharge. He's sitting by the backseat while Seohyun is driving and their son is by his side, enjoying his banana milk. He rolled the window over and leaned over to watch the cheery blossoms dropping as they passed through it.


His slightly dry lips curved into a big content smile as he close his eyes. The warmth, the light, and the energy from the sun make him want to jump out of the car and embrace the world. He feels so alive, happy, and optimistic. 


He felt grateful at the same time for having a second chance at life.


"Appa, you look so bright... like the sunny day today." Chanyoung noticed his father and commented.


He opened his eyes back as he turned his head to him. "Am I?"


"Yes, I love it." Chanyoung giggled.


"It's because of you and your mother." 


"Chincha? Wae?"


He softly chuckles. "You guys are the reason why I have this opportunity again to feel the sun. It reminds me of the life I have and yes, the reason for it." he softly explained, glancing at Seohyun who is smiling.


"Appa is cute." Chanyoung commented.


"But Chanyoung is the cutest." He retorted it earning his shy smile. "Aigoo." He can't resist and ruffle his hair.


"I'll drive-thru, you guys order for me." Seohyun suddenly announced.


"Kyaaaa!!!!" Chanyoung and Yoona both celebrated automatically.


"Like father like son." She mumbled as she giggled.



"Oh come on, you don't need to blindfold me." Yoona groaned as his wife ties the handkerchief from behind. Just as he stepped out of their car.


"Nope, you have to be covered." Seohyun firmly said. "Chanyoung, hold Appa's hand." She instructed their son.


"Yes." And Chanyoung excitedly complied. 


"And guide him to the door, okay?"


He nodded as he flashed her a cute smile.


"Good. I'll carry our stuff inside, follow me." She added picking up the bags and leading them to their house.


Chanyoung then guided gently his father. "Appa there are steps." He warned and reminded the path to their house.


"Thanks, honey." Yoona felt giddy inside. He's loving the game somehow and he carefully takes the steps at a time with his son's guide. Upon reaching the door, they stopped and waited. 'I hope this is like a party.' he is excited and is already imagining his colleagues would be inside to welcome him back home.


"Appa your birthday has passed." Chanyoung instantly reminded his father.


"I know but... Ah yeah, you are hearing minds." He chuckled reminding himself about it. "I should get used to it."


"It must be a welcome banner." Chanyoung guesses even though he's already hearing Jessica's mind inside, who is setting the banner up. He grinned while listening to Jaehyun's thoughts as well because he was focused on the food prepared rather.


"Hmm, there's definitely one of that." 


"And foods." He exclaimed.


Yoona laughs. "You really can't live without it, can you?"


"I can't live without Appa and Omma." Chanyoung corrected.


"Well, that's reasonable." He nodded and giggled.


Just then, the door opens and Seohyun takes her husband's hand and gently guided him inside. She gestures Chanyoung to go to the front and then slowly unties the blindfold. 


"WELCOME BACK, YOONA!" Jessica greeted enthusiastically and Seohyun pop the confetti.


"Welcome back, Hyung!" Jaehyun greeted a bit late while Chanyoung just jump with his arms spread.


Yoona smiles and blushed profusely. "Thanks, Noona and Jaehyun. Whoa." He then noticed the food on the long table while the entire living room is designed with hawaiian theme. "You guys really prepared this for me?"


"Of course. You're the man of this house either way." Jessica then handed him the flowers. "Take a photo with Seohyun first."


"What? There's no need to, Unnie." Seohyun finds it weird but the latter pushed her to her husband. Yoona kissed her cheek eventually and pulled her closer as he put her arm behind her. She had no choice but to comply.


"Say cheese." 


"Cheeeese!" Yoona playfully complied. He brightly smiles together with his wife as Jessica takes a photo of them.




"Chanyoung too." Jessica called the young boy's name and the latter left Jaehyun on the sofa to run to his parent's side. "Good." she is satisfied.


The Im family poses before her with wide smiles which she captured perfectly. 


"Aigoo, the best family picture I've ever witnessed." She said and Seohyun grabs her phone right away.


"You and Jaehyun too, Unnie." The younger requested.


"I was about to ask you." Giggling, Jessica grabs her son's hand on the side and picks him up. She and Jaehyun smiled brightly as the camera clicked. 


"Me too and Chanyoung." Yoona quickly grabs Chanyoung too and stood next to them.


Seohyun wanted to complain but she can't wait for them all so she captured the four of them as well. "And us together." Then immediately put the phone into selfie mode. "Say kimchi, everyone!" 


