Ch 10

When Flowers Bloom
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10 | Kidnap







"The third prize and the third best delicious curry of the camp goes to..."


Everyone is bracing themselves as the principal pause to give some thrill. Seohyun is holding his son's hands, praying at least the third place will be on them. 


"Kwon Woojin and her mom's curry." Unfortunately, the place went to the other family.


Chanyoung is happy, sending thumbs up and big smiles to his friend as Woojin went to get their prize. 


"Tsk, you're really a supportive friend." Seohyun gently caressed her son's head and kissed his cheek, couldn't resist it.


"Now for the second place..." The principal continued with the winners.


"I'm sure it's Chanyoung now." Yoona confidently said from the side. 


"How sure are you? I think our curry wasn't that good." Seohyun couldn't deny it. She hit her husband when she realized he's legs are open wide. "Yah, you're not on a beach." she scolded. "Close that legs!" she hits his thigh this time.


Yoona giggled. He just continues enjoying his potato chips while wearing sunglasses and leaning into his chair.


"We have The Chois." The principal announced.


Chanyoung pouted sadly this time. 


"It's okay, honey, you did your best." Seohyun comforted him—pulling him closer to her. 


"Our curry is really that bad, Omma?" asked the little lad as he looked up at her.


"Not that too bad but it isn't the best curry. I mean, your father lead the instruction so yeah, it wasn't that good." explained Seohyun earning a light hit from her husband this time. She turned to send him glares.


Chanyoung chuckled when he saw the sticking out of his tongue from his father. "Appa's a bad cook, isn't he, Omma?"


Seohyun nodded. "Definitely, so I'm not expecting us to get a place."


"It's okay." Said Chanyoung, smiling assuringly.


"And for the first place..." The principal finally came down to the last yet the winner of the game.


"The Kims." Yoona guessed unconsciously.


"It's the Kims!"


"Whoa." Seohyun and Chanyoung looked at him at the same time.


He smiled smugly. "Looks like they did well, though." he explains. 


Jaehyun excitedly runs to the principal and took the prize. He bowed and runs back to his parents. His father picked him up and started celebrating with his mother. He shouts, laughs, and giggles with them.


"Good job, Jaehyun-ah!" Said Taeyeon and Jessica at the same time as they hug him.


"Enjoy the rest of the day, kids and parents." The principal announced which made everyone return to their tents.



Walking back to the tent after she had a quick shower, Seohyun noticed there are few kids and parents who remained in their tents. She just doesn't mind and continue her way until she realized the tent is quiet. As she opened it, there's Yoona, sleeping soundlessly, alone. She hit his arm as she stepped inside.


"Yah, where's Chanyoung?" asked her in a raising voice.


Yoona groaned and scratched his neck as he shifted his body to the right, back facing her.


"Aish!" She hit him again, which made him finally gaining back his consciousness.


"What?" The doe-eyed turned to him with an annoyed face.


"Where's our freaking son?" She flick his forehead.


"Didn't you see him outside?"


"Where? I mean, I think there are few families out here."


Yoona rolled his eyes. "He's with his classmates and teachers, playing." 


"What?!" She exclaimed. "And you didn't look after him?"


"The teachers are there, okay? And he said it's fine since it's just near the campsite. And I'm too exhausted. I need some sleep." Yoona turned his back again and close his eyes. 


She literally grab his ear and twisted it, earning his shout.


"Yah! Yah! Yah!" Yoona smacked her hand off as he turned to send her glares. "If you're not just my wife and I don't love you, I have reported to the police already!" He yelled in frustration.


She stuck her tongue out. "You are the police... and you love me." And before he could get his revenge, she stepped out of the tent, grabbing Yoona's phone unknowingly from the table.


Yoona hastily close the zipper and returned to his precious sleep.


"He's just too confident his son won't be hurt because of his powers, tsk." She muttered as she started to look for Chanyoung. A few minutes later, she's hearing squeals from kids, she fastens her walk until she found them there, playing dodgeball. She joined the other parents on the side, watching their kids. 


"Omma." Chanyoung found her immediately and wave his arm enthusiastically.


She smiled back, waving her hands. "Go Chanyoung-ah!" she cheered him on loudly.


The other parents heard her and they started cheering for their own kids, including Jessica with Taeyeon.


