Ch 07

When Flowers Bloom
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07 | Enemies




"So have you thought of it?" ask Yoona the moment his wife returned to their dining table in the early morning.


"About the video?" Seohyun asked back, handing the doe-eyed his bowl of rice and chopsticks. They're having breakfast early again without Chanyoung, who is still asleep at the moment.




"How am I going to think of a decision when you just shared the video last night? I'll wake our son." She got up and leaves the table casually.


Yoona just sigh and took a bite of his food. "Tsk, she's probably still considering something." He mumbles. He suggested transferring their son since he knows the chairman has a connection with the school. And he doesn't think they could fix it besides transferring their son to a different school. The bullying has to end but Seohyun has a mind of her own, and it changes a lot. "Aish, women." He shrugs it off and just enjoys his meal. "Omo, the guy last night." But he remembers they tied the unknown intruder to their garage. He get up and hastily headed outside.


Meanwhile, Seohyun finally can stop when Chanyong wakes up after her third time of the call and some kisses on his face just to wake him up. He pick him up and hold him in her arms as they made their way out. Chanyoung is still half asleep. He keeps yawning while his head is resting on her shoulder and arms around her neck.


"Where's Appa?" Seohyun raised her eyebrows as they reach the dining area.


Chanyoung raises his head immediately and turns his head. "He probably went out."


"Yeah, obviously." Said Seohyun as she place Chanyoung gently on his feeding chair. 


"Omma, I go to school today?"


"Not yet, honey."




Seohyun prepares his meal first and places it near him together with the chopsticks. "Because your safety is not good." She answered as she took her seat across from him.


"Because of last night?" Chanyoung innocently raised his eyebrows.


"Yes. We never know if he has another motive besides trying to steal and has other friends out there that may harm you." 


"But we have security in our school."


"I know. Let's just cool this down for now and your father will investigate this." She explained further. "Your safety is our top priority."


Chanyoung shrugs his shoulders. "Okay." As he flashed a big smile before he dig into his rice.


"He's still sleeping." Yoona returned with a disappointed face. He wishes to wake him up forcefully but Seohyun warned him about wasting water last night. And it's better if he wakes up on his own.


"Finish your meal first." Seohyun reminded.


"How's my big boy's sleep?" ask Yoona as he giggles looking at his son next to him.


Chanyoung nodded. "Good, Appa. How about you?" and playfully returned the question.


"Great." Yoona replied confidently. "You know why?"


"Why?" Seohyun and Chanyoung chorused.


"Because my dream is about playing with you in the park. I was helping you ride the bike and you successfully rode it without my guide." 


"Silly." Seohyun mumbles as she took a bite of her rice.


"But I actually have a bike." Chanyoung brightly smiled. "But don't know how to ride it." Yet he pouted sadly.


"Omo, now that you mention that, let's get out later and help you with that." Seohyun suddenly felt excited. 


"Yah, how about me?" 


"Aren't you going to talk to the guy in the garage, hone?"


Yoona blinked and blinked and scoff. "Fine." But doesn't have a choice but to comply. He grabs his spoon back and continue with his meal. 


Seohyun noticed the change of mood from her husband, so she naughtily rub his leg under the table, which automatically made Yoona look at her. She smiled cutely while wiggling her eyebrows.


"Hmm?" Chanyoung however noticed and look at her and his father in vice versa.


"Your mother is being weird, Chanyoung." Chuckled Yoona as he kick Seohyun under the table earning a glare.


Chanyoung giggles.


"Here." Seohyun put a dumpling proudly in her son's bowl when she realized he was out of it. "You love it now, aren't you?" 




"Whoa, Chincha? What did you change in the recipe, Hon?" Yoona playfully asks as if he's surprised. 


"Secret." Said Seohyun with a sweet smile to her son, who giggle again as he took a bite of it. 


Yoona could only scoff in disbelief but smile afterward. He really can't stay upset for a long time when it comes to his wife.




"Give me some kisses." Jessica asked and her son excitedly kissed her so many times around her face. She giggles and kisses his cheek in response. "Go now."


"Yes, see you later Omma." Said Jaehyun as she wave his hand and quickly runs to his classroom.


Jessica sighs and smiles sweetly, watching her son's back before it disappears. She casually left the school together with her bodyguards when her phone rang. As she fetch to check the caller ID, her face brightened. "Hon." 


[You have time for a lunch date later, aren't you?]


"Of course. Wae? Where are you taking me?" She got excited, knowing her husband always bring her to good places. 


[Hmm, I'm still thinking about it. I'll fetch you myself in your working place.]


"Chincha?" She stepped into the car as she responded. "You don't have your driver or-"


[I decided to drive you this time. I mean, your birthday is coming you know.]


She smiled giddily. "Yes. I thought you forgot that."


