Ch 06

When Flowers Bloom
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06 | lucky




Walking out of the comfort room, Taeyeon saw his son running to the ballroom and followed him but he realized Chanyoung isn't with him anymore. He turned and realized the floor is wet. 


'Did he leave Chanyoung in the pool?' He raised his eyebrows and decided to go there. Unfortunately, when he reached the pool, he couldn't find anyone but found a headphone. A blue headphone floating. "Is that... Chanyoung's?" He remember he was wearing the same design. "What the." Then quickly could notice a figure underneath. He barely could recognize but his instincts tell him to take off his jacket and hastily dives. His eyes widened when he recognized the same boy he had been thinking of. 


He reached for him and pull him close, so he could wrap one arm around him and swims back to the surface. As he lays him down on the tiles, he started doing CPR, hoping he isn't late to save him. "Come on, little one." He said as he leaned down to check on his breathing but to no avail, he pump on his little chest again five times.


"Yah, what is happening?" Yoona came running towards them when he finally found Taeyeon. "Chanyoung?" And he exclaimed in surprise. His heart beats faster than ever as he finds his son unconscious and pale.


"I found him drowning there." Taeyeon breathlessly explained as he keeps doing the CPR. He was about to give him the mouth-to-mouth resuscitation when the doe-eyed hold his arm.


"I'll do it." Said Yoona seriously and the doctor moved aside. He gently opens Chanyoung's mouth back and leaned down to give him air a few times. "Chanyoung come back." He did chest CPR this time while looking at his son's face to monitor him.


'Not bad. He knows what to do.' Taeyeon thought, quietly impressed with the young man before his eyes.


"Honey, wake up. Come back to Appa." With a few more pumps and blown air to his son's mouth in the next couple of minutes, Yoona stopped the moment Chanyoung started coughing the water he drank. He sighed in relief. "My boy."


"App... pa." Chanyoung weakly called but when Dr. Kim's face also came to view, he remembers what he heard and his visions started blurrily.


Just then, Seohyun came rushing to them followed by some of the guests. "Chanyoung!" She literally shouted when her son fainted. She brought him to her lap and tried to wake him up. "Baby, hey, it's Omma. Yoona what happened?" She look for them worriedly when she heard it through the earpiece. Some of the agents have also started looking.




"Let me check on him." Taeyeon beats the doe-eyed to offer his help. 


Seohyun just slowly nodded.


"Thanks." Said Taeyeon and he opened Chanyoung both of his eyes. "He's fine. He just fainted. But to make sure, he has to go to the hospital. Call 911." he instructed right away.


"Got it." Yoona automatically volunteered and got up to call the ambulance.


"Thanks." Seohyun smiled a little as Taeyeon nodded and decided to leave. The other guests have also left one by one.


"They're coming." Yoona returned to his family in an instant after confirming the ambulance. He took his jacket off and wrapped it around their son.


"Did the chairman save our son?" ask Seohyun, glancing at the back of Taeyeon disappearing with the guests inside the hotel.


"Yeah, looks like." Yoona gently caressed their son's face and felt ashamed of himself. He didn't notice he left the place. Glad they were eavesdropping on Taeyeon and he was able to hear what was going on. "I'm sorry, son, Appa didn't come early."


"But how did our son get here? The ballroom is a bit far, Yoong." Seohyun felt ashamed of herself as well but she was curious at the same time.


"Weren't he with Jaehyun?"




"But he's not here." Yoona looked around and spotted Sunny rather.


Sunny jogs towards them in a hurry. "What happened?" She left the ballroom for a while and heard stuff from the agents.


"He got drowned. But He knows he doesn't know how to swim how did he get-" Yoona shared softly.


"He fell obviously. And Jaehyun should know what happened." Seohyun looked at the doe-eyed seriously. "Do you think he pushes our son?"


Sunny and Yoona looked into each other's eyes and then scanned the area just to realize there are three CCTV cameras.


"I'll check the CCTV." Said Sunny as she hastily returned inside in search of the hotel's CCTV room.


"The Ambulance is here!" One of the hotel's staff came running to announce while she was being followed by two rescuers. They attended Chanyoung immediately and bring him to the stretcher. The married couple followed behind anxiously to the van.




After bidding farewell to the newlyweds and some of his friends, Taeyeon immediately headed to the car waiting for him and his family. But as he thought they would be inside waiting for him, he was met by the driver only.


"I thought my wife and son have left me first, Mr. Park?"


"Heard from one of the bodyguards your wife brought your son to the comfort to change, Mr. Chairman." His driver informed.