"Kimchiiiii!!!" Jaehyun and Chanyoung prolonged it together while the adults just smiles. 




"Let's eat now!" Chanyoung announced as he forcefully got out of his father's arms. Jaehyun also got back on the floor and hastily runs to the table.


Seohyun, Yoona, and Jessica all laugh at their adorable antics and follow suit.




A big relieved sigh escaped Yoona's lips as he climbs the queen size bed and lays down comfortably. He missed being in the very bed. The smell, warmth, and how comfy it is, it's making his heart whole.


"You missed it, didn't you?" ask Seohyun when she noticed the look on her husband's face while she was sitting on her vanity, doing her cleansing session with her face.


"Yeah, It feels so good to be back. Wearing my pajamas and lying here, it's an overwhelming feeling. And I won't definitely miss the agency's ward. It was truly uncomfortable there especially when there are nurses and doctors coming in and out. The whole month I spent there was truly unbelievable. But I'm so grateful for their help and I was able to recover." Yoona softly shares as he pushes himself up and places the extra pillow on top of another pillow. Then he laid back, staring at his wife with his two hands under his head. He smiled warmly as he watches her quietly. "You're the most beautiful woman on earth." he complimented genuinely.


Seohyun snorted. "The Im Yoona I know is back. Did you check Chanyoung again if he didn't wake up?" She reminded.


"He's deep in his slumber when I left his room. No worries."


"How about Jaehyun and Jessica Unnie?"


"Heard Noona is singing a lullaby to his son, pretty sure they have fallen asleep as well." He said as he turned his attention to the digital clock on top of the nightstand. "Almost midnight either way."


Seohyun finished applying lotion to her legs and finally got on her feet. She smiled sweetly at the doe-eyed as she approach the bed.


"You missed me by your side, aren't you?" Yoona teasingly smiled.


"I would definitely deny it if I don't." She giggles as she scooted closer and his arm immediately finds its way to her back. She meets his lips with hers lightly. "Sleeping alone was truly hell." she added.


Yoona smiled before he captured her lips gently and they kissed slowly and affectionately. Her sweet and addicting kisses, he missed them as well, especially her hot breath against him.


"After a month, this feels like we've broken up." He whispered as soon as they broke the kiss. He tucked her hair behind her ears and give her one deep kiss before pulling back and smiling lovingly.


Seohyun smiled back. She holds his face in both hands and whispers back, "I'm so thankful you're back. You don't have any idea how it was scary at night, thinking you're out there alone, and I'm here also, uncertain one what to come tomorrow."


"Don't worry, that won't happen again."


"Please don't get hurt from now on." She said as she rested her head on his chest. She closes her eyes and listens to her husband's slow yet normal heartbeats. The sound that she had missed for a month was close to her as well. She felt happy and contented.


Yoona kissed the crown of her head. "I promise." He softly replied.




The next morning, instead of expecting a peaceful start to the day, Seohyun, Jessica, and Yoona were greeted by two guilty pajama boys, sitting on the kitchen floor, who couldn't look at them because of all the flour on their heads, faces, and arms. Basically, their body and the entire kitchen are filled with flour.


"Who started this?" Seohyun coldly asked as she put her hands on her waist.


Chanyoung and Jaehyun looked into each other's eyes and grins as they pointed at each other together.




Upon hearing a faint knock on the door, Chanyoung slowly gained back consciousness and when he was fully awake, he got out of bed and jogs animatedly to the door.


"Jaehyunnie, good morning." greeted him while flashing a toothy grin.


"Omma is still asleep and she won't wake up yet. Let's woke your mother up instead?"


"But Appa is already back, he might wake up too." He thought of his father and he doesn't want to get scolded.


"But I'm hungry." Jaehyun rubs his belly while pouting cutely. "Come on, let's just make some pancakes."


"Wait, let's check on my parents first. If they're still sleeping, then let's do it instead." Chanyoung changed his mind. Especially since his stomach grumbled when Jaehyun mentioned being hungry.


Jaehyun nodded while smiling brightly. "Let's go." And he immediately announced.


Chanyoung runs with him to Yoona and Seohyun's bedroom. "Hmm..." he pressed his ear against the door in an attempt to listen to any noise inside, especially thoughts from his parents.


"Are you hearing something?" ask Jaehyun as he raised his eyebrows.


"No. It's too quiet. They're sleeping peacefully." 


"Then that means we're going to the kitchen."


