Ch 15

When Flowers Bloom
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Ch 15 | Babysitter




When Chanyoung returned to his father's ward, he noticed his mother is sleeping on the sofa while his father is enjoying some apples. 


"Oh, hey there buddy. How was your tour?" Yoona flashed a cute smile to his son.


"Omma's already asleep?" Chanyoung approached his mother and gently turn her body to see her sleeping face. He giggles as he pokes her cheek as if she will wake up.


"Yeah, she's tired from looking after me." 


"Chincha? Should I look after you now, Appa." 


"Sure." Yoona brightly replied as he moved a little to his right. "Sit with me." He requested. 


Chanyoung excitedly runs to the bed and climbed right away.


"Be careful."


"Appa's only eating apples?" He asks as he comfortably took his spot next to his father.


"Yup, I already had dinner. How about you?" ask Yoona, sharing the bowl of apple slices with his son.


"I did too... with all of the agents." Chanyoung flashed a childish grin. "They all like me, Appa."


"Oh, that's good to hear my boy." Yoona briefly caressed his son's head. "So you like it here?"


Chanyoung nodded and grins again. "But I want to learn fighting skills." He shares.


"What? You're still too young for that."


"But I think I can learn easily."


"You will, when you get older, araso?"


"At least a little, can't I?" He insisted as he pouted cutely.


Yoona scoffed and pinched his son's cheek. "You stubborn boy." he giggled afterward.


"So I'm going to learn from father." Chanyoung announced without any hesitation. He felt excited as he imagine it.


"When Appa's fine, I'll teach you then." Yoona couldn't say no. His son is just too cute to be denied. He kissed his head and pinch his nose. "For now, eat some apples." he offered one of the slices.


Chanyoung took a big bite as his attention shifted to the tv screen. But his father immediately changes the channel to cartoons. "Why did you change?"


"It was tv news, you won't understand it." Yoona explained. 


"Okay." Chanyoung shrugged his shoulders as he took another big bite of his apple.


Yoona got quiet as he watches his son quietly with a flattering heart. But something crossed his mind after a couple of minutes. "Haven't you returned to school, honey?" 


"Omma said I need some time to return."  said Chanyoung without taking his eyes on the screen. "I miss choco." He suddenly missed the puppy when the cartoon showed a cute puppy.


"Hmm? Who's choco?" 


"The puppy. That brown puppy, Appa. He was with me in my room for the entire time."


"At the lab?" Yoona creased his brows.


"Yes. He was my friend, always playing with Chanyoung."


"Didn't the Agency see a puppy back there?" 


"I didn't hear anything with the puppy. On what happened to him." Chanyoung let out a sigh as he bites his apple a little. He suddenly felt sad as he imagines how cold it might be for the puppy if he made it, but without anyone with him.


Seohyun slowly gained consciousness as she hears voices from her husband and son. 


"Let's ask Sunny Noona about that later, then. I'm sure they found it." Yoona smiled assuredly. He took the last slice of the apple but Chanyoung looked at him with a puppy face. "Aigoo." He just give it to him. 


"Than you, Appa." Chanyoung giggles cutely. He then kissed his cheek when he ask for it.


"Did I miss something?" ask Seohyun as she rose from her lying position with a huge yawn.


"Good morning, Omma." Chanyoung greeted playfully.


"It's already morning? Omo, I did miss a lot." Getting up, Seohyun hastily headed to the bathroom.


Yoona laughs in a low voice. "What did you do?" he didn't expect it from his son.


"Omma thought it was already morning." Chanyoung felt victorious with the prank he did.


Seohyun stepped out of the bathroom with a glare at her boys. Both turned their attention to the screen as if they are not seeing her. "The clock says 11 pm." She said as she crossed her arms and approach her son. 


"How'd you know, Omma?" ask Chanyoung with an innocent face.


"The bathroom has a clock." She said. "A digital clock."


"Mianhe." Chanyoung giggles. "I didn't know you will believe me."


"Aish." Seohyun didn't think twice and tickles her son on his stomach. The latter laugh as he tries to dodge it but he can't do it. Instead, he got out of bed and runs out of the room. "Chanyoung, come back here!" she chases him around.


Yoona could only smile as he watches her family from the outside. "Aigoo, hope the director won't mind the noises." He knew some of the Agency's directors stayed in the headquarters. They might wake them up with their loud noises, especially Chanyoung's laugh, and squeals.




