Chapter 9

Do I wanna know ?

Chapter 9

“Sajang-nim, I heard that there is a place like a fortune teller around this area. Maybe you should go check it out Tiffany unnie.” Hyeri said as they were in the car on the way back to the hotel.

“That’s something new. She is into horoscope anyways.” Taeyeon replied.

“I have been there before, it is quite different from those horoscope stuff. They use cards instead.”

“Interesting, can you check if it’s open today? I will just drop by the hotel to change my clothes and we will head there.” Taeyeon said as she got out the car. Taeyeon went straight to Tiffany’s room the moment she got out of the elevator.

“Fany, I’m back!” Taeyeon said as she knocked on the door. Soon the door opened and she was welcomed by the sight of Tiffany sulky face with her arms crossed.

“Can I come in ?” Taeyeon asked which was replied by a simple hum.

“There is this place like a fortune teller nearby. I was wondering if you want to go.” Taeyeon asked acting oblivious that Tiffany was still mad.

“Whatever, you are the boss. I’ll go get ready.”

Taeyeon halted Tiffany by pulling by the hand.

“About your question this morning” Tiffany looked at Taeyeon questionably as Taeyeon stood up and looked her deep into her eyes.

“You are better.” Taeyeon said still holding Tiffany’s hand. Tiffany was still figuring out which question Taeyeon was talking about. Suddenly it dawned on her that it was about who is better in bed.

“You are better in everything so rather than worrying about my past flings, just focus on us for now.” Taeyeon said as she held both side of Tiffany’s face. Tiffany just blushed in response.

“I missed you.” Tiffany finally spoke.

“ I miss you more.” Taeyeon said with a smile before leaning in for a sweet kiss.

“I’ll go get ready now. I’ll be waiting at the lobby.” Taeyeon informed her.

“Okay” Tiffany noted as she dazzled her way into the closet.

Taeyeon waited patiently at the lobby as Tiffany took her time picking her dress. One of the qualities that Tiffany liked about Taeyeon is definitely her patience. Unlike her pass boyfriends who were constantly rushing her to get ready, she can take her time to make herself look pretty.

“Hey Boo!” Tiffany exclaimed as she stepped out of the elevator and was welcomed by the sight of Taeyeon looking around the lobby innocently with her baby face.

“You’re here.” Taeyeon said excitingly.

“Let’s go!” Tiffany said as they both headed their way to the car.

“Do you think we get to ask specific questions ?” Tiffany asked as the chauffeur drove them to the place.

“I hope so. Why ? Do you have anything you are curious about?” Taeyeon asked.

“Not specifically. But you know how I am into these stuff.” Tiffany said.

“Oh that I do know. Why do you think I’m bringing you here?”

“Well bonus points for you this time Kim. If this fortune teller is half as good as you claim she is then you are forgiven.”

“Why thank you mi lady for the gracious chance of making it up to you.” Taryeon said as she put her hand on her chest and bowed like a true gentlemen.

“Oh, do you remember that time in high school where you bought these stones just to find love or some ? But still ended up alone for Valentine that year. Gotta admit that was hilarious.” Taeyeon said as she chuckled.

“Oh shut up! You were alone on Valentine more than you were not.” Tiffany said rolling her eyes.

“I choose to be alone okay” Taeyeon defended herself.

“Whatever helps you sleep at night.”

“Meanie” Taeyeon said with a cute pout.

“You started it.”

“Fine.” Taeyeon sulked away.

Soon they arrived at the place of the fortune teller.

“Jemput duduk ya(please have a seat)” the woman in her mid forties said signalling the seat in-front of her.

Taeyeon and Tiffany took a seat on the two chairs situated in front of the fortune teller.

“I think we forgot that we can’t speak indonesian.” Taeyeon said in korean to Tiffany.

“I’m pretty sure she can speak english. I’ll translate it to you.” Tiffany replied.

“Yah! I can speak english just fine.” Taeyeon said as she lightly slapped Tiffany’s arm.

“Oh yeah you are right. Your english got better.”

“You speak english?” Taeyeon asked the fortune teller with a slight korean accent.

“English no speak.” The lady answered with a smile.

“Looks like we are both doomed then.” Tiffany replied.

“No worry, english speaker got.” The lady pointed at a young boy that they just notice in the room.

“Phew, guess we gotta tip that young man.” Taeyeon said in Korean.

“Ready?” The lady asked.

“Oh Yes we are.” They both nodded.

“Please state your full names..” The boy instructed.

“Kim Taeyeon and Hwang Mi young” Taeyeon answered.

“Yah! Why would you state my korean name? I have my American name.”

“I don’t want her to make a reading on the wrong person.” Taeyeon defended herself.

The lady nodded and shuffled her cards. She then lightly laid down all the cards on the table. The cards were unique, nothing like they ever saw before so they both had their eyes plastered on the cards laid in front of them.