"Omo." But she realized her outfit is the same as Jessica, a blue floral dress. "I-I thought this is limited." she felt embarrassed. Jessica suddenly looked at her, she wave her hand awkwardly with a small smile.


"Your dress is the same as her." Taeyeon told Jessica with a soft chuckle.


"I know. Aish." Jessica rolled her eyes in annoyance. "But I bought this dress first." Mumbles her.


Seohyun distanced herself a little farther before she took her phone out and started recording while taking pictures of Chanyoung at the same time.


Suddenly, Chanyoung tripped and dropped to the ground. Every kid laughs at him.


Chanyoung pushes himself while pouting and his eyes are getting watery. 


"It's okay, honey!" Seohyun yelled together with a few claps to cheer him. "Get up. Get up, my boy."


Smiling at his mother, Chanyoung shed some tears only as he gets up with no one's help. The teachers smiled proudly at him as they resumed the game.


"That's really my son." Seohyun proudly says and she smiled proudly as well. Few of the parents smiled at her.


"She's a great mother for not helping her son up but cheering on him." Jessica commented, couldn't deny it.


"Whoa, did I just hear that from you?" Taeyeon is surprised yet he felt proud quietly.


"Ugh, I'm a mother too. I would do the same." Said Jessica, hitting her husband's arm and the latter kissed his cheek. She could only roll her eyes yet she blushes.



Bowing a couple of times to their teachers, Chanyoung then runs toward his mother nearby, sweaty yet smiling from ear to ear.


"Aigoo, you had fun, aren't you?" Seohyun wipes the sweat off of her son's face and neck. 


"It was so much fun when everyone's happy." said Chanyoung as he turn around so his mother could wipe his back with the face towel too. "And Omma is watching, Chanyoung."


Seohyun giggles, rubbing her son's back delicately and so as his arms and his hair. "Glad you do, because it's time to return to the tent."


"Appa is sleeping, isn't he?" Chanyoung turned to her again while grinning.


"Yeah, he got exhausted with all the activities earlier." Said Seohyun, picking up the phone on the side. "Omo, I thought this is mine." But realized it's not hers when the screen wallpaper greeted her eyes. 


"It's, Appa's?"




"And look, he has a new screensaver." She showed the screen to her son with a sweet smile.


Chanyoung grabs the phone. "It's us!" he jumped in joy to see himself and his mother walking side by side.


"Yeah, your Appa sure knows how to take a picture, isn't he?" She giggles, taking back the device. "Let's go." She took his hand and Chanyoung started skipping with her as they made their way back to the tent, along with some kids and parents, passing through bushes and trunks along the way.


But a sudden chime from Yoona's phone made them stop. "Hmm?" She raised her eyebrows when she reads Sunny's message:


I'll get it once you guys returned.


"Omma, can I go ahead?" ask Chanyoung, excited to wake his father up.


"Yeah, sure." She replied with a brief smile. Once her son continued his way, she opened the message and check the entire conversation.


Sunny: Isn't that Seohyun's mug?

How'd you know?

Sunny: Obviously it has your wife's name.

Hahaha indeed. But I've wiped it off first before giving it to Mr. Kim.

Sunny: For what reason are you getting his fingerprints?

For future reference. Who knows something will happen and we need it in identifying the culprit.

Sunny: Hmm, okay. How was the camping?

It's good... no totally fun. My family is having the best day of our lives. keke.

So when are you getting this?

Sunny: I'll get it once you guys returned. Keep it safe with you.


"Whoa." Seohyun doesn't know how to react. But she definitely needs to confront her husband. She resumed her walk with big steps.



Yoona just sit up after the continuous shake from his son when he got startled with Seohyun opening the tent's door, sending him some glares.


"Okay, I'm sorry for not looking after out son-"


"Chanyoung-ah, why don't you play for some games?" Seohyun cut him off when she offers her phone to their son.


"Chincha?" Chanyoung quickly took the device and stepped out of the tent.


"Just play the game there." She instructed.


"Yes." Chanyoung took his seat and excitedly opens his favorite Kart Rider game.


Seohyun grabs the chance and stepped inside the tent.


"Wae? What's happening?" Yoona is confused.


"Are you suspecting Mr Kim about the intruder?" Seohyun showed the doe-eyed's phone screen.


"Oh, you read it." An awkward smile formed into Yoona's face as he took his phone.


"What if it wasn't him?"