[So yes, let's have lunch dates until your birthday.]


"Omo, so you're really planning for that?"


[You're Kim Taeyeon's wife, you shouldn't be surprised. Anyway, I have to hang up. I'll see you later. I love you.]


"I love you too, Kim Taeyeon." She replied and ended the call with a big smile plastered on her face. "Ahjussi, drive us to my favorite clothing brand. I'm having lunch with my husband today." She instructed excitedly and her driver nodded in an instant. 




Walking downstairs, Yoona spread his arms and let out a huge yawn as he stepped into the living room, wondering why the house is quiet. 


"Ah, they were out to ride a bike." He mentally reminded himself as he walked out of the house. He got bored waiting for the stranger to wake up and decided to go back inside and fell asleep so he wonders if the intruder has finally woken up. 


As he walked into the garage, he finally can see him wide awake and trying to get rid the of rope being tightly tied around him in his chair. "That was like 10 hours of sleep, eh?" ask him arrogantly as he grabs the nearby chair and takes his seat. The latter sends glares to him. He reach for the tape covering his mouth and pulled it off. "You're lucky we didn't send you to the police... but you're unlucky you got into a NIS agent's home. So tell me, who are you and what are you trying to steal?" He didn't waste his time and ask him.


"I'm hungry." The guy instead said. "Feed me." And demanded.


Yoona chuckled sarcastically as he crossed his arms and legs. "That's easy for you to ask, unfortunately, I don't give a damn if you're hungry or not."


"I will tell you if you feed me."


"Nope. You tell me and I might feed you."


The guy snickers. "No, you feed me and I will tell you."


"Then go starve." Yoona get up and was about to leave when he called him.


"Fine. Fine. I'll tell you." 


He returned to his seat and waited for him to speak.


"I..." However, the intruder hesitates. He pauses and is pondering for so many minutes.


"I'm sorry but I'm an impatient person." Yoona couldn't wait for an hour so he stood up and instead of leaving, he went to get a straw driver and return to warn him. "I don't usually torture anyone but since you are giving me a reason, how about I give you a reason to talk?" He raise the screwdriver and was about to stab him in the thigh when he scream at top of his lungs.


"NOOOOO!!! PLS! NOOO!!! My Name is Taecyeon! And I came here not to steal anything."


Yoona grabs his hair and holds it backward, so he could point the tip of the screwdriver inches away from his eyes. "Tell me who send you." He commanded sternly. 


Taecyeon is shaking nervously as he shakes his head frantically. "I can't... I can't... tell you."


"." Yoona curse as he grabs a new tape once again to cover his mouth before he mercilessly stabs his thigh. The latter screamed so many in agony in a muffled sound. Blood drips which he doesn't mind. "Shshshs..." and hush him instead. "Breath.... breath... don't cry... Hmm?" He grabs a face towel nearby and wipes the blood off the floor. 


Taecyeon complied yet couldn't stop his tears from falling. The wound hurt so bad. He might faint anytime.


"If you scream once I take the tape off, you might get another stab, Taecyeon-ssi. So if I were you, you will behave." Said Yoona and the latter nodded frantically. He took his seat back and give him some time. "You know, that wasn't too deep though." He glances at his wound and snickers. "I could treat you immediately if you want me to. But... I need you to tell me who send you. I'll give you fifteen minutes to think but if I were you, I will save myself from getting another wound." He warned smugly as he took his phone from the pocket of his hoodie shirt. He opened the message Seohyun sent and smile proudly when he saw Chanyoung's photo riding the bike. He types his response without dropping that smile on his face.


to Wife: You guys are having fun :( but I'll come later. ^^


Taecyeon is staring at him with death glares while slowly calming down. 


"You stepped into my family's home when I wasn't present. I thought that was coward of you. But your intention is not to steal? Then what? To scare my family? For what reason?" Yoona has a lot of questions. He was already so stressed with the Kims bullying his son and there's another one, he is so done. 


Taecyeon exhales so loud through his nose and looked down to his right thigh where the face towel is. He is now having second thoughts.


"I've encountered a lot of enemies since I become a cop, you're not actually alone and I've killed so many of them as part of the job." Yoona continued to speak while he is waiting for the time to be over. "Never have I regretted doing that. It's a great feeling when you defend your country from the bad evil you know." he ended it with a snicker and once again check Seohyun's message.


Taecyeon couldn't he was hearing it. He sounds arrogant yet threatening at the same time. If only he was tied, he had punched him or grabbed the screwdriver to get his revenge. 


"So... have you decided?" Yoona realized the time is over. He stood up and bend over in front of him to make a closer eye-contact as he slowly took the tape off. "Hmm?"


Sighing deeply, Taecyeon ponder for a couple of seconds. "I will be in trouble if I tel you." 




"They might hurt my family."