"Okay." Taeyeon nodded. He crossed his leg and took his phone out of his jacket and check his messages. He saw Ji-Eun sent one and opened it. The latter sent photos of the installed spy cameras around the Im Residence as well as the gold handgun which made him quickly search it on the internet. 'I knew it, it's the same handgun the Dubai Intelligence is giving to foreign spy agents. Damn, they got one too. This cost like 200 Billion Dollars for one gold handgun.' He felt envy out of a sudden because it was one of those golds he wanted to own.


'But Chanyoung is more than a trillion once I get him.' He smiled devilishly but it disappeared when he remembered what happened. 'I almost lose him.' He is relieved he was able to save him on time. 'In Time, Chanyoung. You'll be mine.' But he's patient with the little boy. He likes his precious gem, he needs him to be ready first before he starts taking him.


Just then, the door opens and Jaehyun stepped inside first before Jessica followed him. 


"Appa, I'm tired." said Jaehyun as he lean into his father's arm while pouting.


"Me too." Jessica seconds the motion, flashing a weak smile to Taeyeon.


"That's why we're going home now, right? Tsk." Taeyeon chuckled softly, bringing his son closer so he could hold him while his wife rested her head on his shoulder.


"But I had fun. Your friend's wedding was fun." Jessica smiled serenely as she closed her eyes.


Taeyeon places a sweet kiss on her and whispers, "Well done." Before the car drives off carefully. 




Opening the can of coffee, Yoona took a couple of gulps of the drink and let out a loud exhale. He is waiting for his test results of Chanyoung while Seohyun is looking after him in the kids' ward. It's 1 AM yet he is still wide awake thanks to all the tests they did on their son. He hopes everything is normal and that the incident didn't injure him.


Sipping again his coffee, he heard the door from the doctor's clinic open and a nurse came out. 


"Doctor Cho wants to talk to you, Mr. Im." The nurse told him and he quickly headed inside the clinic. 


The doctor smiled and ushered him to take the seat across from him.


"How was it, Doctor Cho?" He didn't waste a second and asked as he comply.


"Everything is normal, Mr. Im." The doctor gladly shares as he handed him the envelope that contains all the results. "But he still has to stay until tomorrow morning. And I'm not sure how to explain this but there's something in his brain that we couldn't explain." He handed him the brain ct scan of Chanyoung and pointed it at the right side where it shows a small white circle. "It's not like the size of the tumor nor it shows some symptoms of him being sick. So we can't take what this is."


"You sure this is Chanyoung's CT scan, doctor?" Yoona's heart began to beat fast. "Our boy is normal, he hasn't been sick according to my Aunt. Is this just like some unnecessary error of the scan?" He chuckled.


"Well, it might be but it's weird. I mean, based on the scan, it looked like some jelly." The Doctor chuckled back. "But if you began to see some changes in him, don't hesitate to call me."


"Our boy is the strongest, no need for that Doctor. Thank you for your time." Getting up, Yoona bowed and casually left the clinic. But along the way, he couldn't help and look at the brain ct scan of Chanyoung. He felt anxious knowing that his son is not comfortable with loud noises. It's the only reason he could think of. But he couldn't tell the doctor, afraid he might hear him he was really sick. "Aish, as long as my son is a bright boy and not complaining about anything other than noises, he's fine."


After a while, he reached the ward and slowly walk in since most of the kids are already asleep. But he finds Seohyun sleeping already next to their son. "Did Chanyoung woke up earlier?" He noticed his son's arm is wrap around his mother's waist.


"Aigo..." He takes his seat on the chair and smiles warmly at the two. His heart is peaceful now that he is staring at his family. His adorable family that he will always be proud of and happy with.




The next morning, Seohyun slowly gained back her consciousness just to see the doe-eyed sleeping on the chair and their head on the edge of the bed. She looked down to her right side and find Chanyoung slowly waking up too. She leaned down to kiss his forehead.


"Good morning, my love." And greeted him brightly.


Chanyoung's lips curved into a big smile as he take his time closing and opening his eyes. "Good morning, Omma." He felt so happy inside. 


"How about we greet, Appa too?" Seohyun suggested.


"Hmm?" Chanyoung pushes himself up to see his father sleeping on the opposite side. He giggles when he realized he's drooling.


"Wae?" Seohyun got curious and she also sits up.


"Appa is drooling, Omma."


"He must be so tired." She giggles and tried to see his face. 


"Omma let's greet him?" Chanyoung got excited.


"Oh yeah. At the count of... three, two one... 


"GOOD MORNING APPA!" They chorused in such a loud voice that even the other kids nearby turned their heads toward them.


Yoona literally groaned as he look up at them with his eyes half-closed. But much to his delight, Seohyun leaned in to kiss him on his left cheek and Chanyoung copied her with his left. He smiled like a fool. "Good morning." he huskily replied.


"Why didn't you join us on the bed?" ask Seohyun as she get off of the bed and Chanyoung laid back. 