“Don’t we have to pick a card?” Tiffany questioned the boy.

“Oh no need. This is unlike tarot cards. We just need your full names.” The boy answered with a smile.

The lady focused on the cards and spoke to the boy in her language.

“My mother says that she sees that this relationship is new. Is that right?” The boy translated and asked.

“Yes.” Tiffany answered while Taeyeon was amazed by how the woman knew that since they don’t even know each other.

“She’s a fortune teller, of course she would know dumb .” Tiffsny scolded Taeyeon as if she just read her mind.

“Oh yeah you are right.” Taeyeon face palmed herself.

The woman took a look at the cards and spoke once again to the boy.

“ My mother said that you two have a very interesting chemistry, a soulmate like connection. One of you is like fire and one of you is water. You balance each other out. It is a one of a kind connection.” The boy translated swiftly.

The lady then focused her eyes on the card again, taking it out pair by pair from the table to the side.

“She sees that both of you have a lot of admirers from both men and women. She can see from the card that one of you is really heart broken due to love and is careful when it comes to love. Whereas, the other one is a true believer of love no matter how many times her heart got broken. But it is clear that both of you are serious about this relationship and sees it as the one final shot.” The boy said.

She looked serious as she spoke to the boy which got both of the girls curious.

“However, one of you is keeping a secret. It is crucial to what you do with this secret as it will decide what happens next in your relationship.” The boy said seriously.

“One of you is having so many worries about how the other might react to the truth. But fear not as she can sees from the cards that things are more likely to have a positive outcome. However, it is crucial that the truth must come out.” He continued.

The lady held on both of their hands and spoke as she looked directly in their eyes. The couple soon looked at the boy, waiting for his translation as soon as she finished her speech.

“She said you two should hold on to this relationship and take care of it as much as you can because a relationship like yours is almost impossible to find again. Once it is broken, it is unfixable. However, once you both choose to commit fully to each other, you would lead a happy lifetime.” The boy translated.


“Wow, that was intense.” Taeyeon said as they stepped out of the shop. However before stepping out they made sure they paid for the session. Taeyeon being the kind hearted woman she is did not forget to give the little boy some tips for his hard work.

“Are you okay?” Taeyeon asked Tiffany as she saw her face change ever since they had the reading and she became silent.

“Yeah I am. Just a little shaken by how intense that was.” Tiffany said. Taeyeon knew she was lying but decided to strung it off not to push Tiffany away. Tiffany is never weirded out by most things especially things like this so she was sure it wasn’t really about the fortune teller knowing so much.

“Looks like we are soulmates huh.” Taeyeon said teasingly to Tiffany.

“I obviously did not need a fortune teller to know that.” Tiffany said.

“Awww, you are so sweet. But I did need a fortune teller to tell me that tho.” Taeyeon said.

“Are you for real ? Don’t you think everything in our life just click ? It was kind obvious you know.” Tiffany said in disbelieve.

“Meh, for all that I know you are a super spy and you planned all the coincidence in our lives.”

“You are unbelievable Kim” Tiffany said as she walked off to the car as she rolled her eyes.

“Yah wait for me!” Taeyeon said as she tagged along.

The car ride by to the hotel was quiet. Taeyeon was curious why Tiffany wasn’t chirpy as usual but didn’t want to ask.

“Do you want to stop somewhere for dinner?” Taeyeon asked on the way.

“I’m kind of tired. Can we just have room service ?” Tiffany replied looking out the car.

“Sure.” Taeyeon replied with curiosity bugging her mind.

‘Could it be about the secret thing the lady talked about?’ Taeyeon thought to herself quietly.

“We are here madam.” The chauffeur noted.

The pair just got off the car and head towards the lift in silence. Taeyeon accompanied Tiffany back to her room and before they parted Taeyeon told her that she was coming by her room to have dinner together after she freshen up which Tiffany nodded to. The couple both went their way and get ready for the night.

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Taking a hiatus for a while due to covid


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aerolcaroline #1
Chapter 16: Update? :(
NekoLS #2
Chapter 14: Waee taeyeonnaa why are u not ready!?
And what's mr kim hiding about??? Im curious
lalatreese #3
Chapter 5: i love everything in this chapter omg
aglaonema #4
Chapter 14: Tae agh :"
ilovetaeny1989 #5
Chapter 14: Taeyeon, why you are not ready? :(
1130 streak #6
Chapter 14: Tae you f***** up big time... Why do I think that Mr Kim is terminally ill and he wants someone to be there for Tae once he is no more or he is protecting he from something and the only way is for him to get her married off to Tiffany
Skye1234 #7
Chapter 14: Thank you for the update.
Chapter 13: Although it's out of the initial plan but I am happy that they got together :) Mr Kim is such a cool dad