It had been 30 minutes since everyone fell asleep. Yoona alone in his bed is cuddling with Chanyoung's teddy bear while Chanyoung is snuggling with his mother on the two sofas they connected to be a bed. Everyone's peaceful and is having a good dream.


But Chanyoung started to feel discomfort. He felt a little itchy on the back of his neck as he started rubbing unconsciously while in the midst of his dream. It subsided after a while but he suddenly felt headaches that woke him up. It was bearable for a couple of minutes but it started got worsen as it feels like breaking.


"Omma..." He couldn't take it any longer and he shake his mother while crying silently. "Omma help." he asks as he sniffles.


Seohyun slowly wakes up and the first thing she notices is the upset face of her son. "Omo, omo, what's wrong, honey?" She hastily sits up.


"My head... it... hu-hurts a lot." He shared as he hold it into his head, massaging it as if it will help. "My head's going to break." He whimpers weakly.


"Chincha? W-wait. Get up honey." She panics. She hastily got out of bed and help her son stand on his feet. She then picks him up and runs outside in search of a doctor in the headquarters. They found one in the hallway in no time. "Doctor Choi, my son's having a bad headache." She hurriedly informed.


"Inside pharmacy please." The doctor ushered and she complied hastily.


The doctor looks for drugs for kids on the kids' shelves. He's glad the Agency has it. 


"Please hurry, Doc." Seohyun couldn't take her son is experience. The silent cries on her shoulder are breaking her heart. 


The doctor finally found the right drug and he approached them back. "Chanyoung-ah, just two drops will do." It's a liquid drug for kids' headaches.


Slowly, Chanyoung turn his head and he opens his mouth wide as the doctor dropped two of them. It was bitter that he frowns and quickly turn to hug his mother.


"This will take effect in fifteen minutes. So please bear with it, Chanyoung." The doctor informs, rubbing his head gently.


"Thanks, Doctor." Seohyun bowed her head gratefully. She's relieved the doctor helped them right away.


"You guys can stay at the lounge if you guys want to."


"It's okay, I'll take him back to our room. Thanks again." Bowing one last time, she leaves the pharmacy first, holding Chanyoung's head as she walks back to Yoona's room.


Chanyoung is still making sniffles against her neck.


"It's alright, honey. It'll be alright." She assuredly whispers. As soon as they reached the room, Yoona's already awake.


"What happened?" He asked her right away.


"Headache. But the doctor has given him a pill now." She informs as she started swaying her body to coax their son into her arms.


"Aigoo, poor baby." Yoona let out a sigh. 


After fifteen minutes, Chanyoung felt the effect. However, he is dozing off already. He started snoring softly on his mother's shoulder.


"Oh, he already fell asleep." Yoona noticed.


Seohyun kissed their son's cheek and whisper, "Good job, honey." She keeps her cheek against his without stopping her sway. 


"Good job too, my wife." Yoona couldn't be prouder. He woke up because of the noise earlier and saw his wife rushing with their son outside. "You had a long night." 


"Yeah, but this potato doesn't deserve that pain. Totally scared the hell out of me." She softly says as she kissed her son's cheek again. "My precious."


A warm smile graces Yoona's face as he watches his family from the bed. He felt ashamed for not doing anything but he will definitely do more once he recovered. 




The moment she heard her phone alarms, Jessica woke up from her deep slumber. She turned the alarm off from her phone and turned to check on her son, sleeping peacefully. She shower him with kisses and finally got out of bed. She smiled a little as she saw the sunshine from the distance. They may have lost everything but her hope for her and her son is still there. 


Getting up, she let out a huge yawn as she ties her hair while walking to the bathroom. But she hasn't even closed the door when she heard the telephone from their hotel room rings. She excitedly runs back to the nightstand and picks up the call.


[Good morning, Mrs. Jung. Your breakfast will be delivered in fifteen minutes.]


"Good morning to you too, Miss, thank you for your service." She replied brightly. 


[You're welcome, Mrs. Jung.]


The call ended. She hastily returns to the bathroom and showers for at least ten minutes. When she came out, she hurriedly put on a hoodie shirt and pants as she returns to the bed to wake her son up. 