Chanyoung grinned instantly. "We're." Then he followed Jaehyun as they runs the corridor and then downstairs.


"Do you know where does your mother place that box?" ask Jaehyun when they entered the kitchen.


"The pancake flour?" 




"There." Chanyoung pointed at the upper cabinet. "How do we get that?" however, it's too far from their reach.


"Let's climb of course." Looking around, Jaehyun got an idea. He grabs the chair from the dining table. "Help me."


"I love this." Chanyoung giggles excitedly as he helped his friend drag the wooden chair to the sink. "Be careful." he softly told Jaehyun as he climbs the chair and the counter. 


Opening one of the cabinets, Jaehyun couldn't find the box the adults used to make pancakes. He opened the next door and still couldn't find it until he reached the last cabinet. "Got it!" he exclaimed as he grabs the big box of pancakes. "Catch." He didn't warn Chanyoung as he throw it at him.


However, he wasn't able to catch it as it dropped on the floor open. 


"Omo." Chanyoung gasped and quickly picks up the box but the bottom was accidentally opened and the plastic containing the flour dropped on the floor and spilled over.


"It's spilling." Jaehyun carefully climbed down from the chair. 


"I know. How are we going to clean this up?" Chanyoung got panic. He saw a bowl near the oven and grabs it. "Here, let's place it here." He suggested, crouching down as he put the bowl down.


Jaehyun does the same. He didn't think twice and uses his bare hands in picking up the flour and placing it in the bowl. "It's slippery." he giggles.


Chanyoung copies him and loves the feeling of the flour with his small hands. He giggles as well until Jaehyun playfully placed his hands on his cheeks. They both laugh and he copies him.


"Yah!" Jaehyun then grabs a handful of the flour and throws it to his friend's face.


Chanyoung didn't waste time and he counters attack which end them up in a fun fight around the kitchen using all the flour their hands could grab.


End Of Flashback...






Jessica and Seohyun turn their heads behind just to see Yoona taking pictures of the boys.


"What? They look adorable." He explained. 


"Then you and the boys are cleaning this mess." Seohyun ordered seriously.


"Don't you guys leave without making sure no flour was left in this kitchen." Jessica added firmly, sending glares to Yoona and to the two little boys.


"Mianhe, Omma." Chanyoung and Jaehyun mumbled apologetically.


"Let's go Unnie." Seohyun grabs the older girl's arm and walked out of the kitchen.


Yoona was about to follow them when Seohyun sent him glares as well. "Ugh, come on, I'm not part of this." He throws his hands in the air. But as he slowly returned his attention to the boys, especially his son who are smiling cutely at him. "Or am I?" He accepted his fate.




Seohyun is having her best rest of sleep finally after weeks of being alone with the kids when she woke up abruptly because of the constant chimes from her phone. 


"Can't really catch a break." she mumbled and let out a huge yawn as she spread her arms upward. She then moves to the edge and reaches for her phone. "Omo." Her eyes sparkled the moment she realized it was Sunny. She stepped out of the bed right away and moved to the desk. She opens her laptop and connects her phone with a usb cord. She downloaded all the videos Sunny sent to her phone and transfer them to her laptop so she can have a better view of all videos that a stranger man from the mall captured. 


'So Chanyoung was right, he bought toys for his daughter as well.' She is convinced the man is a father when the first video shows the man buying dolls and dresses for a young daughter. She opene

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1128 streak #1
Chapter 22: Good friends? Yulsic... Shin Hye Sun one of my fave actresses
1128 streak #2
Chapter 3: oh my Taeyeon is the villian here? and also Ji eun? im sure Chanyoung will be sad if he knows that his only friend is only being friendly because she was being ordered by someone obsessed to him
1128 streak #3
Chapter 1: Aww Chanyoung is proud of his appa
Chapter 18: Welcome home yoong.

Chanyoung and jaehyun are so adorable.

The trauma that chanyoung has was kind of severe,poor baby.

What if minho is just fooling around?
multistory #5
Chapter 22: Nice surprise...
multistory #6
Chapter 21: Thanks for wrapping this up!!
Chapter 21: wow, finally Kim Taeyeon was died and The Im's live happily ever after

Thank you for your story author-nim
multistory #8
Chapter 20: Interesting the IM’s not seeing eye to eye…

Looking forward to the next update and how you plan to close this out.
Chapter 17: Ok new character reveal. My yulsic heart is pumping again. I probably want for them to be together but i know taeyeon will return for his family.

Im family is really the ideal family.
Chapter 19: oomoo.. omo taengsicku