"Yeah, that's actually cliche." Yoona straightened and crossed his arms. "But you know what? Whether you tell me or not, they will still hurt them."


"Why would they?" Taecyeon is confused.


"Because if you don't tell me right now, I will send you to the police and charge you with trespassing and violence for threatening my family." 


Taecyeon gasped. "B-but... "


"But if you actually tell me, I'll give you protection." Yoona offered.


"I... I don't know... how did he know your family but I was only ordered to scare them, e-especially your son." Taecyeon stammers as he finally decided to reveal it.


"My son?" Yoona immediately got interested. "Who is this person and he knows my son?"


"He's the owner of the club I am working. Last night, he give me extra work and give me that photo of your son. Mr. Oh. Oh Jung Se."


"Oh Jung Se?"


"He's a gangster leader, that's what all I know." Taecyeon shakily shared. "Please promise me you will protect me from them."


Yoona wasn't paying attention as he tries to recall where and when he heard such a name. Taking his phone from the chair, he scrolls down his contact lists and tap on Sunny's number. It rings a couple of times before he got connected.


[Yo, what's up?]


"Can you run me a profile?"




"Oh Jung Se."


[Okay, give me a second.]


He ended the call and return to Taecyeon. "Looks like he isn't the real boss, isn't he?"


"Yes?" Taecyeon raised his eyebrows.


"Oh Jung Se doesn't even know me personally but I think I heard his name through my colleagues. Someone probably hired him to do it and you weren't lucky to get the job." Yoona explained further and it makes him even more curious. He has a person in his mind apparently but he isn't sure about it. 


"P-probably." Taecyeon just replied. 


Just then, Yoona's phone rang which he automatically answered.


[Oh Jung Se is a club owner, and gang leader and also run errands for drugs. Our agency had been spying on him for a month now because of this. Wae?]


"Well, someone just mentioned his name. Thanks, Noona, see you soon." He ended the call and smiled at Taecyeon. "Do you want me to treat your wound or would you rather go home with that?"


"Treat me first and-and please... promise me you are going-"


"I'll be back." Yoona didn't waste a second and left Taecyeon in the garage.


"Aish." Taecyeon huffed so loud.




Seohyun is having fun chasing Chanyoung around the park who is riding a bike with four wheels. She takes photos of him and sends them immediately to Yoona out of excitement. Their son is such a joy to watch that she wanted to share it with her husband.


However, as an adult, she got tired and decided to take a break on a bench.


"Don't go too far, Chanyoung! Just within Omma's eyesight!" While her son is not stopping, pedaling around the park. There are kids that would chase him too which would hype him more. "Aigoo, he's enjoying this break." 


Taking her phone out, she browse the photos and videos in her gallery, which automatically brought a big giddy smile to her face. Chanyoung's smiles and laughs are too adorable, her heart couldn't take it. 'So this is how it feels to be a mother.' She thought proudly. 


"Omma!!!" Chanyoung suddenly called her from the distance, she look at him and return the smile and his waving of the hand. 


She returned to her phone and decided to post three photos of her son on her social media. Proudly giving the caption with 'My 4 yr old adorable son. Love him to death!'


Auntie Shin: Cute Chanyoung. So happy for you Seohyun and Yoona ♥


She fluttered upon reading the latter's comment and she thanked her in response.


Putting her phone on the side, she picks up the tumbler and drinks her water when she realized Chanyoung is nowhere to be found. She hastily put the bottle down and started looking for him. "Chanyoung-ah!" She found his bike near the fountain which doubled her heartbeats. 'No, no, where's my baby?' "Chanyoung!" she continued to look for him around the park, stopping anyone she would encounter an

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1128 streak #1
Chapter 22: Good friends? Yulsic... Shin Hye Sun one of my fave actresses
1128 streak #2
Chapter 3: oh my Taeyeon is the villian here? and also Ji eun? im sure Chanyoung will be sad if he knows that his only friend is only being friendly because she was being ordered by someone obsessed to him
1128 streak #3
Chapter 1: Aww Chanyoung is proud of his appa
Chapter 18: Welcome home yoong.

Chanyoung and jaehyun are so adorable.

The trauma that chanyoung has was kind of severe,poor baby.

What if minho is just fooling around?
multistory #5
Chapter 22: Nice surprise...
multistory #6
Chapter 21: Thanks for wrapping this up!!
Chapter 21: wow, finally Kim Taeyeon was died and The Im's live happily ever after

Thank you for your story author-nim
multistory #8
Chapter 20: Interesting the IM’s not seeing eye to eye…

Looking forward to the next update and how you plan to close this out.
Chapter 17: Ok new character reveal. My yulsic heart is pumping again. I probably want for them to be together but i know taeyeon will return for his family.

Im family is really the ideal family.
Chapter 19: oomoo.. omo taengsicku