"Wakie, wakie, my dear jaehyun. Our breakfast will be here in a while." She said as she tries to tickle him.


Jaehyun slowly gained back his consciousness. He eventually smile at her as he stretched her limbs and kissed her on the lips thrice. Then they both giggle.


"Alright, let's get you to the bathroom and shower." She announced, picking him up in her arms and bringing him inside. 


After a while, they heard the doorbell. Jessica left her son in the bathtub to attend to their breakfast delivery. 


"I hope you enjoy your breakfast, Mrs. Jung." The guy bowed to her after placing the plates on the coffee table and left the room casually.


She had no time to respond when she heard Jaehyun calling for her. She runs back and saw him gasping for air. "Wae? What happened?"


"I almost got... drown." Jaehyun explained while he catches his breath.


"I told you to just stay in one place." She scolded. "Get out there, you had enough." 


Jaehyun pouted sadly as he got out of the tub. "I'm sorry." He approaches her, apologetically.


Jessica let out an exhausting sigh, as she grabs the towel on the side and lowered herself to wrap her son in it. "It's just you and me now, no more nanny who's going to look after you whenever I'm not around. So please... behave... that's what all I'm asking."


"Why can't we return to our house?" Jaehyun muttered.


"That's not ours anymore. And everyone in that house has left." She explained. "Look at me, promise me you are going to behave from now on, okay? You know I can't be with you all the time. Just like earlier."


He nodded and hugged her.


Sighing heavily, she hugs her son back. "I can't take it if something happens to you... so please... do as Omma says."


"Yes, I'm sorry again. Jaehyun won't do it again." Jaehyun replied in a guilty tone.


Jessica rubs her son's back for a while before she let go and smile at him. "Let's put on some clothes now." She said as she ushered him outside.


Jaehyun runs to the sofa and found their breakfast. "Wow, my favorites." He exclaimed and started eating one of the chicken nuggets.


" the tv, you can watch until this noon." said Jessica as she look for her son's clothes in his luggage. She decided to pick a summer blue shirt and shorts then went to his son to help him put on his clothes. 


"Omo, Appa." Jaehyun suddenly his father's face on the tv screen. 


Jessica instantly turned her head to the screen as well. She wanted to turn it off but the news is about Taeyeon's contribution to society through the pharmacy. 'I thought everyone is cursing him right now.' She finds it weird. 'Or is the company doing this to save their asses?'


"Hasn't Appa called you, Omma?" Jaehyung asked curiously. "I miss him so much." He pouted in the process.


"I told you, it will take some time before he returns." 'And if ever returns, I'm divorcing him.' She couldn't help and think of it. She could only do so when he comes back either way but she hopes he won't ever do it. She will only kill the hell out of him.


"I see." Jaehyung let out a sigh as he took his seat. He suddenly doesn't have an appetite anymore.


"Yah, finish your breakfast." She ushered him, handing him one of the nuggets.


"If I eat it will he returns?"


"No." She instantly replied.


Jaehyun frowns and then broke down into a tremendous cry.


"I mean, of course, yes, he will return." She mentally scolded herself for hurting her son. "But it will really take some time." 


Jaehyun sniffles as he took the nugget while pouting and wiping his tears off. 


'Why can't I tell him the truth.' Jessica finds it really tough to deal with it. But jaehyun's only a kid, he would keep asking it no matter what until he gets older, and that's when he understands.


Suddenly her phone chimes from the bed, she casually gets up and walks to it. Her eyes slightly widened when she reads the message that came from one of the companies she sent her resume to. She was about to tell her son about the interview but she realized something. "Who am I going to leave my son?"


She then received another message that made her think twice.


Seohyun: Good morning, Mrs. Jung. I hope you and your son are doing well right now.

Um, if you want, can we see you and your son at least this lunch? I would like to repay your help from us.




Seohyun is helping Yoona put on a new gown when her phone chimes. She buttons up the last one first before she grabs her phone on the table and checks the message.


Mrs. Jung: I'm sorry if it took me a while to answer your question but I'm desperate right now. I would like to ask if you can look after my son for a while as I got an interview later. I hope you don't mind.


"What did she reply?" Yoona asks as he took his seat on his bed. 


Chanyoung climb the bed, so he could hand the glass of water to his father. "Appa, here."


"Thanks, honey." He smiled at him and took a sip. 