"I know what am I doing, okay? There's no need to worry." He assuredly says. 


"You know this is illegal." Seohyun reminded. Getting someone's fingerprints without their permission is a law violation. "You'll get some fine with this and you can't use this evidence-"


"I'm not going to use this to charge him if we confirm him, it's only our way to know who's behind this. And we'll get proper evidence later on." Yoona explained softly. "Don't worry, Hmm?" He flashed her a choding smile.


Sighing, Seohyun look for the mug in their bags on the side. "Where did you place it?"


"In my bag."


"You really have to use my mug."


Yoona chuckled softly. "I just thought of it on the spot. No beggies."


Seohyun found the mug that was placed in plastic. "My precious mug." she pouted.


"Didn't you buy that-"


"You bought this on our first Wedding Anniversary!" She exclaimed, sending glares to the doe-eyed.


"Omo, chincha?" Yoona widened his eyes. "I forgot." He sheepishly smiled, earning a hit from his wife.


Seohyun hit him five times. "I hate you!"




"Go prepare our dinner. Tsk." She placed the mug back inside the bag.


"Okie dokie." As Yoona stepped out of the tent in a hurry.


Letting out another sigh, Seohyun decided to clean up and fix the stuff.


Chanyoung outside heard everything but pretended he was fine when his heartbeats are anxiously racing. He thought of Mr. Kim's wish last night and he's now scared of him. 'He's a bad guy and he wants Chanyoung. Wae?' He wonders.



Running back to the tent, Yoona placed the small card invitation from the principal on their table and announced,


"We're going to a bonfire party!" He smiled excitedly at his son across from him.


"Whoa, there's a bonfire?" Seohyun took the card and read it. "It's going to be later 10 pm. Will that be fine for you, honey?" she got concerned with her son, who usually fell asleep during those times.


Chanyoung blinks and blinks confusedly. "What is a bonfire party?" He asked innocently.


"Oh, it's when everyone gathers and makes a fire while at the same time singing a song and enjoying some snacks. Like marshmallow." Yoona explained, grinning widely.


"Chincha?" Chanyoung's eyes lit up. "I want to come." He dances a little due to excitement.


"We have to wear our matching pajamas then, since it says here, wears your most comfortable attire." Seohyun couldn't get more excited as she get up and stepped into the tent to prepare their pajamas.


"Hell yeaaah!!!" Yoona hi-5 Chanyoung a couple of times and they both laugh at the same time.



Blushing and feeling embarrassed, Yoona doesn't have a choice but to continue walking with his family, who are wearing the same blue whale pajamas as him while most of the families are just wearing casual clothes. He thought they would be like them but no, they stand out for the night.


"Is it hot, Mr. Im?" Seohyun asked to .


He sends her a brief glare. 


"Appa, we're the cutest." Chanyoung giggled. He loves it and is proud of wearing the same outfits as his parents.


"Same, honey." Seohyun smiled so big at her son.


"Fine, we're cute." Mumbled Yoona as he rolled his eyes.


Once they reached the bonfire, everyone is finding their spot around it. The teachers have provided them with blankets on every pillow seat. The Ims choose their spots which are behind the front row.


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1128 streak #1
Chapter 22: Good friends? Yulsic... Shin Hye Sun one of my fave actresses
1128 streak #2
Chapter 3: oh my Taeyeon is the villian here? and also Ji eun? im sure Chanyoung will be sad if he knows that his only friend is only being friendly because she was being ordered by someone obsessed to him
1128 streak #3
Chapter 1: Aww Chanyoung is proud of his appa
Chapter 18: Welcome home yoong.

Chanyoung and jaehyun are so adorable.

The trauma that chanyoung has was kind of severe,poor baby.

What if minho is just fooling around?
multistory #5
Chapter 22: Nice surprise...
multistory #6
Chapter 21: Thanks for wrapping this up!!
Chapter 21: wow, finally Kim Taeyeon was died and The Im's live happily ever after

Thank you for your story author-nim
multistory #8
Chapter 20: Interesting the IM’s not seeing eye to eye…

Looking forward to the next update and how you plan to close this out.
Chapter 17: Ok new character reveal. My yulsic heart is pumping again. I probably want for them to be together but i know taeyeon will return for his family.

Im family is really the ideal family.
Chapter 19: oomoo.. omo taengsicku