"The bed is only for two. And it's a hospital, Hyun, it's not a hotel." Yoona explained, letting out a huge yawn as he stretched his arms upward.


Chanyoung giggles watching his father.


"So what are the findings?" Seohyun saw the envelope on the table and took it.


"He's perfectly fine. He will be discharged later once the dextrose runs out." Yoona explained, caressing his son's head. "How are feeling, honey?" ask him while smiling.


"I'm happy." said Chanyoung.


"Wae?" Seohyun and Yoona chorused.


"I don't know. I'm just really happy."


"I mean, what happened to you is the first time, right? Don't you feel any pain, or do you still feel like drowning?" Yoona felt strange about the way Chanyoung talked. Even though what he said is actually what he can see. 


Chanyoung sits up and nodded. "I did, last night. But now I don't feel anything anymore except for, I'm so happy." He flashes his brightest innocent smile. 


Seohyun chuckles in disbelief. "Is it because Appa and Omma took care of you?" She teases, sitting by her side.


"Maybe?" Chanyoung giggles earning a pinch on his cheek from his father.


"Don't stop being a bright boy my son." Yoona couldn't help and say it. "Because Omma and Appa are happy to see it." 


"Yeah, Appa is right." Seohyun couldn't agree more. She hugs her son and showers him with kisses.


Chanyoung giggles and quickly hold his mother's head. "I'm hungry." Just to announce he is, while pouting cutely.


Yoona ruffles his hair. "I'll get it." He stood up and smiles at them before leaving the ward. 


"Hmm, let me see." Seohyun took his son's right hand and check the iv. "Does it still hurt?"


"No more, Omma." Said Chanyoung, shaking his head gently. "It's true we're going home later?"


She smiled sweetly and kissed his cheek. "Yes." 


"So I'm going to school?"


"Nope. You're resting for today. Maybe tomorrow." 


"Okay." Chanyoung smiled back cutely.


"Um, So... can you tell Omma what happened?" ask Seohyun softly. She tried to ask him last night but he doesn't feel good and cried only until he fell asleep again. 


"I slipped and fell." 


"Is that it, only?" She felt like her son is not telling her the truth. 


Chanyoung ponders before he nodded. 'Jaehyun is going to be in trouble again if I tell Omma. Mianhe, Omma.' He thought and smiled a little.


"Okay, lay down as we wait for your father to return." Said Seohyun, gently guiding her son to the pillow. She sweetly smiled as she caressed his face. 'He probably doesn't want to make trouble again.' She could sense it and she doesn't like it. 


Chanyoung close his eyes when he heard his mother's thoughts. He audible sighs in the process. 




Stepping out of the car, Taeyeon casually took his son's hand as he stepped out of their car. He holds his hand as they walk to his school with bodyguards walking with them. Jessica has left early because of her schedule for today, so he had no choice but to drop Jaehyun to school. 


When they reached the entrance of the building, their teacher is waiting and greeted them with a bow.


"Thank you for taking care of the kids especially my Jaehyun, Teacher Kim." He said as he bowed his head back. 


"It's always our job, Mr. Chairman. Jaehyun comes here." The teacher brightly calls the young lad.


Taeyeon lowered himself to give Jaehyun a brief hug. "Be good, okay?" 


"Yes. See you later, Appa." Jaehyun waves his hand brightly before he grabs the teacher's hand and walks with her to their classroom.


Taeyeon sighs and turns to leave. He casually took his phone out of his suit jacket and calls his secretary. "Did the agent come again?"


[Yes, Mr. Chairman. But still failed to get any CCTV footage.]


"Tell the security of the hotel that I'm visiting."

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1128 streak #1
Chapter 22: Good friends? Yulsic... Shin Hye Sun one of my fave actresses
1128 streak #2
Chapter 3: oh my Taeyeon is the villian here? and also Ji eun? im sure Chanyoung will be sad if he knows that his only friend is only being friendly because she was being ordered by someone obsessed to him
1128 streak #3
Chapter 1: Aww Chanyoung is proud of his appa
Chapter 18: Welcome home yoong.

Chanyoung and jaehyun are so adorable.

The trauma that chanyoung has was kind of severe,poor baby.

What if minho is just fooling around?
multistory #5
Chapter 22: Nice surprise...
multistory #6
Chapter 21: Thanks for wrapping this up!!
Chapter 21: wow, finally Kim Taeyeon was died and The Im's live happily ever after

Thank you for your story author-nim
multistory #8
Chapter 20: Interesting the IM’s not seeing eye to eye…

Looking forward to the next update and how you plan to close this out.
Chapter 17: Ok new character reveal. My yulsic heart is pumping again. I probably want for them to be together but i know taeyeon will return for his family.

Im family is really the ideal family.
Chapter 19: oomoo.. omo taengsicku