"What do you think?" Seohyun shared the phone screen with the doe-eyed. 


Yoona raised his eyebrows as he reads it. "But our son has an appointment after the lunch break." he reminded her since the Agency has scheduled their son for a therapy session with a psychologist. 


"Well, as long as he behaves, I think you can look after him." Seohyun is interested in the offer. "I mean, it's a way to repay her too." 


Chanyoung is puzzled. "What's going on?" 


"Jaehyun, he's coming, honey." Seohyun flashes a bright smile at her son.


"Chincha? We're going to play?" ask Chanyoung excitedly.


"Nope. Not until you finish your session later."


"Oh... okay. As long as we get to play, I'm fine. I hope Woojin too, though." He cutely smiled.


Yoona looked at his wife and the latter nodded. 


"I'll call her." Pressing the call button, Seohyun excused herself as she waits for Jessica to answer. It took only a couple of seconds before she heard her voice. "Where am I meeting you?"


[Omo, does this mean you're agreeing with it?]


"Yes, absolutely, Mrs. Jung."


[O-okay. Um... how about at Seo station. I hope that's not far from your home.]


"Yeah, sure. That's not-"


[Can we meet in an hour?]


Seohyun check the time and there was plenty of time for her to drive to the place. "Okay, I'll be there with my son."


[Oh God, this means so much to me, Seohyun-ssi. Thank you so much. See you in a while.]


"It's not... thing compared to what you did to us." She sighs as the call ended before she could even reply. She returned to Yoona's ward and immediately grabs the car keys. "Chanyoung-ah, put on your headphone, honey."


"We're going out?" Chanyoung exclaimed.


"Yes, so put on it." She smiled brightly. He immediately rushed to the sofa and took his headphone from the bag. 


"Um, can you buy some fast food for me, hon? I'm craving for it." Yoona didn't miss asking before the two could leave.


"Tsk, getting tired of their food?"


"You can't blame me."


"No problem." Seohyun smiled as she took her son's hand.


"Anyeong, Appa. See you later." Chanyoung waved his hand enthusiastically while leaving the room. 


"Enjoy the ride, buddy." Yoona waves back while smiling widely until they disappeared. He reached for the remote nearby and the tv screen, so it will accompany him. A nurse will be in his room again to check on him and let him drink his meds again, so he wants to eat after that. Especially those ham burgers he had been craving since he woke up.




The moment Jessica spotted Seohyun and her son coming out to their car, she lowered herself to fix her son's cap and hug him briefly.


"Please come back right away, Omma." said Jaehyun, doesn't feel like his stay with the Seo will be good. Especially since he doesn't like Chanyoung at all.


"Don't worry, I will pick you up here after my interview. What do you want Omma to buy for you?"


"Um, toys?"


"Tsk, any specific?"


"No, just food." He brightly smiled. "My favorites, okay?"


Jessica nodded and kissed her son's cheek before she get up and turn to face the Seo's. "I got him a salad for lunch in here. And a pair of clothes if he ever gets dirt." She said as she handed the small backpack to Seohyun.


"No probs. I hope you get the job, Mrs. Jung." Seohyun smil

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1120 streak #1
Chapter 22: Good friends? Yulsic... Shin Hye Sun one of my fave actresses
1120 streak #2
Chapter 3: oh my Taeyeon is the villian here? and also Ji eun? im sure Chanyoung will be sad if he knows that his only friend is only being friendly because she was being ordered by someone obsessed to him
1120 streak #3
Chapter 1: Aww Chanyoung is proud of his appa
Chapter 18: Welcome home yoong.

Chanyoung and jaehyun are so adorable.

The trauma that chanyoung has was kind of severe,poor baby.

What if minho is just fooling around?
multistory #5
Chapter 22: Nice surprise...
multistory #6
Chapter 21: Thanks for wrapping this up!!
Chapter 21: wow, finally Kim Taeyeon was died and The Im's live happily ever after

Thank you for your story author-nim
multistory #8
Chapter 20: Interesting the IM’s not seeing eye to eye…

Looking forward to the next update and how you plan to close this out.
Chapter 17: Ok new character reveal. My yulsic heart is pumping again. I probably want for them to be together but i know taeyeon will return for his family.

Im family is really the ideal family.
Chapter 19: oomoo.. omo